End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 959 Cooperate with the show

In Penn West, a truck transporting supplies drove past the gate in the Asian military restricted zone. When the logistics personnel unloaded the cargo, a section of the exhaust pipe at the bottom of the truck changed its shape and fell to the ground like a mechanical spider, which quickly crawled into the drainage beside the curb. canal.

Far away in the Stark mansion in New York, Tony, Strange, Nick Fury, and Steve gathered in the living room to watch Tony remotely control the mechanical spider, use the sewer as a breakthrough, and successfully sneak into the military. base.

Strange: Technology has advanced to this point?

Steve: The script is wrong, there is no real person sneaking in secretly, how can I be captured?

Nick Fury: Tony looks very skilled, has he sneaked into S.H.I.E.L.D. before?

Tony, the person involved, was completely unaware of the thoughts of the three people behind him. While manipulating the mechanical spider, he asked Jarvis to call up the files of the military base.

He frowned: "A secret base belonging to the Air Force, used for satellite weapon research and development and aerospace experiments, do you know what this means?"

Nick Fury said with a black face: "It means that there are Hydra people in the military, and there are many Hydra bases like this in the US Empire."

"Director Fury, don't be so pessimistic. I used to deal with the military a lot. With a non-disclosure agreement, many scientific researchers don't know who they are working for, so the people in this base are not necessarily Hydra."

Tony turned his head and raised his chin slightly: "Another example is your S.H.I.E.L.D. bureau. Many peripheral personnel always think that they are working for the FBI. It's the same reason."

Nick Fury: "…"

He thinks Tony knows too much!

The mechanical spider sneaked into the ventilation duct and wandered around the underground base under Tony's mysterious operation.

He continued: "Satellite weapons and aerospace experiments have led to the launch of military satellites into space from this base every year, no, every month, even the space shuttle. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Strange answered: "Hydra's hidden stronghold is not on the earth, but in outer space, such as the moon?"

"That's right, but in fact, the earth and the moon are not the only couple in the solar system. Hydra's base can be farther away."

Tony's face was solemn: "My father was an undercover Hydra organization and sacrificed himself to close the space channel. I knew it when I saw the videotape he left behind.

There are Hydra spies lurking on the earth. Although the captain said that those spies have been cleaned up, there is no guarantee that there will be no remnants left. "

Steve put his arms around his shoulders: "But what does this have to do with outer space?"

"Because there are not only Kama Taj on the earth, but also other superheroes, such as the surprise team, so it is not safe to lurk on the earth, and there is a possibility of exposure at any time. It is safer to build the base in outer space."

Tony added: "Of course, there is also a possibility that Hydra secretly controls the whole world and forms another order...but this is too ridiculous and unrealistic!"

Steve: "..."

Reality is so ridiculous sometimes!

"Master Strange found out that this base is unusually active in space. I also found out that this base launches satellites very frequently. After the invasion, I found that many of them were not satellites at all. The Hydra people regarded this base as a Outposts, launching craft into outer space under cover of human detection."

"There is such a thing?"

Steve was amazed, how could he not know about this?

Seeing that Steve's shocked expression did not seem to be fake, Tony kindly comforted him: "Captain, there is no need to blame yourself too much. The surprise team has blocked aliens from the atmosphere many times over the years. I have also heard a little about this... from God In the database of the SHIELD."

Nick Fury: "…"

"But in the final analysis, the earth is so big, and there are only three members in the surprise team. It is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net. In addition, the way Hydra chose is so secretive, it is reasonable for you not to find it."

"By the way, Mage Strange, how did you find out that there is a problem with this base? You said before that Karma Taj's detection enchantment found nothing. Could it be that you caught a spy?"

"I didn't catch the spy because the matter was so important that I didn't dare to discuss it with other people. I found that the space was extremely active because of the detection ability of the Eye of Agamotto..."

Strange's face changed slightly when he mentioned this: "I can be sure that this is not a spatial fluctuation opened by a dimensional channel, nor is it a magic portal. I have no idea what it is exactly."

Just as he was talking, the vent where the mechanical spider sneaked in was blocked. Tony's eyes lit up, and he manipulated the spider to use a cutting laser to open a gap at the end, and the camera suddenly became clear.

In the hollowed out huge underground laboratory, the pipelines are arranged, the experimental equipment similar to a large particle collider is turned on, and the blue light is slightly refracted on the wall. The shape fades away and disappears.

"Portal!" x2

Strange and Tony spoke in unison.


Steve wiped off his cold sweat silently, feeling that his boss really took a lot of trouble to cheat people.

In just a few days, a portal was specially built. It looks familiar, and it seems to be the power of the space gem.

The second team of experimenters walked into the portal. Without further ado, Tony controlled the mechanical spider to land, climbed onto the metal suitcase, and echoed on the surface of the box.

"Tony, it's too dangerous!"

Nick Fury hastened to speak out, he is also eager for information, but must be cautious now.

"Don't worry, I'll just take a look, I won't mess around."

"But you don't even know where the other side is, the signal transmission will be exposed..."

"I use the technology of Hydra, which my father left me."

Tony didn't take it seriously, the metal box attached to the mechanical spider was lifted by the third team of experimenters and entered the portal.

rustle! !

The signal lost contact instantly, and the screen flickered.

"Don't worry, it will take time to reconnect the signal, three, would you like a drink first?"

Tony turned around and asked, seeing that no one answered, he took out the red wine from the wine cabinet and said thank you to himself.

In less than a moment, the signal was reconnected, and it was still a large laboratory, just like before, but all four of them knew that the picture under the camera was no longer on the earth.

"Tony, will you really not be discovered?" Nick Fury asked nervously.

"Of course, you have to trust me... the technology provided by my father!"

Tony manipulated the spider to carry out a latent mission, climbed along the metal wall of the laboratory and entered the ventilation duct, and after a maze trip of luck, he miraculously escaped from the sky.

"Guys, can you guess where I tracked the signal and where it was last located?"


"Well, it's Mars..."

As Tony said, he suddenly became excited: "By the way, maybe we are lucky enough to find the corpse of the Pathfinder. The collection value is super high!"

"Personally, I feel that Pathfinder has been collected by Hydra."

Steve covered his face: "Maybe the photos taken by Pathfinder and sent back to Earth were all taken with the help of Hydra."


It made so much sense that Tony didn't know how to refute it.

Half an hour later, the metal spider crawled out of the complex underground world, touched the red surface of Mars, and flew away from the Hydra Mars base under Tony's control.

Nick Fury has a bad feeling: "Tony, what are you going to do? You said it was just to see!"

"I've heard this sentence many times, but it's the first time it's from a man's mouth."

Tony pursed his lips, and emphasized again: "Don't worry, I've said it all, just take a look, and you will never mess around. And you have seen it, such a small spider, what can it do?"

While speaking, the metal spiders combined and deformed, and the propellers were turned on to fly high into the sky, taking aerial photos of the surface of Mars.

In the distance, the red sky is isolated by the dome shield, together with the sandstorm on the surface of Mars.

As the camera picture rose, an interstellar port made of steel appeared in the sight of the four people. Dozens of giant space battleships docked at the port, and then hundreds of medium-sized warships.

The densely packed small spaceships are operating back and forth, and when the camera zooms in, it can be seen that countless soldiers with guns are maintaining order in the port.

Behind the star port, the huge building complex reveals the overall structure and outline, overlooking from a high altitude, it looks like a piece of ice crystal snowflake.

With a vast territory, the Hydra Mars base covers a huge area, full of futuristic visual impact, and perfectly reproduces an interstellar empire.

The living room was silent, and several people closed their eyes for a long time without saying a word. Although they didn't know how many bases Hydra had on Mars, even if there was only one, the earth would have no chance of winning in the face of such military power.

Tony wiped the cold sweat off his head, and said rationally: "Why don't we surrender, now joining Hydra as the leader party, it must be higher than the status obtained by being defeated and captured, maybe you can be a captain, do you think 'whatever How about the Enigma'?"

"It's just a few warships that scare you like this?"

Nick Fury's eyes widened, and it would have been more convincing if he hadn't been sweating profusely.

"A very strong military force is enough to support an interstellar war, but it is not realistic to conquer the earth."

Steve is full of confidence: "The fleet set off from Mars to Earth, this time is enough for the surprise team to break them into pieces, so there is no need to worry too much."

Tony compared his thumbs: "As expected of the captain, the important task of protecting the earth is entrusted to you."

Steve gave him a blank look, and continued: "Since I've seen it, this base must not be left alone. I'll call on my teammates to clean it up."

"Wait, what teammates are you talking about?"

"Surprise Squad!"

"No, it should be the Avengers."

Tony stepped forward and hugged Steve's shoulders familiarly: "Captain, I believe in the strength of the surprise team, but don't you think it's too wasteful to dismantle so many warships?"

"Tony, don't you..."

"That's right, instead of tearing down this base, it's better to snatch it back and increase our hard power."

"Tony, you have to think clearly, even if you snatch it, no one on earth will be able to open a space battleship."

Steve said, looking at Nick Fury and Strange: "Help persuade Tony, the risk is too great, don't let him stop thinking about it."

"Captain, risk means reward, I think Tony is right!"

Nick Fury breathed heavily: "The power of the earth is too weak. Even if Hydra is repelled, it will still face the threat of other civilizations in the universe. Now is a great opportunity to make leaps and bounds."

Steve: "..."

Russell is right, there is no need to adjust the script, as long as there are enough interests, the target will cooperate with the performance, and they will not be happy if you don't act.

"But, the surprise team can cross the universe, how will the Avengers get there?"

"Mage Strange can open the portal!"

"Well, it should work, but I need to get to Mars first."

Steve: "..."

So fit!

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