End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 960 Secret Infiltration

On the surface of Mars, a cyclone rises on the ground, and in the wilderness where the wind and sand storm is gone, the sound of this wind quickly disappears.

Soon, three furtive figures were moving quickly in the wind and sand, moving towards the target direction.

"Captain, you actually have a fighter jet that can fly in space in your hand. It is a product of which civilization. It looks amazing. Is it free shipping?"

Tony is wearing a steel battle suit, and the golden red of the flamboyant bag is placed against the background of Mars, which looks like a protective color.

Strange also has a protective color, and the levitation cloak is booming, which complements the world of Mars.

Among the three, only Steve was wearing a black battle suit, which was still tight, but unfortunately it was not a leather suit, otherwise it would be more in line with the theme of sneaking in secretly.

The density of the atmosphere on Mars is less than one percent of that of the Earth's atmosphere, and its main component is carbon dioxide. This directly prevents sound from traveling too far on Mars. Even if you can hear each other's conversations, because of the vibration, it is not the same as the sound on Earth. very different.

Therefore, the three communicated using the invisible walkie-talkie provided by Tony, which is still the technology from Hydra.

"Cybertron civilization!"

Steve rolled his eyes. The Avengers lacked means of transportation. Russell immediately asked for a special plane to be delivered to his door, saying that it was a Cybertron Megatron attack plane.

It's too nonsense, it's just made up when you hear it, the years when he was the captain of surprise, he can be regarded as crossing the galaxy, cybertron civilization... I have never heard of it.

"Which civilization is that, can you introduce it?"

Tony turned on the recording function. He is very interested in alien civilization. The main reason is not the worship of technological civilization, but as a standard earth person, he has a very standard earth habit.

Your fighter jet is not bad, can you lend me a look and return it to you after reading it!

"Tony, do you know why I didn't take the spaceship out before?"

"Because you can't use it!"

"No, because you or Director Fury know, the spaceship may not belong to me."

"Uh, this... I'm doing scientific research, and Director Ferry is the robber."

Tony knew the topic was awkward,

The line of sight is fixed on the front, and on the operation plane that only he can see, the positioning signal sent by the mechanical spider is getting closer and closer.

Ten kilometers away, large waves appeared in the air, and the light curtain was grounded to the sky, reflecting the red light of the ground, which was spectacular.

Looking at the mountain and running dead horses, the three of them saw the defensive cover of the Hydra Mars base from a long distance, and they still walked for a long time before reaching the target.

Tony suggested to fly directly to approach, but was stopped by the cautious Strange. On other people's territory, acting high-profile is tantamount to courting death.

Tony was very disdainful, low-key is not his style, thinking that the opponent is the enemy of the parallel universe, and finally agreed.

Steve: "..."

He knew very well that even if Tony rushed in with the stereo on his back, no one would look him in the eye.

Because it's not time to see him yet!


Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Headquarters, Nick Fury in the office, his personal computer received the signal from Tony, and when he heard Steve and Tony choreographing his character, his face immediately turned black.

The robber's behavior is pure slander, and he also borrows things occasionally and refuses to return them for the long-term peace and stability of the earth.

And the captain, too, actually guarding him like a thief, it's too inappropriate.

The Avengers gathered in the safe house, but Nick Fury stayed at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. It wasn’t that he was afraid of going to death. On the contrary, he took the initiative to expose himself to the public because he was worried that the sudden disappearance of the Avengers would attract unnecessary attention. under the field of vision.

He didn't know how many Hydra spies there were in S.H.I.E.L.D., and he couldn't tell who was trustworthy, so he simply kept his daily routine and sat in the headquarters to stabilize the situation.

It's a brave move. It would be better if the delay of the signal sent back by Tony was shorter.


In front of the protective cover, wind and sand rolled over it, making the sound of stones falling to the ground.

Strange opened the Eye of Agomotto, and after checking, he confirmed that there was no trace of magic, and silently nodded to Tony.

Steve took the lead to pass through the defensive cover, with 12 points of vigilance on the surface, but he was as steady as an old dog in his heart. He knew very well in his heart that there was absolutely no possibility of being exposed before entering the Hydra Mars base.

Because of this infiltration mission, it wasn't the three of them avoiding everyone, but everyone avoiding the three of them.

How could it be exposed?

Through the protective shield, Tony and Strange looked at the steel city in the distance, especially the magnificent interstellar port, feeling the powerful potential of technology.

At the same time, they deeply hope that human beings will be so powerful one day.

"Don't look, be careful not to be discovered by others."

With Steve's reminder, Strange immediately came to his senses and used magic to cast light reflections, making the three of them invisible in place.

"Captain, seeing such a shocking scene, your reaction is too flat." Tony complained.

"I have seen many starports of interstellar civilizations before, and there are more spectacular ones than this one. I am used to it."

"That's right, I'm from the countryside..."

Under Strange's prompting, the three of them were cautious along the way. The mechanical spider scouted the way, avoided the traps and triggers along the way, and touched the edge of the star port.

Tony asked: "Master Strange, can your invisibility magic fool scientific instruments?"

"It can only fool the naked eye."

"This magic isn't cool at all, it's not as useful as my battle suit, but there's only one suit, so I can't bring two people into it!"

Tony complained, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a patrol team with guns passing by, and he tiptoed to lean over.

Steve pressed Tony's shoulder and pulled it back, shaking his head in denial: "That's the biochemical soldier of the Chitauri, half-life, half-mechanical cannon fodder, every soldier's brain is connected to the switchboard, if you Kill them, and our position will be revealed instantly."

"Aliens are really troublesome..."

Tony frowned. He wanted to grab three pieces of armor and get away with it, but now it seems impossible.

Fortunately, there are experts in the universe among the three.

"Captain, when you were hanging out in the past, you encountered a scene of sneaking in, such as the current situation, how do you usually deal with it?"

"Generally speaking..."

Steve pondered for a moment, then gave an answer: "When the interstellar war hits the home planet, it basically declares the end of the war, so you said that this kind of situation rarely happens."

"and then?"

"I'm a soldier, not a spy. Whenever I need to sneak in, I just rush in and kill the mission target."


The opinions of experts are of no reference value. If the star port is directly blown up, Steve's simple and crude plan is king. But the problem is that Tony is greedy for the Hydra base and wants to grab it as intact as possible.

"I have a way to make a difference!"

Strange said aloud: "Leave one person to create chaos outside. The bigger the movement, the better. The remaining two sneak in secretly, find the supreme commander of this base, and use him to paralyze the defense system of the entire star port..."

Tony nodded: "A few hundred words of nonsense can be summed up as a beheading tactic, right?"

Strange rolled his eyes, he was outnumbered and wanted to seize control, this was the only way he could do it.

"Then the question is, who's left to create chaos?"


Tony: "My battle suit has the function of invisibility, and the important task of sneaking in secretly belongs to me."

Strange: "I have invisibility, penetrating objects, and perception magic. I can find out the supreme commander of the base as quickly as possible."

Steve: "..."

Tony: "Only I can control the star port defense system!"

Strange: "I still have the task of opening the portal and releasing the Avengers."

Steve: "..."


Steve covered his face speechlessly. It seemed that he was the only one who was the most suitable bait.

However, if he blows up his own house or something, will Russell take the opportunity to wear shoes for him?

Strange: "Captain, please!"

Tony: "Captain, it happens to be the mode you are best at, and the work of technical flow is handed over to us."

"Ah, I know."

Steve was extremely speechless, sometimes he really admired Russell, obviously the script had gone astray, but he suddenly turned back to the original track after running, how did he do it?


At the Trident Headquarters, Nick Fury looked at the frozen picture in doubt, wondering if the three of Steve stood still in front of the protective shield for a long time, whether an accident happened, but the picture jumped, and the three of them had already stood beside the starport .

Nick Fury: "…"

What's going on, just stuck?


boom! boom! boom! boom----

In the distance, there was a dull explosion. Tony and Strange sensed the ground shaking, nodded at each other, and launched an invasion using the star port as a breakthrough.

Strange opened a cloud of light to cover him, and Tony raised his hand to release the laser, opening a big hole in the metal wall that only one person could walk through.

After the two disappeared, the patrolling Zita Swiss passed by, looking at the big hole in a daze.

After a while, the maintenance robot arrived and re-welded the big hole to restore it to a new look.

Tony and Strange sneaked into the Starport, the huge and well-connected passage made people dizzy for a while, Strange signaled Tony to wait in place, and his figure blurred into the ground.

Blindly looking for it is too time-consuming. Given the terrifying area of ​​the Hydra base, the two may not be able to find the target after spending ten and a half months.

Three minutes later, Strange turned into a monitoring room in Starport. The complicated operation interface made him feel at a loss, so he used the walkie-talkie to get in touch with Tony.

"Tony, according to my position..."


The door of the monitoring room was pushed open, and Tony, who was invisible, walked into the room and looked at the empty room: "Mage, according to the location, you should be inside the wall now, right?"

Strange manifested his figure, with a sullen expression on his face: "Why are you so fast?"

"Well, you may not believe it, but there is a map in the corridor."

Strange: "..."

His face twitched slightly, the scene was too embarrassing, he didn't know what to say.

"It's so strange!"

Tony withdrew his stealth status and asked in confusion: "The captain said just now that the alien armies are controlled by the switchboard, so why is there a map in the corridor?"

"This is the base of the Hydra. It is impossible to have only one unit. The captain also said that it is the cannon fodder unit."

"It makes sense!"

Tony nodded and reached out to approach the operation interface. The armor on his arm separated like flowing water. After invading the monitoring system, he downloaded the base map and the defense force division.

Suddenly, the door of the monitoring room was locked, all the instruments automatically shut down, and a loud alarm came from outside the room.

"..." x2

Tony withdrew his hand silently, with an innocent face: "Hydra's firewall is great, much better than S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Damn it, now is not the time to talk about this, you have to figure out your own way, I'm going to find a safe corner and send the Avengers over here." Strange's figure faded, blending into the ground and disappearing.

The secret invasion has failed, and now that the evacuation returns to Earth, it will be even more difficult to come back next time.

If there is no retreat, then we can only force our way in!

Strange decided to give it a try, and if the defense of Hydra's Mars base was too weak, he would consider withdrawing to Earth for a long-term plan.

Looking at Strange who disappeared, Tony shrugged, thinking that it's good to be alone, at least no one is holding him back.


At Trident headquarters, Nick Fury's communicator rang, and he opened it to see a message from Coulson.

'Sir, the Avengers have set off! '

Nick Fury put down the communicator, and on the screen in front of him, the three of Steve stood in the corner of Starport, which had been frozen for a while.

"F beep K!"

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