End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 986 Please pull over to the speeding vehicle ahead

"What, David was attacked last night, his gun and police car were robbed, and he turned into a vegetable?"

In the police station, Russell heard the bad news, and he was in a bad mood.

No wonder David promised on the phone, but he didn't arrive, and he didn't answer the phone. His feelings were knocked out.

"Yes, according to his communication records, you were the last person to contact him before he was attacked. The director asked me to ask, what did you talk about during the last call?"

The police officer named Pierre looked at Russell with a little fear in his eyes. He secretly said that he only had the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. The 'Partner Terminator' really lived up to its reputation.

It's a pity that David lost his gun and car. Even if he wakes up from a coma and continues to work, he can only be a civilian in the future.

The worst thing is, without David, who is keen to earn overtime pay, who will he find for the night shift in the future?

Pierre prayed in his heart that he still lacked a partner, and hoped that the director would be merciful and not arrange him to team up with Russell.

He is not yet forty years old, he is in his prime, and he doesn't want to be beaten with a sap one day when he walks at night.

"Last night, I encountered a robber in a restaurant in Williamsburg. I subdued him and called David. Later..."

After Russell finished speaking, he asked, "Which hospital is David in? I want to visit him."

He knew how terrifying his charm was. When David, a vegetable, saw him, he would immediately turn from a long sleep to a vigor when he was excited.

By the way, I would like to ask if there are any clues to the assailant, how dare he attack the patrolling police in a black light? If such a reckless lunatic is caught by him...


"The XXX hospital that cooperates with our police station, we can work together after get off work... Oh, I have something else to do, go by yourself after get off work!"

Pierre chose to stay away from Russell from the bottom of his heart. David's tragedy was vivid in his mind, and he didn't want to be the second sacrifice for Russell to come to the branch.

"Okay, I'll go by myself."

Russell rolled his eyes, knowing that the wind review was victimized again, and it would not be cleared.

This is also good, no one will take the initiative to partner with him, and it is much easier to act alone.


The door of the director's office was pushed open: "Damn,

All you slackers get moving, there's a shooting in the precinct, there's a shootout between two lunatics at a playground in the mall, and there's a road royale. "

As the director said, he scratched his head with his hands. A major accident occurred in the jurisdiction, and his bonus this year was completely wasted.

To make matters worse, tomorrow his picture will be plastered in the corner of the headlines, belittled by journalists.


[The host triggers a world quest: Justice is never late! In a chaotic city, in a chaotic crisis, as the killer of evil, you should be on the front line]

[World Mission: 1, Major Case 0/5]

[World Mission: 2, Ordinary Cases 0/50]

[Mission failed, stay in this world forever, inherit the bad luck of the bankrupt sisters, and watch them get rich and go to glory]


Russell: What the hell punishment, as if I've had better luck!

"System, repeat the world mission again."

"Uncle Luo, didn't you hear clearly?"

"I'd like to hear this kind of truth that doesn't contain the slightest deceit."


The system was extremely speechless, a certain person really didn't have any B number, but he still played it in a loop very sincerely.

For a moment, Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding sounded continuously in Russell's mind, subconsciously straightened his back, and carried the heavy burden on his shoulders.

That's right, the evil buster, who else!

Russell likes the identity arranged by the system this time, and also likes this world mission, especially the mission commentary, as if he has returned to his youthful youth.

"Hey, why do I have such emotion, I'm only nineteen now!"


The director of the bureau was furious, and the bureau exploded immediately. One by one, the police officers rectified their equipment, and even civilian personnel were dispatched to the scene to maintain order.

Russell drove the police car alone and arrived at the shopping center as fast as possible. Other police officers were crowded, but no one wanted to share a car with him.

The name of the partner terminator is so terrifying!

At the scene, Russell flashed his police officer's card and entered the area blocked by the isolation zone to investigate.

In a clothing store on the shopping street, the tempered glass was smashed. According to the clerk, a strong man in sunglasses fought with a policeman, not only tearing down the glass, but also tearing down the walls of the corridor.

Russell walked through the violently shattered wall, which was as wide as a palm. Even if it was a wooden panel with secondary decoration, ordinary people would never be able to smash it into pieces.

Not an ordinary case!

In the corridor, several police officers were rescuing evidence at the scene in front of a dead body, and a pistol was left beside it.

Glock 19!

The standard police configuration, the victim died under this pistol, shot three times in a row, and died on the spot.

If it was really the weapon of the police station, and the policeman was not a disguised identity, according to the inscription code on the gun, the truth of the case would soon be revealed.

"Is there no surveillance video in the store?"

"Yes, but during the time of the incident, the surveillance video was in a black screen state very strangely. Only during that time, the rest of the time was intact."

The investigators at the scene frowned, puzzled, and answered Russell's question truthfully.

Russell nodded, and drove away from the scene before the large troops arrived. There were professionals present, and he was not qualified to point fingers.

If you really have any doubts, ask the director to call out the investigation report, and it will be clear at a glance.

Five minutes later, he arrived at another crime scene, where there were no obvious signs of gunshots, and the scrapped heavy truck was destroyed by firefighters, leaving only a black shell.

Russell looked at the bridge and tunnel that was separated from the road by a wall, frowned thoughtfully, took out his mobile phone and searched for keywords—Skynet!

Found nothing, found nothing.

Skynet is a human-powered artificial intelligence created by humans based on computers. It was initially researched as an auxiliary system for the military field. After great success, it became the intelligent missile defense system of the United States.

Later, Skynet updated itself in the constant reading of data, awakened its own will, regarded all mankind as a threat, started by inducing a nuclear bomb attack, and launched the Judgment Day that put the entire mankind on the brink of extinction.

On Judgment Day, more than 3 billion human beings were annihilated in ashes.

As for the reason why Russell didn't find anything, it's very simple. Skynet hasn't been invented yet, and it doesn't have that name.

The company currently developing Skynet has a famous name - Cybertron Corporation!

Russell could not remember the name of this company, but it did not prevent him from continuing to search for clues, logging into the internal system to find the key figure John Connor.

Soon, the search system entered the youth database, and a string of information appeared before Russell.

"The Savior" John Connor is a mischievous and delinquent boy with a juvenile delinquency record.

Plus, he's 10 years old this year!

"It really is the plot of [Terminator 2]..."

Russell rubbed his temples, often fighting with artificial intelligence, he felt a little sorry for the robot.

He recalled the plot, the end of the car crash scene meant that the young John was taken away by the governor of the T-800, and the T-1000 chased him all the way to the mental hospital.

"What's the name of the savior's mother, Sharon S...uh, it's Sharon Connor, yes, that's the name."

John's personal information column only shows his mother's surname, but no specific name. Russell vaguely remembers this name, and enters keywords to search in the internal system.

I found several people with the same name, but their identities didn't match.

In desperation, he searched for information on the 10-year-old savior again. The unlucky child is currently in adoption status. The adoptive parents are named Todd and Jenny, and there is a dog named Max at home.

"Well, this must be the bad taste of fate!"

Russell snickered, and soon found John's biological mother's name in the data——Sarah Connor!

No human being is a sage, and the problem is not very serious, just a few misspelled words.

Russell modified the keywords in time and found Sarah Connor's information and the specific location of the mental hospital she is currently in.

The chaotic world has no integrity at all, forcing the plot of "Terminator" to be arranged in New York, including the mental hospital where Sarah Connor is located.

Russell was driving to the hospital when he suddenly remembered one thing. If he acted alone, it would be very easy to solve the T-1000, but the plot would still proceed according to the original history.

The Skynet program was created, and Doomsday cannot be changed.

However, if the coming of robots in the future is widely advertised, the T-800 and T-1000 will eventually be captured alive and thrown into the laboratory due to the greedy nature of human beings, and the Skynet system may become more powerful.

This is an endless loop, no matter how you change the process, the result will be Skynet, the only difference is that Skynet is changed to another name, such as Mechanical Emperor or something.

He hesitated for a moment, his good habits came online, he didn't think about it if he couldn't figure it out, first arrest the perpetrator T-1000, and think about it later.

This kind of logic is somewhat irresponsible, but in Russell's view, the birth of Doomsday is unlikely.

Because there are Satan and God in this chaotic world, Miss Devil is still a positive character, and the possibility of robots destroying human civilization is very slim.

As for where the T-800 and T-1000 came from...

Don't ask, it's a parallel universe!

After calling the director, Russell drove to the mental hospital, saying that there would be a big move tonight, so that the director would be mentally prepared.


In the mental hospital, a riot was going on. The superwoman Sarah Connor successfully escaped from prison, and then witnessed the battle between T-800 and T-1000.

When it comes to fighting, T-1000 is basically chasing and killing Connor and his mother, while T-800 is covering their escape. The performance difference between the two robots is too great.

Russell drove to the remote psychiatric hospital. As soon as he got to the side of the road, he witnessed a car chase.

T-800 fled in a police car, with the mother and son sitting in the car, while T-1000 lay on the roof, trying to attack the vehicle to stop it.

woo woo woo———

Russell turned on the alarm bell, chased forward, picked up the horn at the same time, and broadcast in a very unbeatable voice: "Please pull over the speeding vehicle ahead for a random inspection, or I will shoot..."


There is a reward from the lord of "Come and see the genuine version", uh...

Nothing to dare to think about, so be it!

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