At this time, Ding Nan's image was even more terrifying. She was three meters tall, and just as the fat man said, she looked a bit like the Blade Queen in the StarCraft game.

Cheng Xue saw that her former classmate had become a ghost, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

She sighed softly, "Her name is Ding Nan."

"What did you say?"

Ding Nan's father, Ding Yufu, was struck by lightning when he heard the name!

"My daughter? What happened to my daughter?"

The fat man shook his chin in the direction of Ding Nan, "Can't you see for yourself?"

Ding Yufu's eyes widened, and the skin on his face trembled involuntarily. Even though Ding Nan's appearance had changed drastically, the induction of blood relatives still made Ding Yufu recognize her at a glance.

"How could this happen? How could this happen..." Ding Yufu seemed to have lost all his bones in an instant, and his whole body collapsed on the ground.

Cheng Xue wanted to go upstairs to find him, but he was blocked by zombies at the door as soon as he opened the door. Then he was saved by Su Yuan, but Ding Nan not only didn't appreciate it, but blamed his savior because he was splashed with zombie blood.

Then Professor Hu was chased by dozens of zombies because Ding Nan opened the stairwell door to the tenth floor without authorization, and was saved by Su Yuan again.

And when he encountered the tooth-leaved iron wire vine, how Ding Nan killed Zheng Xuan, and how he wanted to harm Su Yuan at the last moment, etc., all of which were told to Ding Yufu.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Liu Xianguang hated Ding Yufu to the bone. After listening to it, he spat with disgust on his face, "Bah! You are bad enough, I didn't expect that a daughter would be the same as you."

"Your daughter killed several people in order to come up to find you. Unfortunately, she doesn't know that her father never thought of going downstairs to find her from beginning to end!"

Liu Xianguang's words were like a dagger with barbs, stabbing Ding Yufu's heart fiercely.

Ding Yufu burst into tears and yelled that he was sorry for his daughter.

"What the hell are you crying about!" Liu Xianguang slapped Ding Yufu in the face and cursed: "With your character, even if your daughter is with you, I'm afraid you will sell her for food."

This sentence is really true. It is not uncommon to sell children in the end times, and Su Yuan has even seen the tragic situation of "exchanging children for food".

But more often, parents would rather sacrifice themselves to protect their children, even at the cost of their lives!

At this time, the food that Su Yuan gave out had been almost eaten. The survivors who had just filled their stomachs all looked at Su Yuan eagerly, and no one cared about Ding Yufu's life or death.

Su Yuan asked Cheng Xue to take them along the way they came, pick up the heads of the zombies he killed along the way, and teach them how to make smelly torches.

If there are those who can't do it or are disobedient, when they leave later, they will all be thrown away and let them fend for themselves!

Liu Xianguang pondered the words "stinky torches" in his mind, but he couldn't figure it out.

"A torch is just a torch, why is it smelly? Is it made of shit?"

But soon, Liu Xianguang found out that the materials used to make the stinky torches were zombie teeth and corpse oil!

He would rather the torches were made of shit, since the gold in his crotch hadn't been wiped clean.

The fat man had seen the effects of the stinky torches, so he could accept them even if the materials were disgusting and terrifying.

He was the first to cut open the zombie's belly, took out the bloody fat, and then turned around to pull out the zombie's teeth.

The bloody scene made Liu Xianguang and more than a dozen other survivors spit out everything they had just eaten.

If pulling out zombie teeth is a challenge to a person's psychological endurance, then opening up a zombie's belly is a great destruction of a person's physiological conditions!

Just imagine, ordinary people have never killed a chicken, and they don't even know what the internal organs smell like when they are exposed to the air.

Now they are suddenly asked to fiddle with the zombie corpses with festering skin all over their bodies like a professional forensic doctor. The difficulty can be imagined.

"I hope it's not too late." Su Yuan muttered to himself, and his eyes turned to the group of zombies soaking in the plasma pool downstairs.

The crystal cores between the eyebrows of those zombies are still light white. When the color turns milky white, it will be the time for this group of dead army to go out in full force.

Su Yuan also saw the role of the tooth-leaved iron wire vine. If the two swimming pools are regarded as culture tanks, then the plasma in the swimming pools is the nutrients for the evolution of the zombie army, and the tooth-leaved iron wire vine is responsible for supplying nutrients to the culture tanks.

Su Yuan roughly estimated that the number of zombies in the two swimming pools is at least 1,000 if not 800!

If you want to catalyze such a large number of corpses into first-order mutants in a short period of time, the source nutrients and energy required will be unimaginable!

No wonder the tooth-leaved iron wire vine is not enough to cover the entire Galaxy Hotel, and spread out to the surrounding area for such a long distance.

The purpose is to plunder more essence for the two blood pools.

A great man once said that whatever the enemy wants to build, we need to destroy.

With Su Yuan's rich experience in surviving in the end times, he naturally wants to try to cut off the foster line of the blood pool!

"Speed! Speed! Speed! Everyone make a torch." Su Yuan paced back and forth among the pale survivors.

"If you want to survive, you must face these things. I will give you two more minutes. After two minutes, set off immediately!"

At this time, a young woman with a beauty mole on the corner of her eye cried bitterly: "... I, I really can't do it, it's too bloody! Please let me do something else, anything!"

Not only her, only one woman with glasses among the five young women made a torch. The rest of them all vomited and cried non-stop with snot and tears.

They looked at Cheng Xue and Bai Ying, who were nimble and skillful, with admiration, and found that they were like useless waste compared to the two women brought by Su Yuan.

Even Cheng Xue told everyone at the beginning that the stinking torch could drive away zombies. But some things are simply unimaginable without seeing them with your own eyes.

If Cheng Xue and Bai Ying had not experienced being blocked in the toilet by dozens of zombies, and under the protection of two stinking torches, watching the zombies close at hand helplessly and furiously outside the influence range of the torches, it is estimated that the two of them would not be so enthusiastic about making stinking torches.

The fat man's was even more exaggerated. Other people's torches all used mop poles, table legs and other thinner materials as the main body of the torch.

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