End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 777 Super power: My wife is very powerful

"Bruce, let me introduce you. He is 'Sea King' Arthur Curry, an Atlantean with human blood."

"Hello, Batman, just call me Arthur. Aquaman or something is just a false name, not worth mentioning, haha, not worth mentioning."


Gotham City, Bat's secret base, under the introduction of Russell, Batman and Aquaman met for the first time.

Arthur is a very talkative person, which may not be appropriate to say, because anyone standing with Bruce will appear very talkative.

Batman's reputation, coupled with Russell as an intermediary, Arthur and Bruce's first meeting was very pleasant, and it didn't take long for Arthur to recruit all the recruits.

It only took one day for Russell to complete the unification of the Ocean Kingdom. Bruce still finds it incredible that there are five countries, not five villages.

Even with five villages, the efficiency should not be so high.

This is the difference between an insider and an outsider. Bruce thinks the difficulty is high, but anyone who has read the script knows that as long as a few key information and characters are mastered, the unification of the ocean country is easy, which belongs to the level of smooth sailing.

If they were like Russell again, with a Neptune Trident in charge, it could really be said to be as easy as pie.

That is to say, it took some time to drive back and forth, otherwise it could be faster!

"Arthur, you have just unified the ocean empire, is it appropriate not to stay there to deal with the overall situation?"

Bruce didn't care about Arthur's stable rule. The undersea kingdom was in line with his wishes. What he was afraid of was that the situation would be turbulent. If Arthur left, the Ocean Empire would be replaced by a boss. Then he and Russell would be busy in vain.

"Don't worry about that!"

Before Arthur could speak, Russell explained to him: "It doesn't matter if there is Arthur in Atlantis or not, it has something to do with his super power."

"Super power? How do you say that?" Bruce would not let go of any opportunity to collect information.

"Arthur's superpowers are that his wife is very powerful, his mother is very powerful, and his father-in-law and teacher are very powerful..."

Russell counted with his fingers: "It's the same reason to be very powerful with the housekeeper. The domestic government affairs are handled by Arthur's mother, Queen Atlanta, and the military dispatch is handled by his wife Mera. In the Confederate States, his father-in-law and teacher Come forward and take charge. I saw that he was idle, and his concave shape was quite embarrassing, so I brought him here first."


Bruce was speechless. This was the first time he had heard of this kind of template for superpowers, and the ability to compare money sounded puzzling.


Arthur was also very speechless. Although it was all the truth, it always sounded like something was wrong.

However, for the sake of his "wife Mera", he didn't care about it.

"Of course, Arthur himself is also very powerful..."

Russell patted Arthur on the back and praised: "He swims very fast and can talk to fish."

"..." x2

It's okay if you don't explain it, but this explanation is even more useless!

Bruce silently crossed out his ; W, if one day in the future, a war broke out between the sea and land, he would try his best to keep Arthur.

Arthur is too critical, he is an important factor for mankind to win the war.

Although it was the first time they met, Arthur had already noticed the way Batman looked at him, the way he looked at the sand sculpture, but he couldn't say anything yet.

Arthur is already a mature sea king, with an extremely broad mind and vision. Sand sculptures are sand sculptures, which are better than being beaten!

He skipped the unpleasant topic and calmly said: "Batman, the deployment of the Atlantis army has begun. I need a map of the coastal defense line. Russell told me that you are responsible for providing these."

Bruce nodded, turned on the base's supercomputer, and sent the file to Arthur's communicator.


Russell raised his hand and called for a stop, pointing to the three red dots gathered together on the computer, he was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean, three mother boxes...the US military put the three mother boxes together?"

"Yes, the three mother boxes are stored on the island of the military base in the Atlantic Ocean, near New Jersey, very close to Metropolis and Gotham City..."

Speaking of this, Bruce frowned: "The military thinks that instead of spreading out its forces, it is better to stick to one place. If the situation is out of control, it will be convenient for them to use the last resort."

When Russell left for Amnesty Bay, Bruce decrypted the mother box and confirmed two similar signals, located in Metropolis and Central City respectively.

Bruce got in touch with Clark and Barry, and the two went to the target location to obtain the mother box. There is no need to describe the battle in the middle, anyway, it succeeded in the end.

However, Bruce was very dissatisfied with the follow-up actions of the U.S. military. The military was greedy for the black technology on the mother box, established the highest level of confidential files, and blocked intelligence and refused to join forces with other countries.

The reason is very simple. When Bruce handed over the mother box, it came with a living demon-like body.

This thing is easy to deal with, they can do it by themselves!

Hearing Bruce's explanation, Russell's face changed, and finally he shook his head and sneered: "It's another series with few people. Since the US military is full of confidence, let them take the lead."

As he said that, he said maliciously to Arthur: "The person who told you that the ultimate means of human beings is to grow mushrooms. If you don't want to die, stay away."

Arthur nodded heavily. He is a child of the land and the sea, but as the king of Atlantis, he must consider the people of the sea, knowing that he must not do things that would send him to death.

Bruce didn't speak, worried about the blind confidence of the military, but he wasn't a politician, just a dark knight.

Moreover, the butlers in the Ministry of National Defense do not have enough power to speak, and they can only stare blankly when they know that the US emperor is trying to kill him.

"By the way, how about the reinforcements from Amazon, has Diana done it?"

Russell asked aloud, Paradise Island has always been an important place for him to pay attention to, and it has nothing to do with Qing Yishui'er's long legs. He cares about the Greek gods behind Paradise Island, such as the Emperor of the Sea, Poseidon, and the person who The main god with a trident.

There is no other meaning, Russell just wanted to borrow it to have a look.

The strength of the Greek gods in other worlds depends on their position in the world they belong to, but the DC world...

Take Diana, for example, who defeated Ares and took his place as the new God of War.

Russell has evaluated the combat effectiveness between himself and Diana, and it is basically the same. If Diana removes the messy weapons, Russell can easily win.

Using this as a reference, Poseidon is also at the level of a superhero. Russell tried to persuade him to use the trident, but he would definitely not refuse.

"Diana...has no reply yet."

"alright, I got it."

If there is no reply, don't expect it. Russell understood the meaning and continued to ask: "Did Diana ask about the 'Mother Box' information?"

"No, no reply at all."

Russell shook his head slightly: "It's over, the Olympus god system has been abolished."

Arthur watched in a daze. What did the Neptune mean when he said that the Olympus god system had been abolished? Could it be that he was going to drive Zeus out of power and become the new god king?

So... is Hera still the Queen of God?

Arthur's heart trembled, and he quickly closed his eyes, pretending that he knew very little.

"Hal replied, as long as Oaxing confirms that the intruder is 'Apocalypse', it will immediately send the Green Lantern Corps to support it."

Russell nodded when he heard the words, and the US Emperor and Paradise Island rushed. Fortunately, the Green Lantern Corps is still strong, but it sounds unlucky to dispatch the Green Lantern Corps, giving people a feeling that the group will be wiped out.

Suddenly, he thought of a very important thing, and hurriedly asked: "Bruce, if Apocalypse opens the intruded space channel, how do you plan to close it?"

"People in the military are researching, and the data is updated synchronously in my computer every day, and there will be some clues soon."

"What about your plan?" Russell shook his head repeatedly when he heard the words, and the US military just planted mushrooms to make do with it. If it was really strong, DC Universe wouldn't have so many big events.

Bruce looked deeply at Russell: "I lack intelligence and cannot make a plan."

"Bruce, I understand what you mean, but I really don't have information on hand..."

The progress of the plot has nothing to do with [Superman and his pendant friend]. It is estimated that the original boss Steppenwolf will not appear. Russell's eyes are darkened. His information is all wrong information, and he can't give Bruce some advice.

"Really not at all?"

"Uh, there's a little bit!"


"Don't be dark, listen to me first, this information is for me personally, I hope I will never use it."

Seeing Bruce's ashen face, Russell coughed lightly: "Do you still remember that night in the sewer, the demon said 'For Darkseid'?"

"Remember, I asked you if you knew, but you didn't respond."

Russell pretended not to hear it, and said seriously: "Daxseid is a name and a title. He is the ruler of Apocalypse and the most powerful evil god in the universe. It is difficult to defeat him with the power of the Justice League. Neither can Clark."

Bruce frowned and thought for a moment: "What would happen if you opened the gate of hell and threw him in?"

"Please, you are cheating me!"

Russell rolled his eyes. Satan seemed to be easy to talk to, but it was just a look. He had tried a few times before, and he roughly got to the bottom of Satan.

The devil belongs to the type of mercenary, and does not do anything without giving benefits. It is no problem to send interesting souls. If you really send trouble to your door, the devil should come to collect debts.

At Darkseid's level, Russell thought that even if he lost his soul, it would not be enough for Satan's price.

"Then what if..."

Bruce looked deeply at Russell, and said word by word: "You go all out and fight Darkseid with the mentality of dying together, what's the result?"

Russell waved his hand: "Don't say that, Darkseid may not necessarily appear. For such a small matter as conquering the earth, just send someone casually. He has many relatives like seven aunts and eight aunts."

Unmoved, Bruce repeated the question again: "What was the result?"

Russell pondered for a moment, then solemnly said: "It depends on luck, if luck is good, it will be 50-50, if luck is not good, I can only hang him."


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