End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 864 The Invincible Uncle Tun is Coming Soon

Looking down on the earth from the deep space, standing on top of countless sentient beings, the height is unbearably cold, but looking at the vast universe again, there is a sense of small frustration.

Life is like this, when you reach the end, you realize that you have just come to a new starting point, and there is still a long, long way ahead.

Supergirl stood quietly beside Russell, hoping that this moment of stillness would become eternity, so that the two could be together forever.

Russell looked at the deep space universe, raised his hand and summoned a dark javelin, and threw it hard into the distance.

The black light left the hand, spanned an infinite distance in an instant, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, telepathy established a dialogue channel with Superwoman, and the latter sensed his call, gave up resistance unconditionally, and opened up to him together with the spiritual world.

"Russell, haven't you detected the edge of the enchantment yet?"

"No, the Javelin has flown to the orbit of Mars..."

Russell waited for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Here, the edge of the enchantment is near the orbit of Jupiter. Judging from the corresponding hexagonal enchantment pattern, the earth is the center of this plot."

"The whole earth?"

"Technically, the main plot is in New York, after all, that's where we came out."

Russell deduced the answer. The main god dropped the reincarnation in New York and directly pointed out the mission center. However, he and Superwoman were too strong and capable of thinking more, so they insisted on exploring the specific scope of the enchantment.

Supergirl nodded: "Let's go, let's go to New York, the plot should have started, there will be many clues."

"Would you like to give it another shot?"

"There's no need to compare, your speed is faster." The superwoman directly conceded.


Russell was speechless, always feeling that the literal sounded like a pun, reflecting something.

The two landed from deep space, penetrated the atmosphere and drew two fire-colored tail fins, pointing directly at the North American continental plate.

Just as the two were falling rapidly, a rocket flew out from the ground at an extremely fast speed, and its target was the two oncoming people.

Russell flapped her wings to stop her body, and waved her hands to disperse the scorching air waves around her. At the same time, the superwoman slammed to a stop, her eyes fixed on the flames galloping below.

It's not a missile, and its flight trajectory is flexible. In terms of size, it seems to be a human being.

"It's not magic, it's superpowers, it's a bit like the background of a superhero's world..."

Russell's eyes turned black, and he looked at the flames in human form. Compared with some superheroes and villains he was familiar with, he had a few rough guesses.

boom! ! !

The hot wind blows, and the humanoid flame freezes in the air, keeping a certain safe distance and confronting Russell.

"You two, welcome to Earth. Can you tell me whether you are applying for a work visa or a tourist visa?"

The flame man also looked at the two of Russell, and was amazed after seeing the golden armor on Supergirl, and then pointed to the three pairs of black wings on Russell's back: "Sorry, your appearance is too scary, if your work visa says Spread the faith, then please leave immediately, the earth does not welcome you."

"Russell, he's the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four."

Superwoman found the eye-catching ④-shaped mark on the flame man's chest, and immediately confirmed the other party's identity.

"I can see it, but some people are Human Torch on the surface, but they are still Captain America behind their backs!"

Russell returned the sound transmission, looked at Human Torch's facial features, and found that his face was the original version of the movie, that is, Captain America without further chest muscles.

A little disappointed, his face is not the same as that of Captain Hydra, who is positioned in the Marvel world, and his buttocks are shriveled, and his happiness shrinks instantly.

Russell throws out an actor stalk, but Supergirl won't pick it up, and said bluntly: "What should I do now, ignore it, or build trust with the Fantastic Four along the line of Human Torch?"

Under normal circumstances, when Superwoman performs tasks, she will choose to join forces with the positive characters in the original plot.

It's not going to work now, Russell's outfit is seriously unconvincing, throw him into the Fantastic Four, and he can fight immediately.

Don't ask, if you ask, you don't look like a good person!

"Try to see his level,

If the strength is acceptable, we will join forces with the Fantastic Four. If not, we will hide behind the scenes and reappear at critical moments. "

Russell's usual style.


The superwoman's eyes froze, and the invisible momentum put pressure on Thunderbolt.

Sensing Superwoman's bad intentions, Human Torch screamed, and pushed forward with both hands, and the high-temperature flames that were ready to go out vented out.

The red wave spread down and split into two in mid-air, one rolled towards Russell, and the other went straight to Superwoman.

The flames were blazing, the air was distorted by the high temperature, and the scorching waves were like magma.

As far as momentum is concerned, Human Torch's attack destructive power is very good, but it depends on who the opponent is. For ordinary superhero villains, this attack is very tricky, but it is not so good for Superwoman and the master of the dark dimension. The table is up.

boom! !

Superwoman raised her hand and rolled up a hurricane, overturning the incoming wave of flames, causing it to return at an accelerated pace according to the route it came from, covering Thunderbolt's face overwhelmingly.

"Damn it!"

Human Torch complained, spurted flames from both legs, and accelerated towards the Superwoman.

According to religious mythology, he felt that Russell was more dangerous, so he picked a soft persimmon to collect intelligence first.

The hot wind was blowing, and the superwoman turned a blind eye to it. When the Human Torch approached, she punched out suddenly. The front of the fist squeezed the air, forming a strong shock wave, which scattered the flames on the surface of the Human Torch, and then added a hot gaze.

After a muffled sound, Human Torch fell straight from mid-air, and the speed of free fall became faster and faster.

"You killed him?"

"No, he's playing dead."

Hearing Supergirl's reply, Russell shook his head slightly. It would definitely not be the case if it were Captain America. The latter not only has an iron shield, but also has an iron head, and can spend a day with Supergirl.

The superwoman fell in the air and accelerated towards the Human Torch, who was pretending to be dead. The latter sensed the sound of breaking through the air, and immediately came back to life, spraying flames from her legs, and fled towards the surface.

In just three seconds, he was overtaken by the superwoman, who grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him in the air.

The Fantastic Four took a spaceship into space to perform missions, encountered a strong ray storm during the voyage, changed the DNA in their bodies, and each gained different superpowers.

But in essence, they still belong to human beings, whether it is Human Torch or Stone Man, they are not elemental creatures.

The flames attached to the golden battle armor, and the Human Torch was unwilling to sit still, intending to burn to create high temperatures, forcing the Supergirl to let go.

The effect is mediocre, even the high-temperature lava from the fire dragon can't hurt the superwoman's steel body, not to mention the golden armor on her body.

The Superwoman lifted the Torch's neck and punched it in the abdomen, blocking the attack of the condensed flames, and then opened her mouth to spit out a frozen breath, freezing the flaming Torch into ice.

The battle ended quickly, Human Torch was worthy of his Captain America face, the whole process was 50-50, and he only lost by one move.

Being beaten all the way is indeed evenly matched!

"What to do with him?"

"How about taking him for a penny?"


The superwoman didn't speak, and silently rejected the proposal of kidnapping and blackmailing.

"Then throw it back to New York, be careful, don't break it."


Half an hour later, the other three members of the Fantastic Four found the sculpture-like Human Torch in New York's Central Park.

The latter was surrounded by strong crowds, and it was regarded as a tourist attraction, attracting a large number of tourists to take pictures.

Naturally, the police were one step slower, and the reporter was one step faster. By the time the three arrived, the news media all over New York had gained content to their heart's content.

"Is he really Human Torch? Why is the flame frozen?"

"Just now a golden light flashed, and he appeared. No one knows exactly what happened."

"Frozen flames look cool!"

The Fantastic Four is a superhero team active in the United States. Its base is in Manhattan, New York. Because all members disclose their identities, everyone knows who they are. It can be said that they are very close to the people.

The advantage is that because they do not cover their heads, they have a high voice among the people and are deeply trusted by the American people.

The downside is that the transparent and open identities expose the four of them to the public eye, and every bit of life is being watched all the time. If there is a slight disturbance, such as the invisible woman running away again, it will become a topic after dinner and social media. Favorite source of news material.

Just like this time, the Human Torch was frozen into ice cubes and placed in Central Park. It was broadcast live on the evening news that day and sparked heated discussions.

People are very curious, who made the Human Torch like this, is it his own death, or is it an unknown powerful enemy?

"He's in the headlines!"

In the presidential suite, Superwoman switched TV channels, and the same content was broadcast on the news.

Russell didn't reply. He searched the Internet for recent important news on his laptop, and soon he found the information he wanted.

A sudden blizzard fell in Egypt, and ice covered the pyramids; the neon ocean fishery was frozen, fishing boats could not catch dolphins, and animal protection organizations cheered...

According to expert analysis, the abnormal climate change has been ruled out to be caused by global warming, and the cause is initially identified as active submarine volcanoes.

Netizens left a message, rather than trusting experts, it is better to believe that this is God's will, and the apocalypse is coming.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, the plot of [Fantastic Four] 2, the main boss is Silver Surfer, and his superior leader Galactus!"

Russell stroked his chin. The invincible Uncle Tun was about to appear. He was a little excited when he thought about it. After all, he was as famous as the Flash, so it was of great significance.

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