Even though Su Yuan had millions of questions in his mind, he could only hold them back for now.

The current messenger was like a mobile phone that was about to run out of power. Su Yuan had to find a way to stop him from being weak.

"What should I do to make you recover faster?" Su Yuan asked.

This was exactly the question he was most concerned about. He could feel that the messenger would become weaker every time he sent a thought to him.

"Strengthen your Doomsday Tower, which you call the God's Altar."

The messenger said, "You can't imagine how tragic a price we paid to erase the mark of this altar."

"The sacrifice of countless generations and the extinction of billions of lives, just to grab a ray of hope in the endless darkness."

"Cherish it, child. It is unique. No matter how many God's Altars there are in the vast starry sky, only yours truly belongs to us."

Su Yuan wiped a drop of cold sweat from his forehead. What's wrong with this messenger? He had to write a long paragraph about something that could be explained in one sentence.

She spoke with great passion, like a choir's aria, which made him feel excited.

After all, isn't it to collect as many crystal cores as possible for the altar of the gods?

"Go, kid."

The shadow said faintly: "The control core of Atlantis's ships is in the middle of the ship. You can go and see if there is anything useful."

"Then go to the engine room at the rear of the ship. I can sense that the energy there is very abundant, and there should be a lot of crystal cores that can be used."

"Okay!" Su Yuan nodded. After finding out that the engine room with abundant energy should go up, he directly terminated the spiritual communication with the transmitter.

Su Yuan thought to himself, the fool is the one who goes to find things first.

There are only so many people in the ruins now. As long as they find the crystal core first and improve their strength to the point where no one can beat them, can't they calmly find the control core?

If Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan were present, Su Yuan would still consider the messenger's suggestion, but now the only one who can make Su Yuan feel afraid is Feng Feng.

And he is already a junior six-star now. He only needs to be strengthened a few more points. What does Feng Feng count for? When the time comes, won't he be able to take whatever he wants?

Let others find it first. In this world where the strong prey on the weak, if you don't have a certain level of strength, you can't keep the good things even if you find them.

Staying in the team at this time is a pure waste of time for him.

Just when Su Yuan was about to take Fatty, Cheng Xue and others to fly alone, Tang Yin suddenly slapped the wall.

A crisp metal friction sound rang out, and a door suddenly popped open on the wall a few steps in front of where everyone was standing.

Everyone's heart was like being pulled hard, and their spirits were instantly tense. This sudden change is most likely to remind people of a trap.

Su Yuan also looked nervously at the slowly opening door. He died in an ancient ruin in his previous life, so he had been extremely careful at this time.

This door had not been opened for many years. When it was halfway open, it suddenly made a muffled sound, and it was obviously stuck.

Everyone held their breath and looked at it for a long time. Seeing that there was no danger, they slowly moved over.

They saw that there was not a room behind the door, but layers of storage grids like drawers.

More than half of the grids were empty, and the remaining dozen metal cans that looked like cans were lying quietly in them.

Feng Feng picked up one curiously, and saw two lines of strange text on the can.

Naturally, no one knew these words, but there was a round icon under the words, and there was a flame-shaped engraving inside.

"What is this, is it a grenade or a incendiary bomb?" Feng Feng's hand holding the can trembled slightly, and he turned it over and over again but couldn't figure out how to use it.


Feng Feng turned his head and wanted to ask Tang Yin if he knew this thing, but he was stunned halfway through his words. Where is the shadow of Tang Yin behind him?

This guy actually took advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by the door that suddenly opened, and quietly slipped away!

Feng Feng cursed inwardly and was about to chase him, when suddenly a fist-sized stone hit the jar in his hand.


The jar cracked in the middle, and Feng Feng was immediately frightened to death, and threw the jar far away with a shake of his hand.

Others also immediately lay on the ground and covered their ears, worried that it would explode.

At this time, Tang Yin's voice was heard from afar, laughing: "A bunch of SB! That jar is just a 'dud'. Only two of the more than 30 can be used, and they have been taken away by my brother."

Feng Feng's face flushed, and he jumped up from the ground all of a sudden. Without saying a word, he followed the direction of the sound and chased Tang Yin.

Su Yuan picked up the broken jar and found that there were very precise engraving patterns in the jar, with a diamond-shaped groove in the middle.

No matter how he looked at this groove, it looked like the shape of a crystal core.

Just when he was about to find a good one to open and take a look, he turned around and found that the old madman had already started stuffing it into his bag.

At this time, the messenger said to Su Yuan: "This is a fire extinguisher. The various races in the Fifth Era are naturally afraid of fire, so in their place, fire extinguishers can be seen everywhere."

"Fire extinguishers... Interesting." Su Yuan looked at the backs of Feng Feng and others, thinking in his heart.

Feng Feng chased Tang Yin all the way around. A speed-type extraordinary person, he couldn't catch up with Tang Yin, a plant-type extraordinary person.

It was mainly because Tang Yin activated many mechanisms while running.

Every time Feng Feng was not careful, for the sake of safety, he had to let a group of zombies run in front.

Su Yuan followed behind, and he was more and more frightened.

This huge bronze ship seemed to have experienced an extremely tragic battle, and the whole ship was a wreck!

Although the outer shell of the ship was still intact, the interior was already riddled with holes.

If you use an analogy, this place is like a big tree eaten by termites. You may not see anything from the outside, but in fact, the inside is almost rotten.

People walking inside must be extra careful, otherwise they may step on the air and fall to the next floor if they are not careful.

Gradually, many broken armors and weapons began to appear on the ground.

When Su Yuan saw it at first, he was so excited that he thought he had picked up a treasure. Unexpectedly, when he reached out and touched it, those things turned into crumbs like bread crumbs.

Su Yuan sighed secretly. He had long heard that in ancient ruins, only things with residual energy fluctuations were worth collecting.

But when something was really placed in front of him, he was always unwilling to try it himself.

It had been too long, and everything was so fragile in the face of time.

It was hard to imagine that when the "Trident" ship sank here, this inland area was still a vast ocean.

The world has changed so much, who knows how long these things have been silent here? Even artifacts should have decayed.

As he walked, Su Yuan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

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