End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 915 You have no choice

"Say what you have, just like you usually do, speak freely, I guarantee that no one will ascend to heaven in place, um... Actually, I am very talkative!"

Seeing that the congressmen didn't believe it, Russell first woke up the unconscious few people, and then said reasonably: "I didn't directly control your thinking, and then control the entire military power of Zion. I think this can explain everything."

"Come on, MPs, I'm here to help you, not to rule you!"

Hitting a stick and then giving a sweet date is a very simple routine, but the congressmen all follow this routine for a very simple reason, so far they still have chairs with a maximum of twelve people sitting under their buttocks.

This is very comfortable!

The congressmen glanced at each other, and after discussing in low voices, the leading female congressman said, "Mr. Russell, we want to know who you represent and what is the purpose of helping mankind?"

The female congressman who spoke was very old, with gray temples, and she was meticulously groomed. She was a very serious person.

"I've seen the conversation between Murphys and you, and my identity has been revealed. The bosses don't like machine civilization, it's as simple as that..."

When Russell said this, he paused, and added: "I know you don't believe it, but please don't use the thinking of mortals to measure the thoughts of big brothers, it is not a dimension, the logic of looking at problems is very different, you want to break your head won't understand either."

The congressmen were helpless, and Russell had a big fist, so he tentatively agreed with this statement.

"So, how are you going to help us?"

"Finally, I have an idea..."

Russell raised his brows and said solemnly: "Murpheus has said the truth about Zion, so I won't repeat it. Frankly speaking, it is easy for the mechanical squid to destroy you. Because of the previous five successes, the machine civilization has no idea how to capture it. Zion has rich experience, expecting to survive the defense, it is better to count on the conscience of the robot..."

"Unfortunately, robots don't even have hearts, let alone consciences."

Russell made no secret of his contempt for Zion, and continued: "In my opinion, if humans want to defeat robots, they can only take the initiative to attack and execute the beheading tactic on the mechanical city, which is the trick humans used back then-power off !"

"We also understand this truth, but in the past century, no spaceship has ever approached the Mech City, and all military operations against the Mech City have ended in failure.


"Even if it succeeds, we humans can't afford the loss. If the mechanical city is attacked, the matrix matrix will be closed immediately, and everyone will be buried with it!"

"The operation requires the dispatch of most of the floating ships. Zion lacks defensive measures, and the risk is too great..."


Members of Congress said that the risks outweighed the opportunities, and they could not bet on the lives of 250,000 human beings.

The congressmen were right, and Russell didn't object. After they stopped, he said: "I didn't let you use those broken ships to fight with robots. That's suicide. Before implementing beheading tactics, I will help you update your technology. strength……"

Speaking of this, Russell grinned: "What do you think the savior is here for? Just destroy the Mechanical City and let you enjoy the fruits of victory?"

"Don't be stupid, that's not the savior, that's the nanny!"


The congressmen showed embarrassment, and the female congressman changed the subject: "What does it mean to update technological capabilities, can you explain in more detail?"

"To be more specific, it's to open up!"

Russell reached out and took out the digital camera from behind his buttocks, which attracted Neo's sideways glances. He subconsciously leaned back and glanced at Russell's back.

Where is it hidden?

"A long, long time ago... Forget it, I won't make it up..."

Russell didn't bother to tell the story, so he pointedly said: "This digital camera contains a lot of precious technology-side data. I will import the data into the Zion host and help you perform a collective upgrade as soon as possible."

"Oh, I almost forgot. The data contains strong artificial intelligence, which is the initial template of machine civilization. Just a friendly reminder, don't do it again."


The councilors were ecstatic when they heard the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence directly turned them into frost-beaten eggplants and wilted.

A group of people have sympathies, so it is better not to take out such a dangerous thing. What if there are two machine civilizations on the land at the same time?

"In terms of weapons, look at it, don't rush to study too complicated things, especially the disciplines and technologies involving the network, so as not to shoot yourself in the foot with a stone."

After saying this, Russell pondered for a moment, leaving a period of time for the members to chatter. He didn't hear a word, and when his voice faded, he said: "The matrix is ​​indeed a troublesome thing. It is unrealistic to liberate everyone in one go. Zion doesn't have that many supplies to feed them."

"But it doesn't matter if you leave it alone. It's equivalent to a machine civilization holding hostages in a war, which will make us very passive."

"Therefore, attacking the Mech City and seizing the control of the matrix must be carried out at the same time. At the very least, the cable connecting the two must be cut before the decapitation tactic can be implemented against the Mech City."

Russell's words were like a boulder hitting a lake, and the calm water immediately exploded.

"It's too difficult, Zion's troops can't do it!"

"If the cable is cut, the decapitation tactics will lose the advantage of surprise attack. When the spaceship rushes to the mechanical city, they will be greeted by a robot army, which will eventually lead to a large-scale war."

"It is more difficult to seize control of the matrix. Even if all hackers enter the matrix together, they are not opponents of computer agents..."


"The matrix is ​​really troublesome!"

Russell nodded in agreement with this statement: "I have tested the highest limit of the matrix. In the virtual world, the program set by the robot is too strong, and it is no different from a god."


Morpheus and Neo swayed and glanced sideways at Russell. If they hadn't been there at the time, they would have almost believed Russell's nonsense.

A few days ago, Russell was domineering in the matrix, hoisting the strongest version of anti-virus software and hammering it, almost crashing the system.

The hammer was hammered, and after the hammering, he said that the anti-virus software was too strong, so shameless?

Or is it that the gods use the marketing strategies of the enemy to raise their own social status?

Russell didn't notice the psychological changes between the two, and pointed to Neo and said, "Fortunately, we have a savior here. Although he is much worse than me and can't touch the ceiling of the matrix, his identity is very important. Whether the matrix can be restarted safely."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that the matrix has hostages, and we also have hostages!"

Neo: "..."


"Of course, exchanging hostages is impossible. Robots will not keep their promises. We humans are not good things, not even robots."

As the voice fell, everyone in the meeting hall looked pale. The words were true, but you can't say that!

"When the cable is cut, Neo will enter the matrix, giving the program the hope of restarting the system, preventing them from jumping over the wall and erasing everyone's consciousness."

After Russell finished speaking, he turned to look at the shocked Neo: "Don't panic, last time I fought with Chang Wei, I left something in the matrix to ensure that you won't be beaten to death."

Neo's face was pale, and after a few days of getting along, he didn't believe a word of Russell's words.

Russell didn't explain it either, and there was a sentence buried in his heart that he didn't want to say. The world view of [Matrix], or the formation of the matrix, made humans and machines like grasshoppers on the same rope.

Humans cannot live without machines, and machines cannot live without humans!

This is a knot, and untying it forcibly is like cutting it with scissors, and man and machine will die together.

Therefore, Russell's real goal is only the Mech City. If he can beat it, he will demolish the Mech City.

After sorting out the plot some time ago, he found that the key element to successfully end the plot of "The Matrix" is not the successful upgrade of the matrix matrix, but the end of the war and the ushering in peace in Zion.

He doesn't like the peace in the original plot, since it's all peace, why isn't it a peace dominated by humans?

In the deliberation hall, members of parliament whispered to each other, whispering about the feasibility of Russell's plan.

Cut off the connection between the matrix and the mechanical city, and then use Neo's ability to be the savior in the matrix to stabilize the safety of human life in the 'power plant', and at the same time implement a beheading plan for the mechanical city, so as to take over the control of the matrix and restore human society. A little bit to wake up the human beings in the matrix.

It sounds great, and it feels like it will work, but in practice, the success rate is almost zero.

The results of the deliberations of the councilors were very unified, and the plan seemed to be working, and it was impossible to achieve it!

But Russell's reasoning is too great. They don't want to gamble with Zion's future, and they are afraid that Russell will turn his face and directly control them and forcefully order the implementation of the plan.


For a moment, a few councilors scratched their heads, their hair fell down in handfuls of worry.

So bald!

They were just curious about what the gods looked like, and they never thought of going to war with machine civilization immediately.

"Commander Locke, something is wrong!"

The door of the deliberation hall was pushed open, and a summoner rushed in, apologizing to the congressmen repeatedly. It was an emergency and had to be done.

Russell frowned after reading the communications soldier's memory, and loosened Locke's mind control, allowing him to take over control of himself.

"Seniors, Commanders, the defense system shows that robots have dropped excavator drills above Zion."

The communication soldier spoke quickly: "This attack is different from previous attacks. They did not avoid the defensive monitoring we set up. When they encountered fortifications, they violently attacked and demolished them all. It was like crazy..."

"Calm down, soldier!"

Locke scolded and said solemnly: "How long will it take for the enemy to reach Zion?"

"Commander, according to calculations, the squid army will enter the dock in about 12 hours, and the number will be 250,000."


There was silence, and no one in the conference hall spoke.

"250,000 squids versus 250,000 humans, it's like a machine!"

Russell looked at a row of congressmen: "Everyone, it seems that the war has begun, and you have no choice!"

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