End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 987 Don't Run, I'm a Good Man

"The speeding vehicle in front please pull over for a random inspection, or I will shoot you!"

Russell repeated the embarrassing broadcast several times. After the 500-meter pursuit, the vehicle driven by the T-800 suddenly stopped.

You can tell from the degree of sudden braking that the T-800 was not stopped for inspection, but the engine was damaged by the T-1000, so it had to stop and change to another vehicle.

The T-1000 that climbed onto the hood was driven by inertia, flew more than ten meters away, landed and rolled several times before stopping.

"Get out of the car, let's take the police car behind."

T-800 made a cold voice, pushed open the driver's door, and strode towards the police car where Russell was.

"Wait, you can't hurt that officer, he's on duty."

The young John quickly got out of the car. Although he was a bad boy, his nature was quite pure.

This is normal, the big villain can't be the savior...it should be!


Russell turned off the alarm, opened the car door and walked down, raised his hand to put the Terminator sunglasses on his face, and lit a cigarette for himself by the way.

On both sides of his police uniform shirt are M9 and Glock 19 holsters, a 5.56mm M4A1 rifle on his shoulder, a front tactical rail and a tactical flashlight, which is very cool.

At this time, the loudspeaker of the police car played explosive rock music, manually posing as the invincible BGM.

Wearing sunglasses at night and playing music stupidly, could this police officer have just escaped from a mental hospital?

Connor's mother and son were dumbfounded, and the T-800 didn't feel anything. They strode up to Russell and said coldly, "I want your rifle, your car... and your sunglasses!"

"Old man, you should have said 'please,' but even if you did, I wouldn't agree."

As Russell said, he took out the cigarette from his mouth, flicked off the ash, and then took a sharp puff to spit the smoke on T-800's face.

Don't look at the governor's tallness under the camera, but in fact, when standing side by side with Russell, the height value is almost the same.

Neither of them is 1.9 meters!

"I don't want to say it a second time.


The T-800 man didn't talk too much, and raised his hand to hold the M4A1, trying to snatch it from Russell.

He failed to exert force for two seconds, and the mechanical head was unclear. Therefore, the electronic eye re-scanned Russell, and the red observation interface was full of question marks.

Then, a series of words 'unknown' and 'dangerous' flashed across.

The T-800 quickly entered the combat state, pulled out the Sand Eagle from its waist, pressed it against Russell's forehead, and pulled the trigger continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

On the side, John saw the T-800 kill the police officer, so scared that he opened his mouth wide and forgot to scream. He always thought that the T-800 was a good robot.

His mother, Sarah Connor, showed horror, recalling the fear of being dominated by the T-800. The strong-willed woman quickly regained her senses, but she did not fulfill the duties of a mother, such as covering shut the eyes of the son.

Sarah Connor did it on purpose. She hoped that her son would recognize the nature of the robot, gain a sense of crisis as soon as possible, and work hard to mature.

I have to say that although she loves her son very much, she is undoubtedly a failed mother, completely forgetting that John is only 10 years old this year.

Slap! Slap! despair----

The deformed warheads landed one after another, Russell pushed away the Sand Eagle in front of his forehead, looked at the T-800 with dead fish eyes, and stuck a cigarette in his cheek to extinguish it.

"Before I hit you, tell me why you have to hit me on the head? I don't understand, everyone seems to like it."

The T-800 was fearless, grabbing Russell's collar with both hands, trying to lift him up and still fly.

Russell took the first step, holding T-800's wrist, and amidst the metal deformation sound of grinding his teeth, he bent his left hand until he bent it, and then kicked him in the chest.

The T-800's heavy body seemed to be hit by a train, and it flew upside down with a bang. After landing, it plowed a ditch in the lawn beside the road and slammed into a big tree hard.

Sarah Connor: ┌(.Д.)┐

John Connor: ╭(⊙o⊙)╮

Russell: (??■_■)

He stepped towards the T-1000, passing the stunned Connor mother and son, stopped and warned: "Madam, take care of your son's stepdad, if there is another time, I will dismantle him into a pile of scrap iron."

"Who the hell are you?"

Sarah Connor was so shocked that she uttered a swear word.

"As you can see, NYPD!"


Sarah Connor: Just because I live in a mental hospital, it doesn't mean I'm really mentally ill. If the New York police have your fighting power, there are no robots!

"Stay where you are and don't move. When I finish the T-1000 over there, I have something to discuss with you mother and son about... Skynet!"

Russell pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, ignored Sarah Connor's shocked expression, and walked towards T-1000.

On the opposite side, the T-1000 detected the actions of Russell and T-800, stayed in place cautiously, scanned Russell's face and body contours, and analyzed it against the database, but found nothing.

He switched his arms, and the metal liquid softened and then condensed, forming two sharp blades.

"Boy, this is NYPD. I don't care if you are a future person, a robot, or not a human. When you come to this time and space, you should abide by the laws of this time and space."

Russell pulled the bolt of the M4A1 and pointed the gun at the T-1000: "You attack the police, pretend to be a police officer, kill with a gun, rob, violate traffic laws, vandalize public property, and resist arrest after fifteen seconds. It seriously threatens social security and citizens' lives and property safety, put down the weapon in your hand, stand upright on the spot, or I will shoot."


T-1000 tilted his head slightly, his indifferent expression was obvious at a glance, and he didn't understand a word.

"OK, the warning is over."

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

Russell turned on the three-shot burst mode, hit the T-1000 with the bright flashlight, pulled the trigger, and pierced its alloy body with bullets.

"Tsk, it's okay to attack David, and use his face to show off..."

As Russell fired, he said angrily, "It's so naive, I can even kill Jason, let alone David's face!"

The T-1000 was shot, and holes were punched in the body by bullets with strong penetrating power. The CPU analyzed that the damage caused by Russell was within the tolerable range, and quickly entered the attack mode.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

After firing 35 rounds, Russell casually threw the M4A1 at his feet. When the T-1000 approached, he pulled out the M9, and a bullet pierced his head.

The T-1000 liquid metal robot has multiple CPUs, and every drop of liquid metal is his CPU. These CPUs can not only disperse work, but also self-organize and cooperate with each other.

In other words, each part of his mimetic alloy is endowed with intelligence. Because of its memory, it can restore itself after being destroyed. It can also perform solid-liquid conversion to simulate the surrounding environment, or use the body to transform into a solid weapon.

But because of the model, he cannot act in a split state, and must form a whole in a certain order to exert optimal performance.

If injured, it will affect the overall reaction and action to varying degrees, such as stiffness when encountering a gunshot, and temporary loss of mobility after being headshot.

A robot with extremely superior performance, as an assassin or killer, T-1000 is perfect.

However, limited by its own metal properties, its weakness is also very obvious. Extremely low or extremely high temperatures will limit, damage, or directly destroy its functions.

Russell fired a few shots, pretending to be pretty much... Bah, the temptation is almost the same, the skill of 'Left of the God's Throne' is attached to the M9, making its appearance sanctified, turning into a white shotgun, facing the T -1000's head pulls the trigger.

boom! !

The white holy bullet bombarded and exploded the T-1000's head, and the scorching white flame burned down along its head, spreading crazily at an extremely fast speed.

"Squeak, chirp—"

There was an abnormally loud glass scratching sound, and the T-1000 activated the emergency self-request function, cutting off the body by itself, splitting the upper body burned by the high-temperature flame.

Russell's eyes fixed on the wandering silver-white liquid, and when he raised his gun to shoot again, his eyes stopped on the sanctified M9, his eyes lit up, and he came up with a good idea.


The sound of tires rubbing against the ground came, and Russell turned around dumbfounded. In his sight, T-800 drove a police car and ran away with Connor and his son.

"Why run, I'm not a bad person!"

Russell is speechless. From his appearance to the present, he has tried his best to interpret the image of a perfect crime buster. It can be said that he played the role in his true colors. Why don't you believe him?

"Run, where can I go? There is a location on the car, even if you don't know how to get out of my Wuzhishan."

Russell sneered with disdain, first cleaned up the T-1000, and then went to deal with the nondescript family of three.

In front of him, the dissociated liquid metal was recombined, and most of the T-1000 body was missing, and it was forced to change into a dwarf version of David.

Although his face was still grim, the killer robot from the future was less than 1.2 meters tall, so he couldn't look serious.

T-1000 put on a fighting posture, his eyes passed by Russell, and he stared at the police car going away. In the next second, his eyes went dark, and he was hit hard on the cheek by an enlarged fist.

His face deformed, his body flipped 7,200 degrees in the air, and he fell to the ground hard in a zero-point posture.

Russell reached out and waved his hand, took out the Death Knell Armor from the portable space, and covered it with the "Left of the God's Throne" enchantment.

The death knell armor with self-awareness opened its eyes, and the blue light in both eyes of the mask bloomed, waiting for Russell's order.

"Keep this pile of liquid in your body, invade its system, and make it your own."

After Russell finished speaking, he picked up the M4A1 and quickly chased in the direction of the police car. His figure melted into the darkness and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Deathstroke Armor nodded, strode forward, grabbed the rapidly recovering T-1000 with both hands, opened the front armor, and shoved it all into the body.

After swallowing the T-1000, the Deathstroke armor scanned the surroundings, pulled out a piece of metal hidden in the ground, popped off the visor and threw it in.

At this time, a semi-liquid silver-white arm protruded from the visor. The T-1000's desire to survive was extremely strong. As a result, an electric arc flickered inside the Deathstroke armor, and the arm softened and retreated silently.

On the other side, the police car was driving fast on the road, and the T-800 was driving with one hand with no expression on his face.

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes and stopped. In front of him, Russell was smoking a cigarette, wearing sunglasses and carrying M4A1 on his shoulder, sitting on the curb and looking up at the sky.

There are already two cigarette butts on the ground.

The T-800 did not stop, turned its head and fled in another direction, and then saw Russell sitting on the curb in a concave shape.

There are still two cigarette butts on the ground!

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