They saw an old vegetable board with unkempt hair, rags and rags, covered in stains that could not be distinguished from mud or blood. He held up a tattered wooden board and carefully leaned half of his body out from behind the door.

When the old waiter saw Dugu Pang, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He threw the board away, smiled solemnly at Dugu Pang, and said, "When I heard that shouting voice was full of anger, I knew it must be Brother Dugu. How can anyone else have such a manly voice?"

Dugu Pang was still angry. He bared his teeth and glared, looking up and down at the old menu board.

He found that the old chopping board was so dirty that he no longer looked like a human being. Only his teeth and eyes were white, and even the spaces between his fingernails were covered in stains.

Su Yuan also came over. He took the kitchen knife from Dugu Pang's hand, then used the side of the kitchen knife to fiddle with the clothes on the old cook's body, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Hey? What are you doing here pretending to be Jigong?"

The old waiter smiled sheepishly, waved to the room, and said, "Come out, everyone. Boss Su also knows me. He has a lot of food, so he won't make things difficult for us."

I saw a group of people walking out of various corners of the room.

This is a group of extremely miserable people. If you compare the appearance of the old vegetable waiter among the crowd, he can be regarded as a well-dressed person.

Even the most down-and-out rag-picking homeless person is more human than them.

Half an hour later, Su Yuan walked out of the iron plate building with a melancholy face.

Not only did he not find a morsel of food during this trip, but he added more than forty mouthfuls of burdens like hungry ghosts.

According to Lao Caibanzi, after the defeat of Master Guangming and Tang Zhen, the trees fell down and the hozens dispersed in the two camps, and everyone fled in a swarm.

The people from Tieyan Base ran away with Tang Zhen's son Tang Jun, while the people from Guangming Base were taken away by director Yan Kai.

Before leaving, a brief but fierce internal strife broke out between the two groups in order to compete for the few remaining supplies.

The dozens of people who are now hiding in the iron plate building with the old vegetable boss all survived the conflict by crawling among the dead.

The only property these people have is a pair of underpants. In order not to freeze to death or starve to death, after they saw Su Yuan, they immediately begged Su Yuan to take them in like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

They claimed to have seen through that Master Guangming and Tang Zhen were no match for Su Yuan, and they had long expected such a day.

So I stayed here to join Su Yuan, and from now on I would follow Boss Su.

For this reason, they also paid a tribute to Su Yuan, which they considered valuable!

That was a woman, a woman that Su Yuan could recognize without looking at her face, just her figure - Wei Qiluo!

At this time, Wei Qiluo was disheveled, with most of her face covered with rags, and a cotton hat with exposed cotton on her head, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Wei Qiluo was locked up alone by them, and Xiao Keba was responsible for guarding him. At this time, they gave it to Su Yuan as a bargaining chip.

Wei Qiluo's eyes were evasive, for fear of being recognized by Su Yuan.

Suddenly, she saw the bikini held by the fat man in his hand, and her face suddenly changed. She looked at the fat man in shock, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Dugu Pang didn't know that the real owner of the bikini was right in front of him, and he treated the bikini like a toy, pulling it back and forth in his hands with a lewd expression.

"Why is she here?" Su Yuan wondered. When Yan Kai ran away, he didn't even care about his wife? that time, the female Sea King was having an affair with someone again, so she missed the opportunity to run away with Yan Kai?

Dugu Pang looked at the people who were forced by Su Yuan to take off the dead people's clothes, and sneered: "These people are as thin as firewood. I don't think they can even lift the dead people."

The old waiter inserted the kitchen knife into his waistband and said with a wry smile: "We have been eating the specialty of Guangming Base - fish feed pancakes for several months."

"We eat so much that we have nightmares every night. We dream about fish scales and gills growing on our bodies, and our breathing smells like fish. If we don't care about being full, how can we not lose weight?"

"Everything in the camp was eaten and used by the grandsons Tang Jun and Yan Kai. This time, even the fish feed pancakes were not eaten."

"Fat man, looking at your tender body, your food must be pretty good, right? Seriously, bro, I'm so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back. When can we start dinner?"

Dugu Fatxin said, you ask me, I will ask who to go. The two of them turned their attention to Su Yuan at the same time, with eager eyes, like nestlings waiting to be fed.

Su Yuan took the breath of the sea and spit out a string of bubbles. As soon as the bubble appeared, it was blown into ice balls by the biting cold wind, fell to the ground and shattered.

"You can eat if you want. You should clean yourself up first, and then come to me."

"Hey! OK, OK." The old waiter responded hurriedly, grabbing two handfuls of snow from the ground and rubbing it on his face.

Su Yuan turned around and walked back to the iron plate building. The fat man immediately found a chair for Su Yuan to sit on.

Dugu Pang stared at the Breath of the Sea in Su Yuan's hand while chewing the flower seeds and said: "I just saw it. Not only are everyone in this group of people injured, but they are also all depressed and malnourished for a long time. Look."

"Not to mention carrying a knife to chop zombies, it's hard to walk. I really don't know what the use is of your promise to take them in. Isn't this a burden on yourself?"

"A burden?" Su Yuan smiled coldly, "Then you are too naive. These people are all human beings!"

"In order to collect crystal cores, Guangming Laogui and Tang Zhen have been hunting zombies and mutants at all costs for two months. There are only two possibilities for those who can survive such a strong battle."

"One is the elite who are brave and invincible and have survived hundreds of battles." Su Yuan couldn't help but smile again when he said this, "Obviously... Lao Caibanzi and the others are not."

"The other is the old soldiers. They have been in the team for a long time and know how to exploit loopholes in various rules. They are as slippery as loaches."

"Know when to rush up and take advantage, and when to run away. They have also seen blood, and a lot of blood, and know what kind of Mutants are not to be trifled with. What kind of mutants are easy to bully? "

"Do you really think they are attracted by my personality charm and feel my domineering aura, so they stay here to join me?"


"I really suspect that the reason why these people did not run with Tang Jun and Yan Kai is that they are very likely unable to run at all, so they have to stay here to die."

"As for what they said before, they stayed here to join me, that's even more bullshit. They just said that when they met us."

"If the ancient war tree hadn't accidentally fallen to the ground and sprouted, I would have been on my way to the Xuanwu Fortress by now. What the hell are they going to join?"

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