End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 812 Can Thor be drawn into the Avengers?

As the treasure of Asgard, Mjolnir should be reserved and arrogant, and he would not pretend to be polite to everyone, but he only catered to Thor, the god of thunder.

Long ago, Thor thought so, he loved the hammer, and the hammer loved him, and the two would never be separated, until the end of time.

Until one day, Russell appeared, and cold-bloodedly separated him from the hammer.

What hurt his heart the most was that the hammer didn't resist at all, didn't even make a symbolic struggle, and followed Russell without looking back.

Just leave him!

The evil Russell not only used it himself, but also gave the hammer to other people as a commodity. The hammer did not resist and endured everything silently.

On that day, Thor was so desperate that he felt that life would be better than death, and it was dark.

He suddenly realized that he didn't know a hammer at all.

Later, the hammer changed hands several times and returned to him. He also became friends with several users of the hammer, and found that everyone was a good person.

But the pimple in Thor's heart has always been there, he can no longer love Hammer desperately like before.

Not for anything else, just out of fear of getting hurt again!

Today, he will be injured again.

The restaurant door was pushed open, and Steve came in with Thor's Hammer, greeted Thor politely, and handed the hammer to Russell.


Thor looked directly at the hammer, which was motionless, as Steve held it for granted.

His feet shook slightly, his heart ached, and the familiar sound of a knife rang in his ears.

Russell didn't answer, frowning and thinking about something. Seeing this, Natasha raised her hand to take the hammer, and waved it smoothly.

Thor: "..."

There was another thud in the heart, the second cut.

"Natasha, give me the hammer!"

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked the back of Natasha's hand, held the handle of Thor's Hammer, and gently lifted it up after Natasha let go.

As expected!

The Hammer of Thor has magic cast by Odin. Except for qualified people, those who are stronger than Odin can also lift the hammer regardless of the magic.

Russell's strength is not comparable to Odin's in the dark dimension, but his level has surpassed Odin's, and he is no longer within the scope of magic.

Thor: "..."

The third knife fell, and Thor's body shook. Fortunately, he had seen this scene before, and he was prepared in his heart, so he didn't just collapse.

"Boss, can I try?"

Yelena was so excited that everyone could lift it up, and she could too.

Russell raised his eyebrows, and put Thor's Hammer on the table, but Yelena struggled with the hammer, but was still unable to move it a little.

"Hehehe, Yelena, you don't need to try. The boss told me before that only those with righteous hearts and high morals are qualified to lift it..." Natasha's frantic make-up.

"Don't try to lie to me. If this is the case, you and...you are the one who is the least qualified to lift it." Yelena was furious and turned back without hesitation.

I'm going to tear it apart!

Steve shrugged, put his hands in his pockets, and turned to look at the fallen leaves outside the window, which was not something he could watch.

Thor smirked and waited for the good show to start, but was glared at by Russell, and he lowered his head decisively to look for the ants, thinking about the difference between these little creatures and Asgard.

"Stop making trouble, my face will be lost by you."

The corners of Russell's eyes twitched, he grabbed Yelena's hand, led her to lift the hammer up, and then coaxed it aside like a child.

"Thor, try it. After all, it's your hammer, and you can't keep spinning it in other people's hands."

Russell stared at Thor, wanting to see if Thor was really sealed. If it was really like the plot in the movie, then he...

No matter how uncomfortable Odin is, Russell will come and want Thor to be a good king, and there is no door.

The supreme mage has the final say on one-third of an acre of land on the earth. King Thor does not have one, but the fat mansion Thor has one.

Odin disagreed that it was useless. He took Thor into the dark dimension and released it until he became a fat house.

Thor was completely unaware of Russell's sinister intentions, and approached the hammer with several hands, took two deep breaths, and grabbed the handle of the hammer and lifted it vigorously.


Still motionless. jpg


Still motionless. jpg


Still motionless. jpg

Thor first used one hand, then both hands, and finally both hands and feet. The whole person rode on the hammer. His muscles were tense, his neck was bruised, his face was flushed, and he couldn't shake it at all.

"no no……"

"No, father, that's not the case!!"

Thor fell to his knees on the ground with his head up, his world collapsed in an instant, and he looked up to the sky with teary eyes, crying like a child weighing hundreds of pounds.

Not picking up the hammer means that he has lost his qualifications, lost his father's love for him, and the glory of Thor has been deprived, and he will never be able to return to Asgard to play happily with Loki.

Thinking of this, Thor's heart was twisted like a knife, and he knelt down on the ground stupidly, his soul lost its color, and his whole body turned gray.

The breath of despair shrouded Thor's head like a cloud, which could be clearly seen hundreds of meters away.

"Sir, stop making trouble..."

Steve's face was full of black lines, and he pulled Russell's sleeve, signaling him to disperse the black smoke from Thor's head. After all, he is the crown prince, so it's not appropriate to play like this.

"Where is the trouble? It's called special effects, and it can play a role in enhancing the atmosphere."

Russell pouted, not only did not dispel the dark clouds over Thor's head, but also added some thunder and lightning, and controlled the water flow to bring a spring rain.

Localized rainfall, limited to the top of Thor.

The picture was so beautiful that Steve didn't dare to look at it. Considering the importance of the matter, he hurriedly asked: "Sir, what happened in Asgard, why did Thor's Hammer refuse to recognize Thor?"

"I have to ask Odin, maybe he thinks this training method is more suitable for Thor!"

Russell dismissed it. Thor, who has been a reckless man for 1,500 years, suddenly asked him to learn the benevolence of a monarch, which is equivalent to adding and subtracting within ten, soaring to advanced mathematics. This is really...


If Thor had such a brain, he would have already shown his kingly appearance!

From Russell's point of view, Odin's education of his children was extremely unsuccessful. The three children from Hela to Loki, the only one with a normal mind, Loki, was not his own.

If you want to train the crown prince, then don't let him hang around on the battlefield all the time, and stay in the palace to handle internal affairs is the basic operation.

However, the person in charge of Asgard's internal affairs is Loki, and his ambition is constantly growing. Hela and Thor are responsible for beheading the generals and capturing the flag, and the pleasure is infinitely escalating.

That is to say, Asgard is no longer fighting, otherwise Thor would be another Hella. It is a pity that Odin experienced an education failure and didn't learn any lessons.

"Sir, let's get out of here first!"


Steve explained: "When I went to get the hammer just now, I met people from S.H.I.E.L.D. They will be coming soon."

"I know, it's all my own."

"No, one is not."

"What are you talking about, besides Nick Fury, there are other undercover agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Russell was shocked. Who is so divine that he persisted until now and has not been assimilated.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Eighth Phil Coulson, Nick Fury's confidant."

"It turned out to be him, no wonder."

A gradually receding hairline flashed in front of Russell's eyes. He looked at Steve who was fidgeting, and joked: "As far as I know, he is your die-hard fan, right?"

"Uh, I need a signed photo."

Speaking of this, Steve is extremely ashamed. In addition to Coulson, many superheroes have asked him for autographs. Everyone thinks he is Marvel/Captain America, but in fact, he is still a Hydra team leader.

"Steve, just take this opportunity to use your idol's influence to pull Hairline agents into Hydra, and then give Nick Fury a justice backstab."

Russell's eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong: "That's it, we'll wait for him here."

Steve almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said with a distorted expression: "Sir, don't be like this... Phil is a... a good guy."

"Pull it down, can there be good people in eighth-level agents? Also, what do you mean by that, good people can't enter Hydra?"

Russell snorted. Agent Filson may have a good character, but he must be decisive when carrying out missions. Otherwise, he would not be trained by Nick Fury as his heir.

Steve's face turned into a pig's liver, and he said dryly: "Sir, this...that..."

"Okay, okay, I've convinced you, let's go!"

Russell waved his hands speechlessly, signaling Steve to fight Thor away, and reached out to embrace one gold and one red, and the cats of the two fighting nations gradually exploded during the confrontation.

After several people left, the freeze-frame picture in the restaurant suddenly resumed, and Jane stared at the empty chairs in amazement, her chest felt empty for a while.

"Wow, what did I just see, it was the superhero Captain Marvel, I actually saw him..."

Louise jumped up and down excitedly, and suddenly, she looked like a dead man, and slumped on the seat: "Damn, I actually forgot to take a picture, my Facebook... it's all over now."

Obviously, their memories have been modified, only remembering that Steve appeared with a hammer and took Thor away, and the memory of Russell was completely forgotten.

About fifteen minutes later, the dusty Agent Coulson rushed to the restaurant. After several inquiries, he called Nick Fury and gave a general account of what happened.

He found the hammer that fell from the sky, and no one could pick it up, so he was taken away by his idol Steve, and Steve also took away a Thor from Asgard.

On the other side, Steve looked at the incoming call from Nick Fury on the communicator, secretly thinking that he couldn't hide after all, and turned on the communication and his voice.

"Director Fury!"

"Captain, you took away two very important things, I need an explanation."

"In Norse mythology, Thor and his hammer, Thor is also the crown prince of Asgard. His safety is a serious threat to the earth. I must send him away as soon as possible."


Nick Fury narrowed his eyes slightly, he had a bold idea, this Thor...can he recruit the Avengers?

:. :

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