End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 951 The 2nd Supreme Master's First 7 Cup Song King Competition

On the car TV screen, the dark demon god cut off Dormammu's head with a horizontal sword, and then a dark frenzy erupted, blowing Dormammu up on the spot.

Tony and Nick Fury didn't understand, the Lord of the Dark Dimension died in the darkness, this kind of operation...

It can only be said that magic is really unscientific, without any logic at all!

The two knew nothing about magic, and the caster was a supreme mage, an unrivaled authoritative person in the industry, so they didn't raise any questions, lest they pretend to understand and make people laugh.

Nick Fury looked dignified, nodded and said: "As expected of the Supreme Mage, his magical attainments are truly unprecedented. In the use of dark magic, even the Lord of the Dark Dimension is no match for him."

Tony glanced at Nick Fury in surprise. He didn't expect the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to know magic, so he nodded, not to be outdone: "That's right, it's amazing!"


Steve rested his forehead with his hand, and the sand sculpture dialogue in his ear made him quite worried, and he drank a sip of bitter wine, feeling more worried and feeling like he was going to be depressed.

Suddenly, the body of the demon god on the screen slowly turned around, his eyes shot up with lightning, and the screen became pitch black and lost the image.

Nick Fury slapped the car TV in a hurry, and said in surprise: "This is... Could it be that the Supreme Mage discovered that someone was spying, so he shot down the reconnaissance satellite with magic?"

"No, it's clear that you have severe persecution paranoia!"

When it comes to his professional field, Tony unceremoniously turned on the talk mode, and Nick Fury's old face stretched out.

Tony controls the private satellite through Jarvis, adjusts the focus so that the dark picture reveals the stars and celestial bodies, and the picture turns after a while, and the lens is the intersection position of the trident of water elements.

"Tony, what are you looking for?"

"The Sorcerer Supreme has disappeared, I am looking for a surgeon named Stephen Strange..."

Tony searched repeatedly, but finally failed to find Strange's figure within the range of satellite monitoring: "The two disappeared together. If I guess correctly...the information is insufficient, and I can't analyze it."

"Stephen Strange! Who is this man, and why are you looking for him?"

Nick Fury twitched his eyebrows with one eye, allowing Tony to find it alone. The identity must not be simple.

"About a year ago,

Dr. Strange, the best neurosurgeon in New York, is less likely to return to the operating table than you are to be cured of baldness when a malicious attack cripples his hands. "

When Tony said this, he looked at Nick Fury with a serious face.


Nick Fury: It's not baldness, it's hairstyles!

"After that, Doctor Strange was abandoned for a while. Half a year ago, he disappeared, and when he reappeared, he has become a professional mage! Let me take a look. The last record is that he took a plane to the capital of Nepal Kathmandu, or a one-way ticket..."

Tony asked Jarvis to continuously retrieve the data, showing a smug smile: "I found it. The location of Karma Taj is in Kathmandu."

When Nick Fury heard the words, he narrowed his eyes slightly, suppressed the sparkling excitement, and said in a flat tone: "So, as long as we send someone to conduct a carpet search in Kathmandu, we can find Karma Taj?"

"It's not that simple. Things like magic depend on fate. Strange was chosen by Karma Taj because of his uniqueness. It doesn't matter where he goes on his last trip."

Steve reminded the two of them to calm down and not take the initiative to give away their heads: "As far as I know, the entrances of Karma Taj are all over the earth, and the mages use space gates. If they don't want to see you, you can go all over the earth. Can't find it."


Nick Fury frowned tightly, the fire of hope had just been ignited, but was mercilessly extinguished by Steve.

"Wow, look what I found. Doctor Strange's spending records in New York... There is only one room opening record, which is at the hotel three blocks away."

Tony retrieved the hotel surveillance video, raised his eyebrows a moment later, and showed the smile of a successful person: "He has dated a beautiful lady... Hehehe, maybe this doctor-turned-mage Mr. Strange and I will have a good relationship. A lot of common language."

Immediately afterwards, Tony dropped out the information on the female doctor Christine Palmer, nodded and commented: "Mr. Strange has a good eye, this lady is very beautiful!"

"Tony, do you care about Master Strange?"

"That's right, according to the S.H.I.E.L.D. files, the murderer who attacked Strange and crippled his hands was a metal one-armed man!"

When Tony said this, he gritted his teeth: "Although there is no evidence that the attacker and the one who killed my parents are the same person, but there is a voice in the dark telling me that this is not a coincidence. Strange is the same victim as me. By!"


Steve put his hand on his forehead, he was... no, Bucky was so hard!

"Tony, why can you access the internal files of S.H.I.E.L.D., I didn't know you still had permission!" Nick Fury stared at Tony's cheeky face with one eye wide open.

"Uh, I didn't know it was the S.H.I.E.L.D. database until I called up the file."

Tony shrugged: "No way, your firewall is rotten, how about I upgrade it for you and replace it with Jarvis's program?"

"No thanks!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you upgrade yourself, and I help you upgrade, the result is the same." Tony shrugged again, explaining the cruel reality with an innocent expression, and he deserved a beating.

Ten seconds later, an even more embarrassing thing happened. Jarvis hacked into the internal program of the Chevrolet armored car, and Tony drove the car to the hotel where Christine was staying through remote control.

After finding Christine, it is possible to wait until Strange, and then follow the clues to find Kama Taj and the Supreme Mage.

The reason why he said it was possible, not absolute, was because Tony was worried that Strange would be the same as he used to be when he pulled up his pants and found out that his bed partner last night wasn't his true love.

Tony: It’s not that I pulled up my pants and turned my face away. It was indeed love at first sight. Afterwards, I suddenly realized that I was not suitable for that person!


Dark dimension!

Strange was in a trance, and used the Eye of Agamotto to disperse the big black hand that was dragging him. The dimension channel behind him was closed, and when he looked back, his eyes were all white.

How could the dark dimension be so white?

Strange closed his eyes, used magic to bless the Eye of Agamotto, and saw the real scene around him clearly.

I saw eight white swords fixed in the void, and the light was drawn to form a huge hexagonal barrier.

Under his feet, the white magic circle is magnificent, and in the center is a phantom cross formed by the condensed holy light.


Hearing Russell's voice, Strange turned around hastily. In his sight, Russell's golden armor was covered with cracks. The parts with the most exaggerated damage, such as the right shoulder armor, disappeared completely, revealing the scarred body.

"Supreme Master, are you alright?"

Strange turned pale with shock. It's been a long time since I saw him. Why does Russell seem to have gone through a hard battle?

"Strange, the situation is urgent, so I won't talk nonsense."

Russell clenched his fist and coughed up two drops of blood. He frowned slightly and coughed violently. His face turned pale instantly, and he spit out blood.

"Supreme Mage..."

"Small injury, I'm fine, but Dormammu is even worse!"

Russell waved his hand to stop Strange's words of concern, and said while spitting blood: "Time in the dark dimension is meaningless, and this enchantment, after my adjustment, has infinite time reincarnation."

"Here, you can exchange the knowledge in your mind for real materials as much as you want, leaving aside the unorthodox knowledge, and get familiar with the wealth left to you by Master Ancient One as soon as possible, especially the Eye of Agamotto, remember? "

"I remember, but you, Supreme Master..."

"There's nothing wrong with it. I understand what you mean. There's no need to be sentimental. Even if I'm the temporary supreme mage, I'm still the supreme mage."

Russell grinned, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and touched it indifferently: "I don't believe in fate, I only know the responsibility on my shoulders, resisting the invasion of dimensions is the responsibility of the supreme mage, that is, my responsibility, everyone You can back off, but I can't."


Strange was stunned, only to feel that bricks had gotten into his eyes, and Russell's face became extremely blurred, still glowing.

"Strange, I have bought time for you. I believe in your talent. The Ancient One Mage once commented that your magic talent is only slightly worse than mine. Be confident, you are only a little worse than me, I can and you can too."

Russell gave encouragement, and his figure gradually faded: "Sorry, I may be absent from the ceremony of your succession as the supreme mage..."

"Supreme Mage!"


Brick was too eye-catching, at the moment when Russell's figure completely faded, Strange couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered something to explain."

Russell's phantom suddenly appeared, and his gaze faded away halfway through: "There is no need to hold my funeral. I personally don't care about that, and don't place wreaths. The photos should be in color, so they look auspicious."


Suddenly being interrupted, Strange felt a terrible feeling of being up and down, and tears swirled in his stomach, brewing for a long time before they flowed out.

"Supreme Law..."

"Also, if there is an old and immortal voice bewitching you, saying that running water seats and opera troupes are customs in my hometown, and they have to sing continuously for three days and three nights, don't pay attention to him."

Russell's phantom stared again, and faded again between half-empty and half-real: "Remember, anything like the 'Second Supreme Master's First Seven Cup Singing King Competition' is nonsense, and you must never be deceived by evil voices. If he says he It’s the ancient one mage, and he said it’s Karma Taj’s practice, so he must be pretending to be the Dimensional Demon God, let him go, and give him the middle finger by the way.”



"To... Supreme Master... Uh, are you still there?"

Strange was brewing feelings again, and for a long time he couldn't find the grief of parting from life and death before, so he howled twice at the top of his throat, with tears in his stomach refusing to come out.

Strange suddenly felt that he was very scary. In order to protect the earth, the Supreme Mage sacrificed himself to stop Dormammu. Before he died, he still did not forget to pass on the responsibility of the mission to himself, but he was so cold-blooded that he couldn't shed a single tear. .

It's too beastly to be a human being!

He tried himself again, confirming that he couldn't hold back a tear, and finally gave up on being a human being, sitting cross-legged and recalling the knowledge in his mind.

Grief turned into motivation, and Strange turned on the god-study mode, striving to integrate what he had learned as soon as possible.

Maybe he was quick enough, and there was still a chance to rescue the Supreme Sorcerer who was in a certain death situation.

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