End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 914 Let me just say a few words

"I used electromagnetic waves and telepathy to detect the structure and population distribution of this city. The area is small, and 250,000 people can just live there..."

Russell sighed. No matter how many people there are, Zion will become very crowded. I'm afraid this is also within the robot's plan.

Neo also sighed when he heard the words. He didn't think about it so much, he just lamented Russell's ability.

You can figure out the layout of Zion by just walking around. Fortunately, it is one of your own. If it is on the side of the machine, human beings don't have to think about it, just enjoy yourself in time.

The two stopped and walked, and soon reached the bottom floor.

It stands to reason that if the two black households wandered around, someone would definitely step forward to check, but Russell was too low-key, and anyone who saw them would subconsciously ignore them.

Under Zion, the area with the highest geothermal energy, human survivors discovered a huge cave and divided it into several areas. In addition to gatherings and energy collection, the entire city's crops are planted here.

Food, vegetables, and fruits are all available. It may be due to the underground environment. These plants grow casually, and Russell can't understand any of them. He can only say that the color is very beautiful, and the color is bright as if it is poisonous.

Gay Purple, Forgive Green, Lemon Yellow, Colorful Black, Blue Striped White...

Russell picked a fruit that he didn't know what it was, and handed it to the greedy Neo, who wiped it and sent it to his mouth.

In this short period of time, he ate a nutritious meal on the Nebuchadnezzar, a sticky mass of food that looked like a snot, and he almost vomited.

"How does it taste?" Russell asked curiously.

"No sweetness, a bit sour, and a bit bitter..."

Neo smiled wryly and shook his head. This was the worst fruit he had ever eaten, bar none.

The obvious thing is that fruits without photosynthesis cannot produce glucose, coupled with the rapid growth of chemical fertilizers, the taste is naturally a mess.

But then again, with the conditions of human beings nowadays, it is good to eat fruit, who cares about the taste.

"Russell, why don't you eat?"

"No, I'm different from ordinary people. I can survive without eating, drinking or sleeping. Resources are limited, so leave them to those in need!"


Neo felt that he was cheated,

And it is true that the water dispenser in Russell's room is used to deceive people.

He was very tangled, thinking about whether to tell everyone the truth, or forget it after thinking about it, ignorance is a kind of happiness, let Murphys continue to drink happily.

After leaving the last basement floor, Russell felt something, took Neo into the elevator, and stopped on the penultimate floor.

The elevator door opened, and Russell said to several people dressed in military uniforms: "Don't look for it, we are Russell and Neo, take us to see the congressman."


Several officers were stunned at each other, but they still nodded, leading the way towards the meeting hall.

"What's wrong?" Neo asked, puzzled.

"Murphys was reprimanded by his rival's boss, Zion's Commander Locke, for more than an hour. He insisted that what he did was right, and was finally kicked out of the office by Locke."

Russell explained what happened: "After Murphys left, he met the members of Parliament and told us about the two of us. The members were very interested."

Neo nodded and exclaimed: "Although I know your ability, I am amazed every time. Everything can't be hidden from you, as if you have been staying with Murphys."

"It's not that exaggerated, my ability in the real world is far less powerful than in the matrix..."

Speaking of this, Russell glanced at Neo, and said deeply: "You are different from Trinity, the designer wrote your creator program, but besides the program, you are still a human being, and your upper limit is far higher than you imagined. Be strong, let go, you can do more."

Neo nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, I am in the matrix and can be as powerful as you?"

"You think too much!"



In the conference hall, twelve members of parliament constitute the highest power center of Zion, and even Murphy's superior, Commander Locke, is also responsible for these people.

The twelve people have different clothing and skin colors. Comparing the appearance characteristics, it is not difficult to see that they correspond to the major human countries before the man-machine war.

Although the status of the members is equal, there are rivers and lakes wherever there are people. Even if Zion has a population of 250,000, there are two differences between natural birth and separation from the matrix. Therefore, these twelve members supervise different departments respectively, resulting in their power being limited. There are highs and lows.

The most powerful tycoons are all about the same age, around 60 years old, with exactly the same costumes, and they are all naturally born Zionites.

When Russell and Neo entered the arena, Murphys and Commander Locke stood side by side. The twelve councilors were as steady as old dogs, and their gazes were all calm when they looked at Russell.

Not to mention anything else, just the skill of nourishing qi is worthy of praise.

In line with the principle of respecting the old and caring for the young, Russell smiled and chose a seat at random to sit opposite the congressmen.

His current vest is an old monster who lived thousands of years ago. He sits while others stand. There is nothing wrong with respecting the old and loving the young.

"Bold, how can you be so presumptuous in front of the members of parliament!"

The speaker was Commander Locke. As a soldier, his loyalty to Zion was impeccable and he was a qualified military commander.

But in terms of personality, I can't say it's bad, I'm a little narrow-minded, because Murphys touted Russell and Neo to the sky, and as a rival in love, he naturally stepped on both feet when he got the opportunity.

It doesn't mean anything else, just for Murphys, Russell is purely lying.

"You speak too loudly."

Russell raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Commander Locke's body stiffened immediately, his face flushed and he couldn't breathe.

Beside, Murphys smiled lightly, that's it, that's what he wanted.

Aware of Murphy's careful thinking, Russell rolled his eyes, and moved Niola, who was a little restrained, to his side to do a good job.

"Be arrogant, we are the saviors, what are you doing in a low voice?"

Russell fooled Neo with a single sentence, and the latter thought it would be better for him to be polite when he was a newcomer.


After snapping his fingers, Commander Locke propped up his hands, panting for fresh air violently, and looked at Russell with fear in his eyes after climbing up, as if looking at another monster.

"You, what did you do to me?"

"Nothing to make you forget how to breathe properly."

Russell replied lightly, and glanced at the twelve congressmen: "There is no need to introduce yourself, Murphys has already described the identities of me and Neo, and your identities, I checked your brains, basically knew."

"..." xN

The faces of the twelve congressmen twitched, and the solemn atmosphere created by the conference hall was instantly broken. They didn't want to believe Russell's words, but a voice recounted their own memories in their minds, and they had no choice but to believe it.

"I'm not a person who likes to hand over the initiative, so let me say a few words first, confirm the rules of this meeting, and state my principles..."

Russell crossed his hands on the stone table in front of him. Humans are very dangerous creatures, especially the old fritters like congressmen. If you reason with them, they will play hooligans with you, and you will play hooligans with them... After an infinite loop , back to the very beginning of reasoning.

That being the case, let's put the truth first. Russell felt that his truth was the greatest, so he had the final say.

"After reading your thoughts, I found that many of you have doubts about the abilities of me and Neo, and there are also people who want to control us. Save yourself, let me show you the facts about this kind of thinking."

As Russell spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers again. Commander Locke shook his body and walked up to Murphys with his head held high. He stood at attention and took a rest, saluting, "Mr. Murphys, Locke is reporting to you."

"..." xN

The faces of the congressmen changed drastically, and they whispered to each other.

"There are 250,000 people in Zion. I can delete everyone's memory at once. It's easy to replace twelve congressmen. Be wise and don't trouble me."

Russell's eyes froze, and the black mist filled his back, turning into a huge dark and evil face, warning: "I always cut the grass and root out the troubles, and I will never show mercy."


The councilors are all mortal, standard ordinary human beings, how could they withstand such a spiritual shock, half of them fainted on the spot, and the rest were dripping with cold sweat.

Also drenched in cold sweat was Murphys, who felt that the one he invited back was not the savior, but the great devil.

"Okay, I'm done, do you have anything to add, MPs?"

The black mist receded, and Russell put on a sunny smiling face, like Mengxin who had never seen the world.

You fucking are like this, what else can we say!

The councilors dared not speak out, picked up their sleeves to wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads, and scolded Murphys half to death in their hearts. Where is the promised savior? Why is the style of painting so outrageous?

"There is no rule that the savior cannot have this style of painting..."

Russell sighed: "Don't think about it, your hearts are open to me, so don't make it embarrassing."

As soon as these words were said, needles could be heard in the meeting hall. The members of the council watched their noses, their noses, their hearts, and their hearts... all kept silent collectively.

Murphys said that Russell was a god before, they didn't believe it, but now they believe it, but...

Who can tell them how to communicate with God correctly, so as not to ascend to heaven in place?

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