End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 865 How Superheroes Face Claims

[Fantastic Four 2] is a blockbuster movie, the kind that went to grandma's house, it failed both at the box office and word of mouth, it's a veritable bad movie.

Of course, the first one wasn't very good either.

It seems to be lively, and the big scene is also very gimmicky, but after watching it, I think back and say hello, what the hell did I just watch?

Thinking about it carefully, the most impressive thing is actually the invisible girl Susan's coquettishness.

so terrible!

If the selling point that attracts the audience is the invisible woman, then it is better to go to "Sin City", where the invisible woman is more attractive.

But then again, if you really watched "Sin City", who would care about the Invisible Woman, and all ran to see Venus Broken Arm.

A femme fatale needs to have acting skills and a good figure. Her captivating eyes can really kill people. When she was a witch, she even turned Captain Jack into a vampire.


"What are you thinking?"

Superwoman frowned, and slapped Russell on the shoulder.

"I'm thinking about surfboards and swallowing stars, try to analyze their strength."

Russell's face remained unchanged, and he answered calmly: "I won't say much about the strength of Tun Xing. Even in a state of hunger, his strength is very strong. The key is Silver Surfer. If the main god raises the difficulty level against the two of us, the greatest possibility Start with him."

Supergirl nodded when she heard the words, and added: "You also missed a villain. In the plot, Doctor Doom appeared many times and stole Silver Surfer's surfboard. It is more likely that the Lord God will strengthen him."

"That's true..."

Doctor Doom, God Lord Dum, is one of the top super villains in Marvel. His most glorious moment is to seize the power beyond the Protoss and become a strong man close to the omnipotent universe level.

At that time, he was omnipotent. He instantly killed Cyclops who had part of the power of the Phoenix, easily defeated the Black Panther with Infinity Gauntlets, and tore Thanos with his hands.

Taking into account both the god of creation and the omnipotent ruler, he took different parts of the multiverse and pieced them together to form a new universe.

Russell knew in his heart that the main god really wanted to do this, and it would be useless to tie all the reincarnated people together, so Dr. Doom might be used by the main god to increase the difficulty,

But its strength will never be stronger than swallowing stars.

The face of the Boss of the bottom pass still needs to be given, after all, he is the invincible Uncle Tun, so he can't just take a box as soon as he comes out.

"By the way, do you know anything about Silver Surfer and Swallowing Star?"

"You asked the right person. I know the plot characters in the background of the Marvel story very well, and I even bought comic books."

"Why only Marvel?" Supergirl asked suspiciously.

"It's not important, I'll give you a brief supplement of knowledge..."

Russell said a word, and told Supergirl about the origin of Silver Surfer and the relationship between him and Uncle Tun.

Silver Surfer, whose real name is XXX, was an astronomer on a planet in the outer galaxy, until one day, Galactus came to this planet.

Tunxing said that he was hungry, and this planet was very honored to be included in his menu, and he was about to start cooking.

Silver Surfer tried to negotiate with Tun Xing, begging Tun Xing to let go of his home planet, and willing to serve as a slave to find a suitable planet as food for him.

Tun Xing nodded in agreement, and gave Silver Shadowman the ability to control the energy of the universe. The moment Silver Shadowman gained the ability, Silver Shadowman became what he is now, and all memory, good and evil, and moral values ​​have disappeared.

Swallow Star ordered Silver Surfer to find a new planet for food, and since his memory was erased, the latter immediately pointed to his home planet, indicating that the planet was edible.

Tun Xing refused, and replied: "I made an agreement with a respectable person that this planet cannot be eaten."

In this way, the two established a master-servant relationship, and Silver Surfer became one of the countless servants who swallowed stars, looking for edible planets for them.

This story tells us that as long as you are not with your girlfriend, negotiation is really useful. From terrorists to Galactus, you can negotiate terms.

Doctor Strange: Exactly!

"Silver Surfer's ability is to use cosmic energy and express it in various ways, such as steel body, infinite lifespan, energy release, and flight, but his weakness is also very obvious. Without a surfboard, there is no endless cosmic energy."

Russell concluded: "So, there is no Silver Surfer at all, the surfboard is the body!"

"Let's not talk about swallowing stars, foodies, and Dr. Doom..."

"Doctor Doom in the comics is a master of both magic and magic. He doesn't have any superpowers. He strengthens himself through knowledge. His magic level can be compared with Doctor Strange, and his technological level can compete with Iron Man."

Russell's face was strange: "In the movie, he is quite watery. Together with the Fantastic Four, his DNA was changed by cosmic rays, and he can manipulate... er, lightning to attack."

"What happened to Lightning, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, I like Lightning very much."

While the two were talking, after the TV news broadcast about Human Torch's embarrassment, they began to tease about the wedding of the Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic. The host guessed that the invisible woman chose Mr. Fantastic as her life partner, perhaps because of his super power.

Rubber machine guns, rubber bazookas, etc...

The superwoman changed the channel speechlessly, and found that most of the TV programs were like this. After changing the channel, another host expressed his envy for the invisible woman, saying that she had dream-like superpowers.

Russell blinked his eyes in agreement. It is indeed a superpower that male compatriots dream of. He has a skill card of 'invisibility', which he has not been willing to use so far.

Supergirl turned off the boring TV: "The wedding of Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic is scheduled for two days later, and the Silver Surfer will appear in New York on that day. Should we wait for him to show up by himself, or find a way to find him?"

"Stay on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, don't be in a hurry..."

Russell glanced at Supergirl: "I promised to accompany you to buy clothes, how about now?"

Superwoman's eyes lit up, her heart warmed, and she manually wrote three million words to Russell.

Russell: 0 (??3っ)~(:3??[____]


On the other side, Johnny the Human Torch, who woke up from the frozen state, complained that today was his unlucky day, and he, who was best at dealing with women, was clearly arranged by a woman of unknown origin.

"I swear they must be aliens, really, aliens with superpowers."

Johnny had lingering fears, and described it with exaggerated body language: "At first I thought that the woman was not afraid of high temperatures because of the armor on her body, but the fire burned her body, and she didn't even curl her hair."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see if she looks like this?"

Mr. Fantastic Mr. Reed used a digital board to outline the avatar, and presented the face of a superwoman on the computer. After several revisions, it was 80% similar.

"That's right, I remember it very clearly, that's what it looks like."

Johnny nodded again and again: "Her eyes can release red hot rays, and her mouth can breathe out freezing cold air. Her strength is even more exaggerated than that of a stone man... It's terrible. If she has a boyfriend and dares to mess around outside, she will definitely be beaten to death on the spot. , no, flatten."

Russell: No, she will forgive me!

Beside, the invisible girl Susan and the stone man Ben rolled their eyes together when they heard the words. Anyone can say this, except Johnny, because he changes girlfriends faster than women change clothes.

The identities of the Fantastic Four were exposed to the public, and Johnny was the happiest. He used to find ways to pick up girls, but now the girls took the initiative to send them to his door for him to choose one by one.

It's no surprise that the Fantastic Four have far more exposure than A-list movie stars, and girls who want to be famous overnight will all go to Johnny.

"Then what about the other one, you said he is a fallen seraph with a dark face and only a pair of red eyes..."

Reed put down the electronic drawing board and said with a headache: "Your description makes me deeply disturbed. When I think of this kind of person hiding in a corner of the earth, or even New York, I feel dizzy."

Susan heard the words and reminded: "Remember, even if it is the end of the world, the wedding on Saturday must never be postponed again."

"Of course." Reed's head hurt even more.

Seeing Reed's perfunctory attitude, Susan was very upset. Pre-marital anxiety broke out, and she said harshly: "This is not a threat, but a notice. If you mess up the wedding, I will grab any man on the street and marry him." .”

After speaking harshly, Susan dropped the documents in hand and left angrily.

She doesn't care how terrible the potential danger is, she only knows that the wedding is a lifelong event and must be treated with caution. But Reed pushed again and again, completely failing to show the expectations of the newlywed husband, as if the wedding was dispensable, and there would be opportunities in the future.

Seeing Susan slam the door away, the three men in the room shrugged. The stone man Ben glanced at the documents Susan dropped, which came from the New York City government.

The Fantastic Four damaged three police cars in the cash van robbery a few days ago, and the government demanded compensation from them.

"Was there a police car that day?"

Ben looked dazed, completely unable to remember what had happened.

This is the disadvantage of the exposure of superhero identities. Every time justice is carried out, someone will come to claim, so that their team's funds are often beyond their means.

For this reason, Johnny deliberately solicited sponsorship from the outside, and put the advertisement on the uniform. For details, please refer to He Jinyin Locked Senior Brother.

Similar things have happened to other superheroes, with varying reactions.

Farmer's Kid Clark Kent: As long as I wear glasses, they won't recognize me!

Philanthropist Tony Stark: I did it, go to the treasury to check out!

One-Eyed Director Nick Fury: Great, we can apply for another wave of funding!

Playboy President Bruce Wayne: Who is Batman?

Mercenary Wade Wilson: Tell me, how many millions?

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