End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 241: Good things come to your door

The most serious wounds on Su Yuan's body were all caused by the three previous wounds.

But what Su Yuan feared most was the big toad that had never taken action. According to his guess, this toad was very likely to have reached the third level!

He racked his brains, but couldn't think of any way to kill the toad.

What's more, in addition to the toad, there were three ruthless characters standing by, ready to rush up and bite off a piece of meat from Su Yuan's body, or swallow Su Yuan directly.

Su Yuan was panting heavily. The cruelty and difficulty of this battle could be ranked among the best in his experience of the past and present lives.

"Transmitter, do you know where that big toad came from?" Su Yuan muttered in his heart. He knew enough mutants, but he had never seen a similar toad.

This toad was not only dark green all over, but also had many knife-like flesh cracks on its hill-like back. Under the flesh cracks, it would occasionally wriggle slightly, which made Su Yuan's body crawl.

"If I knew, I would have told you long ago." The messenger had never seen such a unique-looking toad. He pondered for a moment before continuing, "Although I don't know it, I have seen a mutant that is similar to it."

"It is a kind of toad that gives birth to its offspring and hatches them in the flesh on its back."

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The messenger had not finished speaking when the mutant that was suspected to be a toad suddenly moved!

Su Yuan immediately raised his spirits. A wind blade condensed into shape and was ready to go.

After the wind blade appeared, it trembled twice and barely maintained without disintegrating. This was also the last wind blade that Su Yuan could condense in a short period of time.

"Quack!" An extremely unpleasant frog croak broke the silence. After hearing the frog croak, the other three mutant beasts tensed up and rushed to the distance as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

At this moment, more than a dozen slits on the back of the giant toad opened at the same time. Small toads with mucus on their bodies emerged from them, and also made shrill frog calls.

Even though Su Yuan had nerves as thick as trees, he was also stimulated by this scene and almost vomited.

"Ah! My eyes! This is too fucking disgusting!" Su Yuan felt his stomach churning for a while, and the strong nausea made him want to vomit blood.

The messenger was not surprised but happy, and exclaimed: "Great! This is a 'nest' type mother beast, and its crystal core is a rare treasure for the controller. This is simply a good thing that comes to the door!"

"Nest" type mutants are a very special type among countless mutants, and they often appear in Zerg mutants.

The most typical one is the Zerg mother nest, which hatches insect soldiers, and all insect soldiers are controlled by the mother nest. This is similar to the controller controlling countless soldiers to fight at the same time.

The reason why the crystal core of the nest-type mutant is a treasure for the controller is that their crystal core can split the mental power.

When making extraordinary equipment, if this kind of crystal core is embedded, one mental power can be split into several, dozens, hundreds or even thousands of parts through the crystal core!

Two important indicators to measure the strength of the controller are the size of the mental power field coverage area and the number of mental power splits.

The former represents the range that the controller can control, and the latter represents the number of individuals that the controller can control at the same time.

For example, a controller who can control 100 individuals at the same time gets a nest-type mutant crystal core that can be divided into ten. His strength can be immediately improved by one level, and the number of controlled individuals will reach 110!

For Su Yuan, who has just embarked on the road of the controller, such a crystal core is not just as simple as improving strength.

This crystal core can make Su Yuan familiar with multitasking as soon as possible, and can play a multiple role of enlightenment, guidance, and demonstration.

When Su Yuan heard the messenger say this, he immediately felt that this big toad was much more pleasing to the eye. However, it was limited to changing from ugly and disgusting to extremely disgusting.

The mucus left on the toad and the dozen small toads still made Su Yuan feel uncomfortable when he looked at them.

"I really want to burn them with fire." Su Yuan cursed in his heart.

It takes 800 energy points to upgrade from the primary eight stars to nine stars, and 1500 energy points to upgrade from nine stars to black iron.

Only when the level is upgraded to black iron level can Su Yuan fuse the second mutation factor. So although he has the fire element power in his hand now, he can't use it, and can only be angry in his heart.

Su Yuan almost didn't think about it, and threw the last wind blade at the belly of the big toad.

The speed of the wind blade was as fast as a flash of lightning, and it shot in front of the toad in the blink of an eye.

There was a sound of wind, and the toad's two overly thick hind legs kicked the ground fiercely. Then, its body like a small mountain disappeared from the original place in an instant!

"What a fast speed!" Su Yuan was secretly surprised. This was the first time that the wind blade was dodged.

The toad opened its bloody mouth, and the two rows of comb-like fangs in its mouth showed that it was a meat eater.

The toad jumped high, dodged the attack of the wind blade, and then its huge body smashed towards Su Yuan like a meteorite.

At this time, the importance of the team was reflected. If the fat man was here, his corrosive venom would be very suitable for dealing with this mutant with only a thin layer of moist skin all over its body.

I don’t know if it was because the toad’s eyesight was not good, or for some other reason, Su Yuan narrowly avoided this mountain of meat that fell from the sky.

After that, the toad ignored Su Yuan and focused on eating the dead mutant beasts on the ground.

The way the toad ate was as unique as its appearance, which was beyond Su Yuan's expectation.

In general, there is a tongue in the mouth of a toad that can be ejected far away. The one in front of him had nothing but teeth in his mouth, but no tongue.

The toad lowered its body, opened its big mouth like a bulldozer, and then kicked its hind legs, shoveling everything it passed into its mouth like a shovel.

In this way, Su Yuan didn't need to hide anymore, and the toad ran away by itself.

At this time, the saber-toothed rat and sickle-tailed gecko that had been hiding far away before came back and pounced on Su Yuan while the toad was eating.

Su Yuan thought it was unlucky, and it was not certain who would twist whose head off today.


Suddenly, more than a dozen frogs croaked at the same time, and Su Yuan felt as if his head was hit by a sledgehammer, his eyes were blurred, and his head was dizzy.

At this time, Su Yuan was moving quickly, and suddenly heard the sound of frogs, as if the devil's voice filled his brain, and Su Yuan immediately fell flat on his face.

"What a powerful mental attack!" Su Yuan pinched his eyelids with his hands and forced himself to open his eyes.

I saw the huge toad raised its head and easily swallowed dozens of mutant corpses.

Then, there was a muffled "gurgling" sound in the toad's stomach!

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