End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 242: Praise the Goddess of Luck

If someone who didn't know the situation heard that sound, they might think that the big toad had a big pot of boiling water in its stomach.

And it was all Su Yuan's bitterness!

Being distracted during a battle is a taboo, not to mention that it was like a blow to the head, and the whole person was stunned.

Su Yuan felt his lips getting hot, and he reached out to touch them, and they were all bloody.

His two nostrils were like leaking hot water bottles, and blood was flowing out of his nose.

Su Yuan, who had concentrated his mental power, was shocked by the frogs' croaking. The other three mutant creatures were even worse.

Su Yuan gritted his teeth and turned his head to see that they were already foaming at the mouth and couldn't even stand up.

"This... How can we fight this?" Su Yuan wanted to cry but had no tears.

No wonder the big toad didn't attack at all earlier. It turned out that it was a range attack. Once it opened its voice, it knocked down a large number of enemies without distinguishing between friends and enemies.

Su Yuan hurriedly covered his ears with his hands. No matter if it works or not, just cover it first.

He felt as if his head was hit by a train. If the big toad had called out "Dora Mi Fa Suo" again at this time, he would definitely be killed.

Fortunately, after the big toad called out, it lowered its head to look for food again, and Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was unlucky, and even drinking cold water would cause his teeth to ache.

He was only half relieved when more than a dozen small toads came over.

Su Yuan had a splitting headache at this time, and he really didn't have the strength to deal with them, so he casually pulled the body of the saber-toothed rat and threw it at the small toads.

Perhaps because he didn't use enough strength, the body of the saber-toothed rat was only thrown two or three meters in front of the small toads, and it looked like he deliberately took food to feed them.

The next scene made Su Yuan sip his teeth.

The saber-toothed rat, as big as a hunting dog, was eaten up by more than a dozen small toads in two or three seconds, leaving only a skeleton that was cleaner than a specimen.

Su Yuan thought to himself, don't toads eat by "swallowing"? How can they chew?

Seeing that the little toads had eaten up the saber-toothed rats, they came bouncing towards him. Su Yuan felt disgusted and fearful, and hurriedly threw the bodies of the sickle-tailed gecko and the skinny monkey zombie over.

The two bodies lasted for about ten seconds, and the bodies of the little toads swelled up a full circle, and their size changed from teapots to rice cookers.

At this time, the big toad was also eating wildly. The way he ate reminded Su Yuan of the scene when he helped his parents shovel snow when he was a child.

The big toad lowered his head, opened his mouth, and kicked his legs. After a set of processes, he could eat a blank passage more than two meters wide and more than ten meters long on the ground full of corpses, rotten meat, and blood plasma.

At this speed, it won't take long for this place to be licked by toads, which will be cleaner than the wallet of a poor man.

"It seems that I can't do without fighting!" Su Yuan gritted his teeth and planned to overload his mental power.

Although he would be weak for a long time after doing so, and using it too much would damage his soul. But now he was going to die, so how could he care so much!

Su Yuan threw away the fang gun, opened his hands in front of his chest, and was about to condense the wind blade to fight desperately.

He saw the big toad suddenly open its mouth and twitch slightly.

Su Yuan thought the big toad was going to sing again, so he quickly covered his ears again, and cried out in his heart. He thought that if he could survive this time, he would definitely rush over and squeeze all these toads to pee!

But the frog croaking he expected did not sound, but from the back of the big toad, there was a sound of mucus rolling and bubbling.

Then he saw more than a dozen small toads hatched.

After these second-generation toads landed, they were like starving ghosts reincarnated, lying on the ground and eating bloody corpses.

This time Su Yuan saw clearly that there were twelve newly hatched small toads, plus the previous one, and one big one, a total of twenty-five.

As a result, his already slim hope of winning was severely reduced.

Unexpectedly, the big toad never stopped giving birth. Small toads emerged in waves, and in the blink of an eye, the number of toads exceeded 100.

The big toad ate and gave birth at the same time, like a tractor that kept dropping debris, and the number of toads continued to increase.

Su Yuan was stunned, and the number of toads was close to 200.

But only half of the corpses on the ground were eaten. I dare not imagine how many toads there will be when the big toad eats all the corpses here!

"I said... the messenger, right? How about we say our last words to each other now?"

"Wait a little longer, I'm thinking of a way," the messenger said solemnly. Seeing that Su Yuan was still thinking about nonsense, he couldn't help but admire Su Yuan's courage.

Su Yuan smiled. If I don't fight now, I'm afraid that I won't even have the chance to fight later.

His eyes were instantly filled with silver light, and in the dim space, it was like two bright lightnings!

A wind blade that was as condensed as a substance quickly took shape in Su Yuan's hand. A trace of blood oozed from the corner of Su Yuan's eyes, and it was obvious that he had taken out his best skills.

He feared death, but he was never afraid of it!

Although the nest-shaped toad mutant was abnormally strong, it was impossible for him to give up his courage and lie on the ground waiting to die.

With Su Yuan's temper, even if he died, he would have to drag a few more people with him to make up for it!

Su Yuan also knew that even if he killed the big toad in seconds with this wind blade, he would definitely be besieged by the small toads. Today, it depends on whether his life is tough!

"Kill!" Su Yuan roared, waving his hands with a strong and unyielding fighting spirit, and was about to activate the wind blade.

Just then!

In the trial field, a red light that made people feel palpitations from the bottom of their hearts suddenly lit up, and at the same time, there was a series of voices that sounded like singing.

Then, countless sharp blade-like spikes suddenly appeared on the bronze ground, as many as the hair on a person's head!

The spikes were taller than a person and rose from the ground in an instant.

Except for the place where Su Yuan stood on his feet, everything was pierced into pieces by the spikes.

The meat-like big toad and its cubs who were born less than a few minutes ago suddenly turned into sticky meat paste.

Su Yuan was completely confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

But in his heart, he was already praising the goddess of luck crazily with his voice. May her thighs be the most perfect in the world, and her face make the sun dim.

"Damn it! It was so close, it almost pierced me." Su Yuan's back was covered in cold sweat. He thought that there was no sharp blade under his feet because he was standing in a special place.

At this time, the messenger explained: "Child, it's not what you think. Do you know what the voice you didn't understand just now means?"

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