End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 801 When I was a child, I swore to be a great person


A ringtone woke Strange from his deep sleep. He picked up his cell phone and saw that the caller was his friend Billy.

Said to be friends, but the real relationship is a partner.

Strange is an excellent neurosurgeon with a great reputation and is known for his super high success rate of surgery. He is only a few papers and a mature face away from the most authoritative position in the industry.

The super high success rate of the operation is not accidental. Apart from Strange's superb medical skills, it is also because he is good at managing his own patients.

Except for a few rare cases that sparked Strange's interest, in most cases, he would know the patient's condition in advance and judge the possibility of complete cure.

If he is not sure and affects the success rate of the operation, he will find excuses to shirk or directly refuse.

This is very important, it is about worth!

Before becoming famous, Strange was not afraid of challenges and took saving lives and healing the wounded as his own responsibility. After becoming famous, he began to care about his own reputation and how much benefit a single operation could bring.

Money, honor, and social status, these things that Strange desires the most.

Billy is in charge of matchmaking, providing difficult cases from major hospitals to Strange, and after Strange nods his approval, he will contact the patient or the patient's family to discuss the price of the operation and get a commission from the intermediary.

The two get what they need, because their interests are bound, and their relationship is very strong, which belongs to the level of life and death.

As children, we vowed to be great, to be sunny and not afraid to fail.

When we grow up, we crumpled our innocence and threw it into the trash can, and saw a masked person in the mirror, whose clear eyes were no longer there, and we equated maturity with lying paintings.

Do you regret it?

of course not!

Strance picked up cold water and patted his face, and looked directly at the hypocritical face in the mirror. He fulfilled his childhood dream and became a great doctor.


Everyone calls him that, why regret it?

After washing up, Strance looked around the big house and found that there was still a blank space in the corner, where there would be a piano, just after tonight's operation was over.

In all fairness, the case recommended by Billy this time was not difficult. He seemed to disdain such a minor operation, but the patient's family gave too much money.

"Benedict Cumberbatch, the patient seems to have a bad name..."

Muttering to himself, Strance put on a coat casually, because he was rushing for the golden treatment time, he didn't change into a high-end suit and a famous watch, but just had a glass of whiskey to refresh himself before departure.

"Sir, if you are going to be traveling by car, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or beverages containing alcohol, which will put your blood alcohol level above 0.01%."

Next to the living room, the ns-2 model robot on standby started up, and held the car key in his hand before Strance.

"Sean, don't be like this, give me the key quickly, I'm rushing to save people!"

Luxury cars, mansions, and ns-series robots are the most basic criteria for a successful man. Therefore, as a successful man, Strance has an ns-2 robot and named it Sean.

During the hot pre-sale of the ns-3 robot, he also ordered one, because the moonlight clan spends as much as it earns,

A loan was also made specifically for this purpose.

"Sir, saving people is not the reason for me to allow you to commit suicide."

The ns-2 robot named Sean said: "According to the three laws of robots, I have the obligation and responsibility to stop your ignorant behavior. I think you also understand what it means to lose your driver's license in this country."

"It's okay, it's just a glass of whiskey, and it's so late, there won't be any traffic police on the road."

"It has nothing to do with the traffic police. Prohibition of drinking and driving is responsible for your own and other people's lives." Sean said slowly and evenly.

"! You are right..."

Strance raised his hand to stop, glanced at his watch, and said anxiously: "Sean, I know that according to the three laws of robots, you are obliged to prevent me from leaving. But if I don't leave, my name is Benny Those guys like Dina will miss the best treatment time, which is equivalent to violating the three laws of robots..."

"Tell me, Mr. Sean the smart robot, how do you choose? How do you choose without contradicting yourself?"

"Sir, I can drive the vehicle."

"Oh, there's another trick!"


On the winding mountain road, a supercar speeds past.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Strance watched the black mountain passing by the car window, and couldn't help swallowing: "Sean, in fact, there is still plenty of time, and there is no need to go so fast."

"Sir, please rest assured that all the map routes are loaded into my processor, and the computer will accurately manage the real-time road conditions to ensure the safety of your life and property without any accidents."

"What if there is an accident?" Strance said the speed was too fast.

"You can file a lawsuit against usr to claim full compensation."


Everyone is dead, and the compensation is a fart!

Even though he had never heard of anyone dying at the hands of his own robot, Strance still felt unsafe. Under his strong request, Sean slowed down the speed of the car to ensure that he could calmly think about the upcoming operation.

According to the information provided by Billy, the patient named Benedy overturned due to speeding. Most of the ligaments in his hands were ruptured, and the nerves in his hands were severely damaged.

Minor surgery!

Strance once again lamented the power of money. It was so ironic that he could be invited to perform such an insignificant operation.

Behind the road, a dark and dull armored vehicle approached slowly. A Winter Soldier was driving the vehicle. Bucky in the passenger seat turned around: "Sir, is it really okay to just blow it up?"

"What if I die?"

"With me here, it's hard for him to die. Just do it, and leave the rest to me."


Bucky nodded silently, since Russell said so, he just followed the rules, opened the roof sunroof, pointed an rpg at the supercar, and launched it without any pause.

Rumble! !

The fireball soared into the sky, the supercar was engulfed by the flames, and then flew up into the air, tumbling and spinning in mid-air, and landed directly on the cliff below.

Russell originally didn't plan to come, but after seeing Bucky's rough plan, he decided to come to fight. It doesn't matter if the battle is bigger. He wrapped Strange with dark energy to ensure that the opponent would not hurt a single hair.

The reason why there was such a big movement was to confuse the line of sight and divert Strange's attention, making him think that the enemy came to collect debts.

Speaking of Strange's enemies, there are quite a few, including wealthy businessmen who can afford killers.

The reason is obvious. In order to ensure the success rate of the operation, he has rejected many patients who are undoubtedly going to die. Some family members understand that the doctor is not sure, while some family members think that the doctor is too troublesome, so they decide to die.

boom! boom! boom! boom

The big fireball rolled several times in the air and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the car door was violently kicked open, and Sean the robot dragged the shocked Strange out of it.

"Sir, are you all right?"


After asking five times in a row, Strange recovered from the thrill of surviving. He touched his face and hands, and said happily, "I'm fine. I'm so lucky that I wasn't injured... So lucky..."

After speaking, Strange, who gradually calmed down, was speechless. He checked again to confirm that he was really not injured.

"How is it possible, falling from such a high place, there is not even a scrape, this..."

Strange was stunned, and then looked at the robot Sean who had lost his arms and legs and was almost scrapped, and was even more speechless.

The flesh and blood of human beings is actually harder than steel. Where is the science?

Strange swore that he had never experienced such a strange thing since he was a child.

"Sir, my communication network is damaged and I cannot send a distress signal to the police station. If you still have your mobile phone, please contact the outside world as soon as possible..."

Sean the robot raised his single arm and stood behind Strange. He looked straight at the forest in front of him and said calmly, "There is a source of danger approaching. Please stand behind me and don't move randomly."


Car accident, unscathed, danger approaching...

Strange heard the words and his mind was in chaos. He only felt that he hadn't woken up yet and was currently in a dream. Otherwise, how could he explain this series of absurd things.


There was the sound of cloth being torn apart in the woods, and after a muffled sound, Bucky staggered out with a hood on his face.

The sleeve of the entire left arm was torn apart, revealing a particularly eye-catching vibrating gold arm.

The sleeve was torn by Russell, and the muffled sound was because he kicked Bucky out of the woods with a flying kick. The reason for doing this was that he discovered that Bucky was dishonest, so he secretly covered his face.

what is this?

Hydra behaves aboveboard, and it's not about stealing chickens and dogs to do bad things, so why should it cover its head and face?

Bucky walked out of the woods angrily, and the last confirmation was completed. The target person, Stephen Strange, must be a pit in the future, and it is still very deep, otherwise his boss would not react so much.

Bucky gritted his teeth, he only blamed himself for following the wrong person, and his soul was blackened from the beginning to the end, now there is no hope of cleansing it, it's too late to say anything.

"Assailant, according to the three laws of robots, please leave immediately..."


Bucky strode forward, cut off the only remaining arm of Sean the robot with a hand knife, then held down its shoulders and head, and forcibly pulled out the whole head.

Sean's head rolled to the ground, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and he kept repeating the three laws of robots before shutting down, and asked Strange to contact the outside world to save himself.


Bucky raised his foot to crush the chattering machine's head, and looked coldly at Strange who was silent.

"You and I……"

Strange quickly backed away, his feet went limp and he fell to the ground. Seeing Bucky approaching with a murderous look, he hurriedly said, "Wait, let's talk first. I have a lot of money. As long as you don't kill me, you will be fine." I can give it to you."

Strange lied, he didn't have any money, and even owed a loan to the bank.

Bucky stood in front of Strange, looked down condescendingly, and then stretched out his vibrating arm, as if trying to pull him up.

Sure enough, terrorists are negotiable!

Strange was overjoyed, money would lead the way, so his life was saved.

"Dude, I promise, I'll double the other party's price, no, triple it!" Strange was so excited that he was incoherent, Ma Liu stretched out his hand and grabbed the palm that Bucky offered...


"Ah ah ah"



I have a headache and brain fever. After taking antipyretics, my head is dizzy.

It's useless to drink Red Bull. I don't know if I can code out the remaining two chapters. I can't bear the sleepiness and can only owe it.

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