Ding Yufu originally ran a large company. As the company's CEO, his ability to control and manage people's hearts far exceeded that of the other people.

So, he became the backbone of this small group with just a few words.

Ding Yufu curled his lips and whispered: "That guy is a pervert. He actually used human oil and human teeth to make torches. And he said that it can drive away zombies?"

"No matter whether the torch is useful or not, I can't do anything to blaspheme the corpse of my own kind."

He was simply changing the concept to make excuses for his incompetence. He kept talking about human beings and never mentioned the word zombie.

However, this argument was exactly what the two teenagers wanted. The two immediately took advantage of Ding Yufu's step to go down, saying that they, like Ding Yufu, couldn't bear to attack the corpse of their own kind.

The two women didn't have any opinions. They didn't care about face or not. They were just anxious to ask Ding Yufu if he had any solution.

Seeing Su Yuan and the others walking further away, Ding Yufu snorted coldly and said, "With them leading the way, even if there are zombies, they will be dealt with by them. Let's just follow them. Can that guy come back and kill us?"

The two teenagers immediately agreed, "Brother Ding is right. This hotel is not owned by his family. He goes his way, and we go our way."

While making excuses for themselves, the few people followed Su Yuan and the others not far behind them.

Suddenly, someone in the team in front suddenly exclaimed, "There are zombies! There are zombies!"

The fat man held a torch in one hand and a second-level mantis knife given to him by Su Yuan in the other hand, and yelled at the person who exclaimed, "Why are you yelling? It's just a zombie, isn't it? Look, brother, let me show you one."

Ten meters ahead of Su Yuan and the others, there was a room with its door wide open, and a zombie wearing a cleaning company uniform was standing at the door and wandering back and forth.

The fat man walked over with a shaky face. The smell from his giant torch immediately made the zombies retreat.

He raised his eyebrows at the people behind him, and used the torch to force the zombie into the corner of the wall in a very obscene way, then swung the mantis knife fiercely, intending to imitate Su Yuan and cut off the zombie's head with one knife.

Unexpectedly, his knife missed and directly cut the zombie's nose bridge, and the knife was stuck in the zombie's skull, and he couldn't pull it out in a hurry!

The fat man panicked, and a layer of white sweat appeared on his back. He twisted the blade hard, and heard a "pop", and actually pried off the zombie's entire nose and two cheekbones. A large piece of meat was immediately lost on the zombie's face.

Although his knife failed to cut off the zombie's neck, it seemed to have injured the zombie's brain tissue. The zombie fell softly to the ground, as if he was really dead!

Dugu Pang coughed twice to ease the embarrassment, and winked at Bai Ying complacently.

Unfortunately, Bai Ying and Cheng Xue, who were used to seeing Su Yuan kill people with every strike and beheading people with every move, had no feelings for the fat man's half-baked achievements.

Fortunately, there were a group of survivors such as Liu Xianguang who promptly offered their admiring eyes to the fat man, and gasped and flattered him.

They saw that the stinking torches were indeed effective, and they immediately straightened their backs and became braver. Even when they encountered zombies, they did not feel their calves tightened.

Ding Yufu and others who were walking behind were now regretting. In their eyes, the stinking torches were simply a golden ticket to avoid death in the end times.

Looking at the people in front, each holding a stinking torch, while they themselves had nothing in their hands, they could not help but regret it.

Now seeing it with their own eyes, everyone realized the benefits of the stinking torches. Only ghosts would not be able to start because the materials used to make the torches were bloody and cruel.

Ding Yufu was very smart. He noticed that the eyes of several people around him were all fixed on the zombie that was lying on the ground, and he knew that others had the same idea as him.

He quickened his pace, and as soon as the team holding torches left, he immediately rushed to the zombie's body, just like a scavenger on the vast African savannah.

But he was middle-aged after all, how could he be as fast as the teenagers who were jumping around all day?

He was immediately caught up by the two teenagers on the left and right, and then surpassed, and finally rushed to the zombie before him.

Ding Yufu was furious, rushed forward and grabbed one of the teenagers by the hair and pulled him up.

Who knew that when he pushed the teenager away, the zombie that should have been dead actually sat up!

Ding Yufu, who was half-bent over, almost had an intimate kiss with the zombie. The bloody hole on the zombie's face was only a pout away from his nose tip, and they were about to collide.

This scared Ding Yufu so much that he jumped back with a "Oh my God" cry.

Seeing this, how dare the two teenagers move forward? They immediately rolled and crawled, holding their heads and running away.

Su Yuan, who was walking in front, heard the noise and looked back, just in time to see the zombie chasing Ding Yufu and biting him.

Logically, the corridor was closed and windless, and the place they just walked through still had the smell of the stinking torch. Even if the zombie was not dead, it would not rush to attack people with that smell.

But it was strange that the fat man's knife was too delicate, just chopping the zombie's olfactory system into a scrapped state. Now, even if the stinking torch was pressed against the zombie's face, it would not have any effect on this zombie without a nose.

At this moment, the people in the team were immediately in chaos, and they all screamed and ran away in panic.

Su Yuan frowned and shouted: "Stop right there! There are zombies everywhere in the world, where can you run to?"

Everyone remembered that Fatty had said that Su Yuan had defeated more than twenty zombies alone, and they were yelled at by Su Yuan, and they managed to calm down.

But they also clamped their legs tightly, for fear that their bodies would shake and a few drops of urine would leak out.

Su Yuan wanted to calm people's hearts, so he grabbed a small cart nearby that was used to tidy up the room and threw it out in the air!

That small car, plus all the miscellaneous things on it, weighed at least 120 to 30 kilograms. Except in movies, have ordinary people never seen such a powerful person?

Everyone involuntarily turned their attention to the car, and together it crossed a distance of eight or nine meters and hit the zombie's head accurately.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the semi-disabled zombie was knocked upside down. Seeing that Su Yuan had such magical power, everyone immediately became determined. They all clenched their fists and almost shouted "Okay".

Dugu Pang blew into the palm of his hand and said, "Brother is kind-hearted and wanted to save your life. I didn't expect that you, a monster, don't know what a grateful heart is. It seems that I have to give you a patch." "

With that said, he was about to cut the zombie into pieces.

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