End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 766 Conquering the ocean in one day is really a crime

Ohm is dead!

After Russell manually confirmed, he was indeed gone.

Even if he is still alive, the tenacity of a man who can be poisoned for five minutes without moving is worthy of Russell's admiration.

So he said very generously that the dead are the most important, and the grievances between him and Ohm are wiped out, and they will be pulled out as soon as possible while it is still warm.

Seeing the entanglement of grievances and grievances resolved, Ohm smiled at Jiuquan. There was a wonderful magic power in the dark, and his corpse couldn't help showing a smile.

Since then, Atlantis has no more Ohm, but it is not very clear whether there will be Ram or Rem in the future.

In the depths of the ocean, Atlantis sank into the bottom of the sea again. The people of the ocean were still in shock, and they ran to find the truth one after another. Why did the disaster happen and why did it end.

Knowing that the root cause of the disaster was because King Ohm provoked Hai... ahem, provoking that lord, God's punishment came and Atlantis was implicated. The people all exclaimed, "It was that lord", On the one hand, he strongly condemned King Ohm and said that the king who brought disaster to the country is not the king.

At this time, two exciting pieces of good news came out.

One is that Queen Atlanna, who sacrificed to the Trench Clan in the past, is still alive and has returned to the palace.

Second, the queen's eldest son, Arthur, obtained the approval of the holy trident, and killed the sinner Ohm on the spot, and obtained the forgiveness of the adult, and the disaster was subsided.

The people shouted: Ohm is dead, Arthur is dead!

A family cannot be without an owner for a day, and a country cannot be without a king for a day!

Based on this principle, when Ohm's bones were still cold, Arthur held the holy trident, took over the banner of Atlantis, and led the people to move forward.

According to the practice of the Ocean Kingdom, after Arthur ascended the throne and became king, he could not continue to call his original name. As a show of respect, he had to add a "King" to his name, so he became——King Arthur!

Russell: "..."

This is the reason why he would rather go to the backcountry and become the "King Russell" of the Trench Race than let Arthur go to the front and participate in the king's meeting as the protagonist.

Others thought that Russell was trying to steal the show, but only he knew the truth. He was afraid of hearing the name 'King Arthur' and couldn't help laughing.

As we all know, King Arthur is only 1.6 meters tall, weighs less than 90 catties, and has not enough chest. She is a cute girl with a big sword who can calm the world.

And Arthur...

Huggy, full of flesh, with a beard longer than his hair, a small smile can stop a child from crying, and a hard smile can make his face wrinkle. Such an ugly guy is called "King Arthur", who can resist it.

"King Arthur, the meeting of the four nations is held today. In the name of the king of the Murloc, I, Riku, confirm to join the allies. Because you hold the holy trident, I support you as the leader of the allies. If you want to rebuild the Atlantis Empire, fish The Kingdom of Ren is also willing to surrender."

Riku expressed his attitude without hesitation, from today on, Arthur was his boss, and it would be difficult for anyone to stop him.

It's no wonder that Riku has no morals, there is a big guy next to him staring straight at him, if he dares to hesitate, he will immediately turn into a sashimi and serve it on the table.

Riku is not afraid of death, a fish has one time, it's amazing to turn white, so it's like practicing backstroke.

But he cannot learn from ignorant Om,

He caused trouble and implicated the country, so although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to give up for the sake of the country and the people.

In fact, Riku originally wanted to hug Russell's thigh, but was dismissed by the big boss as 'ugly refusal', so he could only make a second choice and choose to hug Arthur's thigh.

Although the legs are a little thinner and there is more hair, but I can't be the younger brother of the big brother, and it's not bad to be the younger brother of the big brother's younger brother.

Arthur nodded when he heard the words. Riku's choice was within his expectations, as long as he was not a fool, he would know how to choose at this time.

Is Riku a fool?

Of course not, there are not many people present who are smarter than him!

At this time, Nereus said: "King Arthur, I have stated my attitude before, and now I will reiterate that I, Nereus, represent the Kingdom of Zebel and declare to join the Atlantis Alliance. In the future, Zebel The Kingdom is willing to become a vassal state of the Atlantean Empire, and to be proud of all the commands of King Arthur."

"King Nereus understands righteousness. I must have made many mistakes when I first ascended the throne. I hope you will guide me a lot in the future." The attitude towards the father-in-law must not be the same as that of Riku. Arthur tried his best to appear to be very connotative.

"King Arthur is too polite to talk about giving advice."

Nereus had complicated eyes. If nothing else happened, Arthur, who was nothing before, would be his leader and son-in-law in the future.

By the way, this son-in-law looks really rough, with a big beard, at first glance he looks older than him.

Nereus didn't have much opinion about his daughter changing her fiancé, from her younger brother to her elder brother. It was just a political marriage, and he only looked at the status and not the person.

But Nereus was still a little reconciled. According to rumors, all the people who came out of that mountain were livestock, so why... Is it because Mera's necklace is not white, or was that lord cut off by his brother, the king of gods?

"Ah Choo!"

Russell sneezed and looked around suspiciously. Which bastard secretly praised him behind his back?

If he has the ability to say it face to face, although he doesn't like it, he won't blame him.

After the two countries finished the process, it was time for Russell to speak. He said concisely: "King Russell of the Trench Clan joins the allies, supports the reorganization of the Atlantis Empire, and leads the people to join unconditionally!"

"King Russell is deeply scheming and considers the overall situation... (here 5,000 words are omitted)... makes me extremely ashamed and ashamed of myself." Riku spoke quickly and delivered a series of rainbow farts, and the fish lip was almost familiar.

Nereus glared at Riku, and gave Riku all the words he could think of, but he didn't say no, he heard about it, he gritted his teeth and made up two thousand words, and just added a paragraph.

Russell nodded, there was neither sadness nor joy on his face, it was all the truth, nothing to be proud of.

At this time, Vico, Arthur's counselor, stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and said: "Kings, the Atlantis Empire was divided into seven parts in the past, and two of them fell completely. Among the remaining five countries, four countries have formed an alliance. And willing to rebuild the empire..."

"According to the laws of the empire, when more than half of the countries agree, other countries will have no right to veto. So King Arthur, how do you plan to deal with the undisciplined saltwater country?"

In the Four Nations Alliance, Arthur has the right to declare war on the land at this moment, but he will not do so, not to mention that he can't talk about Russell's level, because he alone does not have such crazy ideas.

He is willing to be king because he can peacefully resolve the upcoming war between sea and land, and mobilize the power of the entire sea to protect the common homeland of earth creatures from the invasion of alien armies.

Of course, Mera also accounted for a small part of the reason, not much, just a gap between the fingertips.

Arthur was not an arbitrary person. After discussing with Nereus, Riku, and Russell, he finally decided to send troops to Saltwater Nation to force the opponent to join the alliance by force.

This is the fastest way to solve the problem. Russell believes that if the incident of Atlantis is repeated on the territory of the saltwater country, the saltwater country will definitely cry and ask to join the allies.

After all, if you can live, you want to live well!

There is no need to send too many troops, the main ones are the Trench tribe, and the rest of the Three Kingdoms can send as many people as they want, as long as they are strong.

Their main task is to return to their respective countries, gather troops and strategic logistics as quickly as possible, and deal with the upcoming invasion of Apocalypse.


Trench people don't need to bring supplies to fight. They eat all the way, just like locusts crossing the border. Under the opening of the legendary sea monster Karason, there is no form of resistance.

Seeing that it was still some time before he arrived in Saltwater Country, Russell rose to the surface of the water and entered the Bat Fighter. The communicator contacted Bruce, and the situation on his side had changed.

"Bruce, something went wrong with my plan!"

Bruce smiled coldly: "You want to wipe out all the countries in the ocean, and the time is still so tight, there will definitely be problems. Tell me, how much trouble you have caused, and I will see if there is any possibility of remedy."

"It's not trouble, it's a deviation in the planned time."

"It will take ten days and a half a month?"

"On the contrary!"

Russell said solemnly: "It was originally planned to conquer the ocean and dominate the underwater world in a day and a half. I never thought that because the plan was too smooth, I might finish it half a day earlier."

Bruce: "..."

"Speaking of which, I'm lucky. When I went to Atlantis, there were two kings from the undersea kingdom paying a friendly visit there, and they cooked it all for me."

Russell squeezed his chin: "Now the army is pressing down on the border, heading straight to the last kingdom. When the five kings gather their troops, they will start with tens of millions of soldiers. Do you think it's better to put these people on the east coast or the west coast?"


"It's okay, don't hesitate, I'm doing well in the ocean, and I basically say the same thing. As long as I open my mouth, no one dares to say no, hehe, anyone who dares to say it is dead."

"You know, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not good at solving problems. I'm only good at solving people who ask questions. No one in the ocean has problems now!"

Russell stubbornly said that he had a lot of face: "Just tell me, where are these tens of millions of troops stationed? Or... how about I let people surround Gotham Port?"


Bruce secretly covered his heart and conquered the ocean in one day. No one dared to question it. It was really... really sinful.

"Bruce, why aren't you talking?"

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep..."

"Hey Hey hey----"

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