End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 774 Say you can't do it, you can't do it

Ten minutes, the throne was taken, the wife was robbed, the first heir to Atlantis...

Leaving Aum's attitude aside, King Riku of the Murloc Kingdom's eyes lit up, and the situation was already clear. The purpose of King Russell of the Trench Clan was not to attend the meeting, he was here to find trouble.

Moreover, this search is a matter for the two kings, the first to bear the brunt is King Orm of Atlantis. Tolerate.

"Can't bear it, can't bear it!"

The second is King Nereus of Zebel Kingdom. Aum's fiancée is his daughter. Someone wants to rob his daughter and judge others by himself. Riku feels that this must not be tolerated!

"Can't bear it, can't bear it!"

It is said that gossip and spectating are the nature of human beings. In fact, it is the same for murlocs. Riku was very excited. Riku scratched his head, and then he saw Nereus with a calm face.

I actually endured it, isn't my daughter my own?

Riku was deeply moved, as expected of the long-renowned King Nereus, he didn't even frown when he was insulted so much, if it were him, he would have already slapped the table and got up.


Aum slammed the table up, like an enraged lion, glaring, his eyes jumped over the long table to stare at Russell: "Who are you, and what are you coming to Atlantis for?"

Russell sat firmly on the throne, looked up at Aum in front of him, this was the first time he looked at him directly.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, strong and deep facial features, and a good face, he perfectly inherited all the advantages of Queen Atlanta. In terms of appearance, Arthur is crushed. If he is trained well, he can be regarded as a king, but it is a pity...

"Unfortunately, you are blocking the way!"


Aum was taken aback when he heard this, whose way is he blocking?

"You are not suitable to be the king of Atlantis. Your brother Arthur is more suitable."

Aum laughed angrily: "You brazen fanatic, what qualifications do you have to dictate the state affairs of Atlantis, remember your identity, you are just a land person, and this is the ocean!!"

"It's because this is the ocean that I will point fingers. Although it is a bit arrogant to say this, I can only say this. It is a good thing for you ocean people to change to a king that I am satisfied with."

Russell sighed: "I have worked so hard until now, for you and for myself. I need a reason to stay in Atlantis, and Arthur is a good reason."


Aum couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and took down the trident erected behind the seat, and jumped straight to stab Russell.

This is a silver trident, which was passed down by Aum's father. After the symbol of royal power in Atlantis was lost, this trident was a token of the kings of all ages.

Inherited so far, there is no failure!

The water sprayed continuously, and the halberd's edge broke through the water curtain to explode a mass of vacuum energy. The cold front combined with the water vapor, turning into a roaring water dragon.

Russell's body didn't move. At the moment when the water dragon approached, Arthur stepped out from behind him, and the sacred trident wrapped in gray cloth hit him directly.

Ding! !

A crisp sound of gold and iron,

The ripples rolled away, and Aum only saw a flash of golden light before his eyes, and his figure was knocked backward by a huge impact.

The gray cloth wrapping the sacred trident was torn apart, strands of golden pulses spread out, and Arthur stood upright in front of Russell.

Don't look at him hitting Aum, he knows the truth, he didn't stand up to protect Russell, but to protect his younger brother.

After all...then what...

Aum flew upside down and hit the wall, got up with a face full of disbelief, stared at the holy trident in Arthur's hand, and muttered, "This... what is this... how is it possible..."

Aum knew the answer well, but he didn't dare to admit it, and he didn't want to admit it.

Nereus and Riku looked at each other, suppressed the fear in their hearts, subconsciously stood up and looked at Arthur: "Who are you, and why do you hold the holy trident?"

The sacred trident is considered by the ocean people to be an illusory legend, but the monarchs of the major ocean countries know that the trident really exists, and they sent a large number of people to search for it secretly.

Although they don't have the royal blood of Atlantis, and they can't become emperors if they get the trident, but there is a good saying, I can't use it, and neither can others.

They were looking for the target of the trident, so that the royal family members of Atlantis could not find it, which is more fair!

The current ocean structure is very good. Except for Atlantis, the monarchs of all countries are very satisfied, and there is no need to become a unified family.

"I'm Arthur Curry, and I'm here to take back the throne!"

Arthur waved the trident in his hand, erected it heavily on the ground, then took off the Trench Tribe helmet, with a slight force on his arm, tore off the tattered armor that cost 50 cents, revealing the golden scale armor hidden inside.

Holding the trident in his hand, Arthur continuously released its power to command the sea, and the invisible voice spread, immediately receiving echoes from countless marine aquariums.

The surrounding area of ​​Atlantis is surrounded by countless marine life, as if worshiping a new king and ascending the throne, the sound is continuous and echoes in the sea.


Aum looked at the holy trident with great longing in his eyes, and when he looked at Arthur again, there was a trace of jealousy mixed with anger.

Why did Trident recognize Arthur instead of him? Where is he not good enough?

Why is Arthur the number one heir instead of him, because he was born two years late?

Anger made Aum's face hideous, while jealousy made him tear apart.

He was raised as a king since he was a child. It is impossible for him to admit that he is inferior to Arthur, and it is even more impossible for him to give up the throne!

"Aum, according to the imperial law, the eldest son of the royal family is the first heir to the throne, and the person holding the holy trident is the only king. You... abdicate!"

Arthur looked at Orm with a complicated look on his face, he was a little embarrassed to take away his brother's throne and his fiancée.

What, you said the Mera necklace is very white?

Oh, that's all right!


Gritting his teeth, Aum pointed at Arthur and said, "Take down the shame of this mixed-race royal family and put it in prison."

Aum shouted loudly, and the surrounding guards broke into the door immediately. Looking at the scene in the field, a group of people were at a loss, but the current king is still Aum, and they can only choose to obey Aum's orders.

"King Orm, he has the holy trident, you have no right to dispose of him." The loyal Green Goblin, no, it was Vico, the counselor, who advised Orm to calm down.

"Traitor, you traitor!!"

Aum's face was flushed with anger, and he almost lost his breath. He pointed at Vico tremblingly: "Take...take this bastard down together."

The guards blinked, and the power struggle in the palace was a bit chaotic, but none of this had anything to do with them. They were loyal to the royal family and only listened to the orders of those in power now.

"Everyone back down!"

At this moment, there was another shout.

Hearing this voice, Aum's body shook, and he looked behind Russell in disbelief.

Queen Atlanta took off her helmet: "No one is allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the royal family. Everyone should step back, otherwise they will all be punished as treason."

The guards were stunned, and the queen who had been dead for many years suddenly appeared, but this is not the point, the point is that the queen mentioned treason.

They thought calmly, and found that the king's circle was too chaotic for Xiao Xiami to enter randomly, so they resolutely returned the same way and withdrew from the meeting hall.

The eyes of Nereus and Riku shone, and they secretly thought that today's trip was worthwhile, even if the alliance matters were not settled, the royal chaos in Atlantis alone was worth the round-trip fare.


Seeing Atlanta's unchanged face for many years, Aum was shocked, but soon the surprise in his heart turned into fury.

Unparalleled anger!

They are all sons, Atlanta is too partial to Arthur!

"I don't agree!!"

First Vico, then Atlanna, Om was stabbed twice, glaring at Mera behind Russell: "What about you, who are you, take off your helmet."

Upon hearing this, Mera resolutely made up the third knife, took off her helmet and nodded to Aum, indicating that her fiancée is also a 25-year-old.

a bolt from the blue!

Aum's feet wobbled, and he couldn't fall down while leaning on a trident. Vico, the adviser and mentor, was half his father, his mother Atlanta, who had been missing for many years, and his childhood sweetheart's fiancée. Sudden death is already a manifestation of a strong will.

"Why, why do you all think that I am inferior to him? What is he better than me?" Aum pointed at Arthur angrily. Although he asked everyone, his eyes were fixed on Arthur.

"Aum, you are better than me, but you are really not suitable to be a king. You were born in the wrong era." Arthur said sincerely, his reason and intuition told him that his younger brother Aum was better.

"Then why?"

"Because you can't!"

Arthur let out a long sigh, and the people above spoke, saying that if you can't do it, you can't do it, and if you can do it, you can't do it.

A Neptune who is unwilling to admit his identity said that Aum cannot be king, otherwise he will lose his temper.

Arthur also refused to accept for Aum, his younger brother is so good, he must be able to do it, but his younger siblings look... Bah, but the Atlanteans live in the ocean, and the sea emperor decides everyone's life and death, he can't accept it, he can only Wronged Baba to be king.

Oh, I'm so sorry!

What, you said that when the king gave away his fiancée?

Oh, that's all right!

"Hahaha, do you think you will be the king if you get the holy trident?"

"Don't dream, the king is me now, and you are just a half-breed bastard, what qualifications do you have to be king?"

"I don't know where you found the holy trident, but if you can hold it, I will definitely be recognized by the trident!"

Aum said three sentences in a row, as if to comfort himself. After calming down for a while, he looked at the two kings next to him: "King Nereus, King Rikku, express your attitude, who do you choose to support?"

This must be supporting Aum!

Let Nereus and Riku choose, and they will definitely not choose Arthur. The reason is very simple. Arthur holds the holy trident. Once he takes the position, it is equivalent to having a superior leader over the two of them. Even a king cannot agree. .

"I, Nereus, represent the Kingdom of Zebel and openly support the current king of Atlantis, Orm..."

In the middle of Nereus's speech, he was held back by Meera, who was walking forward quickly. The two whispered a few words, and Nereus immediately showed his eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

After repeated confirmation with his eyes, he gasped heavily and continued, "The current King Orm's elder brother Arthur Curry, according to the laws of the empire, he should be the king."

Aum's eyes widened, and he looked at Nereus in disbelief. This is not what a king should say: "Why, why did King Nereus bow his head? Are you willing to be someone else's pawn?"


Nereus raised his chest and raised his head, with a righteous face: "Aum, I can't, really! You can't either, give up!"


Aum blushed from holding back and his neck was thick. The fourth knife from the old man was very hard, and he was about to die.

Orm turned to look at the last ally: "King Riku, what do you think?"

Riku is so treacherous and cunning. Seeing Nereus and other arrogant people bow their heads and give in, he resolutely said: "I can't, I really can't, my legs and feet have been bad, you talk, I'll sit down for a while."

As he said that, he really sat down on the chair, hummed and began to beat his legs.


Everyone looked down, what the hell, what a long fish tail!

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