End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 771 Stay safe, I'm about to conquer the ocean

That's the end of the hunt for the trident, which comes from Neptune, the god of the sea in Roman mythology, not Poseidon, the sea emperor in Greek mythology.

This made Russell feel that the Atlanteans were full and full. The two gods corresponded to each other. Is it necessary to distinguish so clearly?

Or is it that the people of Atlantis both worshiped and dissatisfied with Poseidon, so they deceived themselves and replaced their gods with Neptune?

This inference really makes sense, because Russell has a special source of information, and the trip to find the Trident directly skipped two important steps, one is the Sahara Desert, and the other is Sicily.

The king of Atlantis holding a trident hid the clues in the Sahara Desert, an empty bottle with the coordinates of the Trench tribe recorded on the bottom of the bottle. To get here, you must go to the ancient Roman sculpture group in Sicily.

There, there is such-and-such, the first emperor of ancient Rome, whose orientation can only be determined by placing the bottle on his statue.

In this way, it would make sense for the Trident to be named Neptune instead of Poseidon.

Closer to home, Arthur got the holy trident, and a group of four boarded the legendary sea monster Karason to the current Atlantis palace.

Behind them, the monsters of the Trench tribe with a unit of tens of thousands followed closely. Whoever owns the trident is the master of the Trench tribe.

Arthur is full of confidence in this trip, and Meera also feels sure. Even if the citizens of Atlantis and King Orm pretend not to know the trident, they still have the big killer Poseidon... cough cough, and Russell is here.

For such a small matter as the throne, Russell made a decision as soon as he opened his mouth, without any objection!

Who dares to object?

Is it Aum, or the people, or the Atlantis National Council?

Just kidding, it's not that Arthur and Mera look down on them, if anyone dares to vote against, don't plan to live in the sea in the future.

To be honest, Arthur felt that this trip was just a formality, and Russell too, taking off his pants and farting was superfluous, and revealed his true identity earlier, they just went directly to Atlantis, what kind of trident they wanted.

Russell: I think Arthur is very suitable to be the king. Now we have a democratic vote, and everyone who disagrees will stand up for me.

Arthur understood it thoroughly, no wonder Russell was so narrow-minded, the people who came out of that mountain, could they be so narrow-minded!

On the other side, Atlanta was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She was right. Everyone thought that she had an affair with human beings, and giving birth to a hybrid was a blasphemy of the kingship, a crime of insulting the ancestors, and she was thrown into the Trench tribe for execution.

The results of it?

Arthur was recognized by his ancestors, successfully raised the trident, harvested the legendary sea monster Kara Sen as his younger brother, and the mighty trench army.

The little brother is secondary, the key is to recognize a good big brother!

In other words, Russell and Arthur brothers are worthy, and she already has a heart, otherwise, she would want to hug this thick leg.

Of course, Atlanta still has self-knowledge. She is old-fashioned and has two oily bottles. Russell will definitely not like it, so she won't make a fool of herself to avoid humiliating herself.

As for the daughter-in-law, Mera...

Atlanta was a little tangled, because it was a marriage for political purposes, Mera's husband could only be the king of Atlantis,

The situation is the same as she was back then.

If Arthur became king, it would be tantamount to robbing his younger brother's fiancée, which would damage the majesty of the royal family if it spread.

After a while, she figured it out, her daughter-in-law was always there, but she just switched from her left hand to her right hand, so it wasn't a big problem!

The bat fighter was hanging in the sky, and Russell took the time to contact Bruce once, explain the progress of the mission, and ask about his progress by the way.

"How's the situation, have you seen the people in power in Atlantis?" Bruce's voice was a little tired, probably he was cultivating immortality again.

"No, I didn't even enter the palace."

"If you can't, just force your way in. It shouldn't be a problem to break into the palace with your ability. If you explain the stakes, those in power will definitely nod in agreement."

It is a matter of life and death, and human beings stick to the front line of the war. As long as those in power in Atlantis are not fools, there is no reason to refuse to cooperate.

Bruce is convinced of this, even if the current ruler of Atlantis is short-sighted and mentally retarded, there must be advisers around him who understand the overall situation.

"Bruce, your method won't work. I have already inquired. The current king of Atlantis, Orm, is a racist and is planning a military operation to invade the land."

Russell pondered for a moment and said: "If I tell him that aliens are coming, he promises to laugh himself to death, and at the same time act like a turtle, waiting for the land humans to be maimed, and then show up to clean up the mess and maximize the benefits of the war."

"Too naive, he's bound to fail!"

"I know this too, so I thought of another way."


Hearing that Sand Sculpture started to use his brain, he was so self-righteous and came up with something called a 'solution', the usually calm and composed Baiteman panicked.

"Russell, what are you going to do, be sure to calm down." Bruce yelled in his heart, recklessness is over, what kind of brains are you using!

"Don't worry, I've been calm."

With Luo Su Zhizhu in his hands, although he doesn't have a feather fan and scarf, he is also majestic and heroic. He thinks that he is only one little Qiao away from a romantic person through the ages.

Big Joe is fine too, he doesn't worry about these little problems.

Russell said calmly, "Bruce, the current king of Atlantis is a fool who is prejudiced against human beings. I don't feel at ease if he continues to reign, so I am going to pull him down and install a new king."


Bruce covered his heart and hammered it hard twice before it continued beating.

"And, this is only the first step of the plan..."

Russell continued to talk about the plan to scare people to death: "According to intelligence, Atlantis was originally an empire, and it was later divided into seven kingdoms. Excluding the two missing kingdoms, there are still five kingdoms left. I want to lead the new kingdom. The king unified the five major kingdoms, swept the ocean with an invincible attitude, and re-established the Atlantis Empire, making it the most reliable ally of mankind."

\(\ ̄dish ̄)┌┛#)`з゜)??

That is, across the screen, otherwise Bruce could fly and kick Russell in the face, telling him to find allies, not to engage in 'Rise of the Empire'. Even if the plan is successful, twenty or thirty years have passed, don't you know if you are in a hurry now?

Bruce took a deep breath, and calmly said to Russell: "F beep k, #¥%...\u0026amp;amp;~!¥%@#..."

"Don't get excited, Bruce, everything is under my control."

Seeing that Bruce was excited about his great ambitions, and he couldn't say anything, Russell suddenly felt a sense of pride: "If you don't believe it, God favors lucky people. I found a wild Atlantis." A member of the royal blood of Tees."

"His name is Arthur Curry. He is a hybrid of humans and Atlantis. He is an absolute supporter of the land. Arthur is a very reliable and careless person. With his brain, he can't walk two feet away from you." back and forth."

"Moreover, I crossed the bottom of the Mariana Trench, entered the earth's inner world through a wormhole under the sea, defeated the legendary sea monster, and found the royal treasure inherited from the Atlantis Empire, the sacred trident symbolizing kingship. "

"Now the situation is basically clear. I have successfully recovered the Trench Clan, one of the five great ocean nations, and I am currently rushing to the Kingdom of Atlantis."

"When I lead Arthur to attack the whole country and snatch the throne, he will be able to ascend the throne logically. Then the army will overwhelm the border, and the other three kingdoms will be recovered one after another, making Arthur the Lord of the Seven Seas. The entire ocean will be mine...ours people!"


Bruce was silent, every sentence of Russell was full of slots, he didn't know how to answer, he just wanted to ask, how did Russell do it in just half a day?

Thinking that Russell's plan was half successful, and it was really possible to realize it, Bruce felt deeply guilty and mourned for the Atlanteans.

He is also responsible for the misfortune of Atlantis. If he hadn't asked the sand sculpture to find allies, Atlantis would not have been so miserable.

After a while, Bruce said melancholy: "Russell, come back! I don't care what you do in Gotham in the future, don't bother the Atlanteans."

"How can this work!"

Russell resolutely refused: "My plan is perfect, and I am only one step away from success. I will never give up."

But I'm afraid you'll crash the game and cause a world war in advance!

Bruce said with a headache: "If you want to occupy a kingdom, it is not enough to rely on the treasure that symbolizes the royal power. You also need the support of the people and the royal family, otherwise..."

"It doesn't matter, I have the second and fifth children of the royal family, the queen mother of the current king of Atlantis and his fiancée, who is the future queen, they are all in my hands. Don't worry, I didn't force them, they voluntarily, yes My own people!"

Bruce: "..."

So, how many crazy things have you done in this half day?

"Let me reveal another piece of information to you. King Aum's fiancée is also the princess of another ocean kingdom. In this way, three of the five ocean kingdoms are in my hands..."

Russell said triumphantly: "There are two remaining kingdoms, one of them is peace-loving, as long as I stab it to death with a fork...cough cough, as long as I understand it with emotion and reason, I will definitely stand by my side, and in the end One...the armies of the four countries are pressing down on the border, and they can't help but disagree."


Bruce continued to be in a daze, always feeling that he had released something extraordinary to go out. If he had known this, Russell would have been a salted fish in Gotham.

"Bruce, that's it, I'll hang up first."

Russell laughed proudly: "Hahaha, put your heart back in your stomach and wait for the good news of my triumphant return! Believe me, give me two more days, no, give me another day, I will definitely conquer the ocean, Dominate the underwater world."

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep..."

Listening to the blind tone in the communicator, Bruce felt that he needed a quick-acting heart-saving pill. Russell went to Amnesty Bay alone. It only took a day and a half from formulating a plan to conquering the sea...

It is necessary for him to re-evaluate the destructive power of the sand sculpture!

In just a day and a half, the ocean was conquered. If you go out for a month, then...

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