End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 772 The Trench Clan Apply to Join the Chat Group


One of the most powerful among the five oceanic nations, not one of them.

Compared with other major kingdoms, Atlantis not only inherited the royal lineage of the empire, but also inherited most of the technological crystallization. The former makes it possible to reunify the empire, and the latter makes it still the strongest ocean after the division. big country.

Because of the advancement of civilization and the power of technology, Atlanteans have an innate sense of superiority, and everyone is a younger brother.

This is true for the other major kingdoms, let alone human beings. It is really disgusting, barbaric, violent, crazy, impolite, defecating everywhere, and other derogatory terms are all Atlanteans' derogatory terms for human beings. Evaluation.

There is nothing wrong with having this kind of thinking. After all, it is not a day or two for human beings to rush to other races. Recently, they are obsessed with cultivating mushrooms and plan to kill themselves.

Humans want to kill themselves, and the Atlanteans don't care, and they can't control it, but the global village is so big, they are afraid that when humans destroy themselves, they will also be implicated.

For this reason, King Orm cordially invited Nereus, king of Zebel Kingdom, and Riku, king of Murloc Kingdom, into the palace to discuss the formation of an alliance.

Two of the seven kingdoms have lost contact. The Trench Clan could not be educated and turned into sea monsters. The Saltwater Kingdom has always gone its own way. These two kings are the only ones that Aum can invite.

Today's Atlantis is extremely lively, the gathering of the three kings is unprecedentedly grand, almost attracting the attention of the entire ocean.

The people of Atlantis are very proud. The meeting place is not the Zebel Kingdom or the Murloc Kingdom, but their Atlantis. This is a manifestation of the country's strength.

Don't say anything, let's go!

Ordinary people are not eligible to participate in the meeting, and can only participate in the celebration to express their joy and excitement. If the three countries can really form an alliance, maybe Atlantis can regain its former glory.

The only one who worked hard was the King of Atlantis army. They had nothing to do with meetings or celebrations, except for standing guard and patrolling.

In the conference hall of the royal palace, the three kings sit in priority.

Aum, as the host, plus the royal blood of Atlantis, sat firmly in the center according to his status, and the other two kings sat around a long table, one on the left and one on the right, with one or two advisors behind each of them.

Here I want to mention Vico, the counselor behind Orm, a member of the council of the Throne of Atlantis, who looks like the Green Goblin.

This guy is also a 25-year-old boy. With the salary from Aum, he secretly became Arthur's mentor, training Arthur to grow and teaching him how to use his power.

The most deceitful thing is that he often told Arthur: The current king is not good, you are the master!

Poor Aum, from his mother to his fiancée to his counsellor, anyone who is capable around him is Arthur's man.

That's because Arthur is a salty fish, and he has nothing to pursue, otherwise Aum would have knelt down long ago.

"King Nereus! King Riku!"

Aum looked at the two kings, paused for a moment to show respect, and continued: "Atlantis used to be the greatest empire in the world, but now, facing a huge threat on land, we are bound by ancient laws and regulations. , there is nothing to do but be patient..."

"Two kings, we have been hidden for too long, it is time for Atlantis to rise again,

Tell the land people who is the real master of this planet! "

"Land people have always been keen on violence. They will destroy themselves sooner or later, so there is no need to regard it as a threat." Nereus raised his head, glanced at Aum lightly, and saw nothing except ambition.

"But they will destroy us first!"

Aum said coldly: "Over the past century, land people have not only plundered our resources, but also destroyed the environment, causing our living space to drop sharply. They polluted the waters, poisoned our children and grandchildren, and the most terrible thing is that the temperature has risen as a result. The sea water boils..."

"On this point, I have a different opinion."

King Riku of the Murloc Kingdom interjected, he is a murloc with a man on the top and a fish on the bottom... Uh, anyway, he has amazing bones and a very thoughtful appearance.

"King Riku, please speak!"

Orm knew it was yet another dissenting voice, but he had to listen, and he had to pretend he was good at it.

"King Aum, rising temperatures will not cause sea water to boil. Don't underestimate the ability of nature to regulate. Human activities will only lead to the melting of polar glaciers, rising sea levels and submerging the land. This is a good thing for us."


Aum was speechless, because what Riku said was so reasonable, when the sea would submerge the land, the children of the sea would win without a fight, and they would never be afraid of human threats.

But, is there something wrong with Riku's focus?

The main content of today's meeting is to discuss the Three Kingdoms Alliance and to reproduce the glory of Atlantis. It doesn't matter who the enemy is, and the drafting of the target of war is just a formal excuse.

Humans can do it, and so can aliens. If there really isn’t one, we can make one up now.

The three of them sat together to discuss how to divide the big cake of the Atlantis Alliance and how much each person would get, instead of worrying about the threat of the enemy.

Aum thought that the two kings should understand in their hearts, but looking at it now, Riku didn't understand at all!

He looked suspiciously at Nereus, the father-in-law next to him, and saw that he was showing disdain and grinning sneeringly. He suddenly realized that it was not that Riku didn't understand, but that he was messing with each other. The political struggle had already begun, and he hadn't realized it yet.

If Russell was here, he would definitely lament that the information was wrong. The Murlocs are not peace-loving, they just seem to be peace-loving.

Phew, two old foxes!

After understanding, Aum's heart was relieved, since everyone is interested, then the matter is actually simple.

Isn't it just mixed with mud? It's like the Murloc country has too much urine!

So, Aum put away the indifference on his face, and responded with a smile: "King Riku, what you said is very reasonable, but time waits for no one, as I said just now, before the land people destroy themselves, they will first destroy themselves." us."

"Yes, if we continue to hide, our waters will only become more and more muddy. It's time for the citizens to abandon their old ideas, but..."

Riku nodded in agreement at first, and then changed the subject: "Warning the land is not the only option. For the sake of the lives of the people, we should choose the right time to actively contact the people on the land, and find ways to educate them and make them aware. to error."

"Makes sense!" x2

Aum and Nereus nodded in unison, and then the question arises, who will contact the land people, or who is responsible for contacting the land people.

This is not a trivial matter, and it is directly related to the status of the Triple Alliance, because the slogan of the Triple Alliance is to wage war on land humans and save the living space under the ocean. Whoever becomes the savior who can turn the tide and reduce the casualties of the people is the well-deserved leader of the alliance.

War is not an end, but a means, an extension of politics.

The three of them began to think about what would be the result of fighting this battle by themselves, and how to fight in order to gain more political capital and be promoted to become the big brother of the alliance.

Nereus and Riku are the most concerned, because Orm has royal blood and has an unshakable status in terms of prestige, and if they want to get ahead, they must hold major meritorious deeds.

Aum is also thinking about it, and said that the two of them think too much, and he wants all the merits and prestige!

"King Aum, it is not appropriate for you to come forward in this matter. I am not questioning your ability, but..."

The political game has begun, and Nereus resorted to the ace's big killer 'digging black spots': "As far as I know, you are not the first heir to the throne, and there is an elder brother above you. If one day he appears, according to the empire According to the regulations, you have to give up the throne, so the most suitable person should choose between me and King Riku."

"I agree with King Nereus' opinion, it is safer to do so!"

Riku immediately followed suit, and the two were intimidated by the prestige of the royal family of Atlantis, and they planned to join forces to kick Aum out of the game.

"You two, I am the initiator of the alliance, and I was eliminated as soon as I came up. Your faces are really shocking..."

Aum's face was ashen, he was pinned by the counselor Vico behind his shoulders, his eyes signaled not to breathe out, he took a deep breath, and said coldly: "The old laws and regulations should be abolished, and even according to the imperial laws, hybrid bastards are not eligible to inherit Throne, even my mother queen was severely punished for this statute.”

"King Orm, you remember wrongly!"

"Yeah, your memory is wrong. The imperial regulations only say that people with royal blood can inherit the throne. It has never said that mixed blood is not allowed."

Nereus and Riku sang together, making up their minds to squeeze Orm out.

Aum snorted coldly: "That's right, but the imperial regulations don't say that mixed blood is allowed!"

The three of them were at a stalemate, using a set of outdated regulations to talk about the matter. At this moment, the guard walked in with the appearance of seeing a ghost.

"King Aum, there is an emergency. The king of the Hai... Trench tribe has requested to attend the meeting of the allies."

"Who?" x3

"It's the king of the Trench Clan!" The soldier wiped the cold sweat on his head.

"Are you sure it's the Trench Race?" x3

The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the bewilderment on each other's faces. It's unbelievable that the Trench tribe would come to the meeting, after all...

Trench people can't speak a word, how to go to the meeting, use their lame courtship dance?

"King Aum, the king of the Trench tribe calls himself 'King Russell', he is just outside the city... and brought a lot of people, and claimed that if we don't open the door, he will order the massacre of the city for three days!"

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: Mobile version reading URL:

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