End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 814: The Evil Nine-Headed Snake Captain

"Sir, is it okay to tentatively designate the enemy as the Hydra of the parallel universe...?"

Steve asked in a low voice, he thought for a while, calmly analyzed, and finally found the most evil force in his heart, Hydra firmly ranked first, which can be called unshakable.

Of course, it was the Hydra led by 'Red Skull' Schmidt, not the Hydra under Russell.

The preconceived impression is too deep, even if Steve's strength is no longer what it used to be, enough to single-handedly torture Hydra and rub Schmidt on the ground, but give him a hundred chances to choose, a hundred times he will Choose Hydra.

This may be fate, no matter which world he is in, he is always entangled with Hydra.

"The Hydra in the parallel world, yes, that's it."

Russell pondered for a moment, and agreed to Steve's proposal, a mysterious force that only exists in the air, it doesn't matter what its name is.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a teasing smile: "Steve, who is the leader of Hydra in the parallel world, have you thought about it?"

Steve's heart jumped, he felt that this was a political quiz, and if he answered wrongly, his good life would be over, and he said decisively: "It's Schmidt, only he can bear the title of leader of the evil Hydra. .”


"Sir, I'm pretty sure!"

"But I don't think it's right..."

Russell chuckled: "Which onion is Schmidt? The title of the most evil Hydra leader is not up to him. Let me mention a character for you. Keep Nick Fury's face pale when he hears it."


Steve swallowed, feeling ominous.

"'Captain Hydra' Steve Rogers, the evil boss from the parallel universe, is not only powerful, but also sinister, cunning, and cunning..."

Russell thought for a while, and found that the character set was not plump enough, and added: "He is the best at lurking undercover. For many years, he pretended to be the loyal and honest Captain America. After gaining the trust of superheroes, he suddenly tore off the hypocritical mask, revealing himself Hydra The leader's evil identity not only defeated the superheroes in one fell swoop, but also ruled the earth."

"After ruling the earth, Hydra captain Steve's ambitions expanded infinitely. He was not satisfied with his achievements and extended his evil minions to other parallel universes. The image of justice has repeatedly succeeded."

"In this way, one earth after another was shrouded in the ambition and conspiracy of Captain Hydra, and it evolved into a catastrophe frenzy sweeping the multiverse!"

"But this time it's different. His plot didn't succeed in the first place. Howard Xu and the Snake broke into Hydra, sacrificed himself to steal a lot of information, and delayed the invasion time of Hydra."

Speaking of this, Russell sighed, and slapped Steve on the shoulder: "Work hard, only the captain can defeat the captain, you are the only hope for the multiverse Earth."

Steve: "..."

Although Tony, Bucky, and Nick Fury are all difficult, he is the most difficult one.

"How about it, what's the background setting, Steve, what do you think..."

Russell became more and more excited as he spoke, and he waved his clapper with a big hand: "You don't think it's important, but I think it's so settled, tell Nick Fury the truth quickly, and don't make him wait."

"Sir, I don't think it's right!"

a matter of personal reputation,

Steve bit the bullet and resisted: "The Hydra captain from the parallel universe is too fake, it's a lie when you hear it, with Nick Fury and Tony's IQ, it's hard for me to fool them into believing it's true, I'm afraid it will be revealed as soon as I open my mouth , change it?"

"It's not a big problem. You can go to Howard and ask him to make up a videotape. After all, he has sacrificed, and his words are the most trustworthy."

"Sir, it's not about the tape."

Steve's facial features are distorted: "If there are parallel worlds, I dare to swear that apart from this universe, there is absolutely no Hydra captain Steve Rogers in other universes."

"Be confident, yes!"


"Steve, don't underestimate yourself. You can do it. If you are bad, you are worse than anyone else."

Russell was very satisfied with his script, and waved his hand to tell Steve to leave: "Stop talking, I've made up my mind, it won't work if anyone comes."


Steve's face turned red, and he left with a full stomach, secretly scolding himself for being nosy, Tony and Heitan were unlucky, he just wanted to watch the show, and insisted on pulling them together.

It's all right now, everyone will die together and lie neatly in the pit.

Fortunately, it is a parallel universe, fortunately, it is a fabricated fake character design, and there is still a chance to explain it, otherwise, wouldn't his fame throughout his life be ruined!

Not to mention that Steve left angrily, Russell took Thor boarded the private jet, and the latter was powerless, like a defeated dog in life, and lost his goal.

The eldest prince of Asgard fell into a low ebb due to being exiled and deprived of divine power and honor. He desperately needed someone to help him, and Russell felt that he was very suitable.

"Thor, tell me what happened, why was he suddenly exiled?"

Russell asked warmly, "I guess you must have offended your father, and I guess it has something to do with the Frost Giants, right?"

"It's not!"

Thor immediately replied, and then confusedly said: "I don't know what happened, I just know that my father put on the Destroyer armor and went out in a hurry, and then came back happily, and then my mother became very happy, and finally...Father All of a sudden, he didn't like me, and he beat me, oh, Rocky was beaten too.



Unsure of what happened, Russell decides to keep his mouth shut so as not to trap himself in it.

Thor seemed to have opened up the chatterbox, full of complaints and grievances, no one to talk to, and started talking to Russell.

"Father pointed at me and said that I was idle all day long and would never be able to become a qualified king. I laughed at that time. How could I become a king...Maybe it was because I laughed too loudly. That's why I was beaten."

"You know, I'm not afraid of being beaten, but I can't be beaten for no reason, so I told my father, even if I can't become a king, there is Loki, he is more suitable to be a king than me..."

Speaking of this, Thor sighed for a long time, looking like he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

The people of the whole country supported the second prince, and the second prince supported the third princess, so the eldest princess killed everyone.

Russell decided to shut up, but the story was so interesting, he couldn't bear Thor's panting, and hurriedly urged: "What happened next, what happened afterwards?"

"I'm going to be beaten! Otherwise?"

Thor said angrily: "I said that Loki is suitable to be a king, and my father beat me. If I refused, he beat me to death."

"Then you are exiled!"

"No, he beat him too hard, so I changed my words and said that Loki can't do it."

Russell: "..."

This tm is too real!

"But I didn't expect that Loki was right outside the door. When he heard me say he couldn't do it, he left without saying a word."

Thor looked at the sky speechlessly: "Although Loki is very good at hiding technetium, I know he must be very sad, maybe even crying."

"Thor, don't worry about it. After all, you were beaten badly, and Loki will understand you."

Russell persuaded: "Think about it again, there are not so many coincidences in the world, there is no reason for you to say that Loki can't do it, he just happened to appear outside the door."

"So...you mean my father cheated on me?" Thor's eyes widened.

"No, what I mean is that Loki was always there, watching you get beaten but didn't show up."

Thor: "..."

"Well, after I explain it this way, does the guilt towards Loki lessen a lot?"

Thor came and shook his head: "No, I think you are trying to provoke the relationship between our brothers."

This guy is hopeless, he will die on Loki sooner or later!

Russell rolled his eyes, and the battle for the throne in Asgard can generally be summed up in one sentence.

Those who can't get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored have nothing to fear!

It may be a bit inappropriate to say this, because neither Thor nor Loki care about the throne. Even Loki, who is ambitious to become a king, does not want the throne, but to prove that he is better than Thor and get the throne. Odin's approval.

The two princes who didn't grow up, the strength of Asgard made them treat the throne as a child's play, and never seriously considered the responsibilities of being a king.

Thinking about it this way, Hela is indeed a king, at least she... er, decisive in killing.

"Thor, God Odin threw you into the earth, did he say when the exile period will end?"

"No, my father is very disappointed in me. I may never return to Asgard in my life." As soon as he said this, Thor was immediately shrouded in low pressure and became listless.

"How is it possible? If you were exiled indefinitely, God Odin would not have thrown the hammer into the earth with you. You still have a chance. Picking up the hammer is another 钅... Thor."


"Otherwise, God Odin wouldn't want Steve or Natasha to become God of Thor, would he?" Russell shrugged his shoulders, and the fat water would not flow to outsiders, Odin would only do this when he was demented.

"Isn't it? I really thought so!"

Thor's eyes widened, and Russell's words made him want to move. He was used to the majestic Thor, and he didn't want to be a mortal for the rest of his life.

"Stop showing off your IQ..."

Russell tilted his head, for fear that if he spoke for a while, his IQ would be lowered by Thor.

"Russell, is there any way you can get me to be recognized by Thor's Hammer again? If it's you, it will definitely be fine. After all, without a hammer, you are more like Thor than me..."

Thor's eyes lit up: "Can you teach me how to control thunder and lightning as you like?"

Just sacrifice Odin!

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced up and down at Thor: "I do have a way. The principle of controlling thunder is actually very simple, not as complicated as you think. Just like fighting, if you want to beat someone, you have to learn to be beaten first."


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