When Ding Nan was dragged by the wire vine, the heart-wrenching wail he made attracted all the wire vines.

Su Yuan took this opportunity to leave with everyone.

Cheng Xue was not familiar with the terrain here, and she just ran forward with the smelly torch. Where else could she run to in the hotel? She soon ran to the end of the corridor.

The fat man shouted from behind: "I said, can you do it? Why are you running into a dead end?"

Su Yuan was staring out the window in a daze. Just now, Cheng Xue and others were only concerned with escaping and did not notice anything unusual outside the hotel.

Seeing Su Yuan's heavy expression at this moment, they also looked out the window.

The three of them were shocked when they saw this!

It turned out that there were countless tooth-leaf wire vines outside the hotel, spreading wildly in all directions with the hotel as the center, like a green wave.

Wherever the naked eye could see, there were tooth-leaf wire vines like countless poisonous snakes. With the Galaxy Hotel as the center, the area within a kilometer radius became a Jedi!

As far as Su Yuan knows, the tooth-leaved iron wire vine can only reach the level of a second-order mutant creature. A mature tooth-leaved iron wire vine can only cover an area of ​​80 to 100 square meters at most, and will never grow to such a scale!

And looking at the direction of the iron wire vine's spread, this endless iron wire vine actually grew from the same place.

Su Yuan hurriedly turned around and looked at the south side of the building.

They were in the north building of the hotel at this time, and the south side was the central garden of the hotel.

In this city full of reinforced concrete, only places like gardens can grow mutant plants.

After just one look, everyone, including Su Yuan, was stunned by the scene in front of them!

I saw that at the two o'clock direction in the center of the central garden, a towering tree as tall as a four-story building had grown out at some point!

It was called a tree, because apart from the word "tree", I really didn't know how to describe the huge plant that Su Yuan saw.

It was like a hodgepodge of hundreds of plants, and each branch had a completely different appearance.

If Professor Hu were still alive, he would be ecstatic to see this tree. This tree alone is enough for scholars to study for a lifetime.

"What the hell is this? Is the Creator drunk?"

Because there are also many tooth-leaved iron wire vines wrapped around this tree of chaos. Su Yuan looked carefully, trying to find out where the main body of the overwhelming tooth-leaved iron wire vines is.

At this time, Cheng Xue suddenly exclaimed, pointed out and shouted: "Look over there, isn't that Ding Nan? What do those weird plants want to do?"

Ding Nan was dragged to the bottom of the huge strange tree by several tooth-leaved iron wire vines, and then dozens of blood vessels stretched out from the crown of the tree, hanging Ding Nan's body up.

During this process, Ding Nan's body occasionally twitched a few times.

Everyone suddenly discovered that there seemed to be many zombies hanging in the crown of the tree. From a distance, it looked like hundreds of people were hanging on the same tree.

Everyone was stunned by the strange scene in front of them, holding their breath and concentrating on watching.

The blood-veined vines placed Ding Nan's body in a big letter shape, and then a sharp thorn like a spear grew out of the trunk of the tree at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally pierced Ding Nan's back of the head fiercely!

Ding Nan suddenly trembled violently, and she moaned unconsciously.

She felt as if an ice cone had pierced into her head, and an energy that made her soul tremble began to pour into her body frantically.

There was a tearing pain all over her body, as if every inch of her bones were crushed and rotten.

As the energy poured into Ding Nan's body, the many zombies hanging in the tree canopy suddenly became like deflated balls, quickly becoming shriveled and corrupt, as if the power was extracted from their bodies.

Gradually, Ding Nan's body became longer and bigger, like an ancient female giant. Snake-like scales grew on her skin, and her hair fluttered like antennas.

Su Yuan had been in the apocalypse for nine years in his previous life, and had never seen zombies in this form.

He immediately took out a telescope from his backpack and suddenly found that there was a golden hexagram pattern in each of Ding Nan's pupils.

It looked exactly like the magic flower mantis that had been catalyzed by the God Altar before!

As Su Yuan looked at Ding Nan, Ding Nan's pupils with hexagram patterns also looked at him!

Su Yuan saw only one thing in those eyes, that was a pure murderous aura!

"It's the God Altar again!"

Su Yuan subconsciously touched his forehead, "Why did it want to kill me?"

His heart was like a mess, and he vaguely felt that all this was caused by the power hidden deep in his soul, but he had no way to do anything.

Ding Nan's appearance changed drastically at this time. Both her hands and feet became three parts human and seven parts beast, with only her toes touching the ground, her soles becoming longer, and her heels more than a foot off the ground!

Her skin also had many fine scales like snake scales, her body was three meters tall, and her clothes were completely torn apart.

Ding Nan suddenly let out a piercing scream like piercing gold and splitting rocks. Countless terrifying roars immediately followed from the two outdoor swimming pools not far from the Chaos Tree.

Su Yuan turned the telescope and saw that the swimming pool, which should have been clear to the bottom, was now filled with dark red blood plasma, with hundreds of zombies crowded in it, as chaotic as a pot of porridge.

Moreover, these zombies all have a light white crystal core between their eyebrows!

All of them were first-order zombies. They were simply a death army composed of first-order zombies!

"How many energy points can this be exchanged for?"

Based on Su Yuan's experience in his previous life, a first-order zombie swarm of this size would not appear until at least half a year after the end of the world.

At this moment, under the catalysis of the altar of gods, it is evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Judging from the color of the crystal cores between the zombies' eyebrows, in two or three hours at most, this group of zombies will be able to completely reach the strength of first-order mutants!

You know, it took him a whole night to catalyze the mantis!

This scene made Fatty's scalp numb, and he immediately wanted to escape from here.

But then he remembered that he was surrounded by a carpet of maidenhair vines. There was no way he could escape unless he was given a helicopter.

The fat man slapped his thigh and said, "It's over, it's over. Isn't this a case of standing upside down and having diarrhea, with shit pouring down your head (death is imminent)!"

The fat man shook his hands, then turned to Teacher Bai and said, "Beauty, my surname is Dugu, and my last name is Pang. What's your name?"

Teacher Bai was confused by the fat man's question, but still replied: "My name is Bai Ying..."

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