End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 816 She Is Your Sister

In the center of the arena, Hela held a sword in each hand and fought fiercely with a Valkyrie. If it was said to be a fight, it was really a fight.

Recruiting and killing, leaving no room for it.

Back then, under the order of Odin, the Valkyrie Legion conquered Hela Odinson, the leader of the rebel army and the first heir to the throne of Asgard, and a battle broke out between the two sides in the dimension of hell.

The result is that the Valkyrie Legion is wiped out, the body dies, and the soul is imprisoned in the dimension of hell.

Hela won a big victory, but the result was not much better. He was sealed by Odin in the hell dimension and removed from Asgard. There is no difference between being alive and dead.

The Valkyrie Legion has a lot of resentment towards Hela, Odin, and Asgard. They can't swallow their breath, and they are not convinced even after death. After death, their souls have been revived many times, and they have fought endlessly with Hela in the dimension of hell.

Hela's resentment was not much worse than theirs, and she was exiled as a result of being a king. She vented all her hatred for Odin and Asgard on the Valkyrie Legion.

The two sides fought repeatedly in the hell dimension, and the deep hatred lasted for fifteen hundred years.

Generally speaking, Hela has won consecutive victories. According to the average value, every Valkyrie has been killed by Hela hundreds of times, and the soul is blank. Only the legion commander Uld still maintains himself consciousness.

As the saying goes, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

Feng shui is a thing that turns around in turn, and you can't accept it.

The Hell Dimension was annexed by the Dark Dimension, and the Valkyrie Legion, which was looked down upon by Hela, turned over and changed the shotgun. The commander of the legion, Uld, became an administrator, and Hela was pressed and rubbed on the ground.

Of course, the Valkyries also have their own pride. After Uld sealed Hela's power and staged a farce where more than a thousand people fought and chased Hela, they were not satisfied with the status quo and decided to fight for honor. Fight and challenge Hela one by one.

As the number one player in the arena and also the top card, Hela's hatred is full, her business is very busy, and she is called by a hundred people every day.

But the strong is the strong, as long as Uld doesn't use the modifier of the authority dog, any Valkyrie singled out against Hela is a dish.

Missing arms and legs is a basic operation, and most of them were beheaded by Hela.

Because he is in the dark dimension, he is a hero after taking a dip in the resurrection spring, so the challenge competition has intensified, and there is a hidden tendency to develop into a league.


The two long swords collided, and the Valkyrie held the sword with both hands and pressed down vigorously. Hela held the sword with one hand, lowered her shoulder, and shot out like a poisonous snake with her free other hand.

The moment the sword was drawn, the air flow tore apart, making a rushing sound like a whistling sound.

The Valkyrie's heart tightened, and she hastily withdrew her sword to block. After a crisp sound, the long sword in her hand was bent, and she felt her arm was gone.

She quickly got up, dropped the bent iron sword in her hand, took the warhammer from the weapon rack beside her, and swung it heavily at the oncoming Hela.

Boom! !

The strong wind roared, and the air flow twisted into several strands, whipping out in all directions.

The Valkyrie's chest was full of energy and blood, and she was beaten back again and again with the heavy weapon in her hand. Every time she took a step back, there was an extra footprint under her feet.

The blood in the body was boiling and flowing, and the Valkyrie's eyes were red, watching Hela rushing at high speed, ignoring the sharp sword piercing her chest, she raised her hammer and smashed it on the top of Hela's head, ready to die with her.

The corner of Hela's mouth hooked slightly,

Showing a dismissive sneer, the sprinting figure stopped suddenly, his hands were interlaced, and two sharp swords were swung out like scissors.

In the next second, the Valkyrie's hands above her head broke, and was taken away from the original place by the momentum carried by the heavy hammer, flying high into the air.

Before the screams came out, the Valkyrie only felt a flash of white light in front of her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the world was spinning in front of my eyes, and the last scene before losing consciousness was Hela standing in front of a headless corpse with missing hands.

Hot blood shot out from the broken neck, and Hela's fair and delicate face was stained with red blood spots. With a cold snort, she raised her foot and kicked down the corpse standing beside her.


Hela put the two long swords upside down on the ground, folded her arms and waited for the next challenger.

Although the situation is stronger than people, if you are too arrogant, your power will be sealed by the authority dog, and then you will be beaten by more than a thousand people, but the princess's arrogance will not change. The authority dog ​​can smash her knees, and there is no way to make her let go of her pride.

On the sidelines, in the auditorium like the Colosseum, boos were loud, and nearly a thousand spectators raised their fingers, exhaled fragrance, searched for friendly greetings in their stomachs, and sent them to the defiant Hela.

For a while, wine bottles, snacks, and shoes were flying all over the sky. If you look carefully, you will find briefs.

After all, they are Valkyries. The top legions who followed Odin in various fields 1,500 years ago were all ruthless people who killed people without batting an eyelid. If you expect them to hook up with ladies, it is better to expect Hela to reform and become gentle and polite.


Hela got a chicken bone on her forehead and rushed into the auditorium in a rage.

It was lively now, a small-scale brawl swept through half the auditorium, and more than 300 energetic female men broke into a ball.

When it came to alcohol, they didn't care who their opponent was, they grabbed a head nearby and swung a wine bottle over.

There is no other meaning, just to match the atmosphere.

Scolding, scolding, wine bottles touching foreheads were heard endlessly, and underwear was thrown into the sky from time to time. The battle was very tragic.


Because the picture was unsightly, Thor, who was watching from a distance, covered his eyes and dared not look at it. He might have been frightened, and he forgot to close his fingers together in shock, revealing his round eyes.

Not at all frank!

Russell swept across the audience in an upright manner, despising the shameless Thor in his heart, and don't look at it if he doesn't want to, and stretched out his hand to help him block his sight.


The sight in front of him was blocked, and Thor remembered that he was a person of status, and he clenched his fist and coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

"Russell, I like it here!"

Who is not!

Russell agrees, although the style of painting is a bit off, and it is completely two extremes with the imaginary white gauze fairy, but he does not intend to intervene. The Valkyries have been angry for 1,500 years, and their violent tendencies are very real.

"Speaking of which, isn't this really Asgard?"

Thor pointed to the arena. From head to toe, the Valkyries, whether in dress style or behavior, are replicas of Asgard. Even the yelling and scolding are full of Asgard's inner taste.

This sour feeling, as if back home!

"Not Asgardian, but they used to be Asgardians..."

Russell frowned, grinning and said, "They are the Valkyrie Legion, you should have heard of this name."

"What! Are they Valkyries?"

Thor's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable, and he stammered, "But...but...since she's a Valkyrie, why isn't she in Asgard?"

"The current Valkyrie Legion no longer belongs to Asgard. They work for me. Don't be surprised. Your father Odin knows this very well."

"No way!?"

Thor was dumbfounded: "Father would actually give you the Valkyrie Legion, even if you are the supreme mage, even if we have a good relationship, this... how is this possible..."

Russell shrugged: "Nothing is impossible. The Valkyrie Legion no longer wants to serve Asgard. It's that simple."

Thor frowned, scratched his long blond hair with his hands, and said strangely after a while: "Russell, tell me the truth, is there some ulterior deal between you and my father?"

"Don't think about it, there is no deal, it is really the Valkyrie's own choice."

Just as Russell was talking, Uld, the commander of the legion, came quickly, and beside her were her two generals, Shikoti and Verdandy.

Three long-haired beauties came hand in hand, their white dresses and skirts fluttering, the picture was pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately, what they brought was not the smell of fragrance, but the smell of alcohol.

"My lord!"

The three women knelt down on one knee, and Uld felt uneasy. She sensed that the moment Russell entered the dark dimension, she secretly thought that something was wrong.

The unrestrained behavior of the Valkyries is unrestrained, which will definitely cause Russell's dissatisfaction, but she dare not use the authority to modify it. After all, it is useless to change it. Russell is the master of the dark dimension, and his every move can't be hidden from his eyes.

"My lord, the legion has been training. Today...today is a vacation, so..." Uld groaned secretly, and only asked Russell to punish him less severely.

"It's okay, as long as you are happy, I personally don't mind."

When Russell opened his mouth to speak, the Valkyries around him sensed his presence, and the dark power in their bodies made them surrender from the bottom of their hearts. They knelt down on one knee and offered their highest respect.

For a moment, there were only three people standing in the arena, Russell, Thor, and Hela who was looking for shoes.

The audience knelt down, and when Hela saw the outstanding Russell, it was like seeing the killing of his father... No, it was the same as seeing the killing of his own enemy. He didn't care about the missing shoes, picked up the wine bottle beside him, smashed it, and drank angrily. Come galloping with a sound.

(?ε(# ̄((☆??( ̄dish ̄?)

Without Russell's hands, Uld slapped it in the air, and Hela turned around in the air, and after landing, her limbs were stuck to the ground and could not move.

"Russell, who is that? Is she also a Valkyrie?" Thor asked doubtfully, pointing at Hela.

Russell had a half-smile: "No, she is a captive, an exiled prisoner from Asgard, and your father asked me to take care of her."

Odin, the god king, handed over the criminal to the Supreme Mage. After thinking about it for a while, Thor knew that Hela's identity must not be simple. Germany has a prison!"

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it!"

"Then I said she is your sister, do you believe me?"

"Don't be funny, do I look easy to deceive?"

Thor was happy when he heard it: "Even if it's a lie, find a more reliable statement. Loki stopped using this kind of lie when he was six years old."

Russell was also happy: "She is really your sister, her own sister, named Hella Odinson, the first in line to the throne, believe it or not."

"Impossible. If I have a sister, can my father not tell me?"

Thor smiled happily, expressing that Russell's joke was good. Next to him, the eyes of the three daughters of Uld narrowed slightly. Hela's younger brother...

equal to the son of Odin.

No, looking at Thor's stupid appearance, he should be called Odin's stupid son!

Silly son good!

For a moment, the three Urd women had an idea in their hearts!

Because they didn't know what Russell meant, the three women kept their unfriendly thoughts in their hearts, their expressions remained unchanged and they looked forward to it, hoping that Russell would also have ideas.

If they think the same, even if Russell is not the master of the Valkyrie Legion, they are willing to serve.

Thor didn't know that he was surrounded, chatting and laughing with Russell, looking at the mighty Valkyrie Legion, he was very proud.

As expected of the ace legion from Asgard, all of them are murderous, and they look very powerful.


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