End of the Sky

Chapter 913: Predecessors suffer after digging pits


The temple or sanctuary in ancient Hebrew, the creator of the Jewish scriptures.

In the world background of The Matrix, Zion is the last gathering place of human survivors, located deep underground.

There is an old saying: predecessors plant trees, future generations take advantage of the cold!

On the contrary, the predecessors dug pits and the posterity suffered!

In the past, in order to cut off the robot's main energy source, the sky was covered with dark fog. As a result, the robot did not fart, but humans themselves lived on the ground relying on geothermal energy because of a lack of energy.

This is probably the highest state of death!

After several days of voyage, the Nebuchadnezzar shuttled through the pipelines of the underground world. During the several stops and playing hide-and-seek with the squid, it arrived in Zion, which was buried deep.

The last city of mankind.

Zion and the mother are like the outside of the wall. People outside the wall laugh at the people in the wall for freedom. They are slaves at the mercy of the people. People in the wall laugh at the people outside the wall. The life is difficult. dog.

The most direct example of this kind of comparison is Saifu. When I was in the wall, I longed for freedom, and I was surprised when I turned over the wall. I was going to be a dog.

This reaction is inevitable, because living in Zion is too difficult.

Broken, backward, lacking resources, people living in a limited space is no different from squatting in prison.

Under the command of the control center, Nebuchadnezzar docked at Port 7 of [Yuyoushushu] Dock. Murphy took the crew away from the ship and delivered the spacecraft to maintenance personnel.

By the way, he also surrendered the traitor Saifu, who was then interrogated by professionals to obtain intelligence about the agents.

Russell followed the spaceship and stood next to him, the dejected looking Neo, with a red palm slap on his face.

You can tell by looking at the hand shape that this slap was not hit by Russell.

A few days ago, Nio accepted Russell's guidance and recognized his heart.

That's right, he and Trinity just met each other, and they didn't say a few words, where's the love.

The reason he paid special attention to Trinity was that, unlike other people, it was simply a long leg.

I'll just let it go. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's the last word to hurry up and take down the goal.

Figured out the key, Neo started immediately and began to act, the effect was average, Trinity ignored him, and seemed to have some disgusting meaning in it.

Every time Neo happened to be alone with her, or spent half an hour blocking the door, the last accidental encounter, Trinity flashed decisively, as if Neo had bad luck on her body, and she would be infected if she ran slowly.

Neo was so frustrated that he again found emotional expert Russell and asked for technical guidance.

Russell is very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that this situation is minimal. Humans are visual creatures. Men's first impressions of women are divided into two types: good stature, high face value, temperament, and ugly looks.

To put it bluntly, there are always advantages to looking beautiful, not good looking, and the advantages of automatic shielding.

It sounds a bit judged by appearance, but the same is true of women. Only handsome guys can be summarized as options for boyfriends and confidantes. They look ugly and are collectively called 'brothers'.

With the fair value of Nio, there is no reason to be included in the 'brother' option. Russell is very convinced because he has never had the trouble of 'brother'.

Russell did not know why, fearing that his outstanding performance was too outstanding, suppressing the original shining Shino, causing Trinity to fall in love and fall in love with his potential stock.

Give up, we have no future!

Russell decides to talk to Trinity, and uses telepathy to spy on her true thoughts.

If it is exactly what he thought, it must be a sharp knife, let her stop dreaming.

The result was terrible. Russell found himself thinking too much. His evaluation in Trinity's heart was not friendly, his strength was abnormal, and everyone ...

After all, when the two sides met for the first time, Russell wore no clothes on the rooftop of the building, and was basically white.

Russell was both happy and sad, and he had a complex mind to answer that sentence. I can reject you, but you can't help but dislike me.

Continue to peep into Trinity's heart, he finally found out the cause of the disease, Trinity's horror for Neo was due to the prophet.

The prophet had told Trinity that she would fall in love with the Savior, and she kept that in mind.

As a result, the truth became clear. The prophet was not a beacon to guide human resistance, but a great villain.

In her words, Trinity was naturally a word she would not believe anymore, and even implicated Neo in order to avoid it.

Of course, because Neo is handsome, Trinity also has a little interest to him.

This is really bad!

Russell refused to accept that he was as handsome as Neo, but Trinity's evaluation of the two was very different.

Just like you, still want to sprinkle dog food?

Alas, dreaming!

Russell looked serious: "Nio, Trinity likes you very much, but you are so decisive that she lacks security. She likes tough men, you are too soft, go, take out your male charm, use tough Conquer her!

Neo seemed to understand, and encouraged to leave with encouragement from Russell's cheering. When he appeared in front of Russell again, he had a slap print on his face.

Regarding Neo's grievances, Russell turned a blind eye, making him tough, not making him so tough.

In the broad daylight, the girl was blocked in the corner, and she didn't say anything by hand. She just dragged it into the room, and slapping it was light.

Russell laughed secretly, exploring Trinity's evaluation of Neo, and found that after refreshing, the favorability was almost motionless, and there was no sign of decline.

It's so real. You can be as handsome as you want.

Russell gritted his teeth and persuaded again: "Nio, not enough, be tougher!"

Neo rolled his eyes, and he bet, if it were to be tougher, the entire ship would have come over to beat him, 80% ... No, it must be Russell who took the lead.

Seeing Nio's disbelief, Russell stopped saying more and looked around.

Zion is divided into two upper and lower floors. The lower level is a residential area, which houses 250,000 remnants of humans. The upper level is a military fortress, also called 'dockyard'. It is a necessary port for entering Zion's residential area. Ordinary people are prohibited from entering this area.

In the dock at this time, in addition to the Nebuchadnezzar, there were three spacecraft docked, two ships supplying necessary living supplies, and one repairing the hull of the ship.

It's pitiful to say that Russell considers a junk floating ship to be Zion's main means of transportation and defense.

Take the post-war ruins under the command of the captain, mainly the underground world, to find available resources, rescue humans in the matrix, and monitor the movement of the robot army.

Worse, the robot army has never considered a floating ship as its opponent, and its main enemy is mechanical octopus, a maintenance arm of a machine civilization.

After all, these ships are really bad.

Take the example of the Nebuchadnezzar, which Russell is most familiar with. The survivors rummaged through post-war ruins and welded together with equipment of different times. Many parts are old antiques more than 100 years ago.

It is not easy to make the spacecraft made up of grandpa and grandfather-level parts start normally. Therefore, the limited space on the ship does not support idlers, and every crew member must be proficient in equipment maintenance and maintenance.

In the daily life of the Nebuchadnezzar, it is basically opened while repairing, and it is possible to lie on the ground at any time.

Even so, the Nebuchadnezzar had to return to Zion every other month to recharge, repair damage, supply logistics, and report.

For example, this time, the mission of the Nebuchadnezzar is to monitor the movement of the machine army and ensure that Zion is ready for war as soon as possible.

Although the results of knowing and not knowing are the same, both robots are allowed to come in and out, but the surface work still has to be done, otherwise Zion Command has nothing to do except playing cards all day.

Murphy violated the order and did not adhere to his post. He was obsessed with the prophet's so-called savior claim and successfully brought back two saviors. Therefore, he must first report to the headquarters and receive the two-hour spit star.

Apart from that, the crime of neglect of duty alone was convicted, and he would not have a good life in the future.

Murphys didn't care. Proving that Neo was a savior, he needed to connect the matrix. It proved that Russell was much simpler. Give him a hammer and let him knock on it.

"Mr. Russell, do you want to see the commander with me?" Murphy asked.

Zion's commander is named Locke, the superior leader of Murphys. It doesn't matter if Russell meets him. The people he should meet are parliamentarians.

"No, the goods are your rivals. If I go with you, I may be implicated by you, causing him to speak to me ..."

Russell waved his hand, and Commander Locke remained on the front line intact and he would not pass.


This was a big problem, but from Russell's mouth, Murphy felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Several people said goodbye to Murphys. Russell and Neo arrived at first sight. They didn't even have a place to stay. The tank brothers were assigned as guides, and they would familiarize them with Zion.

Taking the elevator, Neo watched Trinitti leave, although his body was still in the elevator ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He flew away with him.

"Neo, wipe it fast, your saliva is going to run down," Russell reminded.

Neo hurriedly raised his hand, but he didn't drool. Instead, the tank and Doze laughed.

The elevator stops at the fourth floor, and the tank brother's residence is on this floor. Both of them are humans born in Zion without a socket. They have already settled down and have their own families.

Russell and Neo didn't want to disturb the time when the two were reunited with their loved ones, and left together to hang out in the underground city.

Zion had no monetary system and no economic development. All supply and demand were distributed according to people's heads. Neo looked at the prison with mixed feelings.

"Russell, what are you doing?"

After returning to God, Neo found that Russell didn't say a word for a while, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, Russell is digging pits, annoyingly gnashing his teeth, but even more terrible when not talking, he is digging a large pit.

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