End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 809 Nick Fury: I want to pull the Supreme Mage to join the Avengers

"In addition to the elites mentioned above, I still have a few candidates under consideration..."

Nick Fury glanced at Steve and Tony, his expression was indifferent as if he didn't care, but this was because of the professionalism of the agent, and his emotions and anger were invisible. The truth is that if he had a tail, he would definitely be able to rise to the sky.

"There is still someone to choose?"

Tony's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he gave a thumbs up suddenly: "Director Ferry, I admit that I underestimated you a little before. I always thought you were a tax thief, or a very clever thief. I didn't expect you to have planned it a long time ago. The big picture."

"I'm just waiting for the right opportunity."

Nick Fury waved his hand calmly, his words and deeds were well thought out, and he had a sense of sight of "the heroes of the world have fallen into my trap".


Steve was holding a mouthful of old blood in his chest, and he felt that he should stop it, the difficulty was already hell, and it couldn't be higher.

He spoke kindly to persuade: "Director Fury, the current members are enough. After all, it is a newly established organization. Too many people make it difficult for everyone to cooperate. Let's discuss about new members after a while!"

"Captain, it is for the sake of synergy that I think the team members are slightly insufficient."

Nick Fury said seriously that he has his own considerations. The Avengers are affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D., and they should be deployed by him according to the situation and reason.

But in fact, the surprise team has a serious proportion of people!

Steve Rogers, Marvell, and Carol Danvers are too powerful. There may be no members in the team who can compete with them, but the proportion of the number can definitely be suppressed.

As a person in power, Nick Fury is well aware of the risks involved, and more people must be plugged in to dilute Steve's right to speak as much as possible.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the Avengers will get out of his control and become a surprise team 2.0.

"A team can't only have captains, advisors, and attackers. It also needs some generalists to cooperate. Maybe their combat effectiveness is mediocre, but their skills can bring convenience to the entire team. Only in this way can we ensure the efficient operation of the team and avoid critical moments. people are available."

Nick Fury thought hard and said: "The Avengers need more executives, and Agent Natalie alone is far from enough. Agent Barton has rich experience and has undergone transformation. He is code-named 'Hawkeye' and is the best in the world." Archer and weapons designer, he can adapt to fight in various environments, which is very good."

"Makes sense."

Tony nodded, as shrewd as he could see that Nick Fury was in Cyprus, but he would not refuse. The more Avengers elites, the higher the success rate of avenging his parents, there is no reason to refuse.


Is this Agent Patton one of our own?

Steve is confused, there are too many Hydras, he needs to go back and ask.

"Dr. Bruce Banner, an excellent physical scientist, is unstoppable when he transforms into the Hulk. Whether before or after transformation, he is an outstanding talent and is worthy of being recruited into the Avengers." Nick Fury said.

"I know him, isn't it a bit dangerous?" Tony was a little worried. It's not a good thing to have many lunatics in the team.

"It's really dangerous. I've been hesitating before, but it's different now."

Nick Fury looked at Steve, and said solemnly: "Captain, the Hulk is a double-edged sword, and I will ask you to take care of it in the future.



Finally, a person who is not a Hydra came and forced himself into it. Steve didn't know what to say, so he could only nod his head exhausted.

"In addition, I have some long-term monitoring superpowers. Due to various reasons, I have not been in direct contact with them. If necessary, such as when the Jedi counterattacks, these people can be absorbed as temporary team members."

Satisfied, Nick Fury reported his names one by one.

"Luke Cage, an accidental product of the military's super soldier serum, is currently in New York, with an invulnerable body and power far beyond ordinary people."

Steve: I heard that Bucky was bragging two days ago that he has a new fierce little brother, and that's his name.

"'Spider-Man' Peter Parker, who gained power from a mutant spider, is powerful, kind-hearted and helpful by nature, the only shortcoming is that he is too young."

Steve: Yes, I met him in Queens a while ago, and Parker revealed his identity, claiming to be the ashes of the surprise team and asked for his autograph.

"Jessica Jones also gained superpowers due to mutation, superhuman physical stamina, strength, physical damage resistance, and can fly.


Steve: I heard that Yelena has a good relationship with her. It is said that she has entered the pit and is her own person.

"'The Punisher' Frank Castor has no superpowers and is at the peak of human combat effectiveness. According to the evaluation criteria of SHIELD, he is a 'Tenth-Level Agent' level. Because of his behavior style, he is not suitable to be an Avenger. Activated at critical moments."

Steve: I heard that Russell's shadow clone specifically confessed that Natasha led someone to help him avenge the murder of his relatives. Snake member.

"'Ant-Man' Scott Lang, the heir chosen by Dr. Pym, his ability is very interesting."

Steve: I heard, a student of an old Hydra employee.

"Okay, that's all for now!"

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief after speaking. It took a lot of money and manpower to collect information on these people, and it was not easy.

Some people, such as Luke Cage and Bruce Banner, for them, SHIELD has a lot of wrangling with the military.

Steve: It's finally over!

He calculated it, because there were too many of them, and the proportion of real Avengers in the Avengers was pitifully low.

What's even more pitiful is that these undercover agents, such as Tony, don't know that he is surrounded.

"Director Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. is really powerful! Really!"

Tony was filled with emotions, this sentence came from the heart, without any exaggeration.

Hearing the names and abilities of teammates who might cooperate in the future, he suddenly felt a little aggrieved, not for himself, but for his father Howard.

If Howard also had a lot of powerful support back then, why bother to fight alone in secret?

Times have changed!

Tony's heart was burning with confidence and pride. He was different from his father. He had a group of powerful teammates, and he was not fighting alone.

"This is the source of my confidence. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. may not be as outstanding as the two, but their ability to collect intelligence is unquestionable. With this intelligence network..."

Nick Fury coughed lightly, feeling that he had talked too much, and said instead: "Actually, I still have another candidate, who is very powerful and a real superhero, but because of lack of information, I can't get in touch with him, and even I don't know the real identity of the other party."

"Oh, there are people who can't be found by S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Tony's eyes widened. The S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intelligence network was pervasive, and someone could fool them.

"Tony, captain, please keep the following paragraphs secret..."

Nick Fury lowered his voice, glanced at the two of them, and said very seriously: "Do you know magic? Do you know the supreme mage of Kama Taj?"

Steve: (Д′)┻━┻

Please, stop it! You can't do this even if you want to die!


Tony thought of his father's notes, and his breath became short of breath: "Who is the Supreme Mage, I have never heard of this superhero being active?"

Nick Fury said seriously: "His existence is just a legend. It is not yet confirmed whether it really exists, but if it is true, his strength...captain, do you know?"

How could I not know!

Steve had a constipated look on his face, and his facial features were a little distorted: "I know that the Supreme Mage is real, but he is not active on the earth. He has been protecting the earth from the invasion of the dimension demon god for many years. , is a very great existence.”

"Captain, you really know, tell me, is he really as powerful as in the legend?"

Nick Fury is very excited, he wants to cooperate with such a pure and powerful superhero, even if it is only once, it will make him proud forever.

"Very powerful! Really powerful!"

Steve said truthfully: "If he wants to, he can end human civilization in an instant, even if it means erasing the earth from the universe, it is not impossible. To be honest, the three members of the surprise team once competed with him, and the result... as if As an immature child, let him manipulate him however he wants, without our disagreement."

"It's magic, right? That's the power of magic, right?" Tony's eyes lit up.

Steve: "..."

No, he used his fists!

Nick Fury's eyes flickered, and he tentatively said: "Captain, can you persuade him to join the Avengers? We need his strength!"

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