End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 775 I just like a tough guy like you, please keep it

Looking around, he was either a traitor or a young boy. Aum was completely disappointed in this world. He was so angry that he raised his trident and pointed it at Arthur.

"Arthur Curry, if you want to become the king of Atlantis and the lord of the ocean, you have to step over my corpse first."

"Aum, neither you nor me, there will be no dead bodies today."

Arthur shook his head slightly, and then said seriously: "If it wasn't for the trident, I wouldn't have come here, so I assure you, no dead people will appear."


Aum sneered disdainfully: "Be kind and tolerant, it seems that my half-breed brother will be a good king in the future!"

Arthur choked when he heard the words, knowing that Aum would not listen to what he said, so he simply shut up and said nothing more.

"Come on, you hateful half-breed, as long as you can defeat me, you will be the new king of Atlantis, otherwise, go back to your land."


Arthur nodded seriously, and stopped the dissuasion of Mera and Atlanta. It is true that without this duel, he could have seized the throne, after all, the audience was all his people.

But Arthur still decided to have a fair confrontation with Orm, without him, in order to convince his brother.

Maybe in other aspects, such as governing the country, Aum is better than him, but when it comes to fighting, he is still very confident.

Aum's Trident swept across, waving the water to break through the wall of the meeting hall, and flew out.

"Come on, Arthur, bet on the throne and fight me!"

"No, it's to stop the war!"

Arthur said something to himself, and followed calmly.

"Under normal circumstances, there will be a brother-to-peer fight. Aum is full of resentment, and he is merciless in his moves. Although Arthur has a magic weapon, he refuses to use it because of good intentions. Dilemma."

At this time, Russell sat on the throne and began to predict the future: "Then, the five thousand-word eloquent battle ended, the two were exhausted, and they bet on their beliefs and made the last move..."

"I saw the sky falling apart, lightning and thunder, and the onlookers shouted terror, and the battle ended with a big bang."

"Arthur had a chance to kill Orm, but he couldn't do it, and was stabbed in the heart by Orm. As he was dying, Arthur had no regrets in his heart. He held Orm's hand and pulled Mae He handed over his hand and warned the two of them that they must be happy in the future."

"Aum was touched by Arthur's kindness, hugged his brother's body and cried loudly, remorseful in his heart, and vowed to work harder for his brother."

"Since then, Aum, the lord of the sea, has devoted all his energy to loving the country and the people. He has been recognized by the holy trident, unified the seven seas, and became the rejuvenating lord of Atlantis. He also gave birth to more than 20 princes and princesses with Mera... ..."

After Russell finished speaking, he clapped his hands and concluded: "It's a perfect ending, everyone is very happy!"

"That's not the case. Where's Arthur? Where's Arthur in Heaven? He must be unhappy!"

Arthur ran back to Russell in a flash. He would never admit such an ending, even for the sake of more than twenty princes and princesses.

Russell looked up wondering: "You don't admit it?"


"Since you don't admit it,

What kind of duel do you promise! ! ! "

Russell jumped up on the spot, knocked Arthur to the ground with a punch, gritted his teeth and kicked Arthur more than a dozen times before stopping, and said bitterly, "I got the trident for you to let you When you are king, you are robbing your younger brother of the throne and his fiancée. Why, are you going to forcibly cleanse yourself?"

Arthur was rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, and said aggrievedly, "I...I don't think Aum..."

"Don't you think, let me think!"

Russell stepped on Arthur's chest, his eyes swept across the audience like a wolf: "Ten minutes are up, now Arthur is the king of Atlantis, whoever refuses to accept it, I will fight him!"


The meeting room was dead silent, everyone was stunned, picking their feet... No, Riku, who was pounding his legs, gasped and was almost knocked under the table by this scene.

Aum also opened his mouth wide, and after a while, he raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Arthur, you are such a useless person, you are so beaten by a human being that you dare not fight back, what right do you have to fight me? A disgrace to Atlantis, unworthy to be a king!"

Russell frowned: "Jin Mao, are you not convinced?"

"I'm not a golden retriever!"

"Huskies don't care, I'll just ask you, are you dissatisfied?"

Aum snorted coldly, and said proudly: "The real king of Atlantis will never bow his knees. He wants me to bend his knees unless he steps on my dead body."

"Okay! There are seeds!"

Russell compared his thumbs: "Your name is Aum, right? I remember you. I like a tough guy like you. I hope to keep it."

"Hmph, land people, you should call me King Orm!"

Aum was talking, when he suddenly realized something was wrong, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw Atlanta, Mera, and Arthur all looking at him with terrified eyes.

Even Nereus, the father-in-law who had always been calm, turned pale at the moment, and he would have sat back on the chair with Meera's support.

Riku's eyes flashed when he saw this. He knew that everyone knew a piece of information that he didn't know. It was very important and fatal. He stood in line decisively with the same expression as Nereus. color.

"Uh... what's wrong?"

Aum was stunned, what happened, why did everyone look at him as if they were looking at a dead person, did he say something wrong?

His heart trembled, and he looked at Russell in surprise, thinking that this might be a strong man.

The situation is not good!

Just when Aum's expression changed and he was thinking about giving in first, the meeting hall under his feet rumbled, as if an undersea earthquake had occurred.

"what happened……"

Everyone in the conference room was shocked. They turned around and looked outside the hole in the wall of the conference room. Vico, who had been hiding for more than 20 years, adjusted the communication projection in the conference room. Looking at the overall situation of the king of Atlantis, his expression suddenly changed. It was pale.

"Atlantis...is on the rise!!"

Atlantis outside the wall was dead and still, the boundless water curtain trembled with the vibration, and all the people of Atlantis lowered their figures and looked around.

They couldn't see anything, except the soldiers on the edge of the city wall. They could see the giant water polo enveloping the country and slowly lift it up. The others were too far away to notice that the ground under their feet was rising. They could only feel...

The black ocean above his head seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.

On the communication projection in the conference room, the city of Atlantis built by the 3D model rose rapidly together with an extremely huge foundation. It was obviously a disaster enough to destroy a country, but they could only feel a little vibration, and they only felt In a dream.

At this time, a few uninformed people looked at Russell again, and their eyes were wrong.

Looking down at the sea from a high altitude, there were ripples visible to the naked eye on the sea level, but it rolled violently after a while.

The waves rose into the sky, billions of tons of water sprayed high, and a huge water polo rose out of the water. The city surrounded by the water curtain was Atlantis.

After the water polo reached the surface of the sea, it was not over yet, and the azure blue sea instantly became pitch black. As the deafening sound gradually sounded, amidst the muffled thunder, the sea completely boiled.

A large water elemental hand rose from below the sea surface, holding the water polo that carried Atlantis. Immediately afterwards, the waves roared, and the boundless hurricane rolled up a shocking frenzy. out of the sea.

The city of Atlantis was dead silent, and many people saw the sky for the first time, but at this moment, they only felt icy cold, because the giant water element that covered the sky and the sun held high with one hand, holding a gleaming water-blue trident The halberd was condensed into shape, and the tip of the halberd pointed directly at the city in the water polo.

There is no doubt that with just one touch, the whole of Atlantis will become history.

The whole city is dead silent, no one dares to move!


In the conference room, Russell slapped the table, making everyone tremble.

"Golden Retriever, I've made a move, it's your turn!"


Looking up at the miracle, Aum's mind went blank. Who is the golden retriever? He is not a golden retriever, so Russell must not be talking to him.

"Your Majesty, please calm down your anger. After all... After all, Atlantis has always been your people."

Atlanna and Arthur immediately knelt on one knee, and Meera also pulled Nereus, who was full of luck, to kneel down to salute, and the meeting room was filled with pleading voices.

There is no need to talk about Riku, usually he doesn't talk and pretends to be dead, but at the critical moment, he makes a decisive move. At this moment, he is lamenting that the emperor's way taught to him by his father is indeed true. Because of his outstanding performance, the Murloc is on the safe side.

"Lastly, I'm not Poseidon, and I haven't...haven't met him!"

Russell's voice was blunt, and he was lying at first glance. Everyone saw it through and said nothing, and the boss said no, they didn't have any opinions.

"The golden retriever over there, why didn't you make a move?"

Russell said viciously: "It's too late to surrender now. I remember you said that you want to bend your knees unless you step over your corpse."

"Yes, Orm did say so."

Arthur nodded again and again, just when everyone thought he was going to borrow a knife to kill people and secure the throne, they saw him fly up and hit Aum who was stunned.

After kicking his younger brother down, Arthur stared into Aum's eyes: "Everyone, Aum has been beaten to death by me!"

I am dead?


Aum was about to speak, saying that he was still alive, when he suddenly remembered something, and thanked his brother Arthur for looking at him.

He closed his eyes, kicked his legs, and died with a scream.

Arthur nodded secretly. The saying that society makes people grow is true. He bent Aum's knees, got up and said respectfully: "Ha...Russell, look, his knees are bent, and people die too. gone."

Russell: "..."

Am I stupid, or are you stupid?

Russell stared at Arthur speechlessly, until he was sweating profusely, and then snorted coldly: "Is he really dead? But why do I think he's still alive?"

"No, he's really dead!"

"I do not believe!"

Russell said as he walked forward, crackling fists and kicks, and left the pig's head five minutes later, sighing: "If you don't move, you should be really dead."

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