End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 717 Russell VS Suicide Squad

The members of the Suicide Squad secretly thought it was bad, they didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble came to the door.

Russell's battle to crush the two gangs was seen by them, and it was considered to be relying on high-tech equipment and armor, and they didn't think it was a big deal.

It's not bragging, just that few people, if you replace them, you can do it by just picking anyone.

Because of his personal style, he may not be as crisp and sharp as Russell, but there is absolutely no possibility of a miss.

What really shocked them was seeing a headshot dead man come back to life and be controlled by Russell to become a puppet.

For the unknown, people are not only curious but also fearful. The members of the Suicide Squad have missions related to their lives to complete. They reject weird people like Russell who are mysterious and seem to be the source of trouble.

"Hurry up, George and I stop him, and you go into the sewer quickly."

Deadshot met Russell's faint blue eyes under his visor, he took out his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger continuously.

The boomerang captain George didn't talk nonsense, he threw four boomerangs with bombs on them, and attacked Russell from the blind spots on all sides.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three bullets left a bullet hole in Russell's faceplate, not because they missed, but because of the amazing marksmanship of the dead shot, all three bullets hit the same spot.

In the blink of an eye, four boomerangs drew a strange arc in the air, returning from four directions at the same time, blocking Russell's retreat, and hitting him at the same time.

boom! ! !

The flames soared into the sky, and the expanding fireball set off a shock wave, and the whole street was illuminated red with red light.


Deadshot and Boomerang captain George stared at each other in astonishment. It's so simple, isn't it too easy?

huh huh———

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and the vertical propulsion glider fell, and the two machine guns spewed fire snakes, blocking the retreat of Frost Killer Louis and the four.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

The rain of metal bullets came in no time, and densely packed the ground with bullet holes. Louis the Frost Killer, Harley the Harley, and Black Spider sacrificed the team's first meat shield, Shark King, and shrank behind him, refusing to show their heads.

The projectile jumped on the Shark King's limbs and torso, unable to break through the defense, but it also hit him back again and again, and roared again and again, letting out an angry bloodthirsty roar.

Deadshot and George turned around at the same time, one pulled the trigger, and the other threw a boomerang. While knocking out the machine gun, the glider blew up and fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, does this thing still have the function of automatic locking and attack?" George said angrily.


Two golden balls rolled down at his feet. George looked down and saw the green light spots on the metal balls jumping faster and faster.

Pumpkin Bomb!


He turned around and sprinted quickly, and when he looked sideways, his nose was distorted in anger, because he didn't know when Deadshot slipped away, and he didn't remind him.

Rumble! ! !

The flames soared into the sky, and the shock wave overturned George, causing him to flip 360 degrees in the air and smashed hard on a car.

The whole person is stuffed into the front windshield.

In the flames, Russell stepped out, covered in black gunpowder smoke, and there was a bullet hole between the eyebrows in the visor.


[The host contacts Louis Lincoln, the plot character, and triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】

Lewis Lincoln?

Russell looked confused. Louis knew that Superman's girlfriend was called by this name, and he also knew that he was a musician on the surface, but he was actually a vampire hunter.

But when the two names were put together, he didn't know each other.

It doesn't matter if you don't know him, wandering the streets of Gotham at night, armed with live ammunition and having supernatural powers, he is definitely not a good person.

It should be said that someone with such strength must be a super villain.

Moreover, the group of six people acted like a thief... There must be something strange about this!

Maybe they are the mastermind behind the conspiracy, no matter how bad they are, they are also the lackeys of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Answer me, among you guys, who is the boss and who is behind the scenes?"

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Russell's answer was a tyrannical roar. Shark King, who had long been stimulated by the bloody smell and was on the verge of going berserk, finally couldn't hold back after suffering dozens of hundreds of bullets.

The Shark King rushed forward, stepping on the ground and leaving deep footprints one after another. When he rushed in front of Russell, his casserole-sized fist hit his head.


Under the horrified gaze of the Suicide Squad, Russell raised his hand to receive the Shark King's heavy punch, his body remained motionless, as if the Shark King was a child.

"It's such a powerful technological armor. The weirdos in the city of Gotham are getting richer than each other."

George climbed out of the windshield, clutching his bleeding head, the scene in front of him reminded him of Batman, a monster piled up with black technology.

He and George have the same idea, but he thinks Batman is more dangerous because of his IQ.

Batman always has endless countermeasures and can always guess what the enemy will do next.

"Are you the boss?"

Russell frowned and asked, if the leader of a team is a tank with more muscles than brains, then the number two must be a black-bellied think tank.

He looked sideways at the other people, looking for a man or a woman with glasses. In this kind of team, the boss is an insignificant ape, and the think tank is the soul who holds the power.

However, they couldn't find it. On the contrary, the two beauties were online, and they were fierce, and they didn't seem to be good.

Russell instantly understood that with his rich experience as a Hydra leader, this kind of high-value beauty must have an unclear relationship with the mastermind behind the scenes, and he should be able to draw important clues when he catches the big criminal.

If it doesn't work, he will sacrifice it and use the beauty trick that is rarely missed.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The heavy punch was blocked by Russell, and the fist could not be drawn back. The Shark King roared angrily, and opened his claws with the other hand to grab Russell's faceplate.

Russell raised his hand to pinch the depressed big hand... the little finger, and pushed it to the side with a little force.

A fierce light flashed in the Shark King's eyes, he broke his little finger with all his strength, and smashed it down with a head hammer.


Russell shook his head slightly, while King Shark rolled his eyes, his feet were so weak that he almost fell backwards.

Russell let go of the hand that was pinching Shark King's little finger, tightened his five fingers, and punched Shark King's abdomen with a lower uppercut, hitting him soaring into the air, and spurting a bloody arrow from his mouth.

During the gap between Shark King's volley and flying, Russell grabbed his arm, fell sideways over his shoulder, swung him round and smashed him to the ground.

It's not over yet. In the next second, Shark King tasted the top-level fighting skills that made the gods tremble, and the green version fell into bliss.

Commonly known as: Blind Ji Domineering!

boom! boom! boom! boom----

Dust filled the air, gravel splashed, and the ground trembled again and again. The members of the suicide squad were blocked by energy and gravel, and could only watch King Shark being swung into a windmill.

boom! !

With a loud bang, the sudden stop of the wind swept away in an instant, and the lingering dust dispersed. On the cracked ground, densely packed craters seemed to have been bombed by shells.

Russell stood on the edge of the big pit. In front of him, the Shark King lay on his stomach with one arm slapped on his stomach, and his whole body dived into the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Deadshot's double guns fired continuously, and every bullet hit the bullet holes in Russell's faceplate. George threw a boomerang, creating thick smoke and flames.

The few people did not take advantage of the situation to escape. They knew in their hearts that the possibility of escaping from Russell was unlikely when there was no one in the rear.

As for why the Queen's mission was not formulated, because everyone's ideas are surprisingly consistent, anyone can do it, but it can't be me!

Under the thick smoke, the black spider was wearing a light armor and a visor shield on his head, covering his whole body tightly. He moved forward strangely like a phantom behind Russell, and kicked him sideways at the hollow of his knee.

After watching the battle between Russell and Shark King, Black Spider knew that he could not win in terms of strength. His only advantage was agility and fighting skills, and he also chose the joints of the human body for his attacks.

Under one blow, Russell stood still, and the black spider was in a bad way, walking around him continuously, occasionally punching and kicking.


Russell suddenly hit a straight punch, blasting the black spider that was jumping up and down, and immediately after, he sensed something was wrong.

Limbs, torso, neck, especially the joints and seams of the death knell armor, were wrapped with steel wires as thin as a cow's hair at some point.

The black spider rolled over and fell to the ground, stretching his hands and pulling towards his chest violently. With the flicker of the fire, he could clearly see the dense steel wires on Russell's body, tightened them with a swish, and fixed him in place.

"Frost Killer!"

The black spider yelled loudly, and the icy-blue long-haired Frost Killer Louis jumped out of the shadows. He ran with a little coolness, leaped into the air to avoid the steel wire, and just rode on Russell's shoulder.

Louis clamped Russell with two strong and tight long legs, pressed his head with both hands, and used his ability to freeze his whole body, turning him into a large human-shaped ice cube.

When he was attacked, Russell's eyes were dark, and he was amazed by the excellent teamwork of the opponent. Everyone can play their own strengths, so he decided to take a look first.

"nailed it!"

Louis turned over and landed on the ground, knocking on the ice in front of her. The cold air was introduced through the gap in the armor, and she confirmed that the people inside had been frozen to death.

"Yeah, but I think this guy's going to break free any moment."

Harley Harley stepped forward, took out a plastic bomb from her pocket, tied it to the ice with a ribbon, and tied a bow.

"If that's the case, it's done."

Looking at the remote control in Harry's hand, several people nodded in unison, and dodged to hide behind the wall.

Rumble! !

The shock wave swept across, and several people looked at the ice splashed on the ground, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally solved, I hate this task!" Harry patted his chest, sat down on the ground and complained.

"That's right, if I get back alive, I'm going to put the bomb in Amanda Waller's mouth."

Louis gritted his teeth: "I swear, this is the last time I come to Gotham, and there will never be a second time in the future."

At this moment, a sand eagle stretched out from behind the wall and pressed against Louis's head. The blue light on Russell's mask flashed: "That's right, it's indeed the last time. How can a dead man get the second time?"


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