End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 954 Never Expected

In the living room, Steve sat on the sofa with his hand on his forehead, and after a while, he clenched his fist against his forehead and hammered it a few times. His frowning look seemed to others to be because he was heartbroken after learning of the Supreme Master's sacrifice. Grief but nowhere to vent.

This fits well with the America/Captain Marvel personality!

Tony sat next to Steve and asked Jarvis to search for the specific operation method of "low consumption and energy saving", but the results were not satisfactory.

Although he himself is engaged in energy, and there are many energy-saving tips on the Internet, but they are energy such as water, electricity, oil, magic energy...

Many great magisters have rich experience, but none of them are reliable.

Strange said that there was nothing he could do to help him. Karma Taj has a huge collection of books, and there are all kinds of spells, whether it is unpopular or unorthodox, or even special effects magic that pursues the style of the strong. unheard of.

It's understandable, from the name and origin, this trick 'Left of the God's Throne' belongs to the untold secret of heaven, even if the books are torn apart, it can't be found.

"Master Strange, if the Supreme Mage dies, will Kama Taj still be able to stop the invasion of the Earth by the Dimensional Demon God?"

Nick Fury, who had been silent for a long time, asked a key question, and Tony stopped checking the information after hearing this, and looked at Strange with a frown.

The previous battles have shown that the Dimensional Demon God possesses unparalleled terrifying power. Captain Marvel, as the first-line superhero on the earth, can only compete with the Dimensional Demon God.

The Dimensional Demon God has a world background, and theoretically can wholesale clones unlimitedly, that is, countless Captain Marvel.

The disparity in strength is desperate. Without the Supreme Mage, what can the earth do to deal with the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God?

Steve: "..."

Don't waste time thinking about this question, although who is unreliable, but before leaving, things have been arranged clearly.

"Before the Supreme Mage left, he passed on the title to me. I am the current Supreme Mage, and I will defend against the dimensional invasion!" Strange said seriously. Dimension, early warning dimension invasion is not a big problem.

"Stephen, have you become the supreme mage?"

Christine covered her mouth in surprise, a little proud, but more worried: "No,

This is too dangerous, that Supreme Mage is so powerful... Can you not be the Supreme Mage? "

"I'm sorry, I've already inherited this title, so I can't shame it." Strange had a complex look on his face, he couldn't balance righteousness and love, and he had already made a choice, so he didn't know how to speak at this moment.

"Uh, Mage Strange, first of all congratulations on your promotion, and second..."

Tony raised his hand and gestured a few times, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "I'm not questioning your strength, I just saw that the Supreme Mage before you, compared...you are so young, uh...you understand !"

"The supreme mage used time magic to win me thousands of reincarnations in the dark dimension. I have mastered a lot of magic..."

Strange stopped talking halfway through, thinking about his current status, there is no need to talk about Kama Taj with other people, even if these people are superheroes, they are also fighting to defend the earth.

Nick Fury's eyes lit up, Strange became the supreme mage, which is a good thing!

Although the gap between Strange and the previous generation of supreme mages was visible to the naked eye, it was because Strange was too young, given him time to grow, he would definitely become a powerful mage.

Nick Fury doesn't understand magic, but he believes in the Supreme Mage. Even if he has never met or spoken, the power of the Supreme Mage has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Such a strong man will definitely not be aimless, so Strange must have its excellent.

Moreover, the supreme sorcerer who went to the immortals is too mysterious, and it takes thirty or fifty years to fight casually. It is an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years.

He lives in seclusion and lives a life of isolation from the outside world. At first glance, he is not a person who likes to show off.

This kind of person often means being stubborn, persistent, and difficult to communicate with. In contrast, Strange, who grew up in modern society, is different.

Nick Fury's expression remained the same, but the more he looked at Strange, the more handsome he seemed. This generation of supreme mages was simply the best gift God gave to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Being young means having investment potential and the possibility of playing the family card. As long as you open the gap of Strange, you don't have to worry about not being able to contact Karma Taj, and then there will be a steady stream of mage resources...

Nick Fury took a deep breath, and finally found a way to break the Hydra problem that had plagued him for many days.

"Master Strange, no, Supreme Mage, you know..."

"Wait a moment!"

Strange stopped Nick Fury, shook his head and said, "You can just call me Mage Strange. Compared with the previous two generations of supreme mages, I am far behind. I am not on par with them in terms of strength or spiritual realm. Qualifications."

Steve: "..."

Believe in yourself, you may be a bit weak in terms of strength, but in terms of spiritual realm, as far as your modest and beautiful character is concerned, even a supreme mage can't match you in flattery.

Unbeknownst to Steve, the correct statement is not one, but two!

The two generations of supreme mages have thick skins, don't know what modesty is, never tire of hearing good things, bad things...

Here you can refer to the Karma Taj Master Survival Rules!

Strange is a different kind among the supreme mages. The thick-skinned and narrow-mindedness passed down by the supreme mages from generation to generation was lost to Russell and died in the second generation.

"So, Mage Strange, do you know Hydra?"


Upon hearing that, Strange looked at Steve who looked like a 'thinker' in surprise, nodded and said, "I've heard that in Captain America's museum, it was an evil organization during World War II that was wiped out by the captain. "

"It's like this..."

Nick Fury organized the language and talked about the hidden dangers of Hydra invasion in the parallel universe, the space channel has been opened, and the earth is in crisis.

"Director Fury, are you serious?"

Strange was astonished, and somewhat disbelieving: "If it is true as you said, this is clearly a dimensional invasion incident, but Kama Taj's defensive barrier has no warning, and the Supreme Mage has not mentioned it, which is unreasonable!"

Steve: "..."

Reasonable! So fucking reasonable!

Because there is no hydra in the parallel universe at all, and the supreme mage is the leader of the hydra, can it be unreasonable!

"Master Strange, Director Fury did not lie, I have a video for you to watch."

Tony looked sad, and asked Jarvis to connect to the TV in the living room to play Howard's "beheading" video.

The picture was bloody and cruel. Christine closed his eyes tightly when he first saw it, while Strange widened his eyes, raised his hands and trembled slightly: "It can't be wrong, although the assailant wore a hood, but he didn't The emotional eyes, and the metal arm, including the body shape...it was him, and my hands were crushed by him."

Steve: "..."

Bucky, my good brother, you are so hard!

"Master Strange, are you sure you read correctly?"

Tony freezes the frame and asks Strange to confirm it carefully. After receiving an affirmative answer again, he said sadly: "The man killed in the video is my father, the founder of Stark Industries, Howard Stark!"

"What, he is the famous arms dealer Howard Stark?"

"Uh, to be precise, my father was a scientist, a philanthropist, and then a part-time arms dealer." Tony forced his father to whitewash.

Perhaps because of the common hatred, Tony and Strange soon had a common topic, as if they had found their relatives.

One plays science and the other plays magic. They seem to be completely different from each other, but in essence they are all highly educated doctors, and they all have the attributes of academic masters.

"You want to invite me to join the Avengers?"

After chatting, Tony made an invitation, but Strange hesitated.

"That's right, the Avengers is a special team formed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Everyone in it is a superhero, such as the captain, such as me..."

In order to win over Strange, Tony tried his best to promote the excellence of the Avengers: "What, you don't know SHIELD? It doesn't matter, as long as you know the predecessor of this organization, it was Hydra's deadly enemy during World War II."

"However, I will succeed the Supreme Master, and I will have a lot of things to deal with, and I will be very busy..."

Strange recalled that Russell's daily life was to eat, drink, sleep and sleep, and then he would carry over and turn on the hair dryer when anyone was upset.

He shook his head again and again, dispelling the thoughts of a comfortable life: "Although I'm not that busy, I have to spend a lot of time learning magic and preventing the imminent invasion of dimensions. I may not have the extra energy to participate in the Avengers' actions."

"It's okay, the Supreme Mage has great responsibilities, and there are no hard requirements for you. You can join in as a consultant just like Tony." Nick Fury made a decisive decision and promised various offers.


Strange frowned and thought, looked at Bucky's emotionless killer face on the TV screen, and then thought about his duty to resist the invasion of the parallel universe, nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I will join the Avengers as an advisor!"

awesome! x2

Tony and Nick Fury looked happy. Strange's identity determined that he was far more than just a single combat power.

Steve: "..."

He picked up the cool water on the table and poured it on his forehead to calm himself down.

Nick Fury once wanted to invite the Supreme Mage to join the Avengers. He risked Carter's marriage to Bucky to obstruct it, so that Nick Fury did not succeed in killing him.

Unexpectedly, Nick Fury still succeeded!

Things have come to this point, Steve has completely given up, thinking that when we meet again next time, Thor, the God of Thunder, will definitely become a member of the Avengers by various chances and coincidences.

Steve is convinced of this. Although his immediate boss is out of tune, his layout ability is terrible, and everything is calculated as if he could predict the future.

For example, the three undercover agents in front of me, standing in the pit, issued a declaration of "it's safe"...

too difficult!

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