| | -\u003e -\u003e After the polite handshake, Bucky ignored Strange, who was unconscious on the ground, and cleaned up the scene, erasing all traces that might reveal his whereabouts.

Since it's an act, it has to be a full set, there's no reason to deal with all the details, and leave the biggest evidence untouched.

With his fingers connected to his heart, Strange fainted due to the severe pain. When he woke up, he found himself lying on a hospital bed, his hands wrapped in layers of gauze, suspended in mid-air by a retainer with steel needles inserted, feeling...

Because of the medical topical painkillers, he didn't feel anything, as if the hands in front of him belonged to someone else.

"God! If this is a dream, let me wake up quickly..."

Strange really hoped that these hands were not his own. He closed his eyes in pain, not daring to face the reality.

It is said that death is worse than life, but Strange would rather be dead. As the top neurosurgeon in the industry, he can tell at a glance that the chief surgeon is a piece of rubbish. His own hand is useless, and his career is over. , life is over.

"Stephen, are you awake?"

Female doctor Christine Palmer opened the door and entered. Seeing Strange who was in a daze on the hospital bed, she put down the medical records in her hand, poured a glass of warm water and handed it over.

Palmer and Strange are colleagues, and they will be colleagues in a few years, and there is no possibility of any breakthrough.

Because Strange's character is extremely bad, his talent attracts Palmer's longing and favor, but his bad character has no sense of security, which makes Palmer flinch.

Palmer's vision was very accurate, and he could see through Strange's essence at a glance, otherwise he would definitely be eaten up and thrown into the trash can, changing from a colleague relationship to a passer-by relationship.

From Strange's point of view, Palmer is pretty and has a good personality. As for medical skills...

A mediocre doctor doesn't know what he's busy with all day long.

That's right, in Strange's eyes, other than him, other doctors are rubbish. If there is any difference, it is also the difference of garbage classification.

Strange took a few sips of warm water, and when he saw the medical records on the table, his eyes lit up immediately, just like seeing a life-saving straw.

He still had a fluke in his heart, like falling from a cliff unscathed, and he hoped that a miracle would happen again.

"Kristen, I need to see my medical records."

Palmer's expression changed slightly: "No, I think..."

"Give it to me! Now!"

"..." Palmer sighed, opened the medical record and placed it in front of Strange.

Most of the ligaments in both hands were ruptured, and the nerves in the hands were severely damaged. When the rescue team found him, he missed the golden treatment time. Although his hands were saved, his career as a surgeon was cut off, and he could no longer hold a scalpel.

Not to mention scalpels, razors and nail clippers are all hanging!

"They ruined me..." Strange closed his eyes and muttered, tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"It's okay Stephen, everything will be fine."

Palmer put his hand on Strange's shoulder and patted it: "In the medical world, nothing is absolute, just like what you have done, you still have the possibility of recovery."

"Forget it, I can't hold a scalpel anymore, who else can create a miracle?"

Strange's accumulated resentment burst out suddenly,

Glaring at his hands: "Is it the trash who gave me the knife, or who? God or the devil?"

Palmer lowered his head and remained silent, his hands were self-evident to the importance of a surgeon, putting himself in the position, if she was lying on the hospital bed, she would probably have the same emotional breakdown as Strange.

Knowing that Strange was not reconciled, she comforted him after a while: "You are an excellent doctor with rich experience, even if you can't hold a knife, there are still many ways to treat patients..."

Palmer said a lot of words of encouragement, but Strange didn't listen to a word, and stared blankly ahead, only feeling that his eyes were dark.

Just when Palmer was about to say something more, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a man in a black suit walked in.

"You are?"


The man took out his ID and nodded lightly: "I would like to have a private conversation with Mr. Stephen Strange and ask about the attack last night."

"Okay, but his mood is not stable, so please don't stimulate him too much." Palmer left the ward after finishing speaking.

"Hello, Mr. Strange, I know you're in a bad mood right now, so I won't talk about the extra nonsense. Please cooperate to answer a few questions and assist in handling the case and arresting criminals. Presumably you don't want the culprit to remain at large... "

Agent Brock Rumlow from the FBI, with a few simple words, aroused Strange's desire to cooperate with the case.

Well, Agent Brock Rumlow is actually an agent from S.H.I.E.L.D., the FBI is a commonly used vest, uh... also a vest from S.H.I.E.L.D., he is from Hydra.

The case of Strange being attacked has been included in the police file. After all, war weapons such as RPG rocket launchers have appeared, so it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

But in reality, S.H.I.E.L.D. was more interested in Strange falling off a cliff, only to end up unscathed.

After some arrangements, the superior department of S.H.I.E.L.D. deployed personnel, and the task fell to Brock Rumlow, also known as "Crossbones".

Crossbones and Captain America are mortal enemies. Whether it is comics or movies, they are mortal enemies, but they will no longer be in the future. Under Russell's operation, everyone has become their own.

"Detective, what do you want to know?"

Strange was actively cooperating with revenge. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Nidhi's patient needs surgery, and his situation is exactly the same as mine..."

"This is an extremely nasty conspiracy. You can contact Billy. He must know something."

Rumlow shrugged: "I'm sorry, Mr. Strange, while you were in a coma, we sorted out your communication records. That call from an unknown source was not made by your friend Billy. He didn't know anything about it."

"How come?" Strange was struck by lightning.

"What impression do you have of the attacker?"

Rumlow guided: "The traces at the scene were cleaned up. We are professionals. We couldn't find any clues. I hope you can provide some important information, such as the attacker's appearance and accent."

"My robot butler Sean..."

"No, it was destroyed by the opponent, leaving only an empty shell."

"You can go to the USR company, I firmly believe that they will have records, and each robot will upload data..."

"Mr. Strange!"

Rumlow interrupted and shrugged: "This kind of thing does not exist. Even if it is for the company's reputation, they will not admit that they are eavesdropping on users' privacy."

Strange was stunned when he heard that, yes, let alone him, even if the President of the United States was attacked, USR would not be able to produce any valid data.

Don't ask, just ask!

"The person who attacked me had a metal arm, silver-white, very eye-catching..."

Strange recalled what happened yesterday, and analyzed it from the perspective of a surgeon: "I can't see his appearance clearly with his face covered, because of that mechanical arm, I can't judge his approximate weight. I only know that his body is strong, male, 5-foot-9, plus or minus more than…”

Strange talked a lot, and finally asked with full expectation: "How, are these clues enough?"

Rumlow shook his head: "The only effective clue is the mechanical arm. As far as I know, the medical group established by USR has successful treatment cases where mechanical organs replace the human body, but the price is very high. Fang also has a contract."


"No way, they won't hand over the client file for you."

"Damn USR... It's not too damn bad, Sean the robot has been protecting me..." Strange was lying on the hospital bed, and he had already seen that he had no hope of revenge and could not bring the murderer to justice.

Afterwards, Rumlow asked a few more questions, checked after sorting out, and left the ward directly.

The investigation mission is over, and the next step is the mission report.

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s order, Rumlow's investigation should be launched against Strange, but according to Hydra's order, this investigation is doomed to fail.

Strange fell from a high altitude without injury, because USR's robot was well protected and a little luck.

That's all!

As for the mysterious one-armed man, according to Rumlow's investigation and evidence collection, it is found that the other party is very likely to be from the US imperialist military, and it should be that the salary is not enough to make extra money.

In the follow-up investigation and pursuit of the murderer, Rumlow said that he had exceeded his authority and needed to negotiate with the military.

Obviously, it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to negotiate such a trivial matter, and the final result of the investigation report is to be left in the archives to eat ashes.


On the other hand, Russell took a private jet to Monaco to watch the Formula 1 championship.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that billionaire Iron Man will be on the scene himself, because time is running out, and Tony Stark will do some ridiculous things that he wanted to do but didn't dare to do before.

As for Strange, he hasn't given up on scientific treatment yet. The best time to give him hope and tell him that magic really exists is when he has no hope in life and falls into self-abandonment.

Strange doesn't need to worry, it's just a bit of hardship. Russell has already arranged for him to be sent to Karma Taj University of Magic, and he will serve as the Supreme Sorcerer after graduation.

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