End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 815 The God of Hammer

| | -\u003e -\u003e "If you want to beat someone, you should practice getting beaten first, I understand, but what does this have to do with driving thunder, being struck by lightning can't change Thor!"

Thor felt that Russell had bad intentions, not because he had become smarter, but because Russell's purpose was so obvious that even a fool could see it.

Russell looked directly into Thor's eyes, and said seriously: "Thor, being struck by lightning can really turn you into a god of thunder. I can control the power of thunder because I was struck out."

"I'm different, I can't do it!" Thor shook his head again and again, with his current mortal body, he would burn after two strikes.

"No, others can't, you can definitely, you are Thor!"

Russell picked up Thor's Hammer from the side as he spoke, and said solemnly: "What do you think Thor's Hammer is, a representative of Thor?"

"Isn't it?"

"Big mistake!"


Russell went down with a hammer in his forehand, hating him for not contending: "There were Asgardians who once lifted Thor's Hammer, but none of them won the title of Thor. You are the only one who is called Thor. Why?"

Thor covered the big bag on his head, grinned his teeth and said, "Who are those Asgardians you mentioned, and who else is there besides my father, why don't I know?"

Russell automatically ignored Thor's question, and said earnestly: "Thor, the hammer is just a prop. Maybe it has the power to control thunder, but it is not the reason why you are called Thor."

"Impossible, when I was born, it was called Thor's Hammer!"


Russell hit another hammer with his backhand, and continued: "I said, this is a tool, if you are attached to the hammer, you are a hammer, no, you are a hammer god."

"Hammer God is pretty good too..."


"God Odin gave you the hammer to let you control your own power and make you more focused. The hammer is a guide, not the source of your power."


Russell's words made Thor fall into thinking. Indeed, since he met Russell many years ago and Thor's Hammer changed hands several times, his love for the hammer has not been as deep as before.

He also gradually discovered that without relying on the hammer, his strength has not weakened, and it has even become much stronger.

"Russell, I often toss and turn in the dead of night, and feel that there is a force in my body that is restless. Could it be..."


"Shut up, you sand sculpture, I'm telling you business, don't talk about nonsense."

"I do not have it!"

Thor clutched the bag on his head, rubbed his hands quickly, and looked aggrieved: "I'm serious, I can feel the power in my body, but without a hammer, I don't know how to use it at all. Is that the power of Thor?"

"Well, if you say that, it should be true."

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils turned into pitch black: "Use your power, let me feel it."

"I can't do it, my strength was taken away by my father..."

As Thor said, seeing Russell's posture of raising the hammer, he hurriedly raised his hand to protect his head: "Wait, don't do it yet, let me try."

Thor closed his eyes tightly, trying to sense the power in his body,

Originally, there seemed to be no power, because Odin's seal was empty at the moment. He tried several times, but he couldn't sense it.

I can't do it with induction, let alone use it.

Thor's face was blushing, his neck was thick, and his muscles were tense. Seeing his exertion, he seemed to be competing with someone for strength.


Russell was afraid that he would use too much force, released Asgard's PM2.5, and slammed down the hammer to stop: "Thor, your way of sensing power is wrong, if this continues, you will never be able to resonate with the power in your body for the rest of your life. "

"I know, I said that my power has been taken away, but you insist that I can... say something, don't swing the hammer." Faced with the pressure of the hammer, Thor directly entered a state of confession.


The arc of Russell's palm flickered, the thunder and lightning cheered and danced in the center, and the element materialized into a lively cat, scratching its head and wagging its tail, as if it were real.

Thor was extremely envious, let alone him now, he couldn't do it when he had Thor's Hammer before.

"Thor, hold it."


"Hold it, feel it, and channel the power within you."

Russell taught: "You have a good father, exile is an excuse, and the seal is also to let you better sense the power in your body. Believe in yourself, you can do it."


Thor was skeptical, his eyes reflected the jumping thunder, and he felt like half-life was gone.

"Believe in yourself, you are Thor."

"Okay, trust you once!"

Hearing the name 'Thor', Thor felt infinitely heroic, grabbed it with his big hand, and pressed it on the materialized Thunder.


Thor's whole body was stiff, electric arcs were crazily traveling on his body surface, and his blond hair straightened like a lion turned into an explosive head in seconds.

He stretched his neck, opened his mouth wide, and gradually rolled up the whites of his eyes, and finally passed out with black smoke from his mouth, his body trembling uncontrollably, like a dehydrated fish flopping about helplessly.


This is the rhythm of being electrocuted!

Russell stopped speechless, he pointed Thor very seriously, and it turned out that Thor was really afraid of electricity.


The private plane returned to New York. After Russell got off the plane, he asked Natasha and Yelena to continue to pay attention to Strange, while he himself took Thor to the New York Temple with a hammer.

The temple has a teleportation array into Karma Taj, and Karma Taj has a passage into the dark dimension.

There are two different space nodes on the earth that can enter the dark dimension, and one is located in Kama Taj, which is connected to the passages of the dimensions where many demon gods are located.

Set up by the Ancient One mage, whether it is negotiating conditions, learning magic, or as the first line to resist invasion, it is very necessary.

The other is at Hydra headquarters in Wakanda, set up by Russell, and only he can open it.

In addition, there are two passages connecting the dark dimension in the dimension where the earth is located, namely the Mars base and the Watt Alheim base, which ensure that Russell can freely enter and exit several major bases.

There can be no more. More dimensional channels are not the better. The interference and risks involved are not a joke. He doesn't want to be used by someone with intentions because of his negligence, which will lead to evidence of invading the earth's dimension.

Even the identity of the master of the dark dimension, Russell never mentioned it to anyone, only saying that he defeated Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension.

It's another to be discovered!

"Russell, this is Karma Taj, your territory?" Thor felt that everything was new when he came to Karma Taj for the first time.

"Don't talk nonsense, Karma Taj is not my territory, I just take care of it, no one can be the master of this place, or every mage is the manager of this place."

Remembering that the household appliances promised to Master Ding Yi were left behind by him, Russell took Thor along the path, like a thief, to the main hall leading to the passage outside the territory.

"What are we doing here?"

Mysterious, Thor is a little scared, he is a mortal now, I am afraid that Russell will have any ideas.

"Your power has been sealed by God Odin. If you want to raise the hammer again, God Odin must nod, or you can guide the power in your body to break the seal."

Russell stopped outside the door leading to the dark dimension, and waited for a moment before opening the door: "There is a secret room here, which is connected to a training ground in a remote universe, which can help you guide the power in your body."


"So much nonsense." Russell pushed open the door and smashed Thor into the dark dimension with a hammer.

To be honest, Russell still doesn't understand Odin's thoughts. After entering the dark dimension, Thor's life or death is entirely up to him. With Hela locked inside, Odin's blood can be wiped out.

There's also a Loki, but that's picked up and doesn't count.

Russell was waiting at the door. If Odin stopped him, he would not take Thor in forcefully. After all, the two parties are happy to cooperate and there is no conflict of interest. He doesn't want to cause unnecessary conflicts.

But Odin didn't respond at all, as if he didn't know anything.

This is impossible, Odin must know, but he didn't say anything, and let go and threw his blood to Russell.

"Could it be that you want to use my hand to sharpen Thor and make him the real Thor?"

The door was closed, Russell talked to himself, and walked into the dark dimension with doubts.



The stone building, like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, rose from the ground and occupied the easternmost corner of the city on the surface of the planet. It was created by Uld, the leader of the Valkyrie Legion, with the authority of the dark dimension.

More than a thousand energetic women, seriously lacking in personal hobbies, know nothing but fighting. In order to prevent them from fighting in the streets, Uld built this arena dedicated to fighting.

In the early days of the arena's establishment, the purpose was somewhat impure. It was used to resolve the personal conflicts between the Valkyrie Legion and Hela. The specific process is difficult to describe. Anyway, Hela has been doubting life for a while.

Later, the arena really became an arena. In addition to internal competitions, the Valkyries can also challenge Hela, the treasure of the store.

Like Thor, Hela's abilities are sealed, but her physical fitness and combat experience are all preserved. When Uld does not use the power of the authority dog, her challenge is the most difficult, and she is also the person who is called the most times every day.


Thor only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a Colosseum appeared in front of him. In the arena, two female warriors fought with swords, their ears were filled with cheers and cursing, and there was the crisp sound of breaking wine glasses from time to time.

"I like here!"

Thor's blood boiled, and somehow he felt like he was back in Asgard.

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