Including Liu Xianguang, there were six young and middle-aged men. There were also five young women and two boys who looked to be just fourteen or fifteen years old.

These people were all so hungry that their faces were sallow and skinny, and their faces were green.

The fat man had big shoulders and a round waist, and he spoke with confidence. He shouted half of what he just said for Su Yuan.

"Do you want to die or live? If you want to die, stay here. If you want to live, just follow our boss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xianguang, who was shot out, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Fat Dugu! You damn fat man, I think you want to die. Believe it or not, I will fight you!"

Liu Xianguang looked extremely embarrassed at this time. Not only was his tail bone painful, but his body was also stained with a lot of filth.

Thinking that one second he was so glorious, punching enemies and teasing beauties, and the next second he was in this state, Liu Xianguang wanted to tear the guy who kicked the door to pieces and burn him to ashes!

With Su Yuan beside him, the fat man was not afraid of Liu Xianguang's threat at all, and immediately cursed: "Fart! My name is Dugu Pang, not Dugu Pang. If you dare to make fun of my name again, I will be in trouble with you!"

Then, he turned to Su Yuan and said, "Boss, this guy is useless, let's not want him."

Su Yuan ignored the fat man. He took a large luggage bag that the fat man was carrying and threw it at his feet. He said to the survivors in the room:

"There is food and water here. You can eat and drink as much as you like. But the condition is that if you eat my food, you must obey my orders. Freeloaders will be killed without mercy!"

When Su Yuan said this, his tone was calm, without any hint of fireworks. But combined with the dirty blood all over his body and the cold light in his eyes, it actually gave people an awe-inspiring chill, as if someone had poured ice water on him in the cold winter!

The fat man cooperated and opened the luggage bag, revealing piles of mineral water, beef jerky, lunch meat, compressed biscuits and other food inside.

They dug these things out from the earthquake emergency kits stored on various floors of the hotel.

Even though Su Yuan is not familiar with the Galaxy Hotel, he has survived in the apocalypse for nine years, and it is almost instinctive for him to find food wherever he can.

Perhaps the happiness came too suddenly, and all the survivors were stunned. For a while, they squatted there without moving.

Su Yuan stabbed a bottle of mineral water with a mantis knife and let the clear drinking water spill out.

When people heard the sound of water, they suddenly woke up from a dream and rushed over to grab food!

Even Ding Yufu struggled to stand up from behind the door and joined the crowd fighting for food.

Only then did Su Yuan realize that there was another one hidden behind the door. This brought the number of survivors here to fourteen.

Liu Xianguang realized that he had been ignored from beginning to end, and he immediately laughed angrily, "You... can you be any more arrogant? If I don't beat the shit out of you today, my surname will not be Liu!"

I saw him grabbing a steel pipe and throwing himself at Su Yuan with a fierce look on his face.

Fatty and Cheng Xue not only did not worry about Su Yuan, but smiled secretly and took two steps away.

I saw a black shadow flash past, and Liu Xianguang suddenly felt a light touch on his hand. The expected blow did not come, but it was as if the blow was empty, and he almost missed his waist.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly discovered that the steel pipe in his hand was actually close to his fingers and was cut into two pieces by the root!

Su Yuan put the blade of the Mantis Knife on Liu Xianguang's shoulder, and the latter immediately felt excited all over.

He was not attracted by the sharpness of the blade, but he noticed that there was actually half a zombie's eyeball hanging on the jagged blade of this strange knife!

There was also purple-red blood and yellow brain matter, dripping down the blade and onto his clothes.

"I kicked you, so I spared you a knife. It's even." Su Yuan's face remained as usual, but there was no emotion in his words, "But if you dare to move again, you won't just be cutting off the steel pipe." ,understand?"

Liu Xianguang had the blade pressed against his neck, and a layer of goosebumps immediately aroused on his skin. Hearing this, he blinked his eyes quickly and said, "I understand... I understand what you said."

Su Yuan took back the Mantis Knife and nodded, "Very good. From now on, you are the leader of this group. Put away your little bird, and then lead them to follow."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The fat man was waiting to see Liu Xianguang's joke. When he heard that Su Yuan actually asked Liu Xianguang to be the squad leader, the smile on his face immediately stiffened.

Dugu Pang rushed to catch up with Su Yuan and shouted from behind: "Boss, you want him to be the leader? He is not that good."

Su Yuan held out three fingers and said, "Give them three minutes to eat, and then gather in the corridor. Cheng Xue will teach them how to make stinky torches. After five minutes, everyone will head to the tenth floor."

The fat man asked: "What if they don't obey after eating?"

Su Yuan sneered: "No."

He knows human nature too well. That little food was not enough for a dozen survivors, but it would completely arouse their thirst for food.

"Tell them that they will have enough food when they get to the tenth floor!"

When Liu Xianguang heard that he was going to take them upstairs, he was immediately shocked and said:

"Don't go! The tenth floor is a restaurant, and there are two overpass corridors connecting the east and west buildings. Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you know there will be zombies up there. Are you planning on letting us die?"

"Do you need to send me away if you want to die?" Su Yuan pointed out the window, "Look at what's become outside!"

At this time, Liu Xianguang had already pulled up his pants and looked down at the window pointed by Su Yuan.

Immediately, I discovered that the curtain walls of the four buildings in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Galaxy Hotel were almost covered with overwhelming maidenhair vines.

From a distance, it looks like the building has been painted with a layer of dark green paint.

"What is this? A creeper?"

The fat man sneered and said, "Look at how you have never seen the world. That's called maidenhair vine."

"It can wrap you up like a snake, and it can also plant seeds in your belly."

"Don't believe it." The fat man picked up a bottle cap from the ground and threw it at another window nearby. The bottle cap hit the glass with a "ding" sound.

The nearby vines immediately twisted around like a group of frightened snakes in the direction of the sound!

And when the vines are intertwined, the leaves rub against each other and make a sound similar to iron leaves.

Liu Xianguang's scalp went numb immediately, and he realized that the fat man was not bluffing him.

The fat man clapped his fingers and said: "Not long ago, I saw three people killed by that thing with my own eyes. One was strung to death by vines from the stomach; one was cut into dumpling fillings by the leaves of the thing; and one..."

When the fat man said this, he suddenly pointed in the direction of the Tree of Chaos, "The last one is right there. Do you see it?"

"It's the one with a lot of wooden thorns stuck in its back, and it looks like the Queen of Blades. It seems to be called Ding... what is Ding?"

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