End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 810 The enemy is clear and we are dark, the advantage is great

"Captain, can you convince him to join the Avengers? We need his strength!"

No, you don't need to!

The corner of Steve's mouth twitched, as if he had had a stroke, and he imagined inviting Russell to join the Avengers in his mind.

Steve: Sir, Nick Frito, I have a message for you. I would like to invite you to join the Avengers and fight against the evil Hydra.

Russell: OK! OK!

"Director Fury, the matter concerning the Supreme Mage...needs a long-term plan...he is not a talker, no, I mean, he is a talker."

Steve covered his face, he couldn't do it, he really couldn't hold it anymore.

"Captain, the enemy's strength is very strong, we need the Supreme Mage."

Nick Fury stared into Steve's erratic eyes, and said plausibly: "For this, no matter how high the price is, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not hesitate."


You can't be the master, really, S.H.I.E.L.D. is his!

Steve swears, he's never seen a braver man than Nick Fury, he didn't dare to play like that when he rebelled.

Nick Fury tried hard to persuade, but Steve was determined not to follow. He stayed to prevent other superheroes from entering the pit. Judging from the current situation, the superheroes who are about to join the gang are basically in the pit.

Therefore, Steve's only remaining goal is to look at Nick Fury and Tony, and if possible, he will go all out to keep them away from the pit.

It turned out that he was killing his life, and so were Nick Fury and Tony!

If a few of his own people join the Avengers, the commotion will not be too big. Even if something happens, Steve believes that Russell is looking at his and Howard's face. Nick Fury and Tony can't die, at most peeling skin.

But if Russell is pulled into the Avengers and staged a Hydra vs. Hydra, God knows what crazy actions Russell will make when he is having fun, it may trigger a world war, and human civilization will go back two hundred years ago.

too difficult!

Everyone is too difficult!

Nick Fury persuaded him for a long while, but seeing that Steve still refused without hesitation, he didn't dare to press too hard, so he could only give up for the time being.

He deeply regrets not being able to cooperate with the Supreme Mage, but he will not give up. As long as he can see the Supreme Mage, he firmly believes that with his three-inch tongue, he will definitely be able to attract the other party into the group.

Without him, S.H.I.E.L.D. is carrying the banner of protecting the world. When this banner is waved, the Supreme Mage has no reason to refuse.

"You two, today's conversation, especially the 'Avengers Project', must not be spread outside the public. Especially you Tony, keep your mouth shut. I don't want to read the newspaper tomorrow morning and find out that the whole world knows about it."

As Nick Fury said, he gave Tony a vicious look. He was very relieved on Steve's side. Captain America's character is trustworthy, not a big mouth.

Tony raised three fingers: "I swear, what happened today will never get out."

"It's better to be like this!"

Nick Fury glared at Tony again, and then said: "I will contact the others...Captain, can you tell us now, who is the enemy?"

"Uh... wait a little longer, after everyone gets familiar with it, I'll see the results of the cooperation. If the strength is not enough, I won't watch you die."

Steve didn't know what to do,

I can only drag on first.

Tony frowned, dissatisfied: "Captain, I understand your concerns, but we have our own advantages."

Nick Fury nodded, and then said: "Captain, Tony is right. The enemy is the biggest advantage of the Avengers. The enemy does not know our existence. If we operate well, it may be a fatal blow to the enemy."

The enemy is clear and we are dark?

Are you serious?

Well, in a sense, it's really an enemy who knows us!

Steve covered his face, and it was exposed on the first day of the formation of the Avengers, because Captain Hydra would immediately notify Russell.

It's not that he likes to make small reports, but that if he doesn't say anything, Natalie will also say that at that time, with Russell's petty mind, knowing that he is an insider but not taking the initiative to report, he will definitely be punished to death.

"That's it, I'm tired..."

Steve sighed, he was really tired: "Director Fury, you have my contact information, give it to Tony, and if the Avengers make any moves in the future, you must notify me in time, don't do it recklessly If you behave irrationally, just... I beg you."

After finishing speaking, Steve hunched his back, flew straight into the sky from the balcony, and disappeared into the gap between the white clouds.

"Director Fury, the captain doesn't seem to trust us very much?" Looking at Steve's disappearing back, Tony frowned and said.

"Yes, this shows that the enemy is very powerful. Like your father, he doesn't want to involve us..."

Nick Fury muttered to himself, and after a while, he clenched his fists and said: "Tony, your father died for justice. Now, we can't let the captain go the same way, and we can't let him fight alone."


Tony nodded, thinking of the knowledge left by Howard, his heart became hot.

It won't be long before his iron suit will be upgraded to a terrifying level. At that time, the captain will definitely recognize his ability and reveal the identity of the enemy.

"Tony, about palladium poisoning..."

"Don't worry, I've already taken care of it."

"That's good, you are an indispensable member of the Avengers."

Nick Fury patted Tony on the shoulder, turned and walked out the door. He will be busy for a while, secretly contacting the Avengers members and connecting them one by one.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury was full of pride.

It would be impossible to say that he is not proud to personally plan and form a strong team like the Avengers. This will be the most glorious stroke in his resume since he took over as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

For this alone, none of the many former bureau chiefs can be compared with him, and the credit goes straight to the few giants who formed the S.H.I.E.L.D.

The more I think about it, the more proud I am!

For a while, Nick Fury only felt that big things could be done, maybe the enemy was mysterious and powerful, like a black cloud covering the sky and casting a boundless shadow of terror, but now it is different.

The Avengers, this concerted team, will surely ride the wind and waves, and become a sharp sword that breaks through the clouds.


"What, Nick Fury wants to form the Avengers Alliance, and also wants to recruit the Supreme Mage, that is, me...to join!?"

Looking at Steve with a bitter face in front of him, Russell was stunned, unable to understand what kind of fairy operation this was. After a while, he glared at Steve: "Why, why did you refuse?"

"Give me a reason, what's wrong with the Supreme Master joining the Avengers?"

"If you can't tell today, I'll send Bucky to blow out Nick Fury's remaining eye... By the way, how did he become one-eyed?"

The Avengers are too small to stand up to you!

Steve wailed in his heart, and said with a bitter face: "Sir, let them go, they are young people, give them another chance..."

"Hmph, according to you, I'm already an old man?"

Russell snorted coldly, turned around and said to Natasha and Yelena: "You all heard it, Steve said that you are old women, remember to pass this on to Ms. Carter, Steve thinks she is old, and is going to find some young women The little girl playing around."


The three pairs of eyes rolled together, and Steve smiled wryly: "Sir, almost all of the Avengers belong to you, there is no need to join them personally, it will damage your identity."

"I don't have an identity, I don't even have a file, where can I get an identity?"

Russell said that he was once a superhero of the Justice League, and the Avengers cannot be left behind. No one can stop his superhero heart.

Beep! beep beep

Natasha's communicator rang, she opened it, glanced at it, glanced at Steve with a smile, and said to Russell: "Boss, Natalie's message, Nick Fury formed an elite team, she was included in the Official list of members."


Steve wiped the cold sweat off his brow, secretly thinking that as expected, no matter what happened to Tony and Nick Fury, at least he was safe.

"Hey hey..."

Russell rubbed his chin, and he didn't know what kind of bad move he thought of, and let out a series of creepy laughter.

Steve swayed all over when he heard this, and asked bravely, "Sir, do you have any... thoughts?"

"Are you trying to talk about conspiracy?"

"No, absolutely not, dare not and don't want to!" Steve shook his head repeatedly.

"Hmph, Steve, you're getting boring."

Russell said with regret: "You should have some ideas and be more courageous. If the surprise team, Tony and Nick Fury cooperate sincerely, they can explode with great power, and maybe they can really bring down Hydra."


Steve's face was expressionless, Russell's heart was not dead, and he wanted to trick him into betraying Hydra!

"Actually, I have an idea, I personally think it's very interesting, Steve, listen to it..."

Russell pursed his lips, and said with a smirk: "Natasha, Yelena, you also have a taste. If it's interesting, here's the script."

"Sir, please think twice."

"Shut up, you Hydra captain!"

Russell glared at Steve angrily, and said slowly: "Howard is also an old employee who has been with me for a long time. Although the couple betrayed me once, there is also the reason why I enslaved them, so I Don't blame the past, generously forgive them..."

Steve: That's very generous, Howard is still closed!

"Tony and Nick Fury worked together, secretly formed the Avengers Alliance, and used Hydra as their imaginary enemy..."

Steve: Isn't this the result of your own planning?

"These two people, one is the only son of an old employee, and the other is the supervisor of a lower-level department whom I hold in my hands. I can't leave them alone and let them continue to make mistakes."

Russell slapped his big hands and said energetically: "Especially Tony, he has the blood of Hydra on his body, I can't bear to see him about to make a big mistake..."

"That's all right. I'll arrange for the Howards to meet him, wash away his hostility, and give him a chance to be a man again."

"What do you guys think?"


Natasha and Yelena looked at each other, they felt bad, the script was rotten and meaningless at all.

"Sir, do I have a question?"

Steve raised his hand and asked cautiously, "What about the Avengers, and what about Nick Fury?"

"Nick Fury doesn't deal with it, let him continue to form the Avengers, I will arrange an opportunity to meet with the Avengers another day, let them shout the Hydra slogan in front of Nick Fury, it must be very interesting!"

Steve: "..."

Please be human!

"Steve, why aren't you talking?"

"I... sir, as long as you are happy, I have nothing to say."

"Tsk tsk, Steve, you've matured. That's boring. I still like you back then. You were full of integrity, firm and clear, and you couldn't rub the sand in your eyes. It's a pity that time has corrupted you..."

Russell sighed and shook his head: "Forget it, since you all think it's boring, then I won't get involved, let him go about the Avengers!"

Steve: "..."

Don't try to lie to me, you just think you will be pleasantly surprised if you don't ask!

Just as he was smiling apologetically on Steve's face and mmp in his heart, he suddenly noticed something strange, and he frowned and looked towards the sky.

I saw a meteor passing by at high speed in the infinitely distant horizon.


"See, a hammer!"

Add more words for the leader'Liantong, and ask for some votes by the way, whatever.

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