End of the Sky

Chapter 1126: I can't climb anymore, but I have money

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The fourth house of the zodiac-Cancer.

Delemore took his sister Zoe out of both wombs, and the sun above her head moved slowly. Although her pace was slow, her feet were steady.

Starting from the first step of the sanctuary, Delemore's climbing speed has remained constant, and he has not rushed quickly because of sufficient physical strength, nor can he catch up because of the large number of people in front.

Dumb and mature, he has a face-like character and does not have the impetuousness and agility that a fifteen-year-old should have.

"Dremore, the palace in front, let's stop and rest for a while."

Zoe was lying behind Dremore, and she was as careful as her. She was keenly aware that her elder brother was exhausted. Although the rate of advance was stable, each step would consume more energy than before.

"It doesn't matter, I can hold on for a while and rest in the fifth house."

From the second house of Taurus, Delemore found that Zoe behind him was getting heavier. When he walked to the front of Cancer Palace, the weight was already comparable to the mountains, and every step he took, his energy was doubled.

But he didn't want to stop. The reason was also mentioned before. It was as aggressive as a tiger, and then exhausted. Once he stopped and rested, it would be more difficult to start the journey again.

It is very realistic. As ordinary people face life, the pressure makes their knees bend, so they have to kneel down and take a short breath, kneeling on their knees, and find it more comfortable to lie down.

Lay flat in front of life, and look back, there are no proud memories of a century of life.

"Dremore, I can't stand it, just rest in the fourth house!"


After the simple conversation, Delemore walked into the Cancer Palace with his sister on his back, leaning on the shady wall and closing his eyes.

He didn't know that he was a half-man and half-god. He only knew that he was born with divine power, height, weight, and so on, far exceeding his peers.

Because the parents died early, they were self-reliant at a young age, and tasted the warmth and coldness of their lives, only now they have the character.

When climbing the steps, the pressure stimulated the potential, but also a lot of overstretched mental strength. Dele Moore closed his eyes for a moment, sat down slowly against the wall, and soon fell into deep sleep.

Zoe stretched out her hands, pressed her ten-finger fingers against Delemore's forehead, and frowned, her nose sulking.

In contrast, Delemore's tense features slowly relaxed, and his overdrawn mental strength was recovering at an alarming rate.

Forty-five hours later, Delemore woke up from his drowsiness and jumped up in place. The limbs made a crackling pea.

He moved his hands and feet, only feeling full of energy, he could climb to the Sun Temple in one breath.

Looking at Zoe standing next to him, Delemore nodded, gently lifted his back, and advanced towards the fifth house, the Lion House.

"Wait, wait!"

There was a dead dog-like panting sound behind him, and Delemore turned around and found that it was the young man he met in the uterus.

If he remembered correctly, the youth was at the end of the crossbow, and by his own strength, there was no possibility of reaching the Cancer Palace.

"My name is Vi ... ha, ha ... Vibius, let's discuss ... you memorize my way, I ... I'll pay you."

Wibius crawled with his hands and feet and using turtle speed, and found that Delemore stopped to consider, and immediately lighted up.

This business can be negotiated!

He lay down on the ground, grunted and rolled to Delemore's feet, felt the purse from his lower back, and threw it weakly to the ground: "I can't move anymore, but I have money, as long as I can take me to the sun Temple, the price is for you. "

The money bag rolled out several gold coins, and Delemore was hesitant. With his current strength, it was not a problem to bring Vibius with him. But if he carried Vibius, Zoe would feel very crowded. ?


"Great, uncle ... oh, what do you take off my clothes? Let go! Don't come over ah ah ah ------"

Hiss! Hiss!

Two minutes later, the three figures left Cancer Palace and headed towards the Lion Palace under the moonlight.

Delemore walked in front of him with Zoe on his back, and tied a long rope tied with a piece of cloth to his waist. The other end of the rope was the ankle of rich man Vibius ...

Wibius was lying on his back, dragged upwards by Delemore, and his face was sobbed with tears.

The stone steps of Sanctuary are so cool, it hurts to slap up, and the head hurts!

Money is so wronged ...

After walking halfway, Vibius saw the outline of the Lion's Palace, immediately called to stop and climbed up, and untied the rope around him.

In the sanctuary where the night breeze is cold, only these pieces of clothing that can not be counted can make him feel a touch of warmth.

The three went on, and Vibius climbed a few steps and started breathing again.

"Uncle, although you are rude, you are a good person. By the way, I don't know what your name is yet?"


"It turns out you are Delemore, and it really has a good reputation."

Wibius had a look of great honour. He didn't know who Dromell was, and had never heard of it.

But it doesn't matter.

Being able to withstand the pressure and taking two people to climb the sanctuary at the same time, only with this qualification, can not find a second one out of 100,000 people.

Wibius was consciously inferior, and he was polite. He had an admirable expression: "Uncle, when the uterus is in the face, I want to ask, why do you take your daughter up the mountain?"

"Zoe is my sister, not a daughter."


After a misunderstanding, Wibius sneered: "So it's no wonder I always think there is something wrong, if it is a sibling, it makes sense."

Makes sense!

The blind people can see that you are not brothers and sisters, and one of them must have been picked up!

"Yes, I'm a blind man, and I've picked it up for Delemore."

Zoe murmured and closed his eyes to Vibius: "Dremor is not as old as you think. He is fifteen years old and four years younger than you."

"I'm only 15 years old, why didn't I say it earlier! It hurt me to call my uncle for a long time, and I lost it ..."

Wibius widened his eyes, shuddered suddenly, and looked at Zoe with his eyes closed. "You, how do you know what is in my mind?"

Zoe didn't speak, and leaned his head behind Dromell, giving Wibius a back of his head.

On the other side, Dele Moore noticed that his sister was a little upset, and no matter why, he stared into a bronze bell and glared at Wibius.

Facing Delemore, who was more than two meters tall and had an arm thicker than his waist, Wibius felt only a lot of pressure and was likely to be slaped into a pancake.

His little white face was scared into a small white face, and he didn't know where to offend the strange couple ... Brother and sister, seeing Delemore's eyes became even worse, no matter what thirty-seven-one, he took a step and ran towards the Lion Palace.

After ten steps, Wibius panted into a dead dog; after twenty steps, he began to use hands and feet together; after thirty steps, he felt the oppression brought by Delemore's approach. Climbed quickly.

In the Lion Palace, the spacious open space was covered with neat floor tiles, and Vibius clasped his hands to his waist, grunting and rolling towards the palace door.



He hit a porch with his forehead, he hummed and helped the master to stand up, and found that Delemore didn't know when he came behind, now he was stunned and looked at the hall.

Wibius murmured in his heart, and quickly turned to look at the Lion Palace.

I saw that the roof of the hall was broken, and the moonlight poured into it, reflecting the mess in the room, the collapsed walls and the rubble everywhere, all suggesting that someone had fought here.

"Who is it that he fought in the sanctuary and still so fiercely?"

Wibius was full of questions, and he thought he was the first of all to set foot in the womb, and then was surpassed by Brother Delemore and placed third.

Unexpectedly, before them, someone had already come to the fifth house, the Lion House.

But why climb a mountain, why fight?

"Dremore, get in quickly, there is a golden light there, so dazzling."

Just as Wibius was full of doubts, Zoe suddenly made a noise, and then, Dele Mor took a big step and quickly ran into the Lion's Palace.

"Well, wait for me, the rope for you, wait for me!"

Wibius panted as a dead dog and followed the brother and sister. After a few steps, he became dizzy and changed to holding the wall slowly.

After a while, he saw Brother Delemore stopping at the corner, and there was golden light in the corner, and he didn't know where to get his strength. He hummed and trot over.

In the eyes, the golden lion is shining, and the golden lion composed of the garments is on the limbs, looking at the front with majesty, as if at any time it will pounce on the prey and tear it into pieces.


Wibius swallowed hard: "It's the golden cloak of Leo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Good ... so handsome!"

He didn't listen to his hands and feet, and drooled towards the golden lion, mutated and raised, the holy garment was shining brightly, and the dazzling golden light reflected the dark hall of the room, and was coated with a golden light film.

The golden air waves formed an invisible wall, pushing Vibius out of reach, until then, they discovered that behind the golden lion, a blood-covered man was lying on his back.

The dried blood stains covered the whole body, and there were splashes all over the place. Looking at the amount of bleeding, it should be cool.

"Golden Cloak ..."

Wibius couldn't get close after several attempts, and then Baba stopped his futile behavior, tearing his eyes at the golden lion.

The cloak was close at hand, but he couldn't take a step closer.

"Why is there a golden cloak of Leo here?" Dremore, who had not spoken, frowned.

"How fresh, isn't it a matter of course that the Leo Gold Cloth appeared in the Lion Palace?"

Wibius replied subconsciously. After speaking, his face turned black, and his **** were stamped. "It is miserable. If this is the case, we have missed four whole golden garments before."

"No, the previous four palaces did not have corresponding golden garments, except for the Lion Palace."

Zoe confirmed that his induction was correct, and closed eyes looked at the corpse on the ground: "That man wasn't dead, he just fell asleep."


Wibius didn't understand. What does it mean to fall asleep, bleed yourself and lie down to sleep?

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