This kick was fierce and accurate. There was a series of creepy bone-breaking sounds, and Professor Hu's head was kicked into a position with the back of his head facing forward!

"Ah! I... I killed someone?" Zheng Xuan's heart trembled suddenly. He originally just wanted to teach Professor Hu a lesson, and didn't want his life at all.

At this moment, seeing Professor Hu's head turned 180 degrees, Zheng Xuan was panicked and was so anxious that he used his hands to turn Professor Hu's head, trying to turn his face to the front.

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The fat man threw things into the women's bathroom and shouted, "Do you think you are Hua Tuo? Don't waste your energy!"

Ding Nan was also scared, and what scared her even more was that even if Professor Hu was dead, his hands were still tightly attached to her buttocks.

At this time, Zheng Xuan had already turned Professor Hu's head back with trembling hands, still muttering that he didn't mean it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he let go, Professor Hu's two eyeballs fell out of their sockets and rolled directly onto Ding Nan's feet!

Ding Nan jumped up with a cry of "Ah", but Professor Hu's hand was still hanging on her body.

Professor Hu's skin was like a dry paper shell, and Ding Nan pulled it hard, and the whole person was torn into pieces.

A large group of slender tooth-leaved iron wire vines burst out from his body, like a group of entangled fishing nets!

It turned out that Professor Hu had died a long time ago, and even the flesh and blood in his body were absorbed by the iron wire vines as nutrients.

And his hand was not touching Ding Nan, but dozens of slender iron wire vines as thin as hair came out from Professor Hu's palm and entangled Ding Nan.

Zheng Xuan was really shocked by the sudden change, but he immediately rushed over to help Ding Nan pull the vines entangled with Ding Nan.

The fat man only remembered at this time that the iron wire vine that had entangled Professor Hu at that time had sharp thorns. Maybe from that time on, Professor Hu had been drilled into the body by the iron wire vine.

"Don't touch it! If you touch this thing, you will die. Everyone stay away." The fat man did not forget to pull Teacher Bai when he fled, so he did not take advantage of it in vain.

This chaos happened suddenly, and everyone had long forgotten to throw things into the women's bathroom.

In addition, Zheng Xuan and Ding Nan and others shouted repeatedly, and the tooth-leaf iron wire vines that had swallowed the zombies also crawled over.

Zheng Xuan's eyes were red, and he didn't care that the iron wire vine had cut several deep cuts on his palms that could see the bone. He gritted his teeth and pulled the iron wire vine off Ding Nan.

Ding Nan finally got rid of the tooth-leaf iron wire vine. She wished she could grow wings and run as fast as she could. How could she care about lightening her footsteps?

As soon as she ran, the vibration caused by her heels landing on the ground immediately attracted the iron wire vine to chase her!

Zheng Xuan also hurriedly threw down the vines, took two quick steps, and ran with Ding Nan.

At this moment, Ding Nan suddenly kicked Zheng Xuan hard!

As a result, Zheng Xuan was caught up by the vines the moment he fell, and was wrapped in the iron wire vines with serrated leaves. In a blink of an eye, he was cut all over by many leaves.

Blood flowed all over the ground like a stream, and some vines even drilled into Zheng Xuan's flesh, greedily sucking blood!

At this time, Cheng Xue led the way in front, and Fatty and Teacher Bai were in the middle. They had to try to slow down their steps when running.

Su Yuan held a mantis knife in his hand, facing the iron wire vine, and retreated to cover the rear.

The scene of Ding Nan pushing Zheng Xuan out made Su Yuan frown!

Even he couldn't help but smack his lips at the selfishness and ruthlessness of Ding Nan.

Zheng Xuan risked his life to save her, but she turned her kindness into enmity and used Zheng Xuan as a scapegoat, just to ensure that she could escape!

But if Ding Nan was allowed to run like this, no one would be able to escape the pursuit of the tooth-leaved iron wire vine.

Everyone else was tiptoeing, trying not to attract the attention of the iron wire vine.

How could they compare to Ding Nan's fast stride, and Su Yuan was still retreating to cover the rear, and was almost behind Ding Nan in the blink of an eye.

Ding Nan's eyes flashed with a fierce light. He saw Su Yuan facing the vines, with the door wide open behind him, and actually pushed Su Yuan's shoulder again!

"Since you have been bitten by the zombies anyway, it is better to let the vines eat you and buy us more time!"

Su Yuan has a B-level air ability, so he is extremely sensitive to the air flow around him, and any movement cannot be hidden from his detection.

Not to mention that after he saw Ding Nan kill Zheng Xuan, he deliberately kept an eye on Ding Nan.

So before Ding Nan's hand pushed him, he had already turned sideways.

Ding Nan, who had exerted too much force, lost her balance and fell forward in a dog-eating-shit posture.

Just as she was about to fall to the ground, Su Yuan grabbed her.

Ding Nan begged for mercy: "... Don't, don't let go, I was confused just now."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to save you, I just want you to die farther away." After Su Yuan finished speaking, he kicked Ding Nan's butt and kicked her directly to the place where the iron wire vines were most dense.

That was where Zheng Xuan's body was.

The tooth-leaved iron wire vine naturally accepted the prey that was delivered to its mouth, and immediately wrapped around Ding Nan like a python.

"Why? Why?" Ding Nan roared like crazy: "Anyway, you are about to become a zombie, why don't you die?"

Su Yuan retreated calmly and showed Ding Nan the place where he was scratched by the zombies. The wound had already scabbed over and there was no sign of infection.

As long as you become a superhuman, your body will naturally be immune to zombie infection when it is transformed by God.

Otherwise, Su Yuan would not have rushed into the zombie group rashly for a pair of bone armor arm guards.

Ding Nan was shocked and said, "You are immune to the zombie virus?"

Su Yuan sneered, "Are you stupid? If you were not so annoying, I could give you this ability. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong path."

"And the reason why humans become zombies is not the virus, but a certain power that exceeds the limits of human cognition."

"No! I don't want to die, save me! Save me!"

Ding Nan's eyes were filled with blood and tears. She immediately realized what it meant to be immune to zombie infection, which would mean a survival rate several times higher than that of others!

You can even live forever in the end times!

But as Su Yuan said, she missed it.

Cheng Xue, Fatty and others also saw what Ding Nan did. When they saw that she actually wanted to push Su Yuan to die, they were all scared and broke out in a cold sweat.

If any of them were in Su Yuan's position, they would inevitably be killed by Ding Nan as a scapegoat.

Anyone would be terrified to have someone around who could stab you in the back at any time.

When they saw her being thrown into the tooth-leaved iron wire vine by Su Yuan, they did not feel any pity or pity in their hearts, but felt very happy instead.

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