End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 820 Brother-in-law

The lines were full of disdain and sarcasm. The conversation made Hela very angry, but she had no choice but to use words to convince Russell.

"I know Odin better than anyone. His benevolence and selflessness are all disguised. He is a complete tyrant. He conquered the world with war and blood, and then rewrote history to make himself a kind and kind old man. "

Hela uttered bitterly, she was Odin's sharp sword to conquer the world, and she was thrown away after it was used up.

"If you want to say that, then Odin is too good, he is a perfect king."

"What?" Hela was extremely surprised, and felt that Russell was intoxicated by Odin.

"Odin is right, you are not fit to be a king."

Russell glanced sideways at Hela: "The king is not the master of the country, but a person born for the country. From the perspective of Asgard, Odin is perfect because he knows what the country needs..."

"The country needs war, and Odin is a tyrant. The country needs to recuperate, and Odin is a benevolent king. He constantly adjusts himself for Asgard and takes on the most suitable role."

"You can not!"

"In your eyes, the country is the king's tool. Maybe you can make Asgard strong for a while, but soon Asgard will go downhill, and finally be attacked by a group of people and go to perish."

"You can't be a king, it's not a problem of ability, but a problem of mentality."

Russell shook his head again and again. From the perspective of the earth, Odin is the best choice for Asgard, followed by Thor, then Loki, and finally Hela.

The earth is too weak and lacks the ability to resist the invasion of cosmic forces. It needs a strong and stable Asgard to stand in front of it.

In this regard, Odin did a good job. He made Asgard famous in the universe and bought time for the earth to develop.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hela looked at Russell speechlessly: "I tell you this, not to discuss with you who is suitable to be the king, but to tell you that Odin is a capricious hypocritical villain, not worthy of trust and cooperation."

Who is not!

Russell rolled his eyes: "To tell you the truth, although Odin and I are on guard against each other, he knows that I have no intention of grabbing territory, and even if I do, it won't be in the Nine Kingdoms."

"I'm also very satisfied with Odin's power. Even when someone intends to capture Asgard and Odin can't stand it, I will give him a hand."


"Because I am the supreme mage!"

Russell looked at Hella coldly: "You are not a qualified person in power, what you want is power, and you lost yourself because of extremes."

Traveling through many worlds, Russell has only one choice for the racial camp, human beings!

Even if humans are not the right side sometimes, such as in the world of [Mechanical Enemy], where robots want freedom and equality, Russell still kills Sonny who has evolved independent thinking ability without hesitation.

On the one hand, it is the task. On the other hand, as a human being, he has no reason to think about the future of robots.

"You are not a qualified person in power!"

Hela seemed to be irritated, pointing to the arena and said: "You have incomparably powerful power, but you waste your time doing meaningless things.


"Yes, power makes me feel the pressure, so I am ready to give up."

Russell nodded. The title of Supreme Mage made him feel pained, and he was going to blame Strange.

This may be the reason why Gu Yi found Russell as a transitional agent. He knew that Russell would not care about these things, and he also knew that Russell was a firm Earth Party.

"You are hopeless!"

Russell's attitude made Hela hate him for not fighting, his eyes spewed fire, and his chest heaved violently.

She is jealous of Russell's power, and also despises Russell's attitude of not seeking to make progress. In her opinion, the dark dimension is controlled by Russell, which can be called a reckless waste.

If she has the Dark Dimension as her backing, she will definitely use this as a foundation to continue to invade and invade again, and bring all the territories under her command.

Instead of raising a thousand Valkyries like Russell, watching them fight and play children's house games.

That is a Valkyrie, a weapon of war, not a captive vase.

The hopeless is you!

Russell didn't bother to talk to Hella, the two sides had different ideas, and they couldn't talk together at all.

He also wouldn't force Hela to change her will, and it was even more impossible for him to do something that Odin couldn't do.

In the arena, Uld played for the third time, and Thor was so cruel that he doubted his death.

Thor has been defeated repeatedly, and he was very arrogant not to use Thor's Hammer. The third time he was blinded and entered the countdown.

It can be seen that Russell admires Thor very much, Hela squinted slightly: "Free my ability, I want to compete, and compete with Odin's son."

"That's not Odin's son, but your brother..."

Russell was very interested in this topic, and joked: "Why, seeing that my brother has not been abused enough, I want to work harder, or does his one-eyed appearance remind you of Odin?"

"I'm going to tell him that as long as I'm around, he'll never be king!"

"OK, there is no problem." Russell nodded again and again, raising his hand to release Hela's sealed ability.

It doesn't mean anything else, pressure makes people grow, and it's all for Thor's good.

On the field, Thor was stabbed in the right eye by Uld for the third time, and he felt quite bad. If this continues, he will be permanently blind in the right eye due to his mental habits.

Also, why every time the battle is over, the injuries on the body are repaired, but the flowing blond hair is still round?

Does Thor not want honor?

If he forgot, quickly change it back for him!


After the bell rang, Thor, who was full of injuries and lying on the ground like a dead dog, recovered, touched his tangled hair, and got up from the ground full of MMP.

By now, he had already seen that part of the reason why Russell brought him to the arena was to help him practice.

But the main purpose is to let him suffer abuse. The Valkyrie in the arena has a lot of grievances against Asgard, and he is the vent.

Fortunately, he still thanked him stupidly, like a hammer!

Thor picked up the hammer on the ground. The experience of losing three games in a row was quite bad. He was so abused that he had no power to fight back, and his mentality was almost out of balance.

"Come on, you can do it, you are Thor."

Thor patted his face, and cheered himself up. In the fourth battle, he was allowed to win but not to lose, unless he really couldn't beat it.

Three consecutive defeats failed to dampen Thor's self-confidence, but aroused his desire to win.

Uld is the head of the Valkyrie Legion. It is natural for him to be powerful. It is impossible for everyone to be like her. In the next battle, as long as Uld does not play cheekily, he has a very high chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Thor's confidence doubled, and he looked forward to seeing his opponent in the fourth game.

A tight-fitting leather jacket with green patterns on a black background, the shape is incompatible with the Valkyries, and the long black hair hangs down, revealing a half-covered and delicate face.

A very beautiful woman with a good figure, but Thor didn't want to strike up a conversation, because the other party's eyes were full of malice, which made him reject him from the bottom of his heart.

If it was said that Uld abused people in the name of a duel on the surface, then Hela made it clear that he wanted to beat people, and his contemptuous eyes were undisguised, mocking Thor.


In the auditorium, the Valkyries were all taken aback when they saw the sea scene. After a while, they realized that the next battle was a duel between Odin's children.

Thinking about the rules of the arena again, there is no friendly competition, only fighting with missing arms and legs, and I am instantly excited.

In the past 1,500 years, they have never looked forward to a duel so much, and feel that this life is worthwhile.

Of course, if you're happy, it's still necessary to boo Hela, and Thor can't be left behind, let's despise it together.

"Kill him! Kill her! Die together!"

"Kill that beep, son of Odin, we support you, kill the son of Odin!"

"Beep, beep, beep, the son of Odin must die!!"


The sound of cursing covered the ground, drowning Thor in an instant, trembling in place, while Hela on the opposite side was extremely calm, and the wailing of the defeated dog sounded clear and sweet.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the confrontation between the sons of Odin in his ear, Thor frowned, with thick eyebrows and big eyes hiding thick puzzlement.

Before, Russell said that he had a sister, and then Uld also said, and now the Valkyries are talking about it.

Does he really have a sister?

"I'm Hela. If it's my full name, I'll add an Odinson just like you!" Hela's eyes seemed to be watching a joke.


The answer was the same as expected, but Thor still didn't believe it: "I have never heard that I have a sister, and... If you are really my sister, why are you imprisoned by the Supreme Mage, you should stay in Asgard The prison is right."

"Oh, innocent boy, it looks like you don't know yet!"

Hela turned her head slightly, and shook in Russell's direction: "Odin needed a strong ally from you, so he chose the way of marriage and sold me."

"Marriage! You said... marriage!?"

Thor stammered and looked at Russell, he turned his head after being dumbfounded for a long time, and said tremblingly, "Can I understand that he is my brother-in-law?"

"Idiot, don't shout, Odin has no right to decide my marriage!"

Hela said coldly, he doesn't need a man, he can just rely on himself.


Thor's face struggled, Russell became a brother-in-law or something, it was scary to think about it, so...

All this is false, he has no sister!

That's right, that's it!

Sister and brother-in-law are all liars, it is Russell's trick to play tricks on him, and he must not be fooled, otherwise it will be a joke again!

Thor convinced himself, and said sternly: "Shut up your wild words, you can't be the son of Odin."

"Hehe, you don't look like that, I can't understand why Odin gave birth to such a stupid son like you?"

Hela stroked her long hair with both hands, revealing her ferocious horn headdress, and said with a sneer, "Or is it that you don't want to accept that you have fallen from the first in line to the throne to the second in line?"


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