End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 953 The Cold Rain Slapped Randomly on the Face

After the brief nonsense with Strange ended, Russell decided to make a quick decision, pulling the progress bar to skip the 300-page bitter scene in the middle, and directly entering the finale.

There is no way, Strange is a high EQ + high IQ academic master, his observation ability and thinking ability are top-notch, and if he continues to act, there is a risk of going out of his way.

Moreover, he has established the main character setting of hating evil like hatred, being virtuous, and putting others first before himself. If you talk too much, you will lose it.

"Strange, stop talking nonsense, I'll send you away now."

Russell's avatar pushed his hands away, and his figure alternated back and forth between virtual and real, with a gesture of excessive force: "Don't forget the responsibility of the supreme mage, protecting the earth's dimension is of great importance, and the burden on your shoulders is heavy."

"The ugly words are up front. If one day, you live up to the title of 'Supreme Mage' and abuse your power to misbehave, Ancient One Mage will definitely come to you in a dream!"

"Supreme Master, I can stay and help you, the two of us together... This may be a little overwhelmed, but..."

"not good!"

In the middle of Strange's speech, Russell's clone suddenly changed his face, and his body surface was full of cracks, making it difficult to maintain a complete shape. He said hurriedly: "Dormammu has sensed my intentions and started to risk his life. I'm just a clone , energy is limited, don't talk to distract me."

In the distance, the dark tide is violently rolling, all the matter in the dark dimension returns to its original source, and a little black light born from chaos blooms brilliantly.

Don't ask, it's colorful!

Under the observation of the Eye of Agamotto, the darkness in Strange's eyes was a mess of disordered threads, extremely dangerous.

The power of the rules is extremely powerful, full of destructive power, easily changing the order of the entire dark dimension, causing the dead and silent world to continue to collapse and shrink.

At this moment, all life in the dark dimension will return to the beginning of life together with the darkness, and then quickly wither into death.

The law of disorder was entwined, and Strange removed the Eye of Agamotto, and saw a black sun suspended in the void, and the aura of destruction instantly penetrated the endless void.

On the edge of the twisted black vortex, the deep darkness attracts everything, locks time and space and all matter, and destroys everything with an unstoppable momentum.

In this darkness, an imperceptible spot of light slowly blooms,

The power of the entire dark dimension is concentrated in one place by the two.

"Strange, go!"

Russell's voice sounded next to his ear, Strange got kicked in the buttocks, and fell into the dimensional passage at a loss.

The strong traction made him unable to resist, and he hurriedly turned around to grab Russell's avatar, but when he grabbed it with his hand, he only caught a little bit of starlight.

In front of him, Russell's clone completely dissipated, and Strange only saw one palm making an 'OK' gesture, and nothing else.

At the end of the void, the black hole that swallowed everything collided with the light spot, and a shock wave that wiped out everything erupted, returning the entire dark dimension world to peace.

In the gap where the dimension channel was closed, Strange's last glance was that the hideous dark face was full of cracks, and endless light radiated from the cracks.


The lights are brightly lit, and the cold wind blows from the sky above the building.

Strange looked back, and he was back in New York City, standing on the roof of his hotel room.

He opened his palm, and a little bit of starlight scattered with the wind, and he didn't know whether it was extinguished or merged into the world and became a part of it.

"Supreme Mage..."

The wind on the top floor was so strong that it kept blowing up the bricks, causing Strange to burst into tears.

He stood on the top floor for a long time, and the depression in his heart still couldn't dissipate.

Even though Russell once said that he did not really die, but, like the ancient one, his mind merged into the universe and existed forever, but Strange still felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost his mentor all at once, and was at a loss. Where to go from here.

High in the sky, the white magic barrier began to fade, and the giants holding water elemental tridents also slowly retreated to the deep sea...

Light and darkness dissipated together, but the bright moonlight did not illuminate New York City as promised. At some point, dark clouds gathered over the city, and the icy rain cooled the city that was a little bit hot.

Strange looked up at the sky, not understanding where the rain came from, and positioned it as the fall of a sage whose spirit moved the world to tears.

He stood on the top floor for a long time, the cold rain slapped randomly on his face, the warm tears mixed with the cold rain, the colors in front of him were distorted, after all, he didn't wait for the dimension channel to open, and a familiar figure walked out.


"I can't continue to be depressed. The Supreme Mage has left, and the dimensional demons will soon be ready to move. I want to bring the news back to Kama Taj to make everyone vigilant."

Strange wiped off the rain on his face, and his resolute face completed the second transformation. Just as he was flying to the New York Temple, he suddenly thought that the female doctor Christine was still waiting for him.

After hesitating for a moment, Strange gritted his teeth, fluttered his levitation cloak, and flew towards the bottom of the building.

Through the gap in the French windows, Strange saw Christine and three uninvited guests in the living room.

"Captain Marvel, Mr. Iron Man Stark, and this... good evening!"

Strange had often seen the images of Steve and Tony in newspapers and TV before, but today he was in a bad mood, and he seemed very cold after a hasty greeting.

"Master Strange, I'm Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Nick Fury introduced himself, but the effect was mediocre, Strange nodded symbolically, and automatically ignored him.

The indifferent attitude did not dispel Nick Fury's enthusiasm. As the king of agents, his face has long been invulnerable, and this small setback is nothing at all.

He also knew that his appearance was not pleasing, so he secretly gave Tony a wink and asked him to start communication.

Tony put away his cynical attitude and asked seriously: "Master Strange, may I ask, did the Supreme Mage return to Kama Taj first?"

"No, the Supreme Master went after the truth and will not return to Karma Taj..."

"What do you mean? Can you say it again, I didn't understand!"

Tony's expression changed. In fact, he understood. Seeing Strange's dead father's expression, he knew that the Supreme Mage had already died.

He just finds it unbelievable, with the strength shown by the Supreme Mage, there is no reason to say that he will die, and...

It was too sudden.

Just now he joined forces with the Supreme Mage to defeat the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God. Why are all the good people gone?

Strange said sadly: "The passage of the dark dimension is connected to the earth. In order to prevent Dormammu from coming, the Supreme Mage died with him and sacrificed himself to permanently close the passage of the dark dimension."


"..." x1

The first three silences are Tony, Nick Fury, and Christine, and the last silence is Steve. Although they are all silences, their meanings are completely different.

The Supreme Mage and the Lord of the Dark Dimension died together, which sounds fine, but what if these two are the same person?

Steve sat down on the sofa, trying to put on a sad expression to match the atmosphere, but he had too many MMPs in his heart, so he could only cover his face with his hands and replace acting skills with deepness.

The effect of this trick is amazing, I don't know, I thought he was covering up his sad face.

"The Supreme Sorcerer is so powerful, how is it possible... I remember that Dormammu is no match for him at all... Mr. Strange, if you don't want to reveal his identity, you don't have to make up such a reason to deceive people."

Tony swallowed, and pointed at the Mark50 suit on his body like an argument: "You see, the magic of the Supreme Mage is still going on. If he is really dead, the magic should also disappear together."

Hearing the respect in Tony's tone, Strange's expression improved a lot, and he explained: "Dormammu is indeed no match for the Supreme Mage, and the same is true for other dimensional demon gods, but this time is different..."

"I have heard other Kama Taj mages say that about fifty years ago, the dark dimension also invaded the earth once. The supreme mage fought with Dormammu at the junction of the dimensions. The time in the dimension cannot be calculated. The conversion Time on Earth, the war lasted thirty years."

"The Supreme Mage successfully repelled Dormammu, and learned how to use the magic of the dark dimension during the 30-year-long battle, and specially compiled the Encyclopedia of Dark Dimension Magic... After that battle, no dimensional demon dared to Touch the dimension where the earth is, except for Dormammu who vowed to get back face."

"This time, a traitor appeared in Karma Taj and opened a dimensional channel over New York. If the channel is not closed, Dormammu can invade the earth at will without restriction. The supreme mage ventured into the dark dimension, and the result..."


"..." x1

The three of Tony were silent for a long time, Christine stepped forward and hugged Strange, silently, dispelling the coldness on his body with his warm body.

Steve has mixed feelings, about fifty years, minus thirty years...


Isn't that the time when he led the surprise team to rebel, was beaten up, and turned into the shape of a hydra, and then Howard made a short video!

It's really unlucky to drink cold water and stuff your teeth, Steve covered his face with his hands and shook his head again and again, it was really hard for him.

The negativity erupted, and Steve's suppressed emotions were visible to the naked eye.

Nick Fury patted Steve on the shoulder comfortingly: "Captain, take heart, the earth has lost a superhero, and we can't lose a second one."


Hearing this, Steve became even more depressed. The 'superhero' was not dead, and he was most likely drinking happily at the Hydra base, hugging left and right, and laughing.

"As for the steel suit on your body..."

Strange glanced at Tony, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes: "That's the magic called 'Left of the God's Throne', the spoils won by the Supreme Mage and God's bet, in addition to giving life, it also has the sacred damage that restrains dark creatures. "


Tony felt that he should say something, but there was only an ah-woo when the words came to his lips.

"Mr. Stark, this is the first time I have seen the Supreme Sorcerer use this magic trick, and he has never given it to others. This shows that the Supreme Sorcerer is very optimistic about you, don't let him down."

"Sure." Tony nodded seriously.

"Also, just because the magic doesn't disappear doesn't mean it's permanent. When the magic time limit expires, or the energy is exhausted, the magic armor on your body will return to its original appearance."

"Uh, how long?"

"I don't know either, anyway, you can save some use."


Tony blinked blankly, who can tell him how to spell the word 'saving'?


There was a tip from the lord 'a lonely dog'. If I remember correctly, I owed this boss a chapter before!


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