End of the Sky

Chapter 914: Let me say a few words

"I used electromagnetic waves and telepathy to detect the structure and population distribution of this city. The area is small, and 250,000 people just live ..."

Russell sighed. No matter how many people were there, Zion would become very crowded. I am afraid this is also within the robot's plan.

Neo heard and sighed after hearing the words. He didn't think so much, just feeling Russell's ability.

Feel free to walk through the layout of Zion. Fortunately, it is your own person. If it is the machine side, humans don't think about it.

The two walked around and quickly reached the bottom floor.

It stands to reason that two black households wandering around will surely come forward to investigate, but Russell is too low-key, and anyone who sees them will ignore it subconsciously.

Underneath Zion, the area with the highest geothermal energy, human survivors found a huge karst cave and divided it into several areas. Except for assembly and energy collection, the entire city's crops are planted here.

Grain, vegetables, and fruits are all there may be for the sake of the underground environment. These plants are casually long, and Russell can't understand one. It can only be said that the color is very beautiful and the color is bright and poisonous.

Gelato purple, forgive green, lemon yellow, multicolored black, blue and white ...

Russell picked a fruit that he didn't know what it was, and handed it to Neo, who pouted next, and wiped it and sent it to his mouth.

I was eating a nutritional package on the Nebuchadnezzar for a short time, and a ball of slimy food like snot ate him.

"How is it?" Russell asked curiously.

"No sweetness, a little sour, and a little bitter ..."

Neo shook his head with a bitter smile. This was one of the most unpleasant fruits he had ever eaten, none of which.

The obvious thing is that fruits without photosynthesis cannot produce glucose, coupled with the rapid ripening of fertilizers, the taste is naturally messy.

But then again, the conditions of human beings today, it is good to have fruit, and who cares about taste.

"Russell, why don't you eat?"

"No, I'm different from ordinary people. I can live without food, drink, or sleep. Resources are limited, and I leave it to those in need!"


Neo felt he was pitted, and the water dispenser in Russell's room was used to pit people.

He was very entangled, wondering whether to tell everyone the truth, think about it or forget it, ignorance is a kind of happiness, let Murphy continue to drink happily.

Leaving the last floor underground, Russell felt a bit, took Neo into the elevator, and stopped at the penultimate floor.

The elevator door opened, and Russell said to a few officers dressed in the officer's costume: "Don't look for it, we are Russell and Neo, take us to the legislator."


Several officers looked at each other, but nodded, leading the way forward to the hall.

"What's wrong?" Neo asked puzzledly.

"Murpheus was reprimanded by his love boss, Commander Locke of Zion, for more than an hour. He insisted that he was doing the right thing and was finally blasted out of the office by Locke.

Russell explained what happened: "After Murphys left, he met members of parliament and told us about them. The members were very interested."

Neo nodded and exclaimed: "Although I know your abilities, I am amazed every time. Everything can't be hidden from you, as if you have been by Murphys."

"Not so exaggerated, my ability in the real world is far less powerful than in the matrix ..."

Speaking of this, Russell took a look at Neo and said deeply: "You and Trinity are different. The designer has written your creator program, except for the program. You are still a personal class. Your upper limit is much higher than you think. To be strong and let go of your constraints, you can do more. "

Neo nodded thoughtfully: "Do you mean, I can be as strong as you in the matrix?"

"You think too much!"



In the hall, twelve members of parliament formed the center of Zion's supreme power, and even Murlock's superior Rock commander was responsible to these people.

The twelve people's costumes have different skin colors, and it's not difficult to see that they correspond to the major human countries before the war between humans and machines.

Although parliamentarians have equal status, there are places where there are people. Even if there is a population of 250,000 in Zion, there are two differences between natural birth and separation from the matrix. Therefore, these twelve parliamentarians supervise different departments separately, resulting in their power High is low.

The most powerful giants are similar in age. They are all about sixty years old. They have exactly the same costumes and are naturally born Zion people.

When Russell and Neo entered the field, Commander Murphy and Locke stood side by side, and the twelve members of the parliament were as old as dogs.

Apart from this, the effort of nourishing qi is commendable.

Based on the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, Russell smiled slightly and chose a spot to sit opposite the MPs.

His current vest is an old monster who lived thousands of years ago. He is sitting and others are standing, respecting the old and loving the young.

"Bold, how can you be so presumptuous in front of Members!"

The speaker is Commander Locke. As a soldier, his loyalty to Zion is impeccable and he is a qualified military commander.

But in terms of human beings, it can't be said that it is not good, a little careful, because Murphy tossed Russell and Neo into heaven, as a rival, he naturally stepped on his feet when he seized the opportunity.

Nothing else, just against Murphy, Russell was pure lying gun.

"You talk too loud."

Russell raised his hand and rang his fingers. Commander Locke immediately became stiff, his face turned red and he could not breathe. He stuck his neck to his hands, snotted, and curled up in pain.

Aside, Murphy grinned. That's it. What he wanted was this effect.

Perceiving that careful consideration of Murphys, Russell rolled his eyes, and brought Niola, who was slightly restrained, to the side to do well.

"Be arrogant. We are saviors. What are you doing in a low voice?"

Russell blinded Neo in one sentence, and the latter thought it was better to be polite when he first arrived.


After a finger, Commander Locke held up his hands, breathing fresh air fiercely, climbing up to look at Russell's eyes full of fear, as if looking at another monster.

"You, what did you do to me?"

"Nothing makes you forget how to breathe properly."

Russell replied lightly, glanced at the twelve members of Parliament: "It is not necessary to introduce myself. Murphy has already told about my identity and Neo's identity, and I look at your identity, basically all of them. Got it."

"..." xN

Twelve members of the parliament drew their skins, and the solemn atmosphere created by the conference hall was instantly broken. They did not want to believe Russell's words, but they had a voice in their minds telling their memories, making them have to believe.

"I'm not a person who likes to surrender the initiative, so let me first say a few words, determine the rules of this meeting, and show my principles ..."

Russell put his hands on the stone table in front of him. People are very creatures of Cao Dan, especially old fritters such as members of the parliament. If you reason with them, they will play hooligan with you, and you rogue with them ... After the infinite loop Go back to the beginning of the sermon.

In this case, first put out the truth, Russell thinks his truth is the biggest, so he has the final say.

"After reading your thinking, I found that many of you have doubts about my ability and that of Neo, and there are also people who want to control us. Save it. I will show you the facts about this idea."

Russell said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers again. Commander Locke's body shook, and he walked up to Murphys with his head upright. He stood still and saluted, "Mr. Murphy, Locke reports to you."

"..." xN

The members of the parliament changed their faces, whispered, and muttered softly.

"There are 250,000 people in Zion. I can erase all the people's memories at once, and it is easy to replace the 12 members. I understand you, don't bother me."

Russell's eyes narrowed, and the dark mist behind him turned into a huge dark face, warning: "For trouble, I have always cut grass and rooted, and never show mercy."


The lawmakers are all physical, standard human beings, how can they withstand this kind of spiritual shock, fainted halfway on the spot, and the rest are sweating.

The same cold sweat is also Murphys, feeling that he is not invited back to the Savior, but the devil.

"Well, I'm done. Do Members have anything to add?"

The black fog converges ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Russell puts on a sunny smile face, it is like a cute new person who has never seen the world.

You TM are like this, what else can we say!

The members of parliament dared not to say anything. They picked up the sleeves and wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads, and scolded Murphy in their hearts. They said where the good savior was and how the style was so outrageous.

"There is no stipulation that the Savior cannot be in this style ..."

Russell sighed: "Don't think wildly, your hearts are open to me, don't take out the set behind the scenes and shame your eyes."

With this remark, the needle-dropping in the conference hall is audible. Members of parliament are watching the nose, the nose, the heart, and the old mind ... The spectacles are collectively silent.

Morpheus previously said that Russell was God. They didn't believe it. Now they believe, but ...

Who can tell them how to properly communicate with God so that they will not ascend to heaven?

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