End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 52 Celebration Dinner, lv15 Machine Gun

The idea of ​​improving RV attack methods had already been planned in Lin Feng's mind.

In addition to making up for the lack of firepower while driving, another important reason is to provide RVs with a means of obtaining other upgrade points.

Collision and crushing with the front of the car is too extravagant and dangerous.

Although the ferocious and majestic front of the car and the scene of hitting the Black Ridge Insect are shocking, this is only an emergency measure. After a few collisions, the wear and tear will go crazy, and it can easily be scrapped.

For a few upgrade points, wasting the hard-earned giant jaw materials is not worth the gain.

And if you rely on the mileage traveled on the battlefield, you can only go crazy and fringe guerrillas when the war breaks out. If the war ceases, it will be difficult.

For example, this time, Lin Feng went to the edge of the Zerg territory to capture live insects.

After running hard for 80 kilometers back and forth, I finally got a few upgrade points. I got them from the small-scale battles and close encounters.

If there aren't that many black spine worms attracted, only four or five, the armored RV won't even be able to catch them.

Therefore, Lin Feng needs a more efficient and convenient upgrade method to add offensive means to auxiliary equipment.

And if you don't arm it quickly, the upgrade progress will fall behind, and you will be unable to cope with the high-intensity battle on the frontal battlefield ten days later.

Now that Chen Yanyan's superpower has given him a way out, the stone weighing on Lin Feng's heart can finally be lifted a little.

The armored RV drove on an empty highway, and the two practiced for two hours. During this period, they did many other experiments. For example, the maximum control distance of super powers is only fifty meters.

Beyond fifty meters, Chen Yanyan would be unable to maintain stable and effective control. Beyond one hundred meters, even her senses would disappear.

Currently, this kind of remote control can only be maintained for two hours. After that, you will feel powerless, exhausted of energy, and depressed.

It was already past five o'clock in the evening on the way back. While driving, Lin Feng comforted the slightly depressed Chen Yanyan in the passenger seat:

"It's okay. This has just been upgraded. It's only the early stage of the first level. When the insect killing continues to strengthen later, your abilities will become stronger and stronger."

"And if you control the steering wheel with one hand, combined with the ability, the duration of the control can be made longer."

"Go back and have a good rest. Today has been very good. Tomorrow we will go to the toll station and have another practical training."

With Lin Feng's comfort and encouragement, Chen Yanyan rubbed her numb face and put on a smile again on her tired expression:

"Okay, but you have to let me have a good sleep tonight."

"I'm sorry, I really can't bear it anymore."

"Let's leave the matters at noon until tomorrow..."

After saying that, Chen Yanyan let out a long yawn, leaned on Lin Feng's arm, and fell asleep.

Lin Feng turned his head and kissed Chen Yanyan on the forehead, remaining speechless all the way to the service area.

After dumping the RV into the garage, Lin Feng picked up the sleeping woman next to him and placed her gently on the bed in the bedroom. He took off his coat and shoes and covered her with a blanket.

After finishing everything, looking at Chen Yanyan who was sleeping soundly, Lin Feng kissed her lightly on her pink lips, then stood up and left.

In order not to disturb Chen Yanyan's rest, Lin Feng decided to go to a nearby store and rest area to have a simple dinner.

Unexpectedly, he happened to bump into Qin Hu and others walking out of the mall.

When the other party saw Lin Feng coming, he immediately greeted:

"Just about to contact you."

"Let's go, there will be a celebration banquet held in Wucheng tonight. If you, a real hero, don't go, how can I feel comfortable going?"

Lin Feng huffed and saw that the original canteen in the mall had been removed, and other snacks and instant noodles had also been cleared away.

Now I can only eat pre-made dishes when I go back to the RV, so why not take a trip with Qin Hu, have a good meal, and then go to the dinner party to become familiar with each other.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Hu asked directly before Lin Feng could respond:

"Where is your female companion? She is the teammate who escaped with you. Please invite her to come with you."

Lin Feng shook his head:

"She just completed her awakening today. She used her powers too much and is a little tired. She needs to rest early."

Qin Hu hesitated and whispered:

"It's better to bring a familiar female companion. It can save a lot of unnecessary trouble, especially since you are also a popular and powerful awakener and the future star of the Federation..."

Thanks to publicity, although Qin Hu is clearly the hero of this successful attack, many people already know that there is a super bullet awakener in the administration.

And its strength cannot be underestimated.

Qin Hu saw that Lin Feng was a little confused, and then explained:

"Tomorrow is a holiday, and everyone is having more fun tonight. Of course, if you don't mind, you can also relax for a night."

As he said that, Qin Hu gave a look that every man could understand.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, probably guessing something.

He is not a young man who has nowhere to vent. He attends dinners more for interpersonal communication.

So Lin Feng looked aside, the lights came on in the hotel, which was the original administration office, nodded and replied:

"Okay, wait until I know how to find someone to change into a dress."

Qin Hu showed a smile and reminded:

"It's okay, I'll be right here. Let's go together when the time comes."

Lin Feng nodded, walked quickly into the hotel, found Han Yuxin who was on the phone, and explained his intention. The other party happily agreed:

"What a coincidence! In the VIP area of ​​this banquet, there are high-level people from all over the Federation, many of whom are potential customers of our business. I was just thinking about how to sneak in..."

"Come on, this is one of the few good opportunities!"

Then, Han Yuxin stood up, hugged Lin Feng's arm, and squeezed the thick arm against her chest, making her look very intimate:

"I've prepared the dress, come and try it on!"

After saying that, he pulled Lin Feng and walked into the back bedroom. In front of him, he took off the knitted poncho and plain white dress, leaving only a white lace interior, showing off his plump figure. Unobstructed view.

Then she put on an elegant bright yellow dress, showing off her curvy figure.

Lin Feng stood aside in a daze, obviously not expecting the other party to let him go so freely.

Don't consider yourself an outsider at all.

The corners of Han Yuxin's mouth raised slightly. After changing her clothes, she pulled up her skirt, picked up a sky blue men's dress, walked up to Lin Feng, and said:

"First time wearing it? Let me change it for you. I don't know your size. Hu Fei bought this as a spare before. It might be a little tight."

Lin Feng was a little at a loss. He took off his short-sleeved pants and let the woman play with them. After a long time, he finally put on the slightly smaller lining. Fortunately, the dress jacket was larger and didn't look so restrictive.

During this period, Han Yuxin's limbs were rubbing against Lin Feng's body intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Feng felt the fragrance and softness of the beauty's body. After finishing changing clothes, he pulled her down into his arms, lowered his head and gently smelled the elegant fragrance on her snow-white slender neck, and said lightly:

"Is seducing me like this part of your job?"

Han Yuxin's eyes were blurred, and pieces of fragrant orchids spit out from the corner of her mouth with a charming smile, which penetrated into her bones:

"As long as Mr. Lin likes it, anything will do. This is also my responsibility."

Lin Feng frowned slightly, his face getting colder:

"Do your job well. This time I just need you to help me avoid unnecessary troubles."

"I'm a little uncomfortable with your two faces. It's better to get back to normal."

Seeing the man pretending to be serious, Han Yuxin chuckled, turned around and pressed against his chest, stretched out her hand with the back of her hand, across Lin Feng's angular cheek, and whispered softly:

"Back to normal? Which one do you prefer?"

"What woman wouldn't like a handsome, young, and extremely powerful man like you?"

"So, this is also work. If you and I don't show intimacy, those women will feel that they still have a chance."

"You don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, right?"

Lin Feng coughed lightly, feeling like he had become a plaything, and quickly changed the topic:

"You have prepared the ceremonial dress in advance and attending the celebration banquet is also the purpose of your return to Wucheng?"

Han Yuxin nodded and admitted generously:

"Anyone can enter the general banquet hall, but the VIP area needs someone to introduce me. I was worried about this, but I didn't expect that Mr. Lin has already been introduced."

Lin Feng shrugged and stepped back half a step:

"Go and wait outside while I say goodbye to Chen Yanyan."

After that, he left the back room of the hotel, ran all the way back to the RV, and took out the machine gun from his waist. At this moment, it has been upgraded:

"Machine gun lv15/19, red quality"

"Upgrade points: 13/7, damage 110, effective range 4 kilometers, remaining bullets 2500/2500"

"Extra attributes: bullet recovery 1/s, space magazine with 2500 ammo, death eye 0/20"

The performance and power have not been greatly improved, but the Death Eye's ability to lock on to the headshot target has been doubled.

Lin Feng put the LV15 cannon into the cabinet under the bed and locked it tightly. Lin Feng then put the red armor shield that he had taken off before and stuffed it into the back of the dress in the form of a back armor.

Weapons are definitely not allowed at this party, but as long as you have your shield, safety will be no problem.

Looking at Chen Yanyan sleeping beside him, Lin Feng tore up a piece of paper, wrote down his intentions, and put it on the bedside table.

Then he turned around and left, locking the RV.

He came to Han Yuxin, who had been waiting for a long time, and boarded Qin Hu's military jeep with her hugging him.

Drive out of the service area and enter Wucheng Center.

At this moment, Wucheng is brightly lit and lively.

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