His attention was focused on observing the broken weapons and armor. Unconsciously, he had distanced himself from Feng Feng and others.

When he came to his senses, he found that the surroundings were too quiet!

Su Yuan's face sank, and he told the old madman not to care about the broken things. The two of them sped up and followed the footprints on the ground.

The various passages inside the ship were intricate, and because of the posture of the ship's head and feet, they were actually walking on the wall, which gave people the illusion of walking in a maze.

When turning the fourth corner, Su Yuan suddenly felt as if he had passed through a thin layer of water curtain. The originally silent space suddenly became noisy.

At first glance, he saw that Xiao Lan fell into a big hole that was blasted out by something unknown.

The whole person was already suspended in the air, relying on one hand to grab the edge of the hole to barely hang on.

It was pitch black under the hole, and no one knew how deep it was. Xiao Lan had broken two ribs, and if she fell down, she would almost certainly die.

"Hold on. I'll come and save you right away!"

"No! Don't come over here, be careful of Tang Yin!"

Su Yuan took two steps at a time and ran towards Xiao Lan like a flash of lightning.

When he heard Xiao Lan remind him to be careful, he felt a strong wind rising on the right.

Tang Yin's fist was covered with a thick layer of stone shell, and it hit him like a meteor hammer.

"Earth-type ability?" Su Yuan was shocked.

This fist was as big as a wheel. If it hit him, even a man of iron would be smashed into a pancake.

In a hurry, Su Yuan pulled out the fang gun to block in front of him, and at the same time, he kicked hard against the wall with his feet, and then used the tip of the gun to support the ground. He used the force twice in a row and rushed to Xiao Lan's side.

At this time, Tang Yin's right arm was covered with a thick layer of rock, like a mecha with only one arm.

This arm alone was a circle larger than Tang Yin's whole body, which looked extremely uncoordinated.

Su Yuan was secretly surprised. Isn't this Tang Yin a plant-type ability user? How can there be earth-related supernatural powers?

"Hahaha, I know what you are thinking." Tang Yin smiled grimly and dispersed the stone shell on his arm, "Because I am not Tang Yin, I am Tang Jun!"

Su Yuan and Xiao Lan were immediately shocked. Su Yuan cursed Feng Feng, the good-for-nothing, in his heart. He could admit his mistakes!

Before he finished speaking, Tang Jun took a step forward and stepped hard!

I saw a piece of metal plate under his feet, which sank obviously. At the same time, the place where Su Yuan was standing suddenly cracked from the middle to both sides.

Before Su Yuan could be surprised at Tang Jun's identity, he fell down.

At this time, Xiao Lan could no longer hold on, and with a scream, he also fell into the dark darkness under his feet.

"Old man, you are the only one left!" Tang Jun turned his head to look at the old madman, and a stone spike quickly appeared in his hand.


The old madman tightened his backpack, raised his head with a stern face, and walked to the edge of the hole by himself with a figure eight step.

Then he jumped down without even looking at Tang Jun.

Tang Jun was stunned by the calmness of the old madman, and it took him a long time to come to his senses.

"Hmph, the old man is very sensible. I just don't know if you will still be calm in a while."

Tang Jun looked at the darkness under his feet, muttered to himself, and finally turned and walked into the shadows.

After Su Yuan and Xiao Lan fell down, it felt like bungee jumping, falling down for a long time without landing.

This feeling of weightlessness will make people unable to tell whether they are falling or not after a long time.

I don't know how long it has been, but suddenly a series of muffled sounds of metal friction sounded around.

A piece of light red light gradually lit up.

Su Yuan could see clearly that he and Feng Feng and a group of people were all floating in the air. There was a huge saucer-shaped disc under him.

"Alas! Did you get tricked too?"

At this time, Feng Feng shouted to Su Yuan: "It turns out that we were all deceived. That person is Tang Jun, but I don't know what he wants to do by luring us here."

While Feng Feng was talking, he tried to adjust his body posture and wanted to land on the disc.

But no matter how he struggled, he couldn't move his body at all, just like a puppet hanging on a string.

"Don't worry, I will let you die knowingly."

At this time, Tang Jun's voice slowly said: "My people arrived here a day earlier than you. Because of my earth-related ability, I found the location of the treasure buried underground very quickly."

"At the beginning, we made very smooth progress. Although most of the things here are scrap copper and rotten iron, we still found many useful things."

"We even found the 'treasure bowl' that my father wanted. It's just a pity that thing is not a bowl at all. It's too big."

Tang Jun stretched his arms to the limit, but unfortunately he was standing in the shadow, and Su Yuan, Feng Feng and others couldn't see his movements at all.

"It's too big! It's as big as a swimming pool. There's no way to take it away."

At this time, the old madman interrupted and asked, "What is a cornucopia?"

Tang Jun smiled, "Do you even need to ask? Of course it's the thing that can spew out energy torrents and crystal cores. Isn't that what my father and Master Guangming specifically asked for?"

"But this is not something you need to consider."

Tang Jun slowly walked out of the shadows, holding a small metal plate as big as a mobile phone in his hand, with strong energy fluctuations on it.


Tang Jun used the metal plate to press the metal disc under Su Yuan and others, and the sound suddenly became crazy!

"Because you are going to die soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone felt their bodies sink instantly and fell onto the disc together.

Then, the giant disc split into dozens of small discs, sending each person to different places.

At this time, the messenger said to Su Yuan anxiously: "Not good! This is the Atlantis beast cage."

"The beast cage is a very bloody and barbaric entertainment activity in Atlantis. They will lock slaves and mutants together. Once it is activated, the fight between the two parties must end with the death of one party, otherwise they cannot come out!"

Su Yuan tried to jump off the disc, but his body was like being pressed by a mountain and he couldn't move at all.

"You mean we will be sent to a duel?" Su Yuan's mind tensed up instantly, "Who will the opponent be? What benefit can Tang Jun get by doing this?"

Tang Jun's expression was a little crazy, "I endured humiliation and finally led you here. You can be scapegoats for my people!"

Su Yuan only saw clearly at this time that there was also a disc under Tang Jun's feet.

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