End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 51 Mechanical Pioneer, Old Driver

Lin Feng opened the car door immediately, rushed in, and came to the bedroom.

Chen Yanyan, who was lying on the big bed at the moment, was still in a coma, but she already had some vague consciousness and was murmuring softly.

The changes in the RV definitely had something to do with her.

Could it be some kind of superpower that controls the operation of cars?

Looking at the warning reminder that appeared in front of him, Lin Feng made a decisive decision after hesitating for half a second and acquiesced to the intrusion of unknown energy.

As the system permissions are opened, the vibration of the car body gradually subsides, but it is still running automatically and becomes smoother.

Fortunately, it is just a simple ignition start, and it has not yet reached the stage of shifting into gear.

Otherwise, Lin Feng would not dare to let it drive randomly.

As time passed, Lin Feng sat beside the bed and held Chen Yanyan's hand tightly.

Energy continued to dissipate from her brain, submerged into the armored RV, and was gradually absorbed, while the abnormalities around her also dissipated.

At the same time, Chen Yanyan's hot head gradually cooled down, the ups and downs in her chest were no longer so violent, and she fell into a peaceful sleep.

A moment later, under Lin Feng's soft call, the unconscious Chen Yanyan opened her eyes slightly, with confusion written on her pale cheeks.

"I...what's wrong with me..."

Looking at the panel that appeared in front of him, Lin Feng smiled with relief and comforted:

"It's okay, you have awakened a powerful ability."

"Chen Yanyan, lv10/19"

"HP 60, Constitution 56, Spirit 60"

"Super Power Awakening: Mechanical Pioneer (Remotely control mechanical devices within a certain range)"

"Evaluation: This weak humanoid female, in addition to being pretty and having some brains, finally has a talent with great potential. Work hard to grow up and become the war queen who dominates everything in the future."

Regarding Chen Yanyan's superpower, the system named her "Mechanical Pioneer", which can use spiritual energy to remotely control mechanical devices.

This kind of super power is relatively weak in the early stage, and the improvement in combat effectiveness is not obvious, but it has great potential. As long as it grows to the later stage and can control mechanical bodies on a large scale, Chen Yanyan can control large equipment by herself.

For example, the armored RV will be upgraded to a war fortress in the future. As a mobile platform, it can be equipped with countless super weapons and its firepower will explode.

No wonder the evaluation given by the system calls her the war queen who will dominate everything in the future.

The problem is that it is too weak in the early stage, the physical improvement is limited, and only the mental attributes are acceptable.

Without the protection of a strong person, it is difficult to grow up.

But luckily, Chen Yanyan had the help of Lin Feng, who could provide her with the best mechanical equipment.

Even in the weak early stage, the maximum effect of this super power can be exerted.

Seeing the unstoppable smile in Lin Feng's eyes, Chen Yanyan raised her left hand in confusion. Except that her brain was a little groggy, there seemed to be no special changes, and her strength was even worse than before she fainted:

"What kind of power? Why don't I feel anything..."

Lin Feng let go of her right hand and patiently explained:

“Not physically, but mentally.”

"Now relax your mind, close your eyes, and then empty your mind. Don't be anxious. Feel it with your heart."

Chen Yanyan swallowed, followed Lin Feng's somewhat mysterious method, closed her eyes, and entered a state...

And soon, the whole picture of the armored RV around her appeared in her mind. In the three-dimensional perspective, she could even see every module and part.

Chen Yanyan's hands were trembling a little and she was at a loss.

Lin Feng held her right hand again to keep her calm.

The man’s reassuring words also came to my ears:

"Don't be nervous, this is your talent."

“Imagine yourself driving it.”

Chen Yanyan nodded gently and began to imagine that she was sitting in the driver's seat, skillfully stepped on the brakes, shifted into D gear, and slowly released her right foot from the pedal.

As she lay on the bed fantasizing about the operation, the armored RV suddenly started and drove forward a few meters.

Chen Yanyan was awakened by a dislocated shaking feeling. She opened her eyes suddenly, and the RV continued to drive forward uncontrollably. Fortunately, the accelerator was not moved, and the lowest idle speed was maintained, and the speed was only a little over ten yards per hour.

At this moment, Chen Yanyan, who seemed to realize something, began to concentrate, recalling the wonderful feeling before, and in her brain's simulation, she stepped on the brakes and shifted back to P gear.

After hearing only two sounds, the unmanned RV stopped and calmed down.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise I would have been so frightened that I would have been stunned on the spot after seeing this strange scene for most of the day.

Chen Yanyan, who was in the car, looked at the man beside her excitedly and said with some uncertainty:

"Did I just cause it to activate?"

"I...I seem to be able to control this RV!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, confirming:

"Yes, it's you. This is the superpower you really awakened, the remote control of mechanical bodies!"

"This ability seems very weak, but if it is combined with my superpower, it will be most effective!"

"Congratulations, Senior Sister Chen, you will become my full-time driver! For the rest of your life."

Chen Yanyan took a few deep breaths to calm down her excitement. At this moment, with Lin Feng's approval, the long-squeezed sense of gain and loss in her heart finally calmed down.

I saw Chen Yanyan tightly wrapping Lin Feng's big hand with both hands. Her eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and her voice was trembling but she said firmly:

"I, I do!"

Lin Feng reached out and held her cheek, then stepped forward and gave her a deep kiss, accepting the woman's promise and expressing his affirmation.

After a while, when the two separated, Lin Feng looked at Chen Yanyan, whose face was blushing, and kissed the back of her hand, saying lightly:

"Okay, as my full-time female driver, it's time to hone your driving skills."

"Get up, let's find out the properties and scope of application of this ability."

Chen Yanyan nodded, her blush faded, and she calmed down. She only knew that her ability might be of great help to Lin Feng, but she didn't know its real use.

Then she put on her clothes and pants and sat in the driver's seat of the armored RV.

This time she tried not to move her hands and feet, relying entirely on the mental instructions in her brain to control the RV to start and shift gears and drive in the service area.

With repeated practice, she became more and more proficient in the use of this ability, and was able to complete the second subject with her eyes closed in the parking lot.

Seeing that the time was ripe, with Lin Feng's encouragement, she controlled the RV, drove out of the service area and entered the highway.

Using her supernatural power, she drove the RV to gradually accelerate, until it drove more than a hundred yards, then she stepped on the brakes with some fear and slowed down.

Lin Feng fastened his seat belt on the side, and looked at the female driver beside him with a little trepidation, completing the incredible operation, and felt that he should encourage her a few more words:

"Not bad, you are making rapid progress. Now try to control the RV while raising your pistol and reaching out the window to shoot."

Chen Yanyan's eyes lit up. If she could do two things at the same time, her role on the battlefield would be greatly improved, and the speed of brushing insects and upgrading would also increase.

Sure enough, Lin Feng considered it in detail.

As Chen Yanyan became more and more proficient in controlling the RV, she began to try to pull out her pistol and reach outside to aim and shoot.

Anyway, there was no one nearby, so she took the two rows of green trees in the distance as targets, and improved her shooting accuracy while practicing driving.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with this.

Of course, he didn't want Chen Yanyan to lean out of the window and shoot with a gun.

In the face of the insect swarm, a god-level pistol alone cannot change the situation.

Doing this now is to let her get familiar with the operation of multitasking or even multitasking in advance, so as to prepare for the future upgrade of the RV.

When the RV can be integrated and upgraded, Lin Feng thought about installing various firearms on it.

As an upgradeable car, it is not only a transportation vehicle, but also a flexible weapon-carrying platform.

Installing a machine gun on the car makes it an infantry fighting vehicle, and installing a smoothbore gun on the car makes it a tank.

Especially when he met the green-winged insect at noon today, Lin Feng's idea of ​​modification was particularly strong.

The reason why the previous two upgrades were not done was that after the weapons were installed, people were needed to aim, and Chen Yanyan had to concentrate on driving, and he already had a machine gun, so there was no need to operate other low-level weapons...

So Lin Feng originally planned to let Han Yuxin be responsible for holding a gun and guarding to make up for the shortage of manpower.

Now that Chen Yanyan has awakened the mechanical pioneer ability, Lin Feng can modify it crazily without any limit!

Upgrade the lv12 armored RV that simply stacks defense into an armed RV!

As long as ten machine guns with unlimited bullets are installed...

Then you can kill everyone!

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