The body of the demon god covers the sky and blocks out the sun, and anyone who is not blind can see it. As a matter of course, the entire Western Hemisphere saw a shadow that was so dark that it pierced people's eyes.

Daredevil: "..."

In the bar, Daredevil ordered a glass of beer. Because the distance was too far, his perception could not 'see' what happened, so Spider-Man explained for him.

In return, Spider-Man was given a glass of unsweetened milk.

This is also a no-brainer, minors are prohibited from drinking alcohol.

Daredevil's mask reveals a bearded chin, and he looks like a middle-aged man who has experienced a lot of weather. He just needs a glass of wine to straighten his chin.

Spider-Man can't do it, the mask is 360 degrees without dead ends, and he doesn't want to take it off, so he can only order non-alcoholic drinks and milk.

"How's it going, are you fighting?"

"should not."


"The back of the supreme mage is too big, the picture is completely black, and nothing can be seen."


The two street heroes sit alone in a corner of the bar. The way of collecting information is very down-to-earth, very close to the people and very helpless, like most superheroes who rely on mutation.

Thirty seconds later, loud music sounded in the bar, and Tony Stark, who was covered in flirtatious colors, entered the arena, and beside him was Steve, who covered his face and was embarrassed to see others.

The popularity of these two superheroes is much higher. One is an antique-level superhero. It has been fighting since World War II, and its version has been continuously upgraded. Jump fast and jump high.



If you have money, you can do whatever you want. After Tony entered the venue, he said that all the expenses tonight will be counted on him. He asked the bar owner to bring the bill to Stark Tower to settle the bill tomorrow.

Then he hacked into the satellite of S.H.I.E.L.D. and projected images from outer space onto the TV screen in the bar to watch the Supreme Mage VS the Lord of the Dark Dimension in real time.

Because of the appearance of the two, the duo of street heroes who were originally sought after,

Immediately became uninterested.

But that's okay, Daredevil is no more pushy than the low-key Batterman in the studio next door.

Spider-Man dug out Steve's poster from his backpack, stepped forward to ask for his autograph, and the two blended perfectly into the crowd of onlookers.

Just like when you just looked up at the sky!

The reporters on the street heard the news and wanted to extract some bonuses from Steve and Tony, so the microphones were directly stuck in their faces.

"Captain, can you tell me who the Supreme Mage is? He is also a superhero?"


Steve blinked, his face was tangled for a while, and he said dryly: "Sorry, about the Supreme Mage, he is a very low-key person. I can't disclose his personal information without his permission, that's it!"

"Can you talk about it? After decades, you are still fighting on the front line of superheroes, and the secret of maintaining strength? Your fans are very curious about this and want you to share some experience!"


Steve thought about it for a moment, and said honestly: "First, you have to inject super soldier serum, and then be sent to outer space by a space channel. With the strengthening of alien technology, you can be as strong as me."

"..." xN

How about the promised chicken soup, why is it so realistic?

"What about chicken soup, what about your encouragement and whipping for teenagers?"

Tony was the first to complain that something was wrong with Steve tonight. He was out of character throughout the whole process, full of negative energy, as if he had taken the wrong script.

"I'm so tired, I just want to have a quiet drink."

Steve covered his face, he was really tired, for example, when he got the script, his first reaction was...

Russell actually has the vest of the Lord of the Dark Dimension, which he has never heard of before!

The leader of Hydra, the supreme mage of Kama Taj, the master of the dark dimension... Will there be other vests?

The Great Demon King of Hell?

By the way, he thought Russell was not white a long time ago, but he didn't expect him to be so black!

What's more, how does the Lord of the Dark Dimension operate, so that Kama Taj, who is on the front line of resisting the invasion of the dimension, advances all the way and finally becomes the supreme mage?

Seeing Steve resting his hand on his forehead, holding a glass of wine with a sad face but refusing to drink, Tony confirmed that he really needed to be quiet, and clapped his hands to help him out.

"Everyone, the captain has been unwell for the past two days, which may be the sequelae of alien technology."

Leading the reporters to his side, Tony puffed up his chest and raised his head, showing off his magically modified Mark50 suit: "If you have any questions, you can consult me, but the ugly words come first, and topics involving personal privacy, such as the Supreme Mage, I Right to refuse to answer."

Ask me, ask me about the suit!

The microphone was passed to Tony's mouth, and a reporter asked: "Mr. Stark, can you tell us about your intimate interaction with the captain during the battle?"

Tony: "..."

"You have perfectly caught the captain many times in a row. Have you been in private contact for a long time?"

Tony: "..."

"Mr. Stark, can you tell me what is the relationship between you and the captain?"

Tony: "..."

"The picture of you interacting with the captain has been edited into tens of thousands of versions, and there are various retouched pictures, which are uploaded everywhere on YouTube. Will the Stark Group's legal department take any action?"

Tony: "..."

He opened his mouth in confusion, and asked Jarvis to open the Youtube page, and saw countless videos of him yelling at the American buttocks with his face. The style of painting is extremely creepy, and the soundtrack is extremely rap.

"The tubing thing, I'll just buy it... that's it, I'm tired!"

Tony waved the reporter away, synchronized with Steve, put his hand on his forehead, held the glass of wine with a sad face but refused to drink.

Beep beep!

"Mr. Stark, communication from Commissioner Fury in his armored Chevrolet across from the bar."

Tony heard this and looked out the window. Across the road, Nick Fury lowered the window and stared at him with one eye expressionlessly.

"Uh, write back to Commissioner Fury and say that I didn't see anything. By the way... tell him to roll up the window quickly, otherwise the traffic police will check his driver's license."


A minute later, in the Chevrolet sedan, Nick Fury was sitting in the driver's seat, his old face black as hell.

In the back row, Steve held a beer and continued to put his hand on his forehead. It seemed that he hadn't come out of the shadows yet.

Beside him is the heartless Tony. After he understands the emotion and reason, the CEO, Ms. Potts, agrees to put the acquisition of the oil pipeline on the agenda.

"Captain, Tony, can you tell me about the Supreme Mage?"

Nick Fury wanted to ask why the TV in the bar was connected to the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite, but the answer was too obvious, and it wouldn’t hurt if the perpetrator’s thick skin was pierced, so he went straight to the point.

"The Supreme Master is in outer space, and on your car TV!"

Tony pointed to the console of the car, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite took pictures of the deep space universe, and the two pitch-black figures of demon gods had already hit the orbit of Mars from low-Earth orbit.

Because the distance is too far, and the background color is blurred, only two vague figures can be seen, and it is impossible to distinguish which one is the supreme mage.

"Captain, don't you want to say something?"

Nick Fury automatically ignored Tony's nonsense and wanted to hear the intelligence of professionals. He remembered that Steve had commented before that the Supreme Mage possessed the terrifying power to end human civilization in an instant and wipe the earth from the universe.

At that time, he didn't believe it very much, thinking that no matter how strong a person is, there must be a limit. Looking at it now, the captain is indeed worthy of his honest character.

The Supreme Mage could easily set off a tsunami that flooded the east coast, and even with all his strength, he could split the earth in half with a single sword.

Nick Fury was worried, if the Supreme Mage and the Dimensional Demon God exploded Mars, would it affect the earth, such as orbital deviation or something.

"No, I don't know much about the Supreme Mage. He is a low-key person who rarely shows his face in public and doesn't often work on Earth. That's it."

Steve made a few perfunctory sentences, changed the bottle, and continued to put his hand on his forehead.

"Tony, what happened to him, captain?"

Nick Fury was puzzled. Today's captain is full of decadence, and his depression is very different from the past.

"I don't know, maybe I got the wrong script!"

Tony replied casually, and asked Jarvis to connect to the Chevrolet bulletproof car, switch the satellite and change the face, and replaced it with his own private satellite.

The picture quality is instantly clear!


Nick Fury choked for a moment, and after a long silence, he slowly spoke: "Tony, you are the weapons consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. When will you update the satellites."

"Director Fury, this requires a lot of money."

"money is not the problem!"

"OK, then I'm fine!"

Bang bang bang!

The car window was knocked, and Nick Fury frowned and lowered the window. Two traffic policemen looked at Nick Fury in the shape of a one-eyed dragon with serious faces, and said solemnly: "Sir, please show your driver's license."

Nick Fury: "…"

After a while, the two traffic policemen left happily. They didn't get Nick Fury's driver's license, but they got a group photo with Iron Man and Captain America/Amazing.

Under the camera, Tony smiled like a flower compared to Scissorhands, Steve's eyes were dull, and his smile was uglier than crying.

Looking at the performance of the two of them, I know that ignorance is really a good thing sometimes. Because Steve knows too much, he falls into doubts about life, and feels that his life is just like this.


Mars orbit!

Russell controlled the body of the demon god, swung his sword and slashed heavily on 'Dormamum', from the orbit of the moon to the orbit of Mars, suppressing Dormammu without the strength to fight back.

It is very simple to establish the image of a strong man, it all depends on the opponent!

Those who crush ordinary people are ordinary powerhouses, those who crush superheroes/villains are super powerhouses, and those who crush dimension demon gods are peerless powerhouses.

He didn't use the vest of the supreme mage before to pretend to be aggressive, but after using it, he has no regrets.

The black flame sword swept across, beheading Dormammu's head, and then pierced his chest with the vertical sword. The black beam shock wave blasted a big hole in Dormammu's chest, and the remaining momentum continued to shoot into the deep space universe.

Dormammu's body collapsed and disintegrated into a thick black mist.

The body of the demon god waved his hand, absorbing all the darkness into his body, and looked at the position of the earth with thunderous eyes.

The dimension channel opened in front of Strange, and the big black hand stretched out, like grabbing a chicken, and dragged him in with a dazed expression.

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