End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 821 After all, it is a hammer

Thor clenched the hammer tightly. As a talented and experienced fighter, he sensed the pressure from Hela.

A tough opponent, probably even stronger than Uld.

"I don't know if you are my sister. If you are, I probably understand why my father exiled you."

Thor turned on the talk mode: "I have never seen a crown prince who would talk about the succession to the throne. Your ambition is obvious. If you become king, it must be a disaster for Asgard."

Since Thor said so, he probably believed that Hela was his sister, but the choice of brother-in-law was too exciting, so he rejected the cruel truth.

Haila sneered: "Anyone can say good things. You say that I talk about the throne and I am an ambitious person. What about you, don't say you have no interest in the throne?"


Thor winked: "You may not believe it, I was also exiled because I didn't want to be a king."

"..." x2

After a moment of silence, Hela was furious: "Asshole, are you humiliating me?"

"No, I'm serious, I know I'm not king material."

Thor shook his head again and again, and said sincerely: "I think Loki is better than me. He handles government affairs very well, and I will only make everything worse."

"Who is that, Odin's new son?"

Hela curled her lips in disdain: "When I was locked up, the old guy had a beard. He is really hardworking."


This is not easy to answer, Thor remained silent, as if he didn't hear it.

"You bastard, don't be in a daze, come up and die!"

Hela hooked her fingers: "I don't care if you want to be king or not, but you are in the way, oh, and that guy named Loki, I will kill you all when I get out from here."

Thor was furious when he heard this: "You are not worthy to be the son of Odin, and Loki is your younger brother."

Hela was disdainful, raised the corners of her mouth and said with a sinister smile: "So what, the struggle for the throne is so cruel, no blood is thicker than water, we are all poisonous snakes and beasts bred by Odin, the one that kills our brothers and sisters...is the king .”


Thor clenched his teeth angrily, and the words popped out from between his teeth: "You really suck!"

"You are so stupid!"

Hela snorted coldly. The more she looked at Thor, the more she felt disgusted. She threw a black sword and pierced Thor's right eye socket.


Thor raised the hammer in his hand to block, and it was a blessing in disguise. The shadow created by Uld kept him on high alert at all times, strictly guarding against attacks aimed at his right eye.

The sharp sword edge pierced into the hammer, and Thor was driven by the momentum, and his feet plowed the ground back more than ten meters.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came from the hammer. He missed it for a moment, and the hammer came out of his hand and was held by Hela.

Hela can use magic to continuously create weapons, which are extremely sharp, and they are still under her control after they are released, which is a very suitable ability for fighting on the battlefield.

In the previous battle, Uld used authority to seal off Hela's magical energy, retaining only her physical fitness and combat experience.

After Russell unblocked,

She is one step closer to her heyday, and her strongest state is in Asgard, where she has certain authority and endless magic power.

Similar to rising from an rmb player to a hacker player, Thor can't beat even one.

Hela held the hammer and swung her sword to cut it off. Looking at the unarmed Thor, she raised her hand and shot out two sharp swords.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Thor rolled away like a lazy donkey, and the sound of breaking the air brushed past him. He only felt a burning pain in his shoulder, and when he raised his hand, it was bright red.

Grinning his teeth, he ran towards the weapon rack by the side of the arena, dodging and moving all the way, avoiding the black weapon stabbing from behind.

Hela is not in a hurry to kill Thor, the difference in strength between the two is too great, Thor is not an opponent at all, and she is not on the stage to kill Thor.

In the Dark Dimension, only Russell can decide whether a person lives or dies.

Therefore, she came on stage to meet Thor, firstly to introduce herself, and secondly to declare the ownership of the throne, so that Thor died of that heart as soon as possible.

A pair of sharp swords passed by with a howling that tore through the air, forcing Thor to dodge in embarrassment. The boos in the audience made him feel ashamed like a knife. He promised that he would never fail the fourth time. , the result was the situation of being hanged and beaten again.

Thor is very puzzled, why are these women more powerful than one?

The weapon rack in front was scattered by the sharp blade, and Thor felt a chill in his heart. When he sensed the attack behind him, he swooped over and rolled over to pick up a spear.

It's not the hammer he likes, but Thor has no choice, Hela has come to him with a sword.

During the whistling, Hila raised his sword upwards and slashed at Thor's chest obliquely. The attack was fierce, leaving no room for Thor to dodge.

Thor gritted his teeth, and set up the spear with both hands to block. Unsurprisingly, the spear was cut in half, as fragile as paper.

The sword edge slashed across his chest, and a thick bloody smell filled Thor's mouth and nose. His eyes blazed fiercely, and he swung the broken spear tip towards Hela with pain.

Hela didn't move in place, she turned her head slightly to dodge, the horns of the hair ornament on the top of her head were cut off several times, but they were repaired as new in an instant.


The sharp sword pierced through Thor's chest, and Hela raised her hand to grab Thor's neck and held it up high: "I'm so disappointed. Even a blind person can see the straight and childish fight. Hehe, if it's Odin You, then he is really blind."


Thor plunged the broken spear into Hela's chest, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth: "Your...so much nonsense..."

"Because you are too weak."

Hela pressed Thor's hand and pulled out the broken spear from her chest. The wound healed instantly, and there was not even a hole in the leather armor.

Without entering Asgard, Hela's self-healing ability is roughly the same as Thor's. The magic power is not enough to support her to complete rapid self-healing. The reason why Hela can do it is that Russell nodded in agreement.

Russell: Don't ask, it means that Thor needs pressure!

boom! !

Hela threw Thor into the air, and before he landed, he raised his foot and kicked him flying more than ten meters, and the whole thing embedded in the stone wall.

The red blood mist sprayed thinly, and in the splash of gravel, it floated into the air together with the dust.

Seeing Thor who was almost unconscious, Hela curled her lips and manually confirmed that he was a younger brother who was no threat to her throne.

The moment she turned around, thunder rolled in the sky, and Thor's Hammer, which was suspended in the air by Russell, suddenly fell and went straight to Thor.


The thunder roared and exploded, and the arc spread across half of the arena like branches. Hela raised her hand to block the glare of the glare, and ignored the thunder and lightning walking beside her.

The white light subsided, and Thor was resurrected with full blood holding Thor's Hammer, and changed into a skin with a red cloak.

He broke his promise and used Thor's Hammer after all.

But he doesn't regret it, Hela is different from Uld, one is an opponent worth challenging, and the other is an enemy that must be defeated.

For Asgard!

Thor muttered in his heart, waving Thor's Hammer to trigger a thunderstorm, surprised to find that Hela was unharmed, he threw Thor's Hammer away with all his strength...

Did not throw it out!

The moment he let go, he was pulled back.

Intuition told Thor that as long as he dared to throw the hammer, Hela would dare to catch it, and then double staged the scene where the hammer ran away with the person.

In the auditorium, Russell felt lost, and slapped Uld's thigh with a slap. He was very disappointed that he didn't see the famous scene.

Uld: "..."

As a considerate subordinate, Ould believed that Russell's move must have deep meaning.

She analyzed it calmly and found that the answer was terrible, so she gave up thinking about it and pretended it never happened.

"Oh, Thor's Hammer, I used that thing."

Thor: "..."

Divide~( ̄ ̄~=つ ̄ ̄)つ扣

Thor heard the words and fell into the separation of the wall. As expected, the hammer betrayed him again.

But thinking about it, if Hela had used Thor's Hammer, then he was the latecomer. The hammer did not betray him, but Hela.

Thinking about it this way, my mood suddenly changed for the better.

"Later, I felt that this broken hammer was not useful, so I threw it away. It seems that Odin used it as a waste and left it to you."


Thor is struck by lightning, behind every goddess, there is something...

He was depressed, and felt that the hammer in his hand was extremely hot. For the first time in his life, he had such a strong emotion that he didn't need the hammer.

"I used to be Odin's executioner. On the road of conquest, I carried out his will. Thor's Hammer is the weapon of execution."

Hela looked at Thor's Hammer in Thor's hand, finished her memories, and shook her head slightly: "This is too stupid, after all, it's a hammer, and it doesn't shake at all during execution."


Thor swung his hammer sharply, and pointed at Hela from a distance: "I already believe that you are my sister, the first in line to the throne. I know what you are dissatisfied with, it's nothing more than the throne."

"That's all? Kid, what do you take the throne for?"

"My sister, I should be the one to say this. What do you take the throne for?"

Thor despised from the bottom of his heart: "I thought I was bad enough as the crown prince, but I didn't expect there to be worse. Your mind is war and killing, and you don't deserve to be the king of Asgard."


Hela didn't speak, and condensed a black long sword in anger, and rushed towards Thor.

In the auditorium, Russell fell into thinking, always feeling that something was wrong.

After a while, he suddenly realized that Hela and Thor had a heated discussion about the ownership of the throne, but...what's the hurry, isn't Odin dead yet!

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