End of the Sky

Chapter 1125: This child is a genius

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"You heard me right, you asked me for my opinion?"

Ai E was surprised. Russell talked to himself and never surrendered the initiative. Why was he suddenly changed?

"Don't underestimate yourself, you can."

Russell seriously said, "I need you to think with a popular head, whether the silver garment and the bronze garment need to appear."

Ai E rolled her eyes and groaned for a moment and said, "You can defeat Poseidon alone in the suit of the sun god, while the golden suit cloaks Hades. If silver and bronze suits appear again ... not Well, you will be the nail of the gods, and Zeus will not help you. "

"That makes sense."

Russell nodded: "In this case, I will now start designing two types of holy garments, and wait for the gods to send the forging materials to the door and immediately start the forging."

"Hello, are you really listening to me?"

"Of course, you are not dumb."

Russell began to draw a sketch, and when Ai's face was dark, he comforted: "Don't be angry, I'm not making you happy, but hesitating, I want to use your clever little brain to rule out wrong options."


The more he listened and the more angry, Ai E was too lazy to take care of Russell, and the water mirror screen turned to the east of Sanctuary to see the situation of other trainers.

The hope of becoming a saint is too slim, and Ai does not think that among these people, there will be trialers who successfully reach the summit.

Taking Perseus as an example, suppose he is a reference object, or a ruler, a threshold, and a person who can be selected by the golden garment must be a half-man and a half-god.

Ai E didn't say these words, otherwise she would be laughed at by Russell for a while, half-human, half-god, is it rare?

Zeus: Who do you look down on?

Poseidon: That's it!


To the east of the sanctuary, the large troops stopped slowly, and hundreds of people looked at the endless stone steps, either disdainfully or worried.

As their eyes looked towards the top of the mountain, the Sun Temple, which contained twelve golden vestments, was transformed into excitement and longing.

With the approval of the Golden Cloak, you can get the power comparable to the gods, and walk on earth on behalf of the sun **** and the war **** Russell to guard the peace of the earth.

No matter which one is above, countless people rush to it.

"Go away, I'm a loyal follower of the Sun God, don't stop me from seeing faith!"


There was chaos in the crowd. Several rogues in armor, about soldiers, used spears to open a passage and took the lead on the first step.

The pressure broke out. After a few steps, the soldiers' faces changed slightly, throwing away their armor and weapons from the heart, layer by layer, and heading to the Aries Palace at a turtle speed.

The first person to eat crabs appeared, and the others were unwilling to fall behind, rushing up the first step.

Immediately, people turned on their backs, most of them did not pass the three steps, they spit in foam and fell to the ground.

After ten steps, hundreds of troops were completely destroyed.

The gust of wind swept across the stone steps, and the unconscious trainers were neatly arranged in three rows and placed on the open space at the entrance of the sanctuary.

In the distance, one after another rushed to the scene, either in hordes or rushing fast, hoping for more than four digits.

In a further place, a steady stream of silhouettes rushed towards the pilgrimage area. Some of these people were unwilling to live a life of mediocrity, some were purely pilgrims, sincere people, good people, lucky people, and lively people. .

In the Temple of the Sun, Russell drew sketches and mumbled them from time to time to modify them.

In his plan, gold is the first gear of all Saints, silver is second, bronze is the weakest, and thousands of black iron armors are wholesaled as miscellaneous soldiers.

Here comes the question, whether the five pieces of God's blockage, the God's blockage, the Buddha's blockage, were split in half, and the whole body was comminuted and fractured.

"Ai E, I have a question and would like to consult your opinion."

"Ai !?"

"Are you still listening?"


Ai E said nothing, and saw an interesting child in the water mirror. Without anyone noticing, the child noticed her peep.

"Russell, this is a genius."

"How rare, genius is the last thing in this world!"



Because of the base number, there are not a few people with potential talents, and soon someone broke through the tenth floor.

Waves of people brushed down, thousands of people sharply reduced to 50 people, the first house of the twelfth house Aries Palace was captured, and thirty people successfully set off for the second house, Taurus Palace.

Followers continued, and more and more people stepped on the tenth floor. In contrast, countless people fell.

Soon, there was a trainer in Taurus Palace. Because of lack of physical strength, this person went straight to the Taurus Palace and was unconscious.

The three-two-two figures dazzled to the Taurus Palace, sweat soaked their clothes, and their necks were salted under the hot sun.

Looking at the stone steps, which seemed to be inexhaustible, a little bit desperate, he did not get up after falling down on his knees.

About two hours, a young man walked to the third uterus of the third house. He pursed his dry lips and was dizzy by the hot sun. He wanted to take a rest in the shady corner of the hall.

"If I were you, I would rather stand than sit down. Many people, like you, want to sit down and rest to replenish their strength, and never stand up again."

Hearing the thick baritone, the young man turned his head subconsciously, and there was a wall in front of him.

He took two steps back to see clearly, not the wall, but the body that was more than two meters tall and strong like an iron tower.

Because he was too tall, the young man didn't see the strong man's appearance clearly, nodded his head and thanked the other person's reminder.

This look, suddenly stunned.

I saw the strong man with his hands behind his back, using his palms as a support, and cushioned a little **** his back.

"What's happening here?"

The young man blinked in confusion, why did he bring his daughter to the sanctuary, would an additional daughter have added ingredients, and it would be easier to get the recognition of the golden garment?

Bewildered, the young man slammed onto the cold floor tile with a brain burn, and passed out stupidly.

"It's so cool ..."


"Russell, this kid, come and see."

Ai E shouted several times, seeing that Russell was unmoved, and devoted himself to studying the drawing, couldn't help but take a few steps forward, and unfolded the water mirror in front of him.

"Ouch, I'm going, so big and big guy, is there thirty in stock?" Russell wondered chin.

Shijie's test of the tester is to use stress tests on the surface, and to choose the strongest person first.

The fact is that the pressure caused by the stone steps varies from person to person, and there are two admission criteria for Saints, potential and perseverance.

To put it plainly, talent and hard work are indispensable, at least one is lame.

Perseverance is simple, there is nothing to say, the definition of potential is very vague.

But no matter what, youth is the most intuitive potential, representing an infinite future.

Like the one who said, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty.

"Well, it's a bit difficult!"

A man in his thirties still has such potential, and the strong man is indeed a genius, but he was born too early and wasted a golden period of tapping potential.

"What are you talking about? He doesn't have thirty or twenty."

Ai E pointed to the strong man on the water mirror: "His name is Delemore, and he is fifteen years old."


Russell's eyes widened, and he felt shocked enough. He waved his hand to bring water from the air, poured it into the mouth, and squirted it out, breaking the voice: "Impossible, he was so anxious when he was only fifteen years old. Great! "

Ai E: (? _?)

Looking at the face in front of her, she just wanted to slap him in the face to make it more serious.

"No, how do you know he's only fifteen and know his name?"

"I heard him talking to his sister, and besides, the genius I was referring to was not his, but his sister Zoe."

While talking, Ai turned the water mirror so that Russell could clearly see Zoe lying behind Delemore.

In the water mirror, Zoe, who was lying on the back of his brother, slowly raised his head. A pair of closed eyes passed through the void, facing Russell far away.


Russell's eyes narrowed, holding down the flashing black light, and whispering BB, "Ai E, this brother and sister are so far apart. Which one do you think is not biological?"

Ai E: ( ̄ε (#  ̄) ☆ ╰╮ ( ̄  ̄╬)

She closed her eyes tightly, and slapped Russell severely in her heart. She opened her eyes and said lightly, "Dremor has died from his parents. Zoe is the sister he picked up. Is there any problem?"


Russell took a sigh of coolness and gave a thumbs up: "This Delemore knows that he has a big hand and is far-sighted, and he is indeed a genius!"

Ai E: (╯ ° Д °) ╯︵┻━┻

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and used her spiritual victory to find Russell full of teeth. Then she said: "Zoe was abandoned because of his blindness, and Delemore brought her to the sanctuary to find the sun god. It's you, helping her see the light again. "

"You overheard again?"

"Be careful, Zoe is a genius and must find a way to keep her."

Ai E believes that Russell can do it. When he enters the territory of the black sun god, it is so easy to go.

"No, you have a word that is wrong. Dremore is a genius. Zoe is not. She is a genius."

Russell's eyes narrowed, just now he used telepathy to confirm that Delemore was a half-human demi-god.

Zoe is just a personal person, but he is extremely powerful and has great development potential.

Russell is very experienced in this area, and he had the same talent before he got the system.

After a little comparison, Russell judged that Zoe was a bit worse than he was then, which is by no means a genius to describe.

"Russell, which golden suit do you think is right for her?"

"Hard to say."

"What do you mean?"

"See for yourself."

Russell said, pointing to the top of his head, and Ai E said, looking up, suddenly the mouth opened into an O-shape.

I saw twelve gold garments, eleven of them were trembling slightly, and the surface of the golden light flowed, if not for Russell's pressure, they had all flew away.

"This, this, this ..."

Ai E's heart shook, and she opened her mouth and wondered what to say.

"Except for Gemini's cloak of gold, the eleven other items are on Zoe, which makes it difficult for me!"

"Wait, why isn't Gemini's golden cloak untouched?" Ai returned to God, very puzzled.

"It's cold, not twins." Russell explained.

No, this is not called Gao Leng, this is awkward!

Ai murmured in his heart, and asked, "Why are twins, how do two people in a holy suit divide?"

"One killed the other and it was resolved."


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