Su Yuan had no doubt that if there were people inside, they would be torn to pieces by the mutant bugs immediately!

But now he was leisurely drinking beer, eating skewers, and standing outside the door with a comfortable look on his face.


Perhaps even Su Yuan himself did not realize how similar his behavior was to that being who dropped the altar of the gods on the earth!

Perhaps in the eyes of such beings, humans are as small and weak as bugs.

Perhaps they are looking at the earth with the same eyes as Su Yuan, in a dimension that humans cannot reach.

Su Yuan slept until dawn, washing his face and brushing his teeth as usual.

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It is estimated that he is the only one in the world who can sleep so peacefully this night.

He came to the basement again, and heard a series of gnawing sounds coming from inside the door, and a strong fishy smell appeared from time to time.

Looking inside, the scene in front of Su Yuan was like the hell of Shura!

On the ground, walls, and ceiling, there was a thick layer of dark green mucus everywhere, as well as broken insects.

More than a dozen mantises, each nearly one meter in size, were like the king of insects. They each occupied a small piece of territory and bent over to gnaw on the corpses of their own kind.

These mutant insects were as hard as iron and extremely fierce. Even if the same number of velociraptors were put in, they would be torn into pieces and swallowed like cutting melons and vegetables.

They found Su Yuan outside the door, immediately dropped the food in their mouths, and rushed to the door like lightning.

Su Yuan was not panicked at all. He grabbed the hand of the switch and pushed it upwards. The "sizzling" sound of the arc sounded immediately, accompanied by the wailing of the insects!

The wall full of insect body fluids created good conductivity. None of the dozen mutant mantises escaped, and all fell down in trembling.

Su Yuan did not stop until he heard a smell of burnt protein coming from the crack of the door, and then he turned off the switch.

When he opened the door, he was greeted by a stench that was ten thousand times stronger than an expired can of herring, which sprayed directly into his face.

Su Yuan frowned. This was just him. If it were someone else, the smell alone would be enough to make him vomit for three days and three nights.

The dark green mucus was smelly and slippery. It was disgusting to step on it.

When he raised his foot, disgusting sticky threads would be pulled out from the sole of his shoe.

Su Yuan resisted the nausea and counted roughly. There were seventeen bugs that had reached the first-order mutant.

This was because the mutants did not have enough food to devour and evolve, otherwise the number would be even greater.

And he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a magic flower mantis in the corner that had reached the strength of a second-order mutant!

Its body size was also more than a circle larger than the first-order mutant, as big as a calf.

On its triangular head, the two antennae on the left and right are narrowly spaced and vertically upward, which makes it look like a female.

In nature, the body color of female magic flower mantises is mostly beige. Only male magic flower mantises have colorful camouflage.

Unexpectedly, the mutated female magic flower mantis can change its body color freely!

It disguises itself to blend in with the surrounding environment. If it weren't for the wisp of white smoke coming out of it, Su Yuan might not have found it.

This gave Su Yuan a big surprise!

In the previous life, people divided mutant creatures into levels one to seven according to their dangerousness to distinguish their strength.

Similarly, humans have a clear level division by offering sacrifices to the altar of gods to strengthen their bodies and obtain superpowers.

From weak to strong, they are primary, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, and heavenly. Each level is carefully divided into one to nine stars.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary member of the vast sea of ​​people, with a strength of only bronze eight stars.

He spent all his money and put his head on his belt to fight for his life, but he only got two C-level and one B-level superpowers.

Compared with those strong people who stood at the top, one was in heaven and the other was in the ground.

Thinking of this, Su Yuan suddenly thought of someone.

It is said that Qingzhou City has a strong woman with the peak strength of the gold level, who is called the goddess of life.

What she is most praised for is that this woman has an S-level medical superpower. It can bring the dead back to life and turn bones into flesh, and it is said to be miraculous.

"It seems necessary to look for it. Hmm... what is her name?"

In the end times where you may lose your life at any time, if you have such a "nanny" by your side, your chance of survival will undoubtedly increase greatly!

Somehow, Su Yuan suddenly felt that his idea was very much like a joke circulating on the Internet. It said that if you can be reborn in the early twentieth century, you must go to Hangzhou to find a young man named Ma Yun.

Su Yuan put this idea aside for the time being, turned around and chopped the insect head with a kitchen knife.

His arms were numb from the shock, but there were only a few shallow cuts on the insect's head. This showed how tough the mutated mantis' body was.

In desperation, he turned to chop off the mantis's two blade-like forelimbs. Fortunately, the insect's joints were much weaker than other parts of the body, and after some effort, he finally cut off one.

This forelimb was bone white, about two fingers wide on the back, and extremely sharp on the inside, and covered with hideous serrations.

The front half was thin and sharp, and the end of the back half was nearly cylindrical, just enough to be used as a handle. When this forelimb was stretched out, it was a sharp blade nearly one and a half meters long.

Since there is a joint in the middle, you only need to fold up the front half to make it a very convenient folding knife.

Su Yuan tried to swing it. The forelimbs of the second-level mutant mantis are indeed extraordinary!

The insect head that could not be cut open with a kitchen knife, almost felt no resistance under this knife, and the insect head broke open.

Even the iron net under the insect head was cut off a large piece. The broken surface was as smooth as a mirror, which made people gasp!

Although the exoskeleton of the mantis is extremely hard, the inside has long been burned into a ball of mud by the electric current. Su Yuan stretched out two fingers and searched in the opened insect head.

A diamond-shaped crystal stone the size of a one-yuan coin was picked out by him.

With the help of the light, I saw that this crystal core exuded an intoxicating lavender halo, as if it was a masterpiece of the Creator!

The second-level crystal core was a considerable fortune even for Su Yuan in his previous life, but now it is so easy to obtain.

According to his experience, this crystal core can be exchanged for at least 10 energy points.

I guess those people outside don't even know what crystal cores and energy points are now?

Su Yuan put the crystal core close to his body, holding the long knife made of the mantis's forelimbs, and continued to harvest the spoils.

After a long time of work, he finally collected all the crystal cores. A total of 17 first-level crystal cores and one second-level crystal core were obtained.

He also selected some regular-shaped, more than one foot long, finger-thick, and arrow-shaped limbs from many mutant mantises, and cut off dozens of them for use.

This thing is light in weight, but extremely hard. There is a natural blade at the end. If you encounter a situation, just shoot it as a dart. The power is no less than a pistol within ten steps.

It was not until nearly noon that Su Yuan finally packed up.

When he was about to leave, his eyes couldn't help but look at the insect corpse of the second-level mutant.

The fleshy belly of the magic flower mantis seemed to be wriggling slightly in a very regular manner!

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