End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 813 My IQ is limited

"Captain, can you tell me more about Asgard?"

Nick Fury is very interested in the forces in the universe. The reason comes from his persecution paranoia.

"Asgard's information, I once sorted out a file, and now it's in S.H.I.E.L.D." Steve said truthfully.

Fifteen years ago, the surprise team was annihilated by the Russell regiment and incorporated into a Hydra subsidiary organization, stationed on the earth to resist the invasion of cosmic forces.

Even though the earth is located in a backcountry and belongs to the corner of the universe, there are still many hidden aliens, and some aliens often land on the earth by accident.

For example, Marvell, one of the members of the surprise team, appeared on the earth for no reason because he passed through the wormhole.

So was the mother of Carol Danvers, a defected female Kree warrior who made her home on Earth by chance.

Most of the aliens haunting the earth are aloof from the world and live a peaceful life, while a small part are unstable factors, the most famous of which are the Skrulls.

In the eyes of the surprise trio, the earth seems to have an extremely strange magnetic force, which can always attract a group of aliens from all corners of the universe with a very small probability.

In the past fifteen years, the three have cleared up many alien spies hiding on the earth, so it is inevitable to deal with the governments of various countries on the earth, and then Steve was recognized.

His deeds as Captain America are so widely circulated that it would be strange not to recognize him.

As the captain of Hydra, Steve no longer wanted to be active as Captain America, and never contacted the major forces that coveted his power, until Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. came to him.

Nick Fury, like everyone else, also loves Steve's power, not only Steve, but he also loves the three amazing powers.

In Steve's view, Nick Fury is simply thinking too much, everyone is a colleague, and the result is the same whether he is greedy or not.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he sorted out the division of forces in the universe, and handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to avoid unclear sources of information.

In this file, there is information about Asgard. It is clearly written about the nine kingdoms and the relationship between the earth and Asgard.

In-depth refinement, the information is not perfect and very general, but it is enough for the current earth.

In Steve's opinion, it is a good thing for Nick Fury to be self-motivated, but in fact, he doesn't need to worry too much. For the forces outside the earth, Hydra, the superior department of S.H.I.E.L.D., has already taken care of everything.

Especially in Asgard, the leader of Hydra, with his status as the supreme mage, has a harmonious relationship between the two parties and has always been in the honeymoon period.

Asgard lacks wars for a long time, and the combat effectiveness of soldiers has declined. The two princes of Asgard led a group of people and acted as Hydra universe mercenaries. .

There is a reason why Steve said this. Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, is a single-minded man with a bold personality. He has no acquaintance with Hydra and has a strong affection. further.

Therefore, as long as Nick Fury does his job well on the earth, he will do bad things with good intentions if he meddles in some things.

For example, Thor, the god of thunder, came to the earth this time, and it was related to Odin, the god king of Asgard. Only the supreme mage was qualified to participate in the search of the earth, and the others...

It's not that Steve underestimated Nick Fury,

It's because his identity is really not qualified, and Odin probably won't even glance at him.

Even if they are all one-eyed, one left and one right just complement each other, and there may be some common topics.

The Supreme Mage is different. Although his character is a bit unreliable, and he enjoys paddling and manipulating people every day, his identity is there, and he has always been regarded by the Asgardians as the most honorable person on earth.

Of course, Steve also knew very well that Odin was willing to give Russell face not because of his status, but because of his strength, otherwise it would be useless if the ultimate mage came.

Russell defeated the surprise team with his strength, and convinced them with his actions of sticking to the safety of the earth all the year round. This is why Steve is willing to become the captain of Hydra. Except for his unreliable personality, he is almost impeccable in other aspects.

As for the unreliable character, it can only be said that no one is perfect!

There is a good saying that a man cannot be handsome and rich, single and gay, he has to lack something.

Such as lack of heart!

"About that file, I read it dozens of times before and after, and I can almost recite it backwards. I know the power of Asgard very well, so..."

Nick Fury paused slightly: "Because the power of the earth is too weak, Asgard is no threat to the earth now, and there is a possibility that the two sides can cooperate."

Steve frowned: "Director Fury, to be honest, you know my character."

"Captain, I'll just say it straight!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath: "The earth is facing a powerful enemy. Can this Asgard Crown Prince who accidentally landed on the earth be tied to the chariot of the earth, such as... Let him become an Avenger!"

(ノへ ̄,)

I knew it!

The leader of the branch company wants to grab the friendly cooperation unit of the head office, and it is under siege...

What a big heart!

Steve doesn't blame Nick Fury for thinking wildly, he can only say that Russell's operation and his own hesitation put too much pressure on Nick Fury, because everyone wants to win over and strengthen his power.

However, can you find some firm stand?

As for Thor, it is estimated that seeing Russell's face, he would be able to get away from the Avengers immediately, and then knock down Nick Fury with a backhand hammer, tie him in front of Russell, pat his chest and say that he helped put down the rebellion.

After all, in Thor's eyes, the leader of the Hydra and the Supreme Mage are the orthodox of the earth, and those who plot evil are treacherous villains without any refutation.

The trust stems from decades of cooperation between the two parties, and Thor has also fought under the name of Hydra.

In fact, there is one more thing Steve doesn't know. As long as Russell nodded, he would be Odin's son-in-law, Thor's brother-in-law, and the husband of the first heir to the throne of Asgard.

Nick Fury's act of wooing Thor into the Avengers will evolve into a battle for the throne in Asgard due to their respective identities.

Then, Thor was brutally suppressed, Odin stepped down, and the eldest princess and her husband forced the palace and successfully robbed the throne.


Ignorance is a good thing, that is, Steve doesn't know anything, otherwise the little boy will jump out in fright, turn around and separate the wall of Nick Fury.

Lest he make some manipulations and cause the earth to be affected by the flames of war, be blasted by Odin on the spot, and be pierced into meatballs by the gun of eternity.

"Captain, what do you think? If you win Thor, it's equivalent to winning Asgard from the side. With the trade-offs, the enemy will no longer be invincible."

Nick Fury is full of energy and feels that the plan is perfect, impeccable and without any flaws.

I feel that with the ebb and flow, the difficulty factor of Tony's Undercover Avengers has increased again!

Howard is just such a son, please let him go!

Steve was exhausted physically and mentally, but he didn't dare to speak clearly, or even speak loudly, for fear that Russell would hear him and decisively insert Thor into the Avengers.

"Director Fury, Thor is the crown prince, do you know the crown prince?"

Steve whispered: "He is the future king of Asgard. If something goes wrong, such as being killed by the enemy... Let alone killing, even if it is missing an arm or a leg, the earth can't afford Asgard. Gard's wrath."


"No, but it's too dangerous. I will never let you bet on the safety of the earth. That's it, I'm dead."

After Steve finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, and when he turned around, he saw Russell's smiling face, and his heart skipped a beat.

To suffer, to be heard!

"Steve, Nick Fury has another idea?"

Russell rubbed his hands, his eyes lit up and said, "I heard that he wants to draw Thor into the Avengers, right?"

"No... yes, that's what he said."

Steve struggled for 0.35 seconds and decisively sold Nick Fury. At the same time, he felt worthless for the other party. Every time he had an idea, he would discuss it with the Hydra captain. What is the difference between this and directly telling the enemy boss the plan?

Can you stop looking for him all the time, he is very tormented, his conscience is condemned, and he is almost used to it.

so terrible!

It feels like it won't be long before the Hydra captain will really be the Hydra captain!

"Promise him!"


Steve's heart stopped beating, and he hurriedly used photon energy to pace, and then he continued his life: "Sir, anyone else is fine, let's forget about Thor. His identity is different. He represents not only himself, but also Odin, Asgard, and even the Nine Kingdoms."

"What are you afraid of?"

Russell slapped Steve on the shoulder, grinning his teeth, and then said: "You know the situation, there's no way to fight, Thor is at best just going through the motions, just an actor."


So, where did Nick Fury offend you, and use such a big battle to punish him?

Steve was stunned for a while, this kind of treatment was unprecedented, all members of Hydra didn't cooperate enough to act, and Asgard had to be dragged on.

Next, is Kama Taj also going out collectively?

Steve's thinking is true, and Russell really thinks so, that is, the conditions are not allowed, otherwise the multiverse can be mixed in.

"Sir, Nick Fury, I can't hold it anymore. He keeps asking who the enemy is. I don't know how to explain it. I can't tell the truth, right?"

Steve sighed, there was no enemy at all, Tony was fighting wits with the air, Nick Fury was purely overcompensated, or his persecution paranoia.

"Just make up whatever you want."

"My IQ is limited, so I can't make it up."

"Then the whole set of quantum mechanics. If it doesn't work, it's a parallel universe. You can fool around no matter how powerful it is. If it doesn't work, I'll ask Dr. Pym to explain the mechanics of force to Nick Fury, so the enemy won't come!"

Steve: "..."

Please be human, Nick Fury is not easy!

There is a reward from the leader "A Lonely Dog", and I still owe 6 chapters.

I went out to do errands during the day today, and there were only three normal chapters without any changes.

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