Su Yuan walked over and carefully dug open the mutant's belly with the tip of the mantis knife.

Suddenly, a bunch of white eggs came out from inside!

Each of these eggs was as thick as an ordinary thumb, and it felt a bit like steamed rice cakes.

The mother body had been electrocuted, but there were still some eggs in the belly that were not dead.

The tenacity of life made Su Yuan couldn't help but be moved!

He counted and found that there were four eggs in very good condition, so he collected them without hesitation. If these eggs can be hatched, it will be a bunch of crystal cores picked up for free.

Finally, Su Yuan took some refined salt in an iron can, a few bottles of water, and two second-level mutant magic flower mantis blades on his back, and walked out of the house.

Before leaving, he took a last look at this house. The scene of walking out of the house in the previous life seemed to be just yesterday.

At that time, Su Yuan had been shivering and hiding at home after the end of the world. He didn't walk out until he had eaten all the food and was so hungry that his eyes turned black.

But this time, he could say with great confidence that he had left everyone in the world far behind, and no one understood the end of the world better than him.


After a whole night, there was no trace of a living person on the street.

The ground was covered with splattered blood and broken bodies. The mobile phones that were usually inseparable from people were now thrown away everywhere, and the whole community looked like a ghost cemetery.

Those hideous and terrifying zombies were either gathered in a group to grab blood and internal organs, or wandering aimlessly.

From time to time, a mobile phone that fell on the ground would sound one or two short low-battery reminder sounds.

Every time this sound was made, the surrounding zombies would swarm over like sharks smelling blood!

Zombies have poor eyesight, but their hearing and sense of smell are extremely sharp. Even the slightest movement will attract their attention.

Su Yuan took out his cell phone and called Su Linger again, but there was only a chilling busy tone on the phone.

It is estimated that the communication system in this area is paralyzed. In the next two days, the power supply and water supply systems of the whole world will gradually fall into paralysis.

Su Yuan first used the cover of the unit door to look outside through the glass. He found that so far, no zombie has evolved into a first-level mutant.

If there were only three or five primary zombies, Su Yuan would not take it seriously at all.

But now, there are more than 20 zombies outside. Even if Su Yuan is not afraid, he does not want to cause trouble for himself.

After all, in his eyes, only zombies that have evolved to the first level and have crystal nuclei in their brains are worth dealing with.

He was worrying about how to lead the zombies away, but he accidentally saw Lao Wu's body curled up in the corner of the wall.

Lao Wu's face was full of fear, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were bulging, and his face was ashen. He was obviously scared to death!

You must have seen the zombies biting humans, pulling out their intestines and snatching them frantically, right?

Su Yuan didn't care about Lao Wu's death. He took off the car key hanging on Lao Wu's waist and pressed it lightly towards the truck in the distance.

"Chi, chi." Two prompt sounds rang out immediately.

It was quiet outside, without any sound, so these two sounds sounded just like someone farted loudly in the quiet study room!

The moment the sound rang out, the zombies' bodies immediately seemed to be electrified, and they all turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

Then, all the zombies rushed towards the truck like crazy.

At this moment!

Su Yuan opened the door of the unit, his eyes quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and in less than a second, he planned the best route for himself.

He was like an assassin stalking in the dark, moving quickly between the gaps between cars and green belts.

At this time, a female zombie who ran the fastest had already run to the front of the truck. She stopped and twitched her nose to look for the vitality of the living, but of course she found nothing.

But in the blink of an eye, the zombies behind had already crowded up and directly knocked the first female zombie into the car door.

The zombies surrounded the car and bumped into other cars next to it. Some cars equipped with alarms immediately sounded one after another like little girls whose skirts were lifted.

Su Yuan immediately seized the opportunity and rushed to the gate of the community at a faster speed.

Just as he was racing against time, a resident in an unknown building opened the window and shouted desperately to Su Yuan: "Hey! Help! Save me! I'll give you one million! Ten million!"

"Idiot." Su Yuan ran, turned his head and glanced in the direction of the voice, raised his hand and gave the other party a middle finger.

That was a fat middle-aged man, waving a thick stack of banknotes in his hand, desperately calling for help.

"Huh?" Su Yuan stopped.

He didn't want to save people out of pity, but he found that the man's shouting actually attracted all the zombies.

Su Yuan hesitated for half a second, then immediately ran to the truck. Open the door, start the engine, shift gears, and step on the accelerator in one go!

The harsh sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground made people's scalps numb, and then he saw him swinging his arms and hitting the steering wheel hard, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. He was so strong that he almost wanted to kick his feet into the fuel tank.

The truck was like a wild bull out of the cage, rushing all the way, and finally rushed out of the community.


When the apocalypse broke out, it was just the time when people were eating dinner at home. Although there were many cars on the road, there was still enough space for cars to drive.

Under Su Yuan's control, the truck violently knocked down one zombie after another.

The sound of "bang, bang, bang!" was endless.

The zombies were instantly turned into a ball of meat paste under the crush of the truck, and the wheels kept slipping on it.

Su Yuan's two hands tightly grasped the steering wheel. The truck was large and heavy. No matter whether it was a Mercedes-Benz, BMW or Audi, anything that blocked the road would be knocked over with one foot on the accelerator.

Now he had to race against time. Once he was surrounded by a large group of zombies, it would be like a dung beetle going out - looking for death (shit).

In the apocalypse, no one cares whether you run a red light or speed.

He has hit countless luxury cars along the way. If it was before the apocalypse, he couldn't afford it even if he cut his kidneys.

So within fifteen minutes, Su Yuan saw from afar the "Hongshan" outdoor adventure equipment store that had asked him a huge price yesterday.

Su Yuan saw the opportunity to stop the car, ducked into an alley, and after shaking off the zombies that were chasing him, he carefully walked back to the door of the store.

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