Su Yuan and his men plowed the ground three feet nearby, even went down to the bottom of the passage, and searched the place where the Deep Sea Scorpion was originally parked, but they couldn't find it after all.

He couldn't help but wonder if he had been picked up by Tang Zhen.

Jin Gui lost one of his elf seeds, which made Su Yuan feel very irritable. When he came out of the passage, he walked with his head down.

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Suddenly, he saw a flash of green color in the large pit of flesh and blood created by the explosion of more than 200 walking corpses!

It was already December, and it was so cold and freezing that there was no way any leaves would fall here.

The plasma has already been frozen into ice lumps, so how could there be anything green?

Su Yuan quickly walked towards the place where he saw green. He stepped on the ice blood and finally saw a small green sprout that was only as big as a bean sprout.

The green bud has only two delicate leaves, one high and one low.

Although this bud is not as big as a girl's finger, it contains an unimaginable vitality!

"This...could it be that the elf seeds have sprouted?" Su Yuan opened his mouth enough to swallow his fist.

"What kind of variety is this? Can it take root and sprout even in the middle of winter?"

Everyone formed a circle, lying on the ground and watching this plant struggle out of the sea of ​​blood and flesh. Even the person delivering the message was amazed.

The other two seeds found before were also soaked in blood, but they did not take root and germinate like this.

He thought for a long time, and finally said with some uncertainty: "This one is probably the ancient war tree of the elves. Only the ancient war tree, a plant that loves blood the most, will take root in such a place."

Su Yuan hurriedly asked, what exactly is the Ancient War Tree? Is it a tree specially used for fighting?

The messenger said: "My understanding of the elves is very limited. The elves rarely interact with other races, and their unique arrogance makes their diplomacy basically zero.

I only know that there are many types of ancient elven war trees. For example, some can produce natural bows and arrows, some can throw explosive seeds, and some can swing roots to entangle nearby enemies... there are too many types. "

"As for the one in front of me, unless a real elf is present, no one can tell the type of this ancient war tree based on just two small buds."

Su Yuan thought for a while and said, "Then I'll find a flower pot, transplant it into the flower pot, and grow it slowly."

As soon as the words fell, the deliverer and Helena shouted at the same time: "Don't!"

Helena said: "Elf plants cannot be treated as ordinary mutant plants, let alone transplanted casually!

"In the past, our high priest of Atlantis once caused a seed to sprout by accident. At that time, he was planning to transplant the sprout to the ship, but as soon as the sprout left Wherever it sprouted, it immediately died."

"Damn!" Su Yuan stopped immediately, "I can't just keep guarding this bird tree, right? How many years will it take?"

Su Yuanxin said that even if this was a cash cow, it was not worth keeping here for ten or eight years.

"You don't have to worry about this." The messenger hurriedly reassured Su Yuan, "Elven plants grow very fast. If there are orthodox elves with secret methods to catalyze them, they can grow to the mature stage in one day and one night."

"Even if there is no elf catalyst, natural growth only takes a few months. Can't you afford to wait for this time? You have to at least wait until this ancient war tree grows up and harvest its seeds before leaving. Too late."

Seeing that Su Yuan was a little moved, the messenger continued: "The elves have a sparse population, but they can continue their civilization for three eras. Could their things be ordinary goods?"

"Any kind of ancient war tree is born for war. If you don't even want the ancient war tree, then in the battle of the rift nine years later, are you prepared to reverse the situation of the war and protect your sister by yourself? "

Su Yuan smacked his lips when the person who delivered the words reached this point. He had no choice but to be a ranger for a few months.

Although there is only one tree he wants to protect, it is a unique elf tree in the world.

Since he couldn't leave in a short time, Su Yuan turned the area around the ancient war tree into a restricted area, leaving the Deep Sea Scorpion and Helena here.

Keep the detection device on 24 hours a day, and notify him immediately if any abnormal creature approaches.

Anyway, as an intelligent being, Helena doesn't need to sleep, so it's perfect for her to take on this job.

Su Yuan divided another half of the mechanical trilobites and went back to the wreckage of the Trident to find a way to get rid of the disks that could create illusions.

With this thing, Helena can create a mental illusion within a certain range without anyone noticing.

Although this illusion was originally used to test the psychological quality of new recruits, it can only work on extraordinary people below the third level.

But as of now, it is estimated that no big boss has upgraded to level three or above. Coupled with the bionic beast whose strength is comparable to the third-order mutant, it should not be a problem to protect the ancient war tree from growing vigorously.

Su Yuan arranged for everyone around him to go out, and came to the body of Master Guangming alone, preparing to use the altar of gods to plunder the remaining resources of Master Guangming.

Especially the life essence in Master Guangming is what Su Yuan needs most urgently!

At the same time, an inconspicuous zombie quietly climbed up the hillside on the north side of the ruins, turned around and looked at Su Yuan with resentment.

"Su Yuan, Su Yuan! You didn't expect it? I'm not dead yet!"

"If I hadn't been able to escape, I would have really fallen into your hands this time. You forced me to transfer my soul to the zombie, and I can't stand with you!"

This zombie was Master Guangming who was supposed to be dead!

At this moment, he was like a zombie crawling out of a coffin, with black and blue festering skin and stiff limbs.

Master Guangming looked at his current body, and his hatred for Su Yuan became stronger!

"Let you be proud for a while, I will come back. At that time, everything I lost will be found from you!"


Su Yuan was puzzled. He couldn't figure out why the altar of the gods could not be analyzed on the body of Master Guangming?

"Do we have to eat it while it's hot?"

This was not the only thing that troubled Su Yuan.

Since he failed to plunder the life essence from Master Guangming's body, he had to eat a lot of food to replenish the life essence.

When he woke up the next day, the fat man came to tell him that the food had been eaten up and he would have to drink the northwest wind for the next meal.

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