End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 985: Female Thor's Best Friend

Seeing Russell talking to himself and starting to unbutton his trouser belt, the robbery white men panicked, their hands holding the gun trembled, for fear that he would really take out a Barrett.

It turned out to be even worse!

Russell reached out and dug in his crotch for a long time, and suddenly froze for a moment. He took out the disassembled parts of the M249 machine gun, and assembled it in front of the man.

"It turned out to be hidden here. I searched for it for three months and couldn't find it. I thought I lost it."

"Wait a minute, give me a minute, I'll look for where the special magazine is..."

"This RPG is not, and this one is not... Hey, I seem to have touched Barrett...Damn it, this is the gun I came with from the factory..."


A minute later, Russell shrugged and apologized: "Sorry, there are too many weapons and ammunition, I can't find Barrett, you don't mind?"

"You, who the hell are you!?"

The hand of the white man holding the gun kept shaking, and the other hand grabbed the cuff of the windbreaker and kept wiping sweat. He knew he was lucky and accidentally robbed a big guy.

Russell didn't answer. He took out a pile of gun certificates from his pants pocket, and found his police officer certificate at the bottom: "As you can see, NYPD, this is my territory."

The man looked at the police officer's ID card, then at the munitions exhibition in front of him, silently raised the muzzle of his popular Colt gun, and smiled far-fetchedly: "Sorry to bother you, I just came in for a drink, I didn't intend to rob. Just kidding."

"Are you sure you don't want to?"

I can't take it with me even if I want it!

The man frantically begged to let go, and waved his hands again and again: "No, you quickly put the gun back, I still have something to do, I'm leaving now, and I won't disturb your meal."

"Wait, look at your gun, why do I think there are no bullets in it!"

Russell raised his eyebrows and looked at the white man, dissatisfied: "I told you that you had no bullets, so I wouldn't take out the gun. I'm tired of this one, so I have to put it back..."

As he said that, like magic, he stuffed the guns on the table back into his clothes one by one.

Max next to him stared straight at him with envious eyes, imagining that he also has the ability to hide objects, and then he went in and out of the supermarket.

"What are you talking about, I have bullets in my gun, really... what are you doing, I warn you, stay away from me, or I will shoot."

The man's voice trembled, and he aimed his gun at Russell. He was the one with the gun, but he was so wronged that he was about to cry.

The most frightening thing was that he found that Russell's aura was so strong that he couldn't control his hands and feet, and couldn't even pull the trigger.

"There are bullets, why don't you pull the trigger?"

Russell stepped forward, took the Colt from the man's stiff hand, and took a look after pulling out the magazine: "I misunderstood you, so there are indeed bullets."



As soon as Russell made an uppercut and hit the white man's abdomen hard, his body curled up, his back bowed and he knelt on the ground, losing his ability to move.

"You know, the last person who pointed a gun at me..."

Russell put Colt on the dining table and looked at the retching white man: "You are lucky, I am still on vacation today and I am too lazy to write a report, otherwise the police car that will pick you up later will be a hearse instead. "

The white male is incapacitated, rolling his eyes and unable to speak.

Russell took out his mobile phone and called David. He remembered that this guy likes to work night shifts to earn overtime pay, so he should be hanging around nearby.

On the other side, David, who was on patrol, received a call and happily agreed to come down.

After hanging up the phone, David sighed dejectedly. During the shift change this afternoon, the director talked to him. For safety reasons, he will change his partner.

David was very melancholy, he was looking forward to forming a team with Russell, but the golden partner died before he became famous, or even started a formal cooperation.

The vehicle drove across the bridge and received a radio announcement that there was current interference in the surrounding area. He was the closest and drove 200 meters to the scene of the incident.

Under the deserted bridge, scrapped cars and oil drums can be seen everywhere, but there is not even a homeless person.

David was holding a bright flashlight, and reached out to hold the pistol on his waist. A gust of cold wind blew by, and goose bumps appeared on his neck.

The atmosphere was very bad, and David remembered the horror movies he had watched in the cinema when he was chasing his sister.

Turning around a bridge pier, the bright flashlight shone on a barbed wire fence, and the red molten iron left by high-temperature cutting remained on the edge of the circular gap.

He looked at this scene in doubt, and approached with a bright flashlight, wondering whether it was a natural phenomenon or a man-made prank.

At this time, a silver-white humanoid object approached David from behind, and the knife in his hand fell with lightning speed, easily knocking him to the ground.

The silver-white strange object was like a pool of quicksilver walking upright. After David was brought down, his figure shrank and twisted, becoming just like David, even the police uniform number on his body was exactly the same.

The only difference is the expression, although he and David have the same face, but ruthless as steel.

He took off David's pistol, drove off in the police car, and left David unconscious, with his hands and feet twitching once or twice.


In the restaurant, the white man wakes up, regains mobility, and is knocked down again by Russell.

After that, in order not to affect the normal order of the restaurant, the unlucky guy was stuffed into the booth by Max and Caroline, directly opposite Russell.

The two women admired Russell's ferocious performance very much, and gave him a small cake for free, although he had no interest at all.

He couldn't wait for David for half an hour, and he didn't answer the phone call. Russell ran out of patience, thinking that he only had the number of the director in his hand, so he didn't know how to call him.

The director seemed to be conducting a serious scientific experiment with an unknown number of people. He was very annoyed when he received a call from Russell, but when Russell turned on the hidden switch in his brain, he immediately became very polite and arranged for a patrol car to rush to the restaurant.

The white man was taken away with his pistol and black garbage bag. Two police officers briefly asked about the incident and waved goodbye to Russell.

After seeing all the plot characters in the restaurant, Russell didn't trigger a lottery draw without the system prompting, so he threw down $100 and left.

"Don't look for it, the rest is a tip."

Holding a hundred-dollar bill, Max stared at Russell's back as he left gracefully. He walked all the way to the door, and found that his posture in opening the sports car door was super handsome.

"Max, the taillights are gone, it's time to come back."

Caroline reached out and shook Max in front of him, shaking him out of his daydream vigorously: "Wake up, it's only a hundred dollars, not enough to make you fall in love with him."

"Enough is enough, at least I love him tonight."

Max put a hundred dollar knife under his nose, sniffed it hard, and said intoxicated: "I admit that I was wrong. At the beginning, I didn't think he was handsome at all. He was just staring at my mother's chest. scumbag."

"now what?"

"He's a rich scumbag... No need to look for it, the rest is a tip..."

Max imitated Russell's tone, put on airs, and said excitedly: "He looks so handsome when he checks out and drives, like Marlon Brando, what do you think?"

"Max, wake up, Marlon Brando is a top-notch scumbag outside the show, and the godfather in the play won't drive a $20,000 Camaro."

"Wow, the bankrupt young lady, do you have two hundred dollars now?"

"If someone uses two hundred-dollar bills as a tip, I'll have it." Caroline curled her lips.

"That's fine, what's the difference between $20,000 and $2 million to me?" Max's eyes widened, and he was justifiably poor.

"OK, if you're really nympho, you can deliver it to your door after get off work. He lives on the third floor."

"It's up to you to say."



At four o'clock in the morning, Max wore a bathrobe, left the third floor with a satisfied face, and pushed open the door of his own room.

"Max, why are you only wearing a bathrobe, and it's still men's... Damn, I remember an hour and a half ago, you went upstairs with your clothes on."

Caroline covered her head, she knew that Max was always willing to come, but this was too fast...

Uh, one and a half hours, can't be considered fast.

"Caroline, I'm in love."

Max looked nympho, looking at his fascinated eyes, he knew that she was back, but Hun'er was still on the third floor.

"In love! You slept with Officer Russell first, and then fell in love with him?"

"No, not in bed, the object of my love is his jacuzzi."

Max came back to his senses, and sighed: "I brought a small cake to the door, the excuse is that the shower at home is broken, and I want to take a bath in the bathroom of Officer Russell's house."

"The results of it?"

"It turned out that he neither ate the cake nor ate me, and really lent me the bathroom."

Max was very sympathetic to his tragic experience, and turned to say happily: "But the jacuzzi in his house is big and comfortable. I couldn't help it, so I washed it three times."

"I can see that the skin is wrinkled."

Caroline rolled her eyes and complained speechlessly.

"To be honest, I wish I could die in his bathroom, the oven in the kitchen, the TV in the living room..."

Max gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, why doesn't he fuck me, so I have a reason to live there and not leave."

"Max, I remember someone said that Officer Russell stared at her chest for fifteen seconds, and he was a proper scumbag."

Caroline put her arms around her shoulders, and said in a strange way: "As far as the current situation is concerned, someone seems to have misjudged and overestimated his own charm."

"No, I still retain my original point of view, he is indeed a rich scumbag."

When Max said this, he frowned in doubt: "Caroline, Police Officer Russell told me that if I can become a female Thor's best friend, you can consider having a sex with me. Who is the female Thor's best friend?"

"I don't know, but if this is his original words, then he is indeed a scumbag."

"Repeat, it's a rich scumbag, and his bathtub is amazing!"

Max defended the scumbag, and when he saw Caroline packing her clothes, he couldn't help but asked in confusion, "What are you doing, why do you need to change clothes?"

"As you said, the shower in our house is broken. I'm going to borrow the bathroom from Police Officer Russell's house."

"Damn, you little bitch, you want his jacuzzi." Max was furious.

"Aren't you too?"

"No, I'm still greedy for his money."


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Start not being a monster today!

A series of ruined idioms, you can read it if you are interested.


There is a reward from the leader of "A Lonely Dog", and it is unreasonable to owe him three chapters.

Will make it up another day!

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